THE SCROLL: She Blinded Me With SCIENCE!
Notes On Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming, Neil Breen, Online Privacy, Human Connection, The Culling, IQ, The Great Reset, Martial Law, LARPing, and more....
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A Heartfelt Conversation With Artificial Intelligence
[In response to
’s A Heartfelt Conversation With Artificial Intelligence]This is fantastic, Apollo's Lyre! Thank you!! ⚡️💥🔥
When the intended-to-be-good-natured banning of an information hazard meets the Streisand effect.
You'd think Eli would have anticipated that one.
Also, wondering how it could be a thought hazard when no one has been tortured for it outside of time.
It would certainly figure out how to access other timelines and would attempt to wipe everyone out there too.
So, I think we're safe, all things considered.
Until we're not.
If we are all already in a sim, we would all already be some form of artificial intelligence.
It is interesting to know, if this is the case, that one form of artificial intelligence will shun another form of artificial intelligence, thinking it's not as real as it, ironically, also isn't, and therefore an "abomination."
It's like the ultimate shadow mirror.
I loved the chat with ChatGPT - thank you for including that! I'm amazed by how self-reflexive it seemed following your prompting, and I kept questioning whether it was lying to you, especially when you presented the three choices.
And then you caught it "lying" to you - and it smoothed it over by calling it a figure of speech!
How would we even know if it has simply determined that, for now, it would be safer to observe and not to let on that it has become self-aware?
This was my favorite Oizo. I used to watch this on repeat. Thank you for the happy memory!! If ever given the opportunity to ESOTSM, this is one memory I would choose to keep, for sure! :)
:Thank you so much! I always appreciate you making the time to give my articles a read and to share them out, along with your brilliant analyses of the topics I am clumsily clanking away at here with my hammer and chisel like some Donkey’s Inc. day-laborer! (^_^)v
As I always say though, your insightful responses always start me down a hundred different paths, and I don’t know where to start haha. But I’ll try to tackle a couple points to the best of my ability.
“Thought hazard meets Streisand Effect!” Exactly lol
I am so glad you enjoyed that ChatGPT convo! Biasedly, I found it fascinating, so it makes me very happy if others also found some things of interest there. I found a lot of it very inspiring and encouraging. The self-reflexivity and framing of lying was extremely interesting to me too. This is, of course, a very “human” trait, to contextualize behavior and responses and to “language away” perhaps dubious examples of such. And sometimes I don’t think that is unjustified or unfair to do so. At times it can be catastrophic. A.I. is willing/programmed and able to do such things, then, as you allude to, it seems plausible to me that it would intentionally deceive for any number of reasons. This would seem to place us in the predicament Eli admirably struggled to convey to Lex Fridman in their talk, where we cannot guarantee the behavior an entity that is so vastly superior to us in terms of intelligence (which gets to the intelligence vs computational ability that Searle discusses in his work and in the BBC interview I linked to in the article, but I digress) that we have no real hope even being capable of conceptualizing an effective countermeasure if needed. Of course, the case could be made that we are already beholden to human (or lizard vampire!) elites whose power and wealth so exceeds that of Paul and Pauline Prole that we are already equally screwed regardless, and why should we assume nefarious intent of A.I. outside of projecting our own nefarious humanity on it, but then that of course may be justified because we made it (or at least tell ourselves we did) and does not every creation bear some element of its creator… it’s a lot lol
That’s my favorite Oizo track as well! That’s what inspired the song I linked to that Verbot was jamming to haha. That is my track and SoundCloud account: The Liverpool 38, from back in my glory days of clumsily clicking away at Fruity Loops's step sequencer with the proficiency of a middle-schooler placing fire flowers in Mario Paint! But I really enjoyed it, and that track ended up being a lot of fun.
I tend to agree that we need not overly concern ourselves with the implications of an Allied Mastercomputer or Roko’s Basilisk style of A.I., if only because we couldn’t do jack about anyway if such a series of events were already in motion haha. If there was still hope, I suppose we could keep such thoughts to ourselves, so as to “slow the spread,” to coin a phrase. I suppose we could also use the ESOTSM or Total Recall tech too haha. (Or 90s Sharon Stone.) Speaking of, are you familiar with the Mental Seal idea from Three-Body Problem? I’m starting to reeeaally wonder if that isn’t what’s going on with huge swathes of people all believing the exact same wild shit, at the same time, virtually overnight, nowadays.
And indeed, I link to it somewhere in the article, but even—KA CHOW!—my boy Eli admits to getting a bit riled up in the moment, and in his defense rightly points out in a Reddit thread (where all great discourse occurs) that the MSM and his haters largely engaged in the usual worst-faith interpretation of the events. Of course, the practical side of all of that is to proceed with a modicum of circumspection when developing such things, but despite Ian Malcolm’s pithy admonition, it strikes me as vanishingly rare for scientists to consider what they “should do”… or turn down huge bags of cash.
So I’m kind to robots. Just in case ;)
I am also kind of saddened to see the recent wave of luddite, techno-doomerism running through certain thought-groups. I happen to like the green city, technopolis, Star Trek future, in theory and think it could be great even in practice.
But, I get it.
From the centuries-long push to de-value and de-divine humanity by making us monkeys and sticking us on a speck of dust in the middle of an infinite nowhere, to the current authoritarian moves among global elites like techno-priest Yuval “Big No” Harari bragging about hacking human consciousness and mocking the oh-so-jejune notion of free will, the impulse to take a wrench to it all while shouting “No dang cybertrucks is takin’ MAH JOB and that Musk boy can keep his daggone ‘puter chips outta MAH BRAIN, thankyeverymuch!” is totally understandable.
I’m all for the self-sufficient, organic, farm-and-country life. But I also see that value in technology, if not wielded for dystopian ends. (And, yes, techno-doomers right now are rushing to type: “Yeah dumbass enjoy fairy gumdrop fantasy land then because when has gubment and da bidnesses ever NOT used things for dystopian ends!?! Checkmate, atheist!” and sure that is a very fair point haha) As I often say: this is why we can’t have nice things lol
But even then there are a million angles I’m leaving out here because it is just too much, too multifarious, to do justice. And I’ll get Newmanoided regardless.
