Thanks for including me. And what a fantastic piece. I’ll be saving this so I can check out the many embedded links that piqued my interest. And your observation on patter recognition tracks with a line of thought I’ve had tickling the back of my mind for years. It’s certainly better for our overlords if we don’t recognize patterns that conflict with the narrative, to say the least.

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Thank you so much! I'm honored! I am one of the few, I guess, who remembers the test day well. Many say they can't remember it. And just about every question was set up to have me identify a pattern. Number sequences, word sequences, painted blocks... all patterns. And if we can teach that skill to the others, it makes so much sense that we were kept away from them and then indoctrinated to turn us into accolade junkies. Very easy to control us with groupthink if attaining achievement within the establishment is our drug of choice.

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I’m going to be pondering on this further for a while, I’m sure. I do remember a lot of the tests and thinking it was some game the adults wanted me to play. And from a very young age I was asking questions about why we were supposed to be learning what we were being taught and why being a good office worker was what we were supposed to do with our lives. It seemed an awful waste to me. Over the years, I found I just couldn’t stomach participating in what passes for being an adult in our day and age. This is partly how I’ve ended up spending so many years in the restaurant business. And it is shocking just how many really brilliant people work in that field. I wonder to what extent your theory explains that. I need to get back to posting on my Substack soon, and this is a good topic to bloviate upon. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Looking forward to it! I've subscribed so I will see it when you post!

I think we're drawn to either extremely dynamic environments or very quiet environments where we can navigate our thoughts. And if you take PMH Atwater's research into account, many of us had young age OBEs and NDEs, so we had access to expanded consciousness very young, and it altered the way we interact with reality and others, made us more curious, made us abstract much sooner than most, etc. Most of us have high "IQ" scores, and in my opinion, it's because we are using consciousness to think. The meat brain is slower and less accurate. It's fascinating research.

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I’ll definitely check that out. And the restaurant world is definitely dynamic, to say the least lol.

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I am catching up on some posts that snuck by me, and I can only reiterate the wise words of our friend, The Librarian, when he praised your Substack as truly original and undoubtedly an enormous amount of effort. Thank you so much for all that you do and for including me in the work. I can't tell you how much I enjoy our convos here, as it is so refreshing to just have honest, open, and fun interactions with actual respect and genuine intellectual curiosity. Keep on bringin' that Cosmic Fire!

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Thank you so much! I'm so honored by both of you saying that!! It means so much to me!! This makes my heart happy, and again, thank you so much for all of the brilliant conversations! What would The Scroll be without its weekly dose of Apollo-Starfire telepathy. Tiny celebrated Mexican girls would help us to learn so many less things. 🤣🤣🤣

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Took me forever to figure out how or why I was tagged but I’ll take the interesting and unexpected read any day so thank you, I’m looking forward to reading more

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Welcome and thank you! If you were involved in any part of these conversations, I try to include everyone who was - so, thanks!! Glad you're enjoying it!! :)

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Love you Demi ❤️ carrying the big fucking torch 💪🏻

That Woody Harrelson opening mono on SNL was so subversive—and brilliant. I had not seen it. 😎

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Thank you so much, Dee!! I loved his speech - so great!! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I have decided to write a longer tome. If my reply/"also share as a note" doesn't make sense or the transitions are faster than a speeding bullet feel free to hmu with questions here below. Not all replies will be found worthy, but all worthiness will be found a reply. Harrumph! is a valid reply as William J. le Petomane points out in the iconic film "Blazing Saddles" which illustrated that we were able to laugh at racism to solve tension.

First, I have bad news. The people conducting lucid dreaming remote viewing experiments did not stop when psychotic breaks became evident. They created a series of experimental groups and drove a great many individual stark raving mad, and drive some of them madder still. They also made an effort to create a narrative that they had stopped and sell that through various authors.

Second, I have ambiguous news. Ten is not the limit. "Take her medications and you can date up to ten." No, there is no upper limit to the number of personalities a person will exhibit in the throes of what we regard as madness.

Third, I have some good news. God is in charge of who lives and who dies, not the deep state miscreants and globalist demon worshippers.

