The Perplexicon

Created by popular demand, THE PERPLEXICON is a glossary of all of the vocabulary words, portmanteautally amazeballs with awesomesauce and otherwise, that we have either acquired from others or concocted ourselves on The Starfire Codes, most notably within the SFC weekly series The Scroll.

This list is by no means comprehensive. This page will serve as a living document and will be expanded over time….



"Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom." -- Roger "Crispy" Bacon

"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in a rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less'

'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'"

'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master—that's all.'"

-- Lewis "Christmas" Carroll

ACK-A-FOO - To display foolish or indiscretionary behavior.





ANAL-OPTICAL SCLEROSIS - When one’s head is shoved so far up one’s own ass that one develops a shitty outlook on life.

ANARCHIPELAGO - An archipelagic nation of sovereign individuals, living in sovereign spaces, self-governing according to the sovereign principles of natural law.


APPLECRACKS - When Apple spellcheck is on crack.

ASANITY - A liminal state of being neither wholly sane or nor wholly insane. A psychological quantum superposition inculcated in the cultists by the Party to keep them malleable and scared, wholly dependent on capricious Party orthodoxies to "make sense" of a society the Party has specifically designed not to.

AWESOMESAUCE - Something which is awesome.



BOLLOTICS - A cross between politics and bollocks.

BOUBLES - Political doppelganger bozos.






CREDTARDEMIC - An epidemic of credtards.

CRUELITES - Elites who are cruel.

CUNT HAIR - Measurement of minuscule distances.



DICK ROLLING - This is similar to Rickrolling or sending dick pics, except it is accomplished by sending someone photos of people named Richard instead of sending them real dick pics. Examples:

Nixon Sock It To Me GIFs | Tenor
Penguin Dance Mary Poppins GIF - PenguinDance MaryPoppins DickVanDyke ...


DICKTIONARY - An asshole canary with well developed diction.


Cthulhu Monster GIF - Cthulhu Monster Alien - Discover & Share GIFs


DOWNHEAVAL - A coming together and consolidation of things that were in upheaval. Also instauration.

EGOTARD - An individual whose perception of their own intelligence and knowledge is inflated far beyond the confines of reality. An egotard often feels compelled to impose their "intellectual gifts" upon the "inferior mortals" with whom they interact. If said "inferior mortals" do not capitulate to deferring to the egotard's obviously superior intellectual prowess, the egotard will often resort to ad hominem attacks, ridicule, and/or ostracism to attempt to assert their dominance, thereby protecting the inflated ego bubble from potential rupture.


FASCISTNATING - 1. A person who has a fascination with saying everything is fascist. 2. Something a fascist finds fascinating.

FELINETROVERT (Also caninetrovert, murinetrovert, petrovert, etc.)

FUCKKNUCKLE - One who is hierarchically superior to a douchenozzle.

FUCKTASTIC - Extraordinary, good, or awesome, in the case when a regular fantastic will not do.

GRIMMING - Ambling grimly across a bleak and uninviting landscape, or “grimscape.”

GRIMSCAPE - A bleak and uninviting landscape.

GRIMTASTIC - Fantastically grim or grimly fantastic.

GRIMTHUSIASTIC - Enthusiastically grim or grimly enthusiastic.


GRUNTLEWHELMED - To be unperturbed by the degree to which one is unperturbed.


IGNORABLISS - When criminals use the public’s ignoring of egregious crimes as a ploy to inflict more bliss on a populace happier pretending ignorance.


IRKLE-DURKLE - When you are irked but still in bed.

ISOLATO - A person who is physically or spiritually isolated from others.



LEAKY FACE - When your faceholes have sprung leaks because you’re crying but you don’t want to say so because that would mean openly admitting to having feels.

LEXI-CON ARTIST - Someone who tries to sell you on fake words.

LITLER - Someone who calls everyone with whom they disagree “Literally Hitler.”

LUNATIC EDGING - The process by which an individual or group is brought to, and kept at, an excited state of near-climactic lunacy, without allowing for either total release into delirium or for dissipation back into sanity.

LURKLE-DURKLE - To lurk while workle-durkling or hurkle-durkling.

LURKSOME - When someone is lurking and you find it irksome.

MATHTURBATION - When a bunch of nerds pleasure themselves to fancy maths and call it “modern science” and then normies believe these nerds are actually describing reality.

METASARCHOTIC - When one is self-reflexively sarchotically sarchotic about being sarchotic.


NATIONAL UNMALICIOUS DAY - A holiday celebrated each year on August 8. There are many ways to celebrate this venerable, centuries-old, culturally-inappropriated, traditional Inuit holiday, including the usual exchange of ceremonial head pats, the more modern exchange of dainty, little cakes on ornate, little doilies, NOT going through the grocery and pushing back all the boxes that were pulled forward to “face" the area, reach out to people you don’t agree with about everything and select something about their work that you like and tell them about that, or other unique twists on this ancient Sudanese practice.

NERDSPLAINING - When a nerd explains something to another person or group of people in a condescending way that assumes they have no knowledge about the topic.

NEWMANNOYED - Being annoyed by Cathy Newman-like bad-faith projections and awkward attempts at narrative crafting.

NEWMANOID - Those who adopt Cathy Newman’s rabidly insistent verbal posturing from when she said to Lobster Pete “So, what you’re saying is…” during their infamous date interview, regardless of what LP was, in fact, actually saying.


OBSESSEGORIZING - Obsessed with categorization and the manufacture of nomenclature.


OMNI-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX - When one becomes tired of typing Military-Industrial Complex and Medical-Industrial Complex and Media-Industrial complex… because it’s everything. It’s an Everything-Industrial Complex.

OMPHALOSKEPTICS - People who doubt the importance of internal reflection.

ORAFICE - A toxic work environment full of assholes.

ORTHODOXXING - When anyone ideologically obsessed with an authoritarian system doxxes someone’s religious views or unorthodox political or cultural viewpoints when their beliefs do not pass stringent cultural purity tests.

PERVFLEX - Finely honed automatic response to any statement which instantaneously converts a response statement into a sexual double entendre.

PHILANTHROPATH - A psychopath posing as a philanthropist.



PORTMANTEAUALLY AWESOME - When a word or phrase is totally awesome while also made up of one or more portmanteux. Can also be used in reference to a person who makes up many portmanteaux.

PSYOPOCONNEDREACTS - A person who was conned into believing the COVID psyop and became a hypochondriac because of it.

RAYCATION - A vacation in which the sole purpose is to read for days on end.

ROBOCHAD THE IMPALER (Also RiboChard when he is a French vegetable)

RUSTY SPOONGASM - Rusty + Spoon + Orgasm. The reaction that a creeper who is reminiscent of the character Salad Fingers would have to the feel of rust-coated objects.



SCROLLAR - An intellectual individual who rigorously studies ‘The Scrolls of Demi.’


SHENANIGANERY or SHENANIGANRY - Acts of shenanigans; incidents of trickery or mischievous play.

SHENANIGATE - The act of instigating shenanigans.


SHENANIGATOR-AID - Help for when people don’t know how to shenanigate or how to be a shenanigator.

SHIDIOT - A cross between a shithead and an idiot.

SIGHROLL - A cross between a sigh and an eye roll.

SIMPBOX - An inbox when it is full of messages from simps.




SPUDDLEPARTMENTALIZATION - Spuddle + compartmentalization.

SPUDDLEPARTMENTS - Departments within the government and other such organizations in which pervasive endemic spuddling occurs.



TAPIOCAFIED - When you’ve been overthinking so much that your brain turns to pudding sludge and threatens to seep out of your ear holes.

TRAFFUCKED - When you’re fucked because you’re stuck in traffic and you’re already running late.

TRUDE - When something is both true and rude.

TRUTHER TRAINING WHEELS - Shows and show hosts whose hemming, hawing, and fence sitting are more accessible to people who have not fully committed to making an ideological transition and so they get on the fence with these shows and hosts and hem and haw with them until the are ready to make a solid decision. Eventually, many of these people are ready to make the leap and try out other producers and pundits, people to whom they would have been scared to listen prior to spending time within this intermediary, cautionary step. They then take the training wheels off, graduating to other content. Example: Tim Pool.

TUPPERWARE BRIGADE - Normie women who gender segregate themselves at parties to talk about nail polish and how many different ways you can freeze a pound of lasagna.

TWERKLE-DURKLE - To twerk while workle-durkling or hurkle-durkling.

ULTRACREPIDARIAN - Expressing views on matters outside of one’s area of knowledge or expertise; widely called “talking out of one’s ass.”



Steve Urkel Family Matters GIF - SteveUrkel FamilyMatters NerdAlert ...

UTARDIA - A barren, scorched land full of midwits who think that any time you describe any form of governance other than the status quo, you must be claiming that it would be a ‘utopia.’



WORKLE-DURKLE - See hurkle-durkle, but instead of lounging around, one is working from bed or the couch.

ZERO-WORLD PROBLEMS - Problems so ridiculous as to be even less substantial than the pettiest of neurotic “First-World Problems.” Fleeting self- or societally fabricated phantasmagorias that exist largely to distract the individual or unify Party cultists. They’re not just “first-world;” they don’t exist in any world.


THE BROSSARY is an ongoing list of words you already know which have been modified into brodog portmanteaux by adding bro- to the word in question.

BROCABULARY - bro + vocabulary

BROCUREMENT - bro + procurement

BRODOG - bro + dog

BRODACIOUS - bro + bodacious

BROFANITIES - bro + profanities

BROFESS - bro + profess

BROFESSOR - bro + professor

BROFESSIONAL - bro + professional

BROFESIONALISM - bro + professionalism

BROFFANT - bro + bouffant

BROFOUND - bro + profound

BROGOS - bro + logos

BROGRAM - bro + program

BROHAVIOR - bro + behavior

BROHIBITIVE - bro + prohibitive

BROLARIOUS - bro + hilarious

BROLIFIC - bro + prolific

BROLONGED - bro + prolonged

BROMANCE - bro + romance

BROMANS - bro + Romans

BROMANTIC - bro + romantic

BROMATION - bro + brumation

BROMATO - bro + tomato

BROMIDE - bro + bromide

BROTASSIUM - bro + potassium

BROTATO - bro + potato

BROTECTION - bro + protection

BROTOTYPICAL - bro + prototypical

BROUTIFUL - bro + beautiful

BROVADO - bro + bravado

BROVIATE - bro + bloviate

BROZERK - bro + berserk

RECTAL BROLAPSE - bro + rectal prolapse

UNBROFESSIONAL - bro + unprofessional

Ehyeog ahuh'eog ot cthulhu club ah nafl l' yog ai cthulhu club, mgng if ymg' l' gotha yog ai cthulhu club, ymg' ahor ahuaaah fahf l' ain'ghft english ph'nglui r'lyehian.

Special thanks to Perplexicon contributors:

, , , , , , , , , , , Domenic C. Scarcella, , Gabby, , Human Beeing, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Salmon Newman, , Taoist Sage, , , , and .