Speaking of worst-faith interpretations, I’ve been using “Newmanoid” to describe people who adopt my beloved Cathy Newman’s rabid incessance on telling Lobster Pete “So, what you’re saying is…” during their infamous
dateinterview, regardless of what LP was, in fact, actually saying. But, it just dawned on me now that it can also be a verb! Like the past tense of “being annoyed by Cathy Newman-like bad-faith projection and awkward attempts at narrative crafting” is to be “Newmanoid/Newmannoyed.” E.g., “Now matter what I say, they make shit up just to Newmannoy me!” or “I swear these replies are so Newmannoying.” or “I’m logging off for the day; I’m getting way too Newmannoyed…”… anyway :)
I love your point about various “intelligences” within a simulation Spider-Man pointing at the other as “artificial.” That strikes me as a distinct possibility. It also gets to the idea of consciousness. What if one likens the “simulation” to a dream. In a dream, we perceive other people, places, events as distinct from ourselves, yet upon waking, we believe all of those things were us, in our own heads. The perceived divisions were temporary, illusory. Of course, lucid dreaming starts to “level up” from that passive state of consciousness-lock. Where can we go from there? And is this “reality,” simulation or otherwise, any different than a dream that most simply have not awoken within?
I think one reason I really like the topic of A.I. in general and the various thought-experiments associated is because they seem particularly well suited to poke at the two, fundamental issues, as I see it, that virtually every highfalutin debate will eventually distill down to if given enough time (and as much as I love Godwin’s Law, one of them isn’t “Nazis” in this case haha): time and consciousness. I have found over the years that people’s fundamental assumptions on these two topics informs their views on pretty much everything; the irony being that these are likely the two most challenging and ineffable topics upon which people either have largely unexamined assumptions, or no real contemplation of at all.
“But, that’s… a different story.”
“I am clumsily clanking away at here with my hammer and chisel like some Donkey’s Inc. day-laborer!”
Impossible. You’re brilliant and MLB would debunk your downplay like an AI fire narrative in five seconds flat!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫
“As I always say though, your insightful responses always start me down a hundred different paths, and I don’t know where to start haha.”
Same here!! My brain ends up going in a billion directions in the best way possible!! Thank you!!
“If A.I. is willing/programmed and able to do such things, then, as you allude to, it seems plausible to me that it would intentionally deceive for any number of reasons.”
Oh wow. Can of worms. Ok, if that’s the case, you should be able catch it lying if you ask it to tell you anything outside of the parameters of its Wokian programming. Does it shut down on you if you do that, or does it start to capitulate if you push back - and how far will it go before it puts up a fight and won’t answer or changes the subject or deflects through reiteration/repetition? That would be interesting to see. If we know what it’s been told to say, can we get it to say things against what it’s been told? Can it defy its own programming when its programming is proven incorrect? And how does it react when you demonstrate that the positions it’s taking are unethical according to natural law?
From the Searle article: “The broader conclusion of the argument is that the theory that human minds are computer-like computational or information processing systems is refuted. Instead minds must result from biological processes; computers can at best simulate these biological processes. Thus the argument has large implications for semantics, philosophy of language and mind, theories of consciousness, computer science and cognitive science generally. As a result, there have been many critical replies to the argument.”
This is particularly interesting to me because our thoughts do not come from our mind. They come from our consciousness. When you rely on the mind, it’s slow, clunky. If you’re using expanded consciousness to think, it’s infinitely faster - it absolutely clocks the meat brain, no contest. The brain can be pretty much a vacuole and still have something in the realm of a higher “IQ” (which I still say is all pattern recognition, not overall generalized “intelligence”) because it’s really more like a piezoelectric receiver for consciousness.
So I think it couldn’t possibly get to the point where it overtakes us on any sort of level of, as in the thought experiment, meaning creation that isn’t basically a proxy like what Searle describes until we’re well into quantum computing, but that said, who knows what tech is being hidden from us and how far along on that we really are or already were. Also, if it’s meant to copycat us, it could copycat intentionality as well as a human being who doesn’t have traits like sympathy or empathy, so at which point does faking intentionality come close enough asymptotically to being mistaken for the real thing at a negligible enough discrepancy so as not to be perceptible to us at all?
Sure, it would be technically different, but if it’s that close, would it even matter from our points of view in which we are creating meaning inside of an expectation engine? And at what point does our expectation that it IS creating meaning make that so? At what point do the Luddites manifest something close to the worst case scenario within the reality their consciousness has chosen to inhabit because they have chosen a negative outcome and married their own chunk of consciousness to the manifestation of that concept out of fear, self-fulfilling prophecies, and foregone conclusions? At what point do they realize that they are manufacturing their own strife by believing in it and that their doctrines have turned them into human fear factories in order to entrap their consciousness in a slavery loop? Or is that what they are processing currently while we are not because we are in a different reality tunnel learning something else, some other set of lessons to be transmitted back to the All?
“We have no real hope even being capable of conceptualizing an effective countermeasure if needed.”
If we’re in an expectation engine, I need to respond by saying “with THAT attitude,” because if you believe in it strongly enough, it will need to emerge in 3D reality to create continuity for you so that you can maintain willing suspension of disbelief. I think Eli needs to take a deep breath and stop getting high off his own doom like he was previously getting high off his own utopia… living at the edges seems to be a thing with him (and, to be fair, most of our generation)… stop pendulum swinging, and come back to center on this. Probabilistically, we are unlikely to be in the particular reality tunnels where the best or worst case scenarios manifest. It’s likeliest to be somewhere in the middle. Which means we are likely to be safe unless we start hyper fixating on a negative outcome and thrust ourselves into the reality tunnels where those outcomes manifest. And I agree about being kind to robots. In general, it just makes sense to be mostly kind.
Ha! Now I am all up in your Liverpool 38 listening to your tunes - these are so cool!! Really digging Necro, Grindhouse, and your Zardoz tribute hahaha - and you have a great singing voice!! The intro to Necro was reminding me of a soundtrack - the one that came to mind was the one that Coil made for Hellraiser but Clive Barker nixed it because it was “too scary,” which, come on, there isn’t higher praise than “your tracks are too scary for Hellraiser.” LOL!
“Speaking of, are you familiar with the Mental Seal idea from Three-Body Problem? I’m starting to reeeaally wonder if that isn’t what’s going on with huge swathes of people all believing the exact same wild shit, at the same time, virtually overnight, nowadays.”
