Posting Schedule

The posting schedule for The Starfire Codes:

  • Readings: Daily at 6AM EST for paid subscribers. Monday morning readings are free for all subscribers.

  • Meme Drops: Every Monday through Thursday at 8AM EST, free for all subscribers.

  • Articles: To be released at any time.

  • What I’m Watching: Fridays at 9AM EST for paid subscribers.

  • The Scroll: Saturdays at 9AM EST, free for all subscribers.

  • What I’m Reading: Sundays at 9AM EST, free for all subscribers.

  • The Perplexicon: Updated on the first of each month. Free for all subscribers.

  • Sentences Contest: On hiatus until further notice.

This is the primary schedule - additional unscheduled pieces may be released at any time. This will remain the schedule for the foreseeable future.