THE SCROLL: In Which The Shenanigators Mount Up....
Notes On Confusion As A Cult Mind Control Tactic, Cthulhu Club, The Scroll's Official Drinking Game, Chelation, Damsels, Mr. Chicken, Lobsterman Peterson, The Worst Thing On The Internet, and more.
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Based Cthulhu Is BASED… And Washington, D.C., Is A “Shithole Country”
IMDb. (2019). Sea Fever. IMDb.
murphyjustin47. (2023). The Real Ghostbusters The Real Ghostbusters S02 E028 – The Collect Call of Cthulhu. DailyMotion.
[NOTE: The above image came from SFC’s Facebook group. It’s here. Feel free to join if you happen to use Facebook. If you don’t, just disregard.]
“Well, listen here, Cthulhu! It's not entirely obvious to me that the stars are right whatsoever! I've read the Necronomicon and all of the literature; it's bloody clear, bucko! The Elder Sign is a... [folds hands, stares up and to the right for an uncomfortably long period of time] an epistemological, archetypal representation of the ego's Oedipal desire locked away deep in the sunken, non-Euclidian R'lyeh of the id. Jung understood the shadow self over Innsmouth and the intrinsic, symbolic power of the FISH PEOPLE. So... " -
as Lobsterman Peterson tearing into Sad CthulhuTelephonehome. (2012). Sad Cthulhu. Deviant Art.
“‘They say to me, ‘Sir,’ I say don’t call me, ‘sir,’ they say, ‘Sir! Your impressions… they are… the best impressions—perfect impressions really perfect—and nobody has… ever seen anything like it’—can you believe that?—they say nobody has ever seen anything like it. But Nyarlathotep and his radical, far-left, far-Leng agenda are destroying our once-great nation and the border between dimensions, and, let me tell ya, the other dimensions: they’re not sending us their best. Their sending Mi-Go and shoggoths and—some people are saying, I’m not saying, but some people are saying—dimensional shamblers. Can you believe that? [crowds boos and hisses] Dimensional. Shamblers. Here in this great natio—’” KA CHOW!!!! -
Chelation With A Licensed Practitioner Is ALWAYS The FIRST STEP (Please Be Safe)
Damsels in Distress
[In response to Make Damsels-in-Distress Great Again!!! Why They Need to Make a Come-Back by
]I see your point, but I do have to say that the majority of altruistic help I have received in my life has come from other women, and in my experience, if I have needed help from men, the majority of them have behaved as though this were an obligation for which they were largely feeling put out.
This is all great in theory, but I in no way would have ever lacked appreciation for help that had been given to me from men sans that put out attitude - quite the opposite - I’d have been beyond overjoyed to receive it and extremely thankful.
I think part of this is that women got used to doing things for themselves because men didn’t seem to want to - and somebody still had to get it done.
I’m told that if I were to have grown up in a small town, my experiences would not have been the norm because “in a small town, that’s just what you do,” but even in the small towns I’ve been in, I’ve still seen a lot of lack of movement until the woman is practically in tears, begging for help.
I don’t know any women personally who denigrate the “damsel.” In fact, the attitude is more like, “Oh, wouldn’t that be nice… in my dreams….”
If you have to tell someone you’re the king, you’re not the king. Men need to step up and take it. And I think a lot of this boils down to straight up failure to claim.
Show her you want to rescue her.
She expects you not to want to - that’s the standard that has been set by society.
So, if that’s the kind of relationship you want, do it anyway.
If she’s unappreciative, then you know you’re with the wrong one.
Leaky Face McFeels-A-Lot-Of-Emotions-And-Shit
:Oh, my sister…I SO appreciate being seen. More than I can possibly say in words. 💖
But the truth is I’ve travelled a long and windy road to get here, to arrive at this place where my peace isn’t worth giving away in the fight to be right.
Trust me when I say I’ve lived a lot of my life as the fiery & passionate SJW seeking ‘justice’.
I’ve also never stopped seeking to know myself.
Now that I’m here, I can sit back and observe, create, and laugh.
My faith in what is, what was, and what is to be serves to ensure that I don’t take any of the noise seriously. I’m too addicted to the pleasure of enjoying the signal. 🔥
Being around the both of you, Jacqueline Rendell and leithian, it makes me realize how very little words I have for my feels when you two are all gushy with feel-words and making me have leaky face all the time.
You two seem to have all of the words for all of your feels all of the time.
I don’t have those.
But I know I love you both.
And I appreciate the hell out of your both having all of these words for your feels that make this leaky face shit happen.
But if I don’t have as many… it’s because I just don’t and that’s why…. not because I don’t feel them. 💜💜💜
Make It Make Sense
[In response to
’s Memes by Themes #12: Apocaloptimism]I think that - somehow - the worst part of this (or perhaps just the most obnoxious to me - I haven’t decided yet) is that they have cultivated a mantra:
“Make It Make Sense.”
You can’t.
And you can’t make me.
Because it literally doesn’t.
We have been sold a bunch of nonsense as an act of war to disorient us, to throw us off our game.