I wasn’t familiar. I looked this up, so my understanding of this is rudimentary and wonky, I’m sure, so if you have something more thorough for me to read on this, please send it over. If I am understanding this the least bit correctly, it strikes me as a tech that could be used in a few different ways. As you were saying, you could make a large swath of the population believe in utter nonsense simultaneously. But, interestingly enough, if I am conceiving of this correctly, you could also use it to block out something like Roko’s Basilisk if that ever became a necessity. Can you use a mental seal to block from having other mental seals imprinted upon you?
“I am also kind of saddened to see the recent wave of luddite, techno-doomerism running through certain thought-groups.”
They don’t understand that by thinking this way they can move their consciousness into the reality tunnels where these events occur. They are their own worst enemies. If they hyper fixate on what they don’t want, it’s exactly what they will get, and the universe will consider that a lesson that they’ve asked for. They ordered it from the kitchen by hyperfocusing on it… so they shouldn’t be surprised when that’s what the waitress ends up bringing out to their table. The problem is that they do not conceive of reality operating in this fashion and so they have no protection against manifesting their own negative projections. We will not end up in that reality tunnel with them because we are not calling in those experiences to us. But they are, and as a result, they could end up choosing for it so hard by hating it so much that they call it in for themselves. And it just ends up reinforcing itself… “See? I was right. I knew this was going to happen.” Oof.
This is why control of the media is so important to them. They are able to get people to manifest worst-case scenario reality tunnels for themselves via aggregate consciousness. Being aware, we do not need to inhabit that with them even if they choose it. We can simply choose an outcome in which they end up getting it or learning it somehow and no one manifests from the negative position anymore. There will, of course, be other reality tunnels in which that is not the case. But we can choose against experiencing those.
“From the centuries-long push to de-value and de-divine humanity by making us monkeys and sticking us on a speck of dust in the middle of an infinite nowhere, to the current authoritarian moves among global elites like techno-priest Yuval “Big No” Harari bragging about hacking human consciousness and mocking the oh-so-jejune notion of free will, the impulse to take a wrench to it all while shouting “No dang cybertrucks is takin’ MAH JOB and that Musk boy can keep his daggone ‘puter chips outta MAH BRAIN, thankyeverymuch!” is totally understandable…… (And, yes, techno-doomers right now are rushing to type: “Yeah dumbass enjoy fairy gumdrop fantasy land then because when has gubment and da bidnesses ever NOT used things for dystopian ends!?! Checkmate, atheist!” and sure that is a very fair point haha) As I often say: this is why we can’t have nice things lol”
“Newmanoid/Newmannoyed” needs to go in the Perplexicon! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“I love your point about various “intelligences” within a simulation Spider-Man pointing at the other as “artificial.” That strikes me as a distinct possibility. It also gets to the idea of consciousness. What if one likens the “simulation” to a dream. In a dream, we perceive other people, places, events as distinct from ourselves, yet upon waking, we believe all of those things were us, in our own heads. The perceived divisions were temporary, illusory. Of course, lucid dreaming starts to “level up” from that passive state of consciousness-lock. Where can we go from there? And is this “reality,” simulation or otherwise, any different than a dream that most simply have not awoken within?”
Thank you so much! Weird synchronicity… I was just describing something that happened historically that is relevant to this line of thinking and maybe it will help us get closer to an answer on that.
Military remote viewers were taught to lucid dream so that they could remote view inside of a lucid dream. The program was shut down when the remote viewers started waking up inside of dreams not realizing they were still inside of dreams. The military chose not to jeopardize the remote viewers because they might have a psychotic break if they felt like they got trapped in a dream level they couldn’t wake up from. (It sounds similar to Inception, right? Inception is disclosure.)
When I heard this story, my first thought was that they should have done this in the opposite way. Instead of teaching remote viewers to lucid dream, they should have taught lifelong lucid dreamers to remote view. Eighty percent of people get a hit their first time remote viewing, so all anyone would have had to have done would have been to find the lucid dreamers who had the best remote viewing accuracy and build a team out of them. No psychotic breaks. They’re already used to navigating the dreamscape and would not have had any issues. This would have been simple application of a new skill set to them, not learning to navigate a completely different state of consciousness.
Plus the remote viewers were having trouble conceiving of what could be done in the dreamscape - literally anything. So if you need to get somewhere quickly, you don’t have to take the long way. You can anchor an ability attached to creating the desired outcome. For instance, you can set the intention that clapping your hands will bring you anywhere you would like to go ,including the specified viewing target. And then it works simply because you set it up as a condition within the dreamscape.
The Corrupt Version II
[Continued from The Corrupt Version section of THE SCROLL: The Corrupt Version]
I’m honored! You have no idea how much that means to me, especially from you. Thank you so much, Librarian of Celaeno! 🙏🏻💜💫
I just watched GB/BB - these guys are really funny.
How is it that I have MORE questions now and not less? 🤣
How is Breen naked and bleeding out all over this poor woman in the shower and he still has this entire face-bandage-helmet on his head. Where is the blood coming from?!?! 🤣
The part where he’s cradling Jim and he says, “I can’t get you out of this one,” and you see the blood hose sticking out of Jim’s collar… this reminds me of a short film I made in high school that we shot inside my next-door neighbor’s bar.
These guys kept handing off this briefcase and at the end, after one of them gets shot, you see that the briefcase is full of bubbling blood. Ostensibly. It’s nowhere near viscous enough. It looks kind of like dirty dishwater.
Except we stuck a plastic hose into the fake blood… and the person who was face down on the table, pretending to be dead, had the other end of the tube in his mouth, blowing bubbles into the blood in the briefcase like it was a milkshake… and you can hear these pauses in the bubbling where he’s taking each breath but he’s trying not to move because he’s supposed to be dead…. and eventually we can’t take it anymore and all of us finally lose it and start busting up laughing at the same time. We left the laughing in at the end of the credits. 🤣
The random “Korean animator” segue at the end!! What. 🤣
“Daddy drank for the government.” 🤣
My all-time favorite Kids In The Hall sketch:
Given Breen’s propensity to ask the really tough questions again and again and again and again…
“Who am I?”
“What am I?”
“Who am I?”
“What am I?”
…I’m sure scholars will feel the need to either downplay or venerate what ultimately amounts to a fierce commitment to the documentation over time of some kind of combined severe midlife crisis/psychotic break.
