Notes On The Olympics, Derealization, Sixth Generation Warfare, Excuses, Five Flag Theory, Ride Or Die, Gen X, Tony Robbins, Accelerationism, Hyperstition, Cthulhu Club, Richard Simmons, and more...
I am simply in awe of the value that you put into these posts Demi. Not only do they encompass just about everything: Truth, Humor, Honest discussions. Nothing is censored, Links + Videos + Guides on what to watch to dive deeper into the truth are shared. Add in astrology knowledge and divination readings which I'm still blown away by and learning about.
And after all that, you include just about ALL of us in some way, which I know everyone appreciates and feels validated by. This is a real community and one of the best I've joined to date. There's just so many amazing people here and I love spending my weekends diving into all this new exploratory knowledge. HUGE THANK YOU!
What brings The Scroll to life is that we all participated in it in real time, taking in all of this information, digesting it, making jokes about it, and living through it, all while helping each other to cope and make sense of a world gone crazy.
Hands down, this is the best community I have ever been a part of and I love being here. I love what each of you bring to it and I love how we all manage to create something emergent out of our combined energy that helps us all to listen, breathe, feel heard, feel understood, laugh, learn, and transmute all of this mad energy into light!
To everyone here doing this with us, we’ve found our tribe and I couldn’t be more grateful. I love all of you, and I am thrilled to be doing this whole finally-making-sense-out-of-crazy thing with you.
These are our people. We’ve found the others. And I love it!! ⚡💥🔥
With regard to defence against the dark arts and against demons, I have been very specifically guided to learn and pray the rosary and to wear it on my person at all times. The rosary has been a defence against evil since the days of St. Benedict.
Believers may wish to memorise the prayer to the archangel Michael shown below.
Holy Michael the archangel defend us in battle. Be out protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
You are welcome and there's a method to the madness! HITF! ❤️❤️ It's my pleasure. Accelerationism and NCT are rabbit holes with very long timelines. Let's kick that xenodemons ass! Lol
This is so awesome. Starfire Codes is for sure a piece of creative art, in the way great art commentates and reveals and transmits. In this case a record of humanity’s disintegration-rebirth at this moment in history, using the language and media of the times in ways that constantly surprise and fascinate and entertain me. Then on top of that there is this community… The first few times I read it my brain kind of exploded as it’s so outside the box. Think I had to grow new neural pathways to finally “get it” and then 💥❤️💃.
These posts give such an excellent overview of the issue being discussed. And I especially love what Christopher Cook has to say about almost anything!
Hahaha great read this morning over coffee (black no sugar tonight ( I know you sang that in Guess Who voice)). Glad to be aboard the shenanigator train. Thanks Demi
I have been facilitating 8 hour workshops almost daily this week and of course I missed all the spicy tea. Thank you Demi for loading up all the goodness for me to catch up on.
Was not aware you were accosted that way and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Kudos to Coleman for being Johnny-on-the-spot. Great post, but I still don't know how you can be this productive. Sounds like the beginnings of an online course...
You’re an inspiration, Demi — I’m not just learning from what you share, but from how you craft these nuggets and keep tabs on all the threads and shenanigans. You’ve got me itching to dive deeper into so many rabbit holes, like the Tartaria stuff.
The mind control and spiral dynamics convo was spot on. Dealing with other people’s perception lenses can be such an energy-sucker, right? “Observe, don’t absorb” has basically become my mantra.
And I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw that rando naked dude in Plato’s cave—hilarious!
I am so glad you're here!! Thank you so much!! Let me know what you're looking into!! A great place to start with Tartaria is a channel called My Lunch Break on YouTube. He really takes you through it step by step and exposes the obvious lies. We might not know what happened, but it's sure not what we were told!
I really wish everyone knew more about spiral dynamics. Maybe I'll do a What I'm Watching piece that's only about that. That would be interesting.
I was laughing so hard at that!! It was right there and no one saw it!! 🤣🤣🤣
Demi, wow Girl, I love your stuff, your style, wisdom, wicked humor and word wizardry!! Reading your Scroll post on Sundays with my man, while having coffee and cigar time is our new favorite thing. 😎 We laughed our heads off at the “kick him in the balls” meme. As is true for so many of your memes and posts, it was funny on multiple levels. I agree wholeheartedly that nothing makes sense anymore. Only confirms, that we are at war. This is all a long psyops that is causing division at the deepest levels of humanity. Divide an conquer comes to mind. I believe humor is the only way through, and of course, to not allow the distraction to take our eyes off of what is really happening. Thank you for all you do, you keep me sane and I look forward to all of your posts. Ok time to head back inside because since we are in the Nope season here in South Florida, I may actually melt. The heat is real! Plus we are out of cigars and coffee! Lol! Have a wonderful day Demi and all you wonderful people here! 🥰💗
Haha. My Facebook profile is on red alert over that male boxer. They claim I am doing physical harm to him by posting about it. Oh, the irony! 😂
WTF. LOL. Ok, I will not put this one up over there. LOL!! Thanks for the heads up!! Hahahaha!!!
I feel like the word Shenanigans is increasing in usage (and I like it!)
Ha! Thanks!! LOL!!
I am simply in awe of the value that you put into these posts Demi. Not only do they encompass just about everything: Truth, Humor, Honest discussions. Nothing is censored, Links + Videos + Guides on what to watch to dive deeper into the truth are shared. Add in astrology knowledge and divination readings which I'm still blown away by and learning about.