We cannot make sense out of nonsense. That’s the point.
And yet everyone is still complicit in continuing to try to “MIMS,” even though it makes no sense to begin with, and therefore, no sense can ever possibly be made of it, other than that deliberate lack of sense-making was the original intent.
We’re living inside a Monty Python sketch gone wrong.
I find this bizarre behavior so inherently infuriating and crazy-making that I wrote a very short post about it on here a year ago. And another on Facebook around the same time… which someone then turned into the second meme here and gave to me. 🤣
And if it’s any indication of the kind of insanity and inanity we’re dealing with, a year later, I still feel exactly the same way about it… because nothing has changed….
Oooh. You’re reminding me of something. Thank you.
This is also part of the educational technology used inside of Scientology to retrain the mind on concepts by shifting the meanings of words.
Let’s say you’re reading a book. What they like you to do is to keep a dictionary beside you so that every time you experience a moment where your mind wanders or becomes distracted, you look up the word that made you trail off.
In theory this would seem innocuous or even like a smart thing to do… except that they are providing both the book and the dictionary.
The words in the books are ordinary English words which are being deliberately used outside of their usual context in order to trigger a spaced out confusion response.
So when this happens and you can’t make it make sense according to the usual definitions for the word, there is this split second in which the mind spaces out (causing the hypnosis that Meredith is talking about) and in that spaced out state of confusion, you are more malleable, susceptible to suggestion.
So they capitalize upon that moment of suggestibility to get you to look up the word - but it is the word redefined with their own subverted meaning of it - and over time, this recontextualized language colonizes your mind and completely alters the character and texture of your thoughts.
The media is doing their own version of this to all of us by providing nonsense, confusing us, and then taking advantage of the confusion to supplant new meaning into old words.
This is also how language became subverted into a Wokian dialectic that we never had before. It’s the same cult reprogramming technology that Scientology uses (as do the majority of cults), just repurposed.
Thanks, Mathew Crawford!
They teach this at the learning or education center. I forget which it’s called. It’s in Los Angeles.
When I lived in LA, I was at the center one day for a business meeting for the development of a media project - someone I knew was just using the space to gather. But when you come into the space, if you’re not a member there, they take the time to tour you through the space and teach you what they do, hoping that a certain percentage of the people who come in will get curious and potentially convert.
I was thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah… I want to go to my meeting… how long is this going to be…?” And I was only 27, so increase the entire eye roll energy overall. But another part of me was on full alert, knowing full well where I was and hyperanalyzing everything going on around me.
And when, in their library, I was told about the educational tech of utilizing the two books in tandem, I recognized that hypnosis stop gap of confusion from how a girl friend of mine back in New York had gotten sucked into Landmark as a cult - through the HR department of her Fortune 500 company, of all things.
I had accrued information on it and handed her a binder at brunch one day, and she left Landmark of her own volition. Really smart cookie - saw right through it - but was targeted as an Ivy Leaguer with an influence position in that particular workplace. Wouldn’t have even gotten involved had it not been through her boss at work. They kept trying to find ways to suck her back in, and she stood her ground.
Similar tactics. Except Landmark literally infiltrates the workplace as a capture and spread tactic under the guise of “self-help” and “team-building” by getting HR to plan events where the whole company shows up to a training session.
And then the employees think they have to do it - the groupthink of the workplace setting kicks in and they don’t want to lose their livelihood or be seen as an outsider if it would mean being passed up for additional opportunities. So they go along to get along, and before long, they become converts and are tapped to become evangelizers.
That’s how I knew - we went to a concert together, and she was exhibiting abnormal behavior, trying to convert me into something she “couldn’t explain… you just have to experience it for yourself….”
Alarm bells.
Really insidious stuff.
Mathew Crawford, even though the circumstances are different between what we were each describing, this part has that same feel: “using shock to disarm and discombobulate.”
And in that split second of discombobulation, the stop gap in cohesive cognitive processing is capitalized upon to insert a new idea or to recontextualize an old one. The experience is so jarring that most people barely notice and just agree to it.
When you experience too much confusion around anyone or anything, this should be a massive red flag that someone might be deliberately attempting to confuse you to gain ground in your mind.
Your examples here involve allegedly overtly predatory sexual encounters, but I would stretch that to even include manipulative emotional tactics in average relationships where one of the participants is being deliberately confused by mixed signals in order to keep them emotionally hooked on solving the puzzle of the other person’s true intentions.
Seemingly innocuous, but in reality, terribly insidious.
Mr. Chicken Freebases Yacht Rock Lobsterman Peterson….
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other….
Shenanigators… Mount Up….
“Sloped Roof” Is The “Magic Bullet” Of Our Generation
Synchronize Swatches: The Official Drinking Game Of The Scroll
Thanks, The Bone Writer!! I love this!! Haha!!
“The amount of drinking games that could be created are almost limitless. Crack up > Drink. Learn something new > Drink. Get that “Ah, I feel that wavelength” feeling from something you read > Drink.”