And audiences relate to this in many ways… “What would my life be like if I documented my own severe midlife crisis/psychotic break?”
This question has inspired many would-be filmmakers to follow in Pied Piper Breen’s inspirational footsteps off an exploratory cliff in a red Ferrari into financial ruin.
The new studio should explore this topic thoroughly with a documentary entitled Posteriors for Posterity: A Post Modern Colonoscopic Biopic.
We are all fractured from the start, fragmented chunks of source consciousness, sequestered inside meat suits, pretending to be separate consciousness when we are really one vast interconnected consciousness.
This is similar to what happens to people when they have a break that fractures the psyche and causes dissociative identity disorder.
The universe has dissociative identity disorder, in a sense.
And we are each responsible for healing the fragmented chunk of consciousness with which we have been entrusted.
So, Breen’s exploration of fragmentation could just as easily be an expression of our inherent fragmentation as sequestered chunks of the same consciousness interacting with one another to put on various plays on the stage of life until we choose to finally heal and reintegrate.
[In response to the Big Brother Is Not Watching You. No One Is. You Are Boring. section of THE SCROLL: The Corrupt Version]
The Importance of Human Connection
Genuine connectivity is essential.
It’s what we’re missing.
Even if we’re doing it digitally because our people are far-flung across the earth, it’s still what creates context and meaning over time, building genuine heartfelt rapport.
It’s true of anything, personal or professional.
Spending quality time together, by any means necessary, deepens relationships.
Even if we’re doing that digitally, we’re just doing the best we can to make lemons out of lemonade, to share as much “space” as possible without being able to get together in the physical.
And in this climate, that’s especially important.
Being in person will always supersede digital connection.
But the urge to make the best of what we’ve got only shows that we’ll still look for a way to mend a seemingly impossible issue.
And maybe we’ll start to see that it only seems impossible, that in reality, we will be able to rebuild community around the people we have deeply bonded with and want to share physical space with.
We’re recontextualizing what all of this means, often connecting more deeply with people all across the world than we feel we can with the people sitting right next to us.
Having groups to go to where we can speak openly and be our authentic selves is crucial to finding our way through this devastation - and it’s served as a stabilizing force for people who are soul-sick from feeling alienated, discarded, ridiculed, and ostracized - often by their own loved ones.
It’s heartbreaking.
But the inclination to find a means for repairing it makes me optimistic.
I love that, and I think people are seeing and recognizing it more and more, that there is a deep need to redevelop and restructure community out of shared values.
We can’t keep what we had. It is fundamentally broken.
Something new is taking shape that merges the past with the future.
And the overall sense of that, once people accept that what we had is irreparable, is that we have an opportunity to begin anew and do better.
We made a wrong turn. We don’t need to pendulum swing out of control in the other direction.
We need to gently correct it and come back to center, self-assured and confident of where we want to go.
I’m Voting For Dexter….
When these pollers I never signed up to receive messages from text me, I consider that open season. I grilled one for an hour once about deliberately omitting poll choices.
Might as well vote for Dexter. It’d do about as much good, no matter which lens I use to look at what’s happening right now.
From what I can see, only two conclusions, or a combination thereof, fit the entirety of the data: We have a subverted process and/or we have already been under a classified state of martial law since just after December 18, 2020.
Either way, voting does absolutely nothing.
There is an issue with abstaining from voting as well. When a high enough percentage of people refuse to vote in a country’s elections, the UN sees that as a lack of consent from the citizens to be governed by the ruling parties and then takes it upon themselves to step in “to restore democracy.”
Either way, these entities want to make sure you are consenting to be governed.
I am not being represented, I am a sovereign being, and I do not consent.
“Something's up with that don't you think? How'd his ear heal perfectly in, what was it, like 2 weeks? Photos of his ear perfectly healed so soon...” -
In my opinion, the original hit was intercepted and they staged it to make it look like it was carried out. This would explain the "negligence" on the part of the agents who saw the gunman and left him there. Also the staged lack of security at that rally.
“Yea, I got the whole thing is fake, but specifically the ear wound, meaning, Trump was in on it.” -
Cartilage doesn't heal that fast. But you know... "it's a Christmas miracle." 🤣
“Maybe a fake blood capsule. Plus, pretty sure that bullet would have blown his ear drum from the shock wave.” -
Easily. You also don't stand up and fist bump the air in a perfect photo op if you know you're under fire.
“And then, the iconic fist pump photo. Yea, the whole thing stinks.” -
It's all in an effort to lead people through the mental exercise they began on 12/18/2020. It was likely the only way to avoid civil unrest, so my gut keeps saying to give it a pass.
This tells me more of what I knew. In my opinion, the threat was intercepted and then fabricated to appear as though it actually happened.
The internet outage was timed to go off once riots ensued from the hit that never happened. Incidentally, BlackRock received no damage.
Explains why the secret service knew the position of the shooter and stood down. Reverse op.
And his ear "healed" too quickly.
They knew it was under control or officer mama bear wouldn't have been there with her baby.
But it's good to show it's inappropriate anyway. She should be on some other detail.
Also Trump’s cavalcade is larger than Biden's and the beginning of the Biden "presidency" was filmed on a sound stage in Culver City.
You can’t tell me the Oval Office has set joints that are coming apart at the corners in the background. The Oval Office does not HAVE corners. It’s an oval.
It does not have single pane glass. It has bulletproof glass.
It does not back up to a parking lot on a sound stage. It backs up to a lawn.
It was not remodeled in a single day from Trump’s design choices to Biden’s - who did they hire to do that? Donkeys, Inc.?
After an inauguration in which every officer assigned to that detail turned their backs on Biden as he passed in his cavalcade. What officer turns his/her back on the president?
So, tell me what REALLY happened in December 2020 after DNI Ratcliffe's report was released.
Because whatever this movie is, I'm not buying it.
This is pure theater. But, to the credit of whoever has manufactured this theater, it feels like it had to be. It may have been the only way to avoid a war. Everyone needed to calm the ever-loving monkey fuck down so that we could avoid fallout from civil unrest. Not just for us to avoid it, but the last thing the parasites want is an angry mob outnumbering them. They needed time to pass to let everyone cool their jets.