Yes, I do believe they want to cull the people for whom they have low regard because since at least the time of John D. Rockefeller they have said, "What am I to do with this rural people I find myself amongst?" They are unimaginative in a really peculiar way and think that the thing to do with seven billion persons is to murder all of them rather than "allow" them to be happy and continue reproducing. They have, for the purpose of justifying their penchant for drinking blood, raping children, torturing toddlers, and profiting from war, claimed that the world is overpopulated. It is not. They have claimed that they want to improve the environment. They don't. They have claimed that they will reduce pollution. They won't. They have claimed that removing carbon dioxide from the air is helping - but it is not a leading indicator of temperature but rather a trailing indicator. They want to restore the ice sheets because they want the sea level lower so they can more easily access some of their older temples and archives that were drowned 11,800 years ago. They are evil and they really do hate you, whether they want to murder you or enslave you.

With regard to antiquitech, I have actually visited libraries filled with books about and papers by men and women who worked on some of these cathedrals at the times they were built. It is of course not always the case that written works have been published, but there is an enormous volume of information not only on who built things and when, but exactly how they went about it, and why it took so long to complete some of those buildings before steam engines. Nevertheless, it is also the case that there are archives and deep underground hidden lairs where people survived the Great Flood and brought with them some of the technologies from 12,000 years ago and before.

With regard to consciousness, I think it is probably useful to have a model of the universe that includes the human soul. Harari and his ilk have proudly proclaimed that they have vivisected human beings and cannot find the soul, which tells you a great deal about what his sort of person does in their spare time to children and animals. It also reveals a banal materialism that fits well with what Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil.

There are certain men and women who set the world on fire between 1890 and 1914 and kept it lit ever since. They have murdered a great many people who have been trying to douse the flames. I spent some time focusing on a few of them in my recent essay "Who lit the fire" because it would be well to know thy enemy, know their methods, and put together organisations to fight back. Or at least limit the extent of the conflagrations.

My model of consciousness begins with God in heaven. God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, is the source of human souls. God is the source of all souls. The natural and orderly realm in which souls exist is what we call heaven, and it is adjacent to the earthly realm along many dimensional axes. When your soul is in heaven you get a certain amount of training and information. Those who are sent into this earthly realm for more important tasks are given much longer training and quite a lot more information. All souls remain connected to God at all times, but some souls do not continue to seek the light of creation, God, but seek the darkness. Or you might say that some souls are casting a shadow and looking into the shadow. There is information to be gained from such looking into the abyss, but as Zarathustra and others have said, looking into the abyss creates an opportunity for the abyss to look back into you. So it is well to turn around and look at the light quite a bit.

You are not a body with a soul in it somewhere. Vivisection isn't needed to illustrate this fact. You are a soul, in heaven, who is animating a body in this realm. Which is why you are able to have out of body experiences, why you are able to do much more with lucid dreaming, why some people fly in their dreams (I have done since age 7), why much information is received in the liminal state of dreaming and wakening, and why many people have "near death" experiences in which their body is no longer animated but their soul persists. Souls have the capacity of eternal life, and I believe that capacity is expressed through eternal salvation - God keeps near the souls that are most worthy, forever. God loves you and sent His son to purchase for you the rewards of eternal salvation.

There are rules. There are many written rules written by many people in many places. God sent Jesus to help us understand and uphold the law, and Jesus, being in the way of animating a human body, understood that brevity can be the soul of wit. The prophets and the laws may be summarised as "love God with your whole energy, love yourself, love your neighbour." The rest is commentary. Which is not at all to discard the Golden rule to do unto others as you would have done unto you, and to do not that which you despise enduring from others. It is not at all to discard the ten commandments about honouring God, honouring your mother and father, not bearing false witness in court, not committing murder, not stealing, not coveting. Jesus repeats these commandments in Scripture in his teachings. There are also key commandments in Genesis about being fruitful and multiplying, subduing the earthly realm and occupying it, having dominion over the lesser beasts, having the use of every tree bearing fruit and every herb bearing seed, and having consistent weights and measures for both yourself and those strangers who come around. In other words, the prophets and the laws as commentary are worth reading.

If you imagine a great oak tree in a forest and acorns and saplings all around it, and some acorns still on it, and then you look into the mycology of forests and realise that the saplings have connexion to the tree from which they came, and information flows through those connexions, you begin to have a sense of God, souls in heaven, and souls in the earthly realm. We are all connected. God is involved in those connexions.

