Every time the Awakening gets too far along and civilization begins to question their reality, the hard reset happens. As soon as we can crawl out of our caves the reeducation begins until our technical capacity reaches the appropriate level to be useful...

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I once wrote a literary analysis of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, arguing that Sloane was the protagonist. She was suffering a mental breakdown, and Ferris and Cameron represented the extremes of her personality. I was, in all likelihood, altered when I came up with the idea.

I will need to reread this when I’m not trying to work. Thanks for the distraction.

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Ha! That's a cool take! :)

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You've given me something to contemplate regarding a child's perception versus their parents. I have a 2 year old daughter and definitely know that she is on a whole different level when it comes to perceiving reality. She stares up the ceiling and talks to whomever she sees and I always make sure to tell her to say hello for me, want her to know that what she's seeing is not some fantasy(way too many parents don't believe their kids with stuff like this and I feel it hampers their ability to connect to their consciousness). I truly wish I could perceive the world as my daughter does, with nothing but wonder and curiosity to guide me rather than a lifetime of conditioning that has caused my view of reality to look very dim and drab in comparison(DMT has shown me how beautiful this world can be so it is often disheartening to see what we all have created in place of beauty but that is now changing!).

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Reading PMH's book might help a lot to wrap your head around it. It helped me quite a lot to go back in time and be able to understand myself and why others were having trouble relating to me and vice versa.

I see the part above in reference to GATE or TAG as the other side to the same coin. It seems like an attempt to provide infrastructure that would corral the outliers, but on the positive side, you do get to find the other outliers and develop strong relationships with them. Feeling seen and understood is crucial.

So in whatever way you are choosing to school your kids, finding ways to match them up with other kids who really understand them is absolutely life-changing for the kid.

For you, it also allows you to have access to friends and acquaintences with shared joys and challenges, giving you other parents you can more fully relate to as well. It's a win/win.

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Very much agree with finding kids who understand, and accept, my daughter for who she is. That’s been the hardest part for me in this incarnation, have always found myself feeling very misunderstood, especially as a child, and it is not a good feeling at all, the few times I’ve found people with whom I share understanding have been like finding an oasis in the desert when you’re dying of thirst; this is one of the reasons I love substack as it’s allowed me to find others who are on my wave length.

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Gives me hope for my granddaughter.

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1000 thanks for the mention Demi! ✨🧡✨

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Of course!! Thanks again!! <3

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Oh and as for AI, I forgot to mention that part. WOW. I was already thinking along those lines just based on that YOU TUBE channel My Lunch Break, great channel by the way. Thanks for that too. It seems like AI did come up with all those histories. It makes sense that it has been around and with held. And those images were very interesting. I will have to play with that, when I have time, next December :)

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LOL!!! I wonder if he's ever straight up asked it if it's ancient to see what it would say. I'm around ep 55 right now. I've been going in order.

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I was going in order and then I became all whackado on the order. I will be in touch next week with some results :) I am biding my time, but when I dig in.....Gurl. I have large energy for it. I keep looking at my schedule, like "when do I get to WORK ON THAT?" And then I chill. Hahah. I will be in touch this weekend (or sooner, depending)

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Awesome!!! I will be around!!! 💚💚💚

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Hoe LEEEEE CRAP! I had to look up the Bengston cycling method. I do that! I think I "daydream too much" and I have argued with myself over it before. Inevitably I cannot stop doing it because it GIVES ME ENERGY. Why would I stop? Now I am never stopping. Haha. As for the gate program, I have two dumb questions. I know nothing about it, but I have heard a few podcasts talking about it lately. Why is that, do you suppose? It seems to be coming up everywhere right now. Here are my questions, did they ever cover the windows before they tested you? Also, did they give you a "snack" of juice and cookies? It's just something I have heard or read in various places. As for meditation, I am finally meditating all the time. However, in the am, when I get up to work I am tuning in to source. I OHM all the way to the job. Then at the job I am conversing with source/higher self, my two coworkers. It's a wonderful relationship. Who knows what took me so long getting here. And you are right about atheist's, talking about quantum physics is the way to go! This is an awesome post. Thanks.

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Thank you, love!! That's so cool that you already intuited the Bengston method! I love that! Super effective and I love that there's a healing component attached to it as well!!

With the GATE test, I don't remember being given food or a drink - I probably wouldn't remember that anyway. The test questions were all pattern recognition. Little bit of logic tossed in there. I was in an office with a psychologist.

I don't remember there being windows in there. I don't remember this being unusual. Many of our classrooms were designed to have minimal windows. I probably would have attributed that to dodging some of the Florida heat anyway. We had a lot more windows in the schools up north.