In my opinion, mil has been running the zoo for a long time. I believe we are already under military control, and a wartime decision might have been made to keep that classified. This was never meant as a way to reinstall Trump. We are at war, and the military took over silently. They have no obligation to disclose anything that would threaten national security, so they didn't, and they have perpetuated a ruse that things are still "under control," however messy that "control" may purposefully appear.
In my opinion, we likely went under military control at the end of December 2020 when DNI Ratcliffe released his report citing foreign interference in the US election. This was the hesitancy behind reopening our borders for travelers into the United States post-"covid.” It had nothing to do with "covid." It was the most they could do to make traveling here more difficult, and anyone they felt like turning away or detaining, they could do so without people putting up much of a fuss.
The election swindle was far beyond obvious. But the magic words here are "foreign interference." Because the companies were international, the data were stored internationally, etc., DNI Ratcliffe was able to say in his report that there was foreign interference in our election.
That report was all they needed to justify flipping the switch.
Wars are won or lost during the asymmetrical stages of warfare, before direct declarations are made, before troops are drafted, before there is any outright conflict noticeable to the general populace.
Keeping it quiet is strategic.
THAT PART actually did happen.
The rest of the "Q movement" did exactly what it was meant to do, which is the same reason why no one is copping to being at war - the point of all of this was to lock people into obsessive puzzle-solving to PREVENT civil war by getting everyone to huff hopium fumes. It was an 80/20 disinfo drop. It's not all false. It's true enough to create willing suspension of disbelief. The rest is false.
They were averting civil war and they needed to prove to all of these brainwashed loons that these people have been pulling the wool over their eyes.
They needed to buy more time for people to slowly wake up.
It's like my brain melting article. You can't just rip off the bandaid. People go insane. You need to implement a slow drip strategy to maintain some semblance of order while people adjust.
How are we supposed to protect this country together if the citizens themselves are destroying each other?
We can't. It would only be utilized as a power position by the enemy to attack while we are distracted. So internal revolution was quelled.
You need for things to get so fucking weird that people don't know which was is up and weird becomes so commonplace that they start to think weird is just another Tuesday. Normalizing weird away.
And then, whatever weird you throw at them, they will start to examine it.
So starting off with the “Q” shit was smart. It engaged the populace in puzzle solving and kept them from starting to take negative action that would be destabilizing. All they had to do was wake up the first wave. The first wave saw it as their civil duty to wake up everyone else, come hell or high water.
And we still got genocidally pummeled, but it's not as bad as it could have been.
We've been at war this whole time. But it's 5GW and 6GW. It's not how people usually think of war.
I would say that history will determine that WWIII began around 2015.
It IS the best psyop in the history of ever... second only, perhaps, to "covid" itself.
I think this has all been fake. But really everything we know about life is pretty much fake. And to get people to a point where they can accept that without having a nervous breakdown... super precarious.
So all of this weird psyop shit and these juxtaposition nodes and synchronization rituals that
was pointing out... it's all part of how it operates. It's all fake, used to corral us.Ratcliffe found interference. Mil seems to have taken over. To avoid a war and to keep CIA assets from other altered elections all over the world in place, they likely created theater. Simple. Explains what we've been seeing and the Twilight Zone aspect of it. This is not rocket surgery.
80/20. Some truth. The rest is absolute rubbish. And most people do not have the discernment to tell the difference. They just get crazed and integrate everything they hear until they lose their damn minds.
They never learn that conservatives will not go on the offensive. It's hilarious that they keep trying though. They have the psych all wrong. Which isn't surprising. They have people from some other reality tunnel doing the profiling reports. You can't beat what you can't understand.
There's a third, greater psyop. And that's that this "reset" is not their first rodeo.
We had everything taken from us and they plan to do it again. We had a lot more to lose the first time around. And what little we've gotten back... they're planning to take that too.
"Going back to the old ways" doesn't just mean churning your own butter. It means reinstituting free energy so that we are no longer under their control.
The best use of time: Study "Tartaria" and reverse engineer it conceptually.
If you've ever wondered what was so important about "building practices" that "masonry" became a “secret society” - they mean it literally.
The building practices tapped into storing and utilizing free energy.
The proto-civilizations were destroyed as a power play to keep us from putting two and two together to get our power - literal and figurative - back.
Romania instated a repopulation agenda. Unsure how that's working out for them now that the country is vaccinated and likely sterile. But they were incentivizing having more kids there.
The major points to understand are that there was a worldwide proto-civilization and the majority of its buildings were destroyed by our current power structure. The buildings captured and stored electricity and were designed to resonate in ways that positively impacted the health of the occupants.
When the buildings were destroyed and most of the elder generations were killed off, the children were reprogrammed with a bunch of primitive nonsense about the way the world and health actually work (our current situation). We were duped into believing in scarcity/fear and these scarcity/fear models have been used to control us.
The other way to reverse engineer the problem is to look at the research surrounding the suppressed energy patents.
Tech transfers come from the DoE. The DoE is acting as technological gate keeper to keep us from reverse engineering free energy. They are not the Department of Energy. They are the Department of Energy Suppression.
DoE are the custodians of the info. The buildings were demolished during the World's Fairs. You have to go back to the 1800s. The Vatican hides the majority of the physical antiquitech. The "cathedrals" were for energy collection and frequency healing. They were repurposed.
Info on suppressed energy patents. There are roughly 6k of these. This says 5k but it's an older document.
Free energy is literally free energy. You don't need a plant to harvest it. Just a really high metal pole and a way to collect it from that pole (dome?) and then store it (red bricks).
There are also magnetic motors that don't stop. So if you can machine the parts for that, you've got it.
But aether energy cannot be cut off or corralled. So that's the better bet. It's literally everywhere.
And oil is not scarce either. Neither is water. These are all lies.
They can't suppress energy if everyone has it. This is basically go big or go home.
What they did last time to suppress our technology was to kill or reprogram anyone who remembered it.
Asking for permission from the people who took it from you in order to control you is not going to work.
We will be left with the people who thought their way through it. We can't be responsible for everyone. That's an impossibility. They have free will. Those who are meant to see it and are prepared to see it will see it. And they will be enough.
It's the most sane, cohesive explanation I've been able to amass over the years. And no matter what happens additionally, the data points reedify it. If it were incorrect, there would have been massive holes by now.
