Okay. I'm done! You KNOW to post this shit JUST as I'm about to partake of my cherished coffee...

But, somehow, the effects of expelling espresso from one's nasal orifices DOES tend to lend a certain alertness to one's attitude.

For THAT reason, I am gra...


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Haha, good morning to you sir

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Thank goodness I like to highlight my silly mistakes.

This time it was hilarious.

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That was really funny!! 🤣🤣🤣

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It was really funny.

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This time my comment was actually in the post 🎉🥳. Thanks for the shout out!

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Thanks for contributing!! :)

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hahahaha I'm rewatching Bowie's in Space. It's SO FUNNY!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Thank you Demi!! 🌸🙌🩷

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Thanks so much for contributing!! :)

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Thank you so much for the mention, and I'm happy to be part of the community here!

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Absolutely! Thank you so much for the inspiration! I hadn't even thought about that in ages! :)

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Thanks for the shout out 🙂

1 luv 💙

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Thanks for contributing!! :)

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OMFG!!! Your fresh scab face story is hilarious!!! And your Dad!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Seeing double and loving every minute of it. Epic!!!

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Thank you so much!! 🤣

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Jasper, me too 😁😁😁. Thanks Demi !

And remember…..Nooooo. It is very very correct (to be here ! )😉😊😊

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Thanks for contributing!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Appreciate the inclusion and man oh man the other great bits collected. So good!

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Thank you so much!! :)

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I need to thank my sister 😂😂

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Bahahahaha!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Thank you for your resposnes and showing peoples' responses to my article, thanks Demi. You've one of the kindest souls around, God bless you et je veux dire cela (I do mean that).

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Of course! I thought it was an important conversation that got into the meat and potatoes of the perceptual differences in a way that really addressed them for what they are instead of turning into a flame war of the sexes. I like that. Thank you!! :)

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Oh non thank you, I must admit last thing I wanted was a flame war of the sexes, in Quebec we don’t really have those. I wanted to adress as you said perceptual differences, because once we address them, we can start to heal the wounds I think.

Throughout all of this, your response and warmth has really shone through, and your experiences have given me much to think about. If anything this has skyrocketed my admiration and appreciation for you Demi. Hope you never change madame.

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Thank you so much! That's so kind of you! :)

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Not half as kind as you madame, I wish you a great day once more and must be off (work awaits to pay for me, the dog and the girl of my dreams).

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