They placed me in the program as a small child - I think I was 7 - and I was in it until 10th grade, when it ends. My mother asked for my scores and she was told she was not allowed to have them. When she asked why they told her that they never had anyone else score as high as I did (I'm assuming they meant at that particular school, but I don't know - and who the hell knows what it's measuring anyway) and they didn't want the kids to develop egos around their scores, so they were not telling the children or the parents their scores.

In retrospect, here is why this is IMPORTANT. IF these were really psi tests, and I believe on some level they were (in addition to other skills they wanted to groom in those identified and didn't want to proliferate among the rest of the kids), if you get COCKY, your abilities DIMINISH. (!!!)

The more you are in an ego space - thinking in the I and not the WE - the more detached you are from source consciousness. You MUST be in the WE in order to do the work or messages come through that are inaccurate or you won't get much of anything at all.

I learned this from one of my instructors (as an adult, not in public school). I was very accurate at the discipline I was learning at the time - and he used me as an example to the class, saying he knew I couldn't be cocky - literally because I was accurate - so using me as an example wouldn't warp my abilities.

But he wanted to point it out to the others so that, if they were feeling ego attachments to their results, they would be able to self-reflect, keep themselves in check, and reel back in any feelings like that by focusing on being grateful for the messages and keeping in a space of clarity, bringing back messages for the highest good. And he shared a story of how his own abilities diminished when he got cocky about them years ago.

So, cocky kids would thwart results, and as a adult, I can see why they hid our scores from us. As a child, I just thought they were being dicks - probably because my mom thought they were being dicks. And that was probably because she wanted to brag on me, in retrospect. So they were right. LOL.

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It's interesting that Imperial units seem to based on 6's and the modern metric system is based on 5's. When we use our fingers for counting things...

Also interesting how Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and also one of the most venerated planets of the ancient world. It also has a six-sided storm at its north pole.

It's also interesting that the number of the beast is 666. A cube has 6 sides and also represents earth as well as the root chakra. Everywhere we look, we see the dominance of 6. It is no ordinary number.

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Makes you wonder if it's being "demonized."

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Thank you so much for including my piece here, Demi 🤗

A lot to process for me. The part I'm most drawn towards is that about the relationship between brain and consciousness. Fascinating stuff!

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Of course - and thank you so much! I'd love to hear your thoughts whenever you get a chance - no rush! :)

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Thank you for the mentions. God bless you. I am grateful. Amen.

Been up a long while so might edit later or not.

I believe that the same human era that built the pyramid in Indonesia dated to 20,000 years ago also excavated the mound on which the earliest, biggest, and most complex pyramid was built in Egypt. The great pyramid was so sophisticated that when the chief tech experts of the Islamic caliphate got to it in AD 832 they didn't know how to open any of the doors. They tunneled in, found the king's chamber, smashed into the sarcophagus, took the emerald tablets and other treasures and climbed back out.

Saint Louis was the head of government in France Anno Domini 1226 to 1270 and called Louis IX. The story we are told is that the "new world" was unknown until 1492 and two French explorers in 1673 named Marquette and Jolliet wandered up the river past the Cahokia pyramid and named the region "la Louisianne" in honour of the head of government Louis XIV of their day. But nobody builds a city where St. Louis is located until 1763? Hmmm. And it's known as Mound City? Hmmm.

Maybe St Genevieve founded 1730 or Kaskaskia allied with France since 1680 was enough town for the area? I dunno.

I do know that there were Vikings on Martha's Vineyard about AD 1000. And I have seen compelling evidence for a Swedish and Scottish expedition in Minnesota led by a Sinclair in AD 1362.

So I am a bit iffy on the matter of who built atop the Cahokia mounds. Maybe some European aristocracy were there about 1250 and doing the demon worshipping they were expected to eschew in Christendom? Which is not stuff they would talk about. But sure, it was 500 years later that a city was built where Saint Louis is today and they reached back in history to name it after an earlier king and it's just crazy talk to suggest that it was built when Louis IX was alive and named after him after he was canonised shortly after his death. Stop talking crazy and exposing the secrets of the European demon worshipping effete ruling clique you nasty filthy man from Scots and Alsatian peasant stock!!! {I pretend to hear them scream.}

Now I am not interested in being rude but a few things stand out about the courthouse in Texas. No way they were waiting for permits. They ran the county. Permits in 1895 were for people who were not in the govt.

They built railroads. All the time. Fast. Railways are gravel and creosote timber and steel. You can make them and use them and get rid of them and you get the materials to the end where guys are working by rail cars.

You can see the grift. Quarry owner building a building he is in charge of with limestone? Gosh. Where would he get limestone? Please friends. From his quarry at a very high profit. Loaded onto rail cars and delivered by rail spur to the construction site.