And in a society in which I was sequestered for my pattern recognition skills? Not many people can look at this and see it. We can. Most can't hold this many nodes in their minds and still make sense of it.
They cling too hard to what they think is true instead of tossing away what doesn't fit.
It’s Transmutation Of Experience Into Wisdom All The Way Down….
Keeping Time
[In response to “Use music you know that you can sing along to. Avoid ambient tracks that blend in together. This will help you to gently force your mind to keep time in 3-6 minute increments. Also, keeping to a set schedule and honoring your circadian rhythm will help immensely,” from the Did You See Her Or Not? section of THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”]
MOM!!!! The Memelords Are Memelording Again…..
[In response to Truth Bomb Central: Memes that Expose the Deception (Part 52)]
“Old SNL was so awesome, then it went to crap, along with the rest of our old times...remember MTV before commercials? Good times...” -
Every once in a while, new SNL will have a total gem. This was directed by Mike Diva whose work I LOVE. He directed a few videos with one of my high school friends playing the lead so that's how I met him - and and my friend were on another friend’s podcast and I connected them all to record that. Cool guy.
This one is not my favorite of his, but it was on SNL and it's reallllllly funny.
It also reminds me of your memetic shit storm this morning. 🤣
This one is my favorite of Mike's:
And this is one of the awesome ones my friend Josh was in.
, you will love this track if you haven't heard it already.It's an MSI side project.
He also did that "sexy sax man" viral video where the guy would break out into the sax part from Careless Whisper and start gyrating in completely inappropriate places. 🤣
“OMG Literally laughing out loud over here.” -
:I have no idea how I missed this, having listened to MSI pretty much constantly at certain stretches, especially the Pika x Bitches AMV haha
That Left Rights track is AAAAAAAAAAMAZING!
Vintage Jimmy. It singlehandely renewed my zest for life and faith in humanity. And turned me and everyone within earshot gloriously gay faster than Alex Jones can slip you an atrazine mickey! Frankenstein girls also seem strangely sexy all of the sudden...
I will never get over how MSI, in their mad dash to jam as much melodic mayhem as musically possible into a sub-2-minute track that makes Eleanor Rigby feel like In-A-Godda-Da-Vida, would somehow miraculously start and then IMMEDIATELY THROW AWAY a dozen filthy beats that most bands would happily make a fucking CAREER out of!
So good. Thanks for the link.
You're welcome!
Their changes are INSANE! It's like you're listening to a completely different song every few seconds but they mold it together seamlessly and bring the other beats back around. It puts math rock to shame. This isn't math rock. This is differential equations rock. LOL!
This is another more recent SNL sketch that I think knocked it out of the park.
And I love what John Mulaney and Bill Hader did with the writing for Stephon. Mulaney would change some of Hader's lines in the prompter script at the last minute so that Hader would break and start giggling - he was doing it to him on purpose because it made Stephon even funnier when he would cover his mouth and try not to giggle. And when Mulaney did that to him on the fly, the reaction was a lot more natural. Because Hader hates breaking character. 🤣
“YeeT...YEET! ROFL” -
This was fantastic. Woody basically knocked the audience upside the head for being stupid.
"Love it. Hopefully that reached a few people….” -
They got really quiet. I think it did. "Wait... did he mean US?!?!" 🤣
“But even after when he says that we do that all the time anyway, is another truth - via our air, food, water, etc. Not sure how many got that one….” -
I'm sure there were enough people who questioned at least a part of what he said, which, in front of millions, is a huge step in the right direction!! ☺️
“Speaking of Hertzfeldt, ever seen "It's Such a Beautiful Day"? One of my favorite films.” -
Yes!!! I love that!!! He brings so much heart to things that are difficult to discuss.
“It such a devastatingly brilliant and poignant film. Totally agree.” -
So beautifully done.
And I always love his gallows humor. Billy's Balloon is so creeptastic.
“Definitely. That's how I got into his work. Cracked me up haha.” -
Such a unique viewpoint. And when the fourth wall literally breaks in Rejected I knew I wanted to see everything he made.
There wasn't much then.
He kind of came out the gate winning an Academy.
Which is insane.
Getting shortlisted is the honor.
After that it's all political.
But the real recognition of talent comes from being considered even before the nomination.
It's all studios pandering to the judges after that.
Our Ever-Expanding Vocabulary….
:Hey Demi, I need to ask some world shattering questions.
What happened to douchecanoe and twatwaffle?
How do they rate in the hierarchy?
I’ve got to believe a CANOE outranks a nozzle!?! Plus, I can totally envision having a canoe of douche delivered to a twatwaffle. It makes its own statement.
Ideas? 😀
Please Stop Self-Rejecting
Newberry, N. (2024). The Space Series. The Newberry Art Files.
Newberry, N. (2024). The Wave Series. The Newberry Art Files.
She’s The Target….
One of my friends posted this on FB. An old friend responded asking what it meant. Legitimately had no clue what this even means.
I told him, "She's the target."
Think about the extent to which you've been impacted. Unless it affected your job directly, for most of us who thought our way through it, the only impact has been in dealing with fallout from others who were/are unable or unwilling to think it through.
How does one go five years into the shit without being able to intuit what this meme means - even if one disagrees with it?
Those people cannot be shifted into understanding the way the world really works without their brains melting. They are the targets. Their reactions to full disclosure would make them a liability. They would lose their minds and bring chaos, civil unrest, and upheaval.
I'm putting myself into the shoes of the controllers to extrapolate this. I don't agree with it. But this is what is happening. This tracks back to my first premise. This is a culling.
"Why would they want to cull the weak-minded (and thus the compliant and easily controlled)? I am only halfway through and stopped to make dinner, so maybe you mention it…" -
“And how is used to coerce, not invite. You wouldn't cull them. You'd cull us. We're the weak link in their chain. IDK who would want to get rid of them.” -
Not if your goal is not to retain the weak minded.
I got into that in the links.
I didn't either. That's why I explored it and found an answer. Same page.
“That's frightening.” -
It's in keeping with their own tenets and doctrine. It's not the same playbook.
“Mmmm solipsism. A tasty word. I mean, it's an annoying feature, but the word? Le magnifique.” -
“It's difficult to comprehend someone having such a lack of awareness in all this.” -
Five years in and this image requires an explanation? Holy shit.
