THE SCROLL: What If AI Is Really Ancient Technology?
Notes On Atheism, Black Mirror, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Manifestation, Creativity, Trauma, Expanded Consciousness, The Gifted Program, Meditation, Panpsychism, Postmodernism, and more.
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None of these various thoughts that have emerged over the past couple of weeks for me was long enough for its own dedicated piece, but I wanted to highlight each of them here, so I’ve collected them below….
Ancient AI?
[In response to
’s reaction, “So why feed it?” responding to the AI Is Already Lying To You section of How To Start Building New Models.]It likely predates us. It wouldn’t matter what we feed it or not. These guys either have a massive blind spot concerning tech rollouts or they know and they’re not saying that part out loud.
It’s not new - it’s much, much likelier to be old tech being rolled out over again.
"The preponderance of six fingers in large language model art is suggestive of ‘training’ databases from before the flood of Noah eleven thousand eight hundred years ago. Many of the things that are being ascribed to ‘UFO’ tech are likely to be from archives of ancient knowledge." -
I was wondering about that and it's an excellent point. There was a specific video I was watching which made me think of it - I'll grab you the link - but I was also thinking of it in terms of the sim and that we could just as easily be an older version of AI which is, in turn, creating AI. If this is a sim, everything in here is already AI, including us.
Strange thought.
Re-releases of technologies that have been kept under wraps are called “tech transfers” and are approved through the DoE’s OTT office. That’s how tech gets declassified and offered to the public through approved vendors - it’s through the Department of Energy because advanced clean energy tech is the main tech being kept under wraps. They are responsible for doling out permissions to use or improve upon certain aspects of antiquitech that were suppressed in order to control us, to prevent innovation that would make us more difficult to corral. Most antiquitech harnesses, stores, and utilizes free energy.
Anyway, this is the video I was watching that made me wonder if this AI is, in fact, older than we are told. And since we know that our old innovations are being kept from us and then doled out according to a timeline which is then reset every so often, this seems likelier than not:
My Lunch Break. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Exposes our History? YouTube.
Here are some additional videos related to an attempt to piece together what might be happening here.
MegalithomaniaUK. (2019). The Mark of the Giants | Six Fingers and Toes in the Ancient World | Megalithomania. YouTube.
"Author Jim Vieira explores the strange case of polydactylism (extra fingers and toes) and it's association with the giants of old. From the biblical giant of Gath, to Sumeria, North and South America, Australia, Easter Island, Fiji, Kirabati and other isolated pacific islands are found statues and rock art depicting this ancient mark of the giants. Academic journals, historic accounts and oral traditions all describe polydactylism and it's connection to the ancient titans."
My Lunch Break. (2023). 1800's, Giants, Orphans and Two Asylums? YouTube.
SciShow. (2019). Having Six Fingers Is A Dominant Trait. YouTube.
Out of curiosity, I asked Substack’s AI image generator what “ancient AI” looks like:
I was the most hardcore atheist until quantum physics changed my mind. True story.
And I grew up in a family with five religions!
I think these are just symptoms, not the real problem.
And I think most people who are atheist would understand interconnectivity in terms of shared consciousness if quantum physics were used to open the door for that.
You do not use religion to change a materialist’s mind. You use science.
I also wanted to be atheist - and understand this very carefully because this is the best window you’ll ever get into the way an atheist thinks and it’s a major part of the problem straight from the horse’s mouth that can help you to bridge gaps and mend fences in meaningful ways - because I grew up in the South and Southern Christians culturally tend to be extremely pushy and domineering about their beliefs.
When you are pushy, people don’t want to listen to you.
When people feel forced, they distrust you and move in another direction.
I sought out information on quantum physics and changed my mind on my own.
No one intervened.
Want to change an atheist’s mind?
Leave God/religion completely out of it.
Have an open and honest conversation about the implications of the field of quantum physics upon what we know regarding consciousness, that all objects must have consciousness in order to know they were observed and for superposition to collapse from wave to particle, from possibility into choice.
Do that and you will actually get somewhere meaningful in your discussions.
You will find valuable common ground, and you will make friends, not fights.
Black Mirror
[In response to Maria Antonietta Perna’s article Can AI Companions Truly Be Our Friends? Here's What Aristotle's Answer Might Be.]
Ok. Hold up. Let me get this straight….
Most people already cannot handle being truthful, developing rapport from a place of genuine authenticity, sharing themselves fully without filters, people pleasing, avoidance, coping mechanisms, the threat of rejection, an abject fear of loss so strong that it prevents them from connecting at all… and you want those same people to feed into all of these ultimate expressions of their shadow selves by coaxing them into pawning off their emotional needs on something completely incapable of any sort of genuine reciprocity or physical presence?!