And after all that, you include just about ALL of us in some way, which I know everyone appreciates and feels validated by. This is a real community and one of the best I've joined to date. There's just so many amazing people here and I love spending my weekends diving into all this new exploratory knowledge. HUGE THANK YOU!
Thank you so much, Nick!! :)
What brings The Scroll to life is that we all participated in it in real time, taking in all of this information, digesting it, making jokes about it, and living through it, all while helping each other to cope and make sense of a world gone crazy.
Hands down, this is the best community I have ever been a part of and I love being here. I love what each of you bring to it and I love how we all manage to create something emergent out of our combined energy that helps us all to listen, breathe, feel heard, feel understood, laugh, learn, and transmute all of this mad energy into light!
To everyone here doing this with us, we’ve found our tribe and I couldn’t be more grateful. I love all of you, and I am thrilled to be doing this whole finally-making-sense-out-of-crazy thing with you.
These are our people. We’ve found the others. And I love it!! ⚡💥🔥
LEAKING!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Agreed. Awe-inspiring work here!
With regard to defence against the dark arts and against demons, I have been very specifically guided to learn and pray the rosary and to wear it on my person at all times. The rosary has been a defence against evil since the days of St. Benedict.
Believers may wish to memorise the prayer to the archangel Michael shown below.
Holy Michael the archangel defend us in battle. Be out protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Thank you so much, Jim!! :)
You're welcome. All the glory to God.
Should read "Be our protection..." but mf autoincorrect wrecks everything because software devs are scum
Thank you for including me. Ride or Die Chutulu Club. HITF. Love you Demi and all the rest of Chutulu Club. The drip disclosure is part of the psyop.
Love you too!!! Thank you for contributing to the madness!!! <3
You are welcome and there's a method to the madness! HITF! ❤️❤️ It's my pleasure. Accelerationism and NCT are rabbit holes with very long timelines. Let's kick that xenodemons ass! Lol
This is so awesome. Starfire Codes is for sure a piece of creative art, in the way great art commentates and reveals and transmits. In this case a record of humanity’s disintegration-rebirth at this moment in history, using the language and media of the times in ways that constantly surprise and fascinate and entertain me. Then on top of that there is this community… The first few times I read it my brain kind of exploded as it’s so outside the box. Think I had to grow new neural pathways to finally “get it” and then 💥❤️💃.
Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Of course you did!
It’s truly one of a kind as far as I’ve seen
These posts give such an excellent overview of the issue being discussed. And I especially love what Christopher Cook has to say about almost anything!
Same here - I always love his commentary!! Thank you so much!! :)
Damn Demi. Powerful pud-pounding prose from your prescient presence. I can feel it in my you-know-what 😎
Hint: it ain’t my heart ☺️
Ha!! Thanks, Dee!! :)
Hahaha great read this morning over coffee (black no sugar tonight ( I know you sang that in Guess Who voice)). Glad to be aboard the shenanigator train. Thanks Demi
Thank you so much!! Hope you've enjoyed your morning!! 🙏🏻💜💫
I have been facilitating 8 hour workshops almost daily this week and of course I missed all the spicy tea. Thank you Demi for loading up all the goodness for me to catch up on.
You are always here in spirit with us, contributing to the shenanigans!! I hope you had a great week!! 🤣🙏🏻❤️
Was not aware you were accosted that way and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Kudos to Coleman for being Johnny-on-the-spot. Great post, but I still don't know how you can be this productive. Sounds like the beginnings of an online course...
I would love to grow out my hair, wear an all gold suit, and maybe grow another pair of arms
Well, that was a real kick (not just because I was featured) :D
Speaking of kicks...
You’re an inspiration, Demi — I’m not just learning from what you share, but from how you craft these nuggets and keep tabs on all the threads and shenanigans. You’ve got me itching to dive deeper into so many rabbit holes, like the Tartaria stuff.
The mind control and spiral dynamics convo was spot on. Dealing with other people’s perception lenses can be such an energy-sucker, right? “Observe, don’t absorb” has basically become my mantra.
And I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw that rando naked dude in Plato’s cave—hilarious!
I am so glad you're here!! Thank you so much!! Let me know what you're looking into!! A great place to start with Tartaria is a channel called My Lunch Break on YouTube. He really takes you through it step by step and exposes the obvious lies. We might not know what happened, but it's sure not what we were told!
I really wish everyone knew more about spiral dynamics. Maybe I'll do a What I'm Watching piece that's only about that. That would be interesting.
I was laughing so hard at that!! It was right there and no one saw it!! 🤣🤣🤣
Demi, wow Girl, I love your stuff, your style, wisdom, wicked humor and word wizardry!! Reading your Scroll post on Sundays with my man, while having coffee and cigar time is our new favorite thing. 😎 We laughed our heads off at the “kick him in the balls” meme. As is true for so many of your memes and posts, it was funny on multiple levels. I agree wholeheartedly that nothing makes sense anymore. Only confirms, that we are at war. This is all a long psyops that is causing division at the deepest levels of humanity. Divide an conquer comes to mind. I believe humor is the only way through, and of course, to not allow the distraction to take our eyes off of what is really happening. Thank you for all you do, you keep me sane and I look forward to all of your posts. Ok time to head back inside because since we are in the Nope season here in South Florida, I may actually melt. The heat is real! Plus we are out of cigars and coffee! Lol! Have a wonderful day Demi and all you wonderful people here! 🥰💗
Thank you so much!! I appreciate it!! Sending my love!! 💗💗💗
Sending you lots of love you too, from one FL Girl to another!! 🩷🩷🩷
Thanks for the mention once again, Demi!