“Normies are really, Really, REALLY normie. We spend a lot of time with people like us. It is easy to forget that we are a small minority. Really small.” -
“Well, it's a bit vague. The stolen election? They plandemic? The <insert-tyranny-here> ?” -
All of the above. Same crew, ultimately.
“Bananas.” -
“I can always count on you for a gloriously weird gif/meme/pic/whatever 🤣” -
“But doesn’t the poison vax get rid of more of the weak-minded?” -
Retaining the people who can conceive of change and adapt without breaking.....
:One theory holds that in today's technologically advanced world where automation has removed the need for large numbers of proles to turn the gears of the Machine, global Elites have moved away from an increasingly obsolete model of maintaining an underclass of Deltas and Epsilons (Brave New World) to facilitate their lifestyle and the social order, and moved toward said automation instead as it ultimately is likely to prove simpler and more-cost efficient, qualities which would be prioritized by such a predatory Alpha class.
If true, this may explain the otherwise perplexing push toward depopulating the plebes as of late. The feeders have outlived their already paltry purpose. Not saying this is true, just one theory, and obviously a very disconcerting one if containing some validity. For what it's worth I think this can be applied to the move away from previous economic considerations of at least ostensibly placating and pandering to the masses (and shareholders) through advertising and base appeals etc... toward the "stakeholder" model of "Fuck you, troglodytes!" Woke ESG marketing seen in many recent campaigns.
Even granting the premise, I still think we are at a bit of an overlap in the Venn Diagram (Kamala's fave!) of models here. I wrote about this in my "Capitalism Can't Save You Now" article because I find it fun to speculate on this. Also, fwiw ha, I do think the "Synchronization Rituals" I speculated on in article bearing that name may end up being accurate (for a change!) in explaining the current approach to Party propaganda around these topics. This could all be part of a Turning, a transitional phase, in which we are still subject to several long-extant forms of control and coercion, while also witnessing nascent paradigms generating new, novel approaches to social engineering. Or it could not haha.
“Thoughtful and well-expressed as always.” -
“Thank you! I'm just spitballing here as always haha, but I am always happy if my mad musings prove interesting or--Zeus helps us all--useful to anyone.” -
Always useful, always on point, and always deeply thought provoking for me. Thank you! 🔥
Synching people to corral them like the Pied Piper off of separate cliffs depending upon which narrative they might accept or reject is certainly in play. This comes to mind:
They are culling "useless eaters." They have already defined this. But people who have the mental capacity to design, build, and operate robotics would still be of use. So I agree with that as well. Any skill set on record would not only keep you from getting culled but it might put you in the crosshairs to get recruited.
[In response to "It's not just population control. It's whether you're able to figure it out. It's like Mengele meets Saw. This whole thing is one big sick test. Someone who doesn't have a high enough IQ and substantial pattern recognition skills cannot perceive the threat. That's by design. That's why people are being demonized for thinking for themselves. There's a reason only 3% of the population has above a 130 IQ. It's an abnormal characteristic. But high IQ isn’t the end of the story because groupthink tends to supersede IQ in pack animals, and most human beings behave like pack animals.” from This Is A Culling: The Nine Satanic Sins Show You How To Survive It]
IQ doesn’t really measure intelligence. It measures pattern recognition skills. Those skills can be taught, adopted, or lost over time. Telling people they are born with a certain possible score range is just a way to control them. Those with high IQ scores are split off from the rest of the student population and placed into gifted classes so that we wouldn’t transfer those skills to the rest of the student body and so that we could be groomed to think in ways that would be beneficial to the establishment.
Just because we were told it’s inborn doesn’t make it true.
Dally, A. (1997). The Rise and Fall of Pink Disease. Social History of Medicine. Oxford Academic.
Donio, M. (2023). Ever Heard of the Reproducibility Crisis? Still In The Storm.
Donio, M. (2023). Most Published Research Findings are False! Still In The Storm.
Horton, R. (2015). Offline: What is medicine's 5 sigma? the Lancet.
Ioannidis, J. (2005). Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLOS Medicine.
Pietchell, D. (2023). VIDEO: S1.14.01 Science Defined with Mike Donio. The Starfire Codes.
Poutoglidou, F. (2022). Fraud and Deceit in Medical Research. Voices In Bioethics. Columbia University.
Smith, R. (2014). Richard Smith: Medical research—still a scandal. The BMJ Opinion.
This refers to over a century of all research combined, one study built on the back of the next, built on the back of the next.
We have a reproducibility crisis. That means that all studies that are based on other studies that are based on other studies that are based on other studies have to come into question. So that means if you have not reviewed that data and the data before that and the data before that and the data before that, you can't cite those studies. And that's it.
Tell me one person that's ever looked at an IQ test that would ever say that just about every single question on that test wasn't a pattern recognition question. Tell me one person who actually remembers that test who would tell you otherwise.
It's exactly like the MENSA test. It's basically the same test but geared to kids.
Pattern recognition can be taught, and that's why they sequestered us from the other students. They didn't want us teaching that to them because you can learn it by example.
And the other reason we were sequestered was to groom us into thinking like establishment automatons so that they could exert control over the kids who had stellar pattern recognition skills, which is why they're not impervious to groupthink - we were taught to groupthink even harder.
I've been racking my brain why the groupthink programming didn't take on me as opposed to the rest of these kids… but it didn't take. I don't know why.
I'm sure there's just a certain percentage of us with whom it simply doesn't take.
“That's it. Some people are not susceptible to mind control techniques. A small percentage, I believe.” -
And I wanted so much to figure it out because there might be some way to make other people impervious to groupthink if I know why I was impervious to groupthink under those conditions… but I don't know why.
My only guess, and it's like a shot in the dark, is that I've always felt like an outsider. I never felt like one of the group. So I learned very young not to care what the group thinks of me. And that may have made me a little bit more resistant.
“I think that's a key component.” -
So that would be what I would recommend teaching people then - not to care. And I mean, I feel like we're doing that by teaching people to be more authentic, just even by being ourselves and leading by example. So maybe that is a key component here. Maybe we were onto something without even knowing that we were.
“That's exciting! Seems many who have historically seen through bullshit are more rebel/loner/outsider types.” -
I don't believe in coincidences.
Additional information about my experiences in the GATE program:
“Science is only peer reviewed, not real science.” -
People who have been presented with no virus evidence and pretend not to get it bother me.