By the time you get down your first bottle of 151 and drop your first acid waffle cone, you’ll be ready to start your biochemical Method acting performance of Joe Biden to join Apollo's Lyre’s new speech writing team! It’s like Parker Lewis - you can’t lose!! 😃🤣
:“C'mon, man!
We need to lower the political temperature in this country, you murdering, raping, fascist, nazi, theocratic, sexist, racist, homophobic, trans genociding, pestilent, anti-science, climate-denying, Handmaid's Tale and Hitler-loving, violent, mass shooting militia maniac, ammosexual, insurrectionist, terrorist, KKK white cispremacist nationalist, far-right MAGA Republican extremist, literal existential threats to our sacred atheist democracy!
Look, folks. I'm serious. Not a joke. This is a no malarkey zone, Jack. Listen, the failed former president, rapist-felon, dictator, and Putin puppet Donald Trump and his basket of violent Patriot Front Proud Boy deplorables need to stop dividing this nation with their hateful lies and divisive rhetoric! It's not who we are. It's unacceptable.
They need to be stopped at all costs. Repeat line. They need to be stopped at all costs. They're gonna put ya'll--poor and white alike--back in chains! And the skibidibabadapresha--c'mon, you know… you know the thing!
Those Who Jumped Are Still Falling….
“Those who jumped are still falling….” 👀😳🤯
[NOTE: Thing is creepy af and mad disturbing. If you are not into creepy af and mad disturbing, do not watch thing. I did not find thing. Thing found me. I made the choice/mistake of clicking on thing. Watched thing during a thunderstorm. May or may not recommend. If you should make the choice/mistake of also clicking on thing, wear headphones. Sound design is fantastic and would be best appreciated wearing headphones.]
“Well, I Fucking Do NOW….”
Shultz, C. (2021). The Creepiest Things Ever Found in People's Basements. Ranker.
We Need More Levity
:We really need more levity. There cannot ever be too much laughter.
I do and say the most ridiculous things to make my guy laugh. The part of me that is still 8th grade class clown doesn’t care how asinine I look or sound.
He's like Harvey Korman trying to keep it together when Tim Conway starts riffing.
The harder I try, the more he resists, which just makes me laugh harder until I'm flailing and making inhuman sounds. Sometimes I am literally on the floor.
The more I fall apart laughing, the harder it is for him to hold back, and on and on it goes.
My ultimate reward is finally cracking his composure.
In case it is not yet clear to y'all, I am a weirdo fool who loves to be silly and laugh as much as possible.
Laughter gives us respite from our troubles.
Laughter heals the body.
Laughter brings people together.
This skit may be too old school for some, but I think it’s timeless. It is silliness for the pure joy of it, and at no one's expense.
The Worst Thing On The Internet
When I was 21, I was going to film school in New York.
I flew back home for my childhood best friend’s 21st birthday, which happened to fall on Halloween weekend.
She asked me to bring my kit with me so that we could walk around downtown dressed up as dead wives of Henry VIII.
I said OK - I even had two Renaissance dresses we could wear.
I made her a prosthetic neck gash as if she’d been beheaded, and I decided I had been burned at the stake, so I made half of my face look burned off like Freddy Krueger.
My father was watching this and caught a glimpse of me in full makeup.
He went in his room.
He looked pissed off, so I followed him to see what was wrong.
He turned away from me and he said, “You do great work, kid, but it’s too good, and I hope you never have to see your child look like that. I’m not coming out until you leave. Have fun. Get out of here. Good night.”
So, my friend and I hurry up and go out.
My prosthetic is made of fake blood, charcoal powder, and a viscous fake blood product called “fresh scab,” which I stippled onto my face at random and then covered with a coating of gelatin to get the translucent but shiny look of a burn that had only slightly healed.
When the gelatin hardens on your skin, it tightens up. It pulls on your skin and starts to itch.
So I start picking and scratching at the edges.
And I’m not seeing what that looks like from how others can see me.
I just know the damn thing is making my face itch.
So every time I start scratching at it, my friend smacks my hand away and yells so that anyone in earshot can hear us and be disgusted, “Stop picking it or it’ll never heal!!”
The next day, she takes me to the airport - I have to get back to school - and this was before 9/11, so you could still walk people right up to the gate to say goodbye.
So she comes with me, and we have a last drink at the bar to celebrate her 21st before I board the plane.
The bartender comes up to us and asks us if we were downtown the night before.
We say yes.
He starts gushing over these costumes he saw and mentions the wound picking - we realize he was talking about us.
We start cracking up laughing.
He was shocked to find out it was us and almost didn’t believe us until I start showing him my portable kit at the bar. 🤣
Special thanks to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Eric Craig, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Kyle Taylor, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Steven Berger, , , , , , , , , , , , , , and for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.
And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
Okay. I'm done! You KNOW to post this shit JUST as I'm about to partake of my cherished coffee...
But, somehow, the effects of expelling espresso from one's nasal orifices DOES tend to lend a certain alertness to one's attitude.
For THAT reason, I am gra...
Thank goodness I like to highlight my silly mistakes.
This time it was hilarious.