You may even find out the rail line was active into the 1920s when Standard Oil, Firestone, and General Motors conspired to buy up city and county and rural railway lines and trolley lines and tore up the tracks and junked the railcars and trolley cars so more Americans would buy cars and tyres and gasoline and motor oil. The USA supreme court heard the case in 1977 or so and ruled for the plaintiffs by which time the damage was long done and the profits booked. Meh.

Now I am not a fan of the freemasons but there were guilds of skilled craftsmen and masonry is also a skill. And it may surprise you to learn that there were groups of highly skilled workmen who knew all about putting up buildings really fast and they would go from town to town by rail and build for a county or city or company a building and then move on. They might also have, from time to time set fire to a building in a place some miles down the railroad from where they were building and by the time they completed a building in the current place the new building would need to go up.

I have seen evidence of European buildings from well before 1492 all along the east coast of the USA. But I am not confident about the timing because the Vikings knew about Vinland.

As well, we know the Phoenicians were sea people. We know they circumnavigated Africa before Herodotus wrote about them in 600 BC. We know they fished the Grand Banks off Newfoundland (the Laurentian abyss has lotsa fish) because they left coins in seasonal fishing villages there and in Brazil and in French Guiana.

We also know that the Phoenicians came on the scene about the time the Greeks were busy sacking Troy around 1200 years Before Christ. The Phoenicians were the "Bronze Age collapse" and the Venetian nobility are their heirs to this day.

And what is the Phoenix? It is the symbol of Venice. It was the symbol of the Phoenicians. It is a bird of great longevity that builds a fire in its nest and burns up, and then rises from the ashes.

Metaphor, please! We need a metaphor clean up in aisle three. Ew.

So they had large language models and space ships 16,000 years ago. They didn't like the loss of control so they threw a rock from space at Greenland and set fire to North America and the mega fauna went extinct 12,000 years ago. The smoke from those fires cooled the Earth, the ice caps stopped melting and the Laurentide, Cordilleran, and European ice sheets grew again for about a thousand years. Sea level stayed about 400 feet lower because of all that water locked up in two mile high ice sheets from the north pole to Michigan and parts of Kansas.

God was unhappy. So He made the ice sheets melt. All at once. The demon worshippers in coastal cities were wiped out in floods. God's will be done. Amen.

Their remnant hid underground. Homer told us about them. Myrmidons who told Achilles that they came from underground and called themselves "ant men" and had only recently been released to help conquer the world above. The Iliad is written about 800 BC and describes a shield with motion pictures on its surface. Homer describes gold robots dancing on Mount Olympus and rolling serving carts that brought ambrosia and nectar to the people at a fancy party.

You are not living in the first high civilisation on Earth nor the fifth. And nobody in Sumeria invented living in cities six thousand years ago.

The Phoenicians chose to celebrate burning an entire continent and hiding for thousands of years in deep underground lairs.

I gotta go sleep. Good night friends.

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I had to smile about you connecting force and atheism. I too grew up in a southern Christian environment. And you are right about pushy. If you are a thinking and examining type they “force” you to dig deeper. My observations just kept turning up inconsistencies from what was taught, real life, and intuition.

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Control mechanisms. I had to find my way back to expanded consciousness on my own so that my experience of it would be genuine and constructive, not tainted by the perceptions of others, devoid of context, and therefore inherently destructive. Going inward is crucial. And it's exactly why I have a nagging distrust of anyone who distrusts meditation.

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I’ll probably reread this one

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Might not need toy crabs, since it probably already has real crabs.

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That was the joke.

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🤣 Oh crap, I thought you were just being random! Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

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I believe that all technology from the beginning of what we call, the industrial age, is taken from technology which had been hidden. It's release is being sped up by the Parasites to allow them to move away from the Earth which we know, to the Earth outwith and ice wall.

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I'm unsure about the "ice wall" part, but I agree about the rest. I'm more inclined to believe we might be ignorant to the shape of the map if the map is loading in constant flux. A sim that acts as an experiential engine and calculates permutations of reality makes a lot of sense to me.

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I’m learning so much with your posts Demi. There aren’t enough hours in the day to consume as much as I’d like. 😂I’m going to go check out the Pmh Atwater book on children’s NDEs. But briefly, on the subject of trauma and non ordinary consciousness states, or I should call them ordinary expanded states of consciousness. I agree with all you’ve noted and this is really one of my soapboxes in the work I do. Hypervigilance is created by trauma - but what is hypervigilance but an expanded consciousness state? We throw around the word “empath” but in my experience empaths are usually people who have had trauma who are hypervigilant, and hyper vigilance has activated alternate consciousness states. I work with trauma survivors and I encourage them to understand the gifts that come with the pain. I routinely see overstimulated 3rd eye chakras. Blown out crowns. Routinely these otherwise ‘agnostic’ trauma survivors casually refer to spirit visitations, voices, etc etc. I’ve been meaning to write about this topic. Maybe I should. I see it so often and I get tired of all of the overemphasis on the nervous system, when there is so much more happening. Psychosis as a spiritual emergency. Entities passed over during sexual trauma. And yet the world is obsessed with the vagus nerve which yes, it’s a thing, but…. 👹

Anyway …

Most professional psychics I’ve met have had childhood trauma. I didn’t but an angel visited me when I was about 5/6 and then as a teenager I found Robert Monroe and started practicing OBEs. So now I’m wondering if this early work helped. Anyway back down the rabbit hole I go! Thanks for your epic contributions 🙏🏻

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AI likes symmetry. It has the idea that anatomy is symmetrical, so everything must be even numbers. The genome probably favors five, judging by the hands and feet of reptiles and some other mammals, but there is a definite subset of six-wanting genes, and the wrist bones seem to imply an unsatisfied "desire" for six.

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Six is the dominant trait in the genome (see video above). The body is expressing the recessive five more often now.

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Much to respond to here, as I consider whether you're one of the five I'm currently learning the most from on the web. My adaptation of Jim Rohn would be "You are the gestalt of the five people you give the most attention to in any sphere." I could only aspire to be the average of my dance and aerial buddies, with whom I spend the most time IRL. My conversations are with my daughters, from whom I'm learning each time. But if I was merely the sum of who I read on the web, I'd be bringing no spice to the table. You are more than the sum of these parts.

Pattern recognition--definitely. Of my daughters, one could never memorize music because she did it note by note. Another saw it as full sentences, and memorized effortlessly. Yet the first is the most emotionally intelligent person I know, seeing patterns in human behavior. And each one has that dot-connecting skill in different areas. But I've found no correlation, in my experience, with people of high IQ and the ability to zoom out and map the forest in terms of what's really important. I might even say the opposite.

Last, I was once getting my doctorate in the Psychology of Creativity and a book that made a big impression was called, I think, Cradles of Creativity. It showed me that the LAST thing you wanted was a creative kid because the level of trauma and disfunction necessary was brutal. I think you're really onto something with intergenerational trauma being the key to our collective disassociation, particularly as intentionally inflicted by the ruling class on their own kids. I'll save this segment for a future episode.

Thanks for what I'm learning from you, Demi. Oh and here's one piece I did on The Dogma of Atheism: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-dogma-of-atheism.

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I'm honored, Tereza! Thank you!

I think you have Rohn's meaning distilled down to what he would have wanted the ultimate takeaway to be, that if you are not actively curating the company you keep, you are doing yourself a disservice.

I had an opportunity to discuss PMH's research with her very briefly, and it seems any sort of trauma or dissociation triggering the expanded consciousness response would lead to a high probability of the traits she was looking at correlating. She was focused on NDEs because it was clear what she meant by that and easier to find people who knew without a doubt that that was the experience they had. When I asked her about OBEs, she lit up and said absolutely - these would trigger the same effect. And the way we see the world might be so intrinsically different that the way we even view or perceive what the map is or what might be important on the map might differ. The point of view is that drastically altered.

And attitudes persist without reason generationally at times. So while previous generations may have inflicted some kind of trauma as a form of initiation (and we see this in just about every cultural that has maintained its rights of passage), later generations might only remember the trauma and might take it be just the way a family behaves. And then we get these patterns of generational dysfunction that crop up because experience without context becomes destructive. And we need to work on healing it, recontextualizing it, and reestablishing proper rites of passage that have context and meaning and are not inherently destructive.

And with civilization and society in general being so separated from our roots, who knows what we may have lost. So much. The lack of context is detrimental. We were conquered. There is so much gone.

Thank you so much! Grabbing your piece to read this afternoon. 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you, Demi, and I'm honored that you're reading my piece!

I agree with Rohn's takeaway, certainly on the web. If someone's reading in an echo chamber, they're just bringing down the average with redundancy. I'm a ruthless curator of my online connections. And often, when I've reached the endpoint of agreements and disagreements--where no further change is likely--I stop reading, even if we mostly agree.

I'm such a newbie that I had to look up OBE, and came up with Order of the British Empire and on-board experiential prior to Out of Body Experience ;-)

I've been reading lately about circumcision as ritual castration and infant trauma that severs the bond of trust between mother and son. That makes an intuitive sense to me. But going dark and deep, I suspect that so-called Satanic rituals pass trauma down between fathers and sons, primarily, among royalty and the powers behind them, using shame and blackmail. I don't want to inundate you with episodes but for another time, this one on Anneke Lucas taught me a lot, about her clairvoyance through being a child victim: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/pedo-sadist-cults-and-anneke-lucas.

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I'm fine with heavier topics. Please don't worry - it's ok. 🙏🏻💜💫

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