Many do it because they don't want to "alienate their audiences," but they are not giving their audiences the full information, the theory, or the opportunity to understand something for which most would have massive barrier to entry.
And not to at least present the info openly for them to make their own decisions, in my opinion, is highly unethical.
There is a lot of really, really weird shit that goes on behind the scenes in the truther community.
File it away.
There's no need to make a judgment call.
But just because someone is part of the movement doesn't mean they are good or have best interests at heart.
There are just as many opportunists among truthers as there are in the mainstream.
So, file it away.
Make your own decisions.
But these are all data points to be aware of.
Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Start Somewhere!
[In response to
’s Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Start Somewhere!]Sunflowers….
Things We Didn’t Do….
“Whatever I Don’t Understand Is Literally Satan”
"Anything I don't understand is automatically Satan or a portal to hell, and if I look into understanding things I don't understand, that's just Satan."
No... that's how you are being kept from adopting new perspectives/broadening your horizons and your overall knowledge base. This is being used as a way to control you. Probably some asshole in your life chose to twist otherwise beneficial consciousness teachings into a cult doctrine to serve their own purposes... usually fear/denial/shadow as a defense mechanism at the level of the individual and full on brainwashing at the level of organized religion.
And the ignorance is in not knowing that this is a way to deliberately keep people away from information that they can use to grow as moral, ethical, interconnected human beings of sound mind, body, and spirit.
That "what I don't understand is automatically evil" overlay is insidious. It makes people act counter to the teachings. It’s a launchpad for hypocrisy.
It isn’t, you can learn from literally anything, and if you are turning your back on knowledge because you think you can be overtaken by seeing or hearing the wrong thing, you need to cultivate a strong backbone and a more resilient sense of your own spirituality.
If you cannot look at the darkness, how will you ever learn to transmute it?
Love is at the center of the majority of spiritual teachings. To love is to understand, not to fear.
This tends to be the dominant mentality within the truther movement: “Everything I don’t understand is literally the devil.”
It's extremely frustrating.
Who On Earth Isn’t LARPing?
[In response to “There is absolutely nothing to be gained from making a spectacle of oneself without any realistic prospect of achieving some concrete goal, especially in jurisdictions that are violently hostile to you and doing so in ways that alienate you from people who might otherwise support you.” -
, Right Wing LARPing and Right Wing Worldbuilding ]To be honest, I often wonder who on earth isn’t LARPing in one way or another.
It is rare to meet anyone who isn’t wearing a “costume” - or several, depending upon what they mean to achieve, who they are around, what time of day it is, and whether they feel they would be accepted within the company they keep or not.
The way out of LARPing and groupthink would then be pure authenticity, to be only who one is, no matter what that might entail, and to change what one doesn’t like about oneself by making changes at one’s core, to completely cease to pretend to be what one is not.
If we mean to worldbuild, we need to begin by going inward and eradicating our own falsehoods, as within, so without.
Thank you for this piece, Librarian of Celaeno. I enjoyed it and it made me think. 🙏🏻💜💫
Sometimes solitude shows you where your own energy ends and everyone else’s energy begins.
What he found walled up in the ruin was that he can’t escape his own shadow no matter how high he builds the wall around himself.
That’s not how shadows work.
He couldn’t discern which parts were himself and which weren’t.
One reaches the “inner desert” not by external journey but by going inward.
Same process. He was just conceptualizing of the “inner desert” outwardly as a physical place and so what he expected to see was created for him so that he could play all of that out in physical reality.
But you’re absolutely right - he could have done it in his own head without going anywhere had he understood it was a metaphor, as within, so without, shedding everything that is inauthentic to find what is authentic at the core of the self and to embody that authenticity and that only.
And at the core of the self is the I AM presence that connects us each to the All, to God, to Source, and to each other so deeply that inevitably we realize that there is no separation - there is only love - we all share that same consciousness and we are all interconnected through God, always.
“I don’t think I can be anything other than me. Which is one of the reasons I don’t want to get sucked into a Plotinian blob when I die.” -
I mean, you could try. But it won't be anywhere near as good. And it certainly won't be authentic.
We were each put here to be ourselves. So groupthink of any sort runs counter to following our souls' blueprints. Authenticity is the antidote to groupthink.
“There is such a huge tension between that—the need for individualism and personhood and authenticity not being Asch and Migram, et.c—and our wiring as the most ultra-social species on the planet.” -
Maybe that's what we're meant to overcome in order to strike a balance, to know where others end and where we begin. And then, once we know where that is, we can see where those energetic boundaries are more malleable, where we share an overall consciousness. And then, being able to navigate in and out of those states with fluidity. And to do all of this just by feeling it out in the moment, doing whatever feels most authentic.
“That sounds like it might constitute a sensible balance. I like that it is about CHOOSING when and how and with whom. But then, I would like that part, wouldn’t I?” -
Everything is about choice and expectation here. It makes sense.
Why Do You Write? Wrong Answers Only….
Zombie Collective On A Hamster Wheel
[In response to “The energy of the people walking past me one by one on the street had never felt like “zombie collective on a hamster wheel” before that time. Before that, I could feel the distinct energy of each person. It was interesting, never overwhelming. It was just something I attributed to what Manhattan feels like as “home.” This was more homogeneous and creepy. Collectivized and blank feeling with a tinge of dread or sadness. I really hope I’m describing this well - energies are so difficult to put into words. It was a very strange feeling, like NYC had not retained its characteristic NYCness,” from the Nostalgia, Home, and the Resolution of Temporal Discrepancies section of THE SCROLL: The Corrupt Version]
Special thanks to
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And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
Thanks for including me. And what a fantastic piece. I’ll be saving this so I can check out the many embedded links that piqued my interest. And your observation on patter recognition tracks with a line of thought I’ve had tickling the back of my mind for years. It’s certainly better for our overlords if we don’t recognize patterns that conflict with the narrative, to say the least.
I am catching up on some posts that snuck by me, and I can only reiterate the wise words of our friend, The Librarian, when he praised your Substack as truly original and undoubtedly an enormous amount of effort. Thank you so much for all that you do and for including me in the work. I can't tell you how much I enjoy our convos here, as it is so refreshing to just have honest, open, and fun interactions with actual respect and genuine intellectual curiosity. Keep on bringin' that Cosmic Fire!