THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”
Notes On The Olympics, Derealization, Sixth Generation Warfare, Excuses, Five Flag Theory, Ride Or Die, Gen X, Tony Robbins, Accelerationism, Hyperstition, Cthulhu Club, Richard Simmons, and more...
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Booger Sugar
Did You See Her Or Not?
[In response to
’s Derealization for a whole hour]Listen to what Josh Slocum has to say here.
It’s very important.
Even if you are not experiencing this right now, I absolutely guarantee you that someone in your life IS.
Don’t get broadsided by it. Be prepared.
People with absolutely normal mental health are experiencing this because the world legitimately makes no sense.
This has happened to such a devastating degree that we have developed something of a mantra surrounding this culturally in the past few years:
“Make it make sense.”
You can’t. Because it doesn’t. Stop trying. You’ll only make yourself feel like you are going nuts before you realize IT ISN’T YOU.
In my own opinion, the world has been deliberately stilted to make no sense - there are tactical benefits for creating this scenario throughout an entire population.
The more off-kilter we are, the more malleable, pliant, and prone to suggestion. Also, the more we will question our own sanity and doubt our own eyes and ears.
Please compare what Josh is saying here to the 5GW and 6GW sections of my generations of warfare article from last year:
What he is describing in this video and what I briefly outline in this piece coincide.
The BEST protection against it is the awareness that it is happening.
If you feel it and it’s mild, you can ease yourself back out of it by recognizing that this is what you are dealing with and then grounding yourself in tangible, tactile activities you know are 100% real.
If it’s not mild, talk to a doctor you TRUST - one who will know you are a sane person navigating an insane world - about tactics for mitigating the effects.
The sensations of losing time in 2020 were so severe during lockdown across the world that I started jokingly referring to this as Blurrrrrrsday the Eleventeeth of Dodecatember. I cope through humor; it’s not really a joke.
If you are losing your sense of time, put music on.
Use music you know that you can sing along to.
Avoid ambient tracks that blend in together.
This will help you to gently force your mind to keep time in 3-6 minute increments.
Also, keeping to a set schedule and honoring your circadian rhythm will help immensely.
Kamoshita, K. (2023). Enjoying light exercise in rhythm can promote the effects of exercise on the brain's prefrontal cortex function. EurekAlert!
The Monroe Institute. (2024). The Gateway Experience Manual.
Drop Your Excuses
[In response to “You are able to succeed, so be confident, work hard, build your skills, remain committed, and drop your excuses….” from The Further You Enter The Truth, The Deeper It Is]
Five Flag Theory
[In response to “Knowing that, wouldn’t it be a delicious irony if one of the psyops the Globalists deployed to drive us into their urban fantasy (and isolate us from each other), ends up being a catalyst for reviving small-town America and growing a sense of community again? The beauty of it is too rich to ignore.” -
, TDT: When 'Death' Becomes 'Healthcare']Interesting way to incentivize retaining the digital nomad set who will go where they are treated best by voting with their feet anyway.
This offers an option to remain in the US instead of moving abroad.
Doesn’t negate the value of having multiple citizenships during a time of flagrant tyranny so that you can choose where you go should anything awful happen where you happen to be, but it does afford better options for those who feel they “can’t” go that route for whatever reason.
You can - you’ve just chosen not to prioritize the changes you would need to make in order to make that possible, which is fine, but let’s be honest about that and not apply the word “can’t” to it.
[For any of you wondering what I’m going on about, look into a concept called “five flag theory.”]
Most Americans do not have passports because state to state travel doesn’t require it and the land mass is so huge that unless you were planning to go far, which most never do, you would never need it.
I would caution, however, that it’s smarter to have it just in case you ever do need it and don’t have it, especially given the current weird political climate.
Five flag theory is something I was looking into at great length at a time when it would have been the best option for me given my life circumstances.
I ended up opting against it, even after having taken many steps toward it, but not because it’s any less of a plan.
It still makes the most sense logically and logistically.
It’s just not what I ended up choosing to do because my requirements changed.
Happy to show it to you as something that is conceptually possible.
This goes back to the Barriers To Entry conversation from the last edition of The Scroll - we don’t know what we don’t know, so how do we look for information we might need when we don’t even know that it exists?
Of course! And thank you - I appreciate you too!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫
Flammarion Meets The Matrix
“For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”
[NOTE: The boxer in question has been proven in the past to have a Y chromosome. Please reference: Abrahamson, A. (2024). IBA letter to IOC, June 2023: Boxer's 'DNA was that of a male consisting of XY chromosomes.' 3 Wire Sports.]
Yeah, they’d figure out ways to balance it out.
But huge discrepancies can’t be allowed because they are unsafe.
They’d have to narrow the window entirely.
And with biological differences between muscles in biological men and biological women, this would be of concern as well.
It would make more sense to create another class for competition entirely.
Not to bar anyone from competing, but to take actual physical differences in biology that could be super dangerous into account.
We cannot deny that those exist.
People are getting hurt as a result and it’s not ok.
It seems strange that we would have these kinds of safety rules for 100 years and not just add to them as times change to improve safety even more.
To me that says people are putting politics above safe sportsmanship, and that’s not what the Olympics is supposed to be about.
If they make everything about it into dark ritual, spectacle, and the potential for needless harm, they can’t expect people will support the games much longer.
And I can’t say that I would blame them.
They’re supposed to be the pinnacle of physical human merit, not a political farce.
Just make more categories with physical qualification factors that are purely biological for the sake of properly matching opponents within their classes - like weight, height, and muscle density - and leave the politics about “gender” out of it completely.
There’s no reason trans men and trans women can’t compete against each other instead.
That would make them a closer physical match and it would be a fair fight, also taking into account any drugs they might