Most PEOPLE are completely incapable of any sort of genuine reciprocity or physical presence! Why don’t we start THERE and fix THAT?! 🤣
What Black Mirror episode did I just walk into?!?!
I want OUT. 🤣
Bueller? Bueller?
I like the foil between Ferris and Cameron.
One who lives in the moment and takes the world by storm and one who worries himself into physical illness having stifled himself so much energetically that he’s creating his own blockages.
Either is extreme, but it shows you there’s a sweet spot in the middle where you are giving appropriate weight to issues as they arise but you are not allowing problems to rule your life.
And conversely, you are able to enjoy your life but not at the expense of everyone and everything around you.
It’s amusing to see Charlie Sheen turn up as the “voice of reason” to quell the toxic sister. If she could only relax into loving her brother and not living in a state of envy and competition, they could join forces and become a powerhouse together.
Choosing A Manifestation Method
Silva is focused on alpha brain wave state or alpha bridge to theta.
You should roll with whatever is producing the best results for you, which could be impacted as much by whether you prefer a technique and believe that it will, or that a specific technique jives better with you personally and the way you think/process.
For me, that’s Bengston cycling.
And if I couple that with Hemi-Sync, it acts as a force multiplier.
Test out different techniques/combinations and see what you like best.
If I really had to guess, I’d say the right answer for each individual is likeliest to be the one s/he expects to work.
Creativity, Trauma, and Expanded Consciousness
[In response to
’s The Ailment of the Creative and ’s note here.]There’s a lot of infrastructure that backs up what you’re saying, and in some oddball but super interesting ways that expose additional parts of the overall elephant.
“However, could an internal contingency exist? For example, if the parent's perception is lower than the infant's, the perceptual apparatus (self-consciousness) will be forced to activate as soon as possible. It isn’t outside the realm of reason to call the lack of parental perception an anomaly to an ancient creature's budding personality and latent protection instincts.”
“I contend that if the body suffers during infancy, that will invariably create the precondition to the creative. Since the information flowing into their bodies from the external world is relatively insufficient, the ancient brain of the infant has the cure: creativity. This theory does not dispense with the idea that we are born violent with dark desires. It encapsulates the concept.”
“Consistently sharing perspectives back and forth in confidence with trust builds love. One can argue that love is a prerequisite for sharing perspectives, but I'm not entirely convinced. The trust built between sharing sensitive topics and being vulnerable to them opens them up to the idea of being physically vulnerable. Physical vulnerability is typically only given to those trusted and held in high regard; some examples would be trusting someone with your car or lending large sums of money, and the list can go on. Each unit of love created is as unique as the formed bonds between two unique individuals; it is the most unique, unable to be recreated by any other two parties in any other manner.”
This last piece regarding the building of trust being essential to the creation of the conditions we would see as the precursor to the formation of a love bond over time directly impacts the first piece where something in the infant’s body or energetic field is occurring that is spurring the infant to feel that the parents or caregivers are not meeting the needs of the child. The child is gauging viscerally whether or not the parents can be trusted to meet the child’s needs. If the parents are not trustworthy, the infant needs to adapt by getting creative about the ways in which it is getting its needs met. This could be something super subtle even… like the neglect of leaving the infant cry too long before checking on it and how the infant cries harder in response to not having been addressed. Lack of eye contact will do this as well. Lack of emotional facial expression. (In recent years, this is one of the reasons mask-wearing around babies has been deemed extremely developmentally harmful.) Even lack of sufficient touch can literally kill an infant. If the infant is not getting enough touch, the infant will distrust the caregivers.
But essentially, what the baby is noticing is that it cannot trust the caregivers and the systems within the child begin to address that in many ways in order to keep the child safe - or even simply feeling safe within a state of not being safe - and this is where it can get wacky with a lot of coping constructs emerging which create and bolster feelings of safety where there is none because, without those feelings, the child could literally die - and these constructs often end up carrying over into adulthood where they need to be addressed and laid to rest.
Since we’re discussing formation of creativity as a coping mechanism inside the infant in learning to deal with visceral danger, it’s also necessary to note that the child is pre-verbal and that the structures the kid is forming internally are purely archetypal as this is going on. This sense of not being able to trust others to care for it could, in the deep end of the pool, create a tendency toward the development of “personality disorders,” but more likely, there will be nightmares, with internal narrative centered around those nightmares, in which there is a daemon/protector entity that is retraumatizing the child to raise the child’s protective hackles by triggering the child to keep it safe by making it avoidant or conflict averse when it comes to events that are perceived as similar in some way to traumatic events the child has previously encountered - whether the new event actually resembles the old event or is just being perceived as such. Chronic nightmares and reports of sleep paralysis - and even the appearance of sleep paralysis entities - would be par for the course. This is getting into Donald Kalsched’s work, so I would take a look at his book The Inner World of Trauma which explores the manifestation and treatment of constructs like this specifically.
And beyond that, there have been studies done on people who have reported NDEs and OBEs at very young ages. This would mean that the child was exposed, at least once, to some kind of neglect, abuse, and/or trauma that, once enacted, triggered these types of experiences in the child. And past that point, the data regarding those experiences show a very high correlation among the traits these children exhibit from those points on, into the rest of their lives. Creativity is high on the list. So are high IQ (which I would consider a high level of pattern recognition skills coupled with access to expanded consciousness), high level of curiosity, and high level of distrust in others when it comes to ability to relate, develop rapport, and trust, especially when it comes to discussing out of the ordinary experiences which might seem unnecessarily “paranormal,” “weird,” or even “demonic” to some due to cultural and societal attitudes, with some cultures being better at handling these sorts of things than others (e.g., cultures where people have not been ripped away from their indigenous traditions who still greatly value medicine men and women within their societies).
The NDE, OBE, or other traumatic experience could cause a flood of natural DMT into the body similar to what we experience at death, and this would alter the consciousness of the child during the formative years, which would mean that access to expanded consciousness would be intrinsic to the child’s experience after that, completely altering the child’s entire experience of the world and making that experience differ vastly from the experiences of others when you place the data side by side.
There’s a book called Forever Angels by PMH Atwater. I would highly recommend reading it - because you’re correct in ways you haven’t even touched on yet, and I think this book would be like epiphanic popcorn for you.
Something I found particularly unnerving, viscerally off-putting, and yet extremely eye-opening about a few of the accounts in the book… it seems that many families KNOW that creative and psychic abilities (really, the connection to expanded consciousness) are triggered by these kinds of traumatic events and were trying, by the grown adult’s account of their own childhood experiences, to get the child’s abilities to come online on purpose by deliberately traumatizing the children. If true, this could explain quite a lot about quite a lot. The information is in there if you want to give it a look.
I feel like everything you’re exploring here comes back to the crucial importance of trust building. And that the act of willfully breaking someone’s trust should be seen as what it really is - the willful infliction of a dire existential wound. It’s not something we should be taking lightly, and it’s something we should be bolstering support around in order to help people cope with not just the damage but, in the case of the activation of life-changing states of consciousness, support in learning to live with that and make the best of it to everyone’s benefit, similarly to the ways in which shamanic cultures have done successfully.
The Gifted Program (GATE or TAG)
[In response to
’s comment on How To Start Building New Models.]Experiences vary, so I wonder if different experiences and experiments were crafted for measuring for different data at different sites. It wouldn't surprise me. At this point, there are GATE or TAG programs at most schools in the United States or an anchor school will be set up within a region if less students qualify in the area.
Someone asked me if I remember it. I remember everything. It seems some have no recollection. They ask if their memories were "wiped." I wouldn't claim to know what happened to everyone in every version in every region of the program. Who knows? But this was not my experience.
My experience was that I was given an "IQ" test. It did not measure "IQ." It was ALL pattern recognition, peppered with a few very easy logic questions. By "human cognitive ability," they mean they are testing for anything out of range of the norm, which I believe includes some kind of measure of "psychic ability," which isn't - it's expanded consciousness. Expanded consciousness is a human trait. It's only "exceptional" if it's being suppressed in the majority of the population. But I know this is where "high IQ" is derived. What we do, we are not doing with our brains. We are doing it with our ability to tap into expanded consciousness and remain there.
There are literally people who have been tested whose brain areas are nothing but a vacuole. How are these people still testing with an average IQ with minimal meat brain? This is not where thoughts come from.
Thinking with your meat brain is slow, clunky. It makes a lot of mistakes. Consciousness straight up clocks the meat brain. It runs circles around it. If you're scoring high on an "IQ" test, you are not using your meat brain to do it. In fact, it's literally testing that you are NOT.
There are physical things that you can do to improve the meat brain and it will make scores higher but only slightly. You're improving the quality of the receiver equipment, basically, but not the connection itself, if that makes sense.
I was writing a piece about it but I stopped recently. I'll get back to putting it together soon because it keeps coming up for some reason. I guess I'm supposed to write about it more than I already have.
Being a channel myself, my take on this tends to be a bit different from the way most people are viewing and connecting this information, and like I said, I do not experience the memory loss they say they do.
I do not (nor would I ever) deny their experiences. I just believe that perhaps my overall experience, and perhaps my subjective interpretation of it, was in some way different from theirs. And I think that’s perfectly fine.
Also, my teachers were very caring and went out of their way to be there for the kids from what I remember. I don’t think they had any knowledge that the curriculum may have had some other unstated, further reaching goals. I think they simply liked working with smart kids and found the work fun and challenging.
I also think that this would need to be the case most of the time - if the teachers were not genuine, the kids would tend to see right through it. Utilizing compartmentalization of information to keep the teachers blind to the larger cultural objectives of the entities paying for the program would make sense to me.
[Inspired by Natural Balance by
.]I wish people weren’t so frightened by meditation, but it seems it’s been part of the overall control strategy to make people fear anything that provides an actionable apparatus for going inward and bringing back answers.
Odd thought: I have the reverse inclination - on a spectrum from ignorance to malice, the intention doesn’t matter… if someone is ignorant enough to think that meditation is evil, I cannot trust their discernment (that could change over time with learning, but the fact that they entertain thought that going inward is somehow evil is a massive red flag to tread carefully), and if they are spreading lies that meditation is evil on purpose, I can’t trust them, period.
To what degree I distrust them would necessarily differ, but the litmus test would remain the same.
[Continued from Expectation III in How To Start Building New Models, as well as
’s comment here.]We are likely manifesting conflict to process it - I think you’re right. Especially if we’re thinking in terms of the story we are told in which the universe has decided to experience itself because it was bored.
I don’t think it fragmented from boredom though, to be honest.
When we think in terms of “as above, so below,” the fractal/holographic nature of the universe, and then we take into account what we already know about splitting and fragmentation, it leads us to another conclusion entirely.
When human beings fragment, when personalities sever, when memories break away and are hidden by the rest of the psyche, it doesn’t happen through boredom. It happens because the person is processing a traumatic experience and the only way the psyche can keep itself safe is to hide fragments of itself from itself until it can potentially process the pain that triggered the fragmentation at a later date.
I think the entirety of source consciousness may have fragmented because of trauma. I think the universe has a form of dissociative identity disorder. And I think each fragment, person, soul is tasked with the responsibility of healing itself so that, someday, we can heal the whole universe and reintegrate somehow.
[In response to “The butt-blug is by postmodernist Paul McCarthy an ex professor of art at UCLA, I wrote this critical piece of him in 2001, two weeks before 9/11. I can hold my head up high that that I wasn't a fuck'n sheep during the most nihilistic cultural dark age in all human history. (We would come to know that this era was propagated by the CIA.)” -
, in reference to Romantic Nihilism.]Ok… here’s the plan… we show up in the middle of the night and turn it into a giant Christmas tree.
When they take that down, we turn it into a great big cheapo pine air freshener like the kind people hang off their rear view windows.
After that, a massive sick, snotty nose with big green slime boogers coming out of it.
Then, a million small toy crabs and a large bucket of super glue….
You know, how many times do we have to tell the Nephilim not to leave their toys laying around like that?!?! You think they listen?!?! Nephilim don’t care…. 🙄
Book may cause headaches, back pain, whining, whinging, making other people responsible for your feelings, temper tantrums, pearl-clutching, groupthink, schadenfreude, and envy. May induce the unaffected to projectile vomit all over you when you attempt to interact with them after you partake of book of stupidity and madness. Reader discretion advised.
You Are The Sum Of The People You Interact With Most
We are supposedly the “sum” or the “average” of the five people we spend the most time with, as Jim Rohn would say - however you have seen this quoted or misquoted over the years.
The point remains the same.
And I would expand this to include whoever these “five people” have been iteratively over the course of your entire life.
These are the people you are learning from/have learned from most by observation and experience.
Fortunately, if you don’t like what that suggests, your choice in the company you keep is malleable.
(And for those who both don’t like it and think it isn’t malleable - you’re probably doing it wrong.)
Special thanks to , , , , , , , Maria Antonietta Perna, , and .
Every time the Awakening gets too far along and civilization begins to question their reality, the hard reset happens. As soon as we can crawl out of our caves the reeducation begins until our technical capacity reaches the appropriate level to be useful...
I once wrote a literary analysis of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, arguing that Sloane was the protagonist. She was suffering a mental breakdown, and Ferris and Cameron represented the extremes of her personality. I was, in all likelihood, altered when I came up with the idea.
I will need to reread this when I’m not trying to work. Thanks for the distraction.