When you read the New Testament you see Jesus knowing what is in the minds of others. He knows what is in the hearts of others. You have that same capacity. You may not be as well trained as Jesus in making use of that capacity, but that's also true of raising the dead, healing the sick, feeding multitudes with a small number of loaves and fishes, walking on water, and ascending into heaven. You are able to do all those things through the power of the Holy Spirit as God wills it, when, if, and how God sees fit to empower you to do so. Elijah called down fire from heaven. So can you. Indeed, so can any man, but to paraphrase Hotspur in his conversation with Owen Glendower, "Will they come for you when you do summon them?" In the case of many overt miracles, it is God's will being expressed, whether by a saint, by Jesus, or by one of the prophets.

Enoch lives. Elijah lives. Jesus lives. Mary lives. The saints live. It is mistaken to speak of souls we know to be alive in the past tense. God lives. God wants you to live forever. For that to work out for you, it matters very much who you choose to serve. Not everyone who seeks eternal life is worthy to receive it, and some who may become worthy are working off some sins in purgatory for many years (as we reckon them).

How is it possible for heaven to be adjacent to this earthly realm but not be visible? How is it possible for time to be a dimension without being a spatial dimension? Same sort of question. There are many dimensions orthogonal to one another and, as a result, many dimensions parallel to one another. If you don't do 12-dimensional mathematics, that's okay. If you don't understand how multiple dimensions of time actually work in operation, that's okay too. But you do need to begin to see that the universe is bigger in both scope and complexity than you have been led to believe.

You have been intentionally "dumbed down" and kept from certain knowledge by people who want to saddle you and ride you. You have been kept in the dark about much that is your common heritage. You have been lied to repeatedly, and if you went to a public school, you may have years of learning to overcome the lacunae in your education and years of unlearning those false teachings to which you were subjected. I am learning and unlearning still.

Well, that turned out to be a bit long, but I think I covered most of the items most essential to tap.

Thank you Demi for your wisdom, for linking me in The Scroll, and for the many vital conversations you are having to bring people of good intentions together to build a better future. God bless you. Amen.

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Appreciate the mention! I hadn't encountered your work before, this was a fun compilation.

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Thanks, Cole!! Welcome to the shenanigans!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Kids in the hall canadian content brilliant.

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I've come back to reference this a few times for reasons and just saw my name in there! Thank you! Loving the podcast by the way, just forwarded it to a friend that needs it.

You're blowing my mind open. Hot! Love to all. <3

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Thank you so much!! Sending my love!! <3

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Thank you for having me in this list. I super appreciate it!

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Thank you for contributing to the shenanigans! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thanks for the mention and for putting the time into this fun thread!

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Thank you so much, Arnaly! Thank you for being here!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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It’s fun and a great pleasure!

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It is an interesting compilation. Though, it took me a while to read it thoroughly but it made me read your other work too. Thank you for mentioning. 😀

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Thank you so much for contributing to the shenanigans with us!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you for including me!!!

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Of course!! Thanks for contributing to the shenanigans!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Thanks for the mention once again!

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I love your substack!!!

I rarely have time for reading - I built a table on the corner of my treadmill and read your

cornucopia of hilarity. We are going to go through this storm and kick the criminals to the side... kick them off the cliff, roll down the steep hill, into the huge fire.

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Thank you, Rosemary! I'm honored!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

This sounds like the Rube Goldberg machine of Retribution. 🤣🤣🤣

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Hopefully they are building it all by themselves. We just need to show up and make sure all the parts go as planned

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Thank you for including me! Live you life fearless! How on earth do you compile this! It's incredible. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend Demi. Sending you much love. ox

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Thank you so much, Deborah! Sending my love! Have a great weekend! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I've toyed with the idea of delving into lucid dreams and flights of reality. They really are mind blowing in all kinds of ways, but I doubt 'stackers could handle it, because so many are so locked into duality, and accordingly, aberrant abrahamic mythologies.

Thanks for including my comment. I noticed no one had anything to say regarding it, lol.

Too much time today is spent trying to make sense of life via worn out ideologies, IMHO. Just like timelines. Why do people think there are such things as timelines? Convienience, most likely.

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