Are you speaking directly to me? Hot damn, spot on for me! Gratitude and many blessings for your lovely words of self affirmation. Love you, D.

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Sending my love, Molly!! <3

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Awesome. Thank you.

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OOF. This one hurts but it’s true.

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Beautiful massage, wondering if I can screenshot the frase, about the heart and eye amd mind, be a good affirmation!!

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Sure! 🙏🏻💜💫

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That's why feelings of Dejavu happen,

Because the heart is manifesting but the mind is fighting it.

The focus back on self is so important, because the mind will see the heart and soul as a beast when it is nothing of the sort.

Isn't everybody powerful? In dif ways

This is the most beautiful starcode.

That and it makes so much sense.

With love-N

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Thanks, Nathan! 🙏🏻💜💫

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This statement is a truth that get s lost. Powerful message from starcode

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Yes, excellent point

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is this last years? 2024?

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That's a legitamate concern or point.

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