Your Heart Already Knows What Your Eyes Are Not Able To See And Your Mind Is Not Ready To Accept
Channeled Messages 1-13-2025
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Channeled Messages
Put the focus back on yourself and slow down your pace as you reach the end of a cycle….
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Everything is happening in divine timing as you awaken to your true self. The path to making progress in the future is shown to you when you begin to rely on your connection with the divine to build a proper foundation.
Remain positive and open to possibilities and live in alignment with hope and optimism so that you can make choices now that will lead you into a better tomorrow.
Certain aspects of your past are coming through and haunting you. Turn to the divine to find ways to release this energy. You do not need to focus on the past.
You can simply choose to let it go and stop building false narratives on top of what has already passed. Once you alchemize your energy by releasing this past pain and transmuting your emotions in the present, you are going to enter into a new life.
There is someone you miss and you need to decide whether you want to pursue this or let this go, but staying in the in between is muddying your energies and impacting your manifestations, so you will need to clean up your energy by making a solid decision and sticking to it when you move into manifestation.
You are powerful, so you will need to stop yourself from co-creating with muddy energy or you will draw a muddied future toward yourself. Get really focused in on what it is you DO want and then co-create with the universe from there, allowing for your consciousness to move in the direction of the timeline you most would like to experience.
Have the strength to release yourself from isolation. You brokenheartedness is keeping you from embarking upon a playful new beginning in material reality.
Your wish fulfillment comes when you move away from past energies that no longer serve you. Once you do, you find an equal give and take in a divine partnership that is in true alignment.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds with Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow
Sylvan Esso - Coffee
Tears For Fears - Sowing The Seeds Of Love
Tori Amos - Blood Roses
Release What No Longer Serves You
966 - Slowing Down Your Pace: End Of A Cycle
3311 - Diving Timing, Love, and Light: Awakening To Your True Self
4392 - Open To Possibilities
6113 - Living With Hope: Choices for a Better Tomorrow
7332 - Optimism and Hope: The Importance of Positive Thinking
Oracle and Tarot Cards
Beck - Go It Alone
Jay-Z - Big Pimpin’
The National - Mistaken For Strangers
Nine Inch Nails - I Do Not Want This
The Ranconteurs - Steady As She Goes
Red Elvises - I Wanna See You Belly Dance
The Smile - Don’t Get Me Started
Soul Coughing - Misinformed
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Tommee Profitt featuring Fleurie - In The End (Mellen Gi Remix)
The White Stripes - Fell In Love With A Girl
Are you speaking directly to me? Hot damn, spot on for me! Gratitude and many blessings for your lovely words of self affirmation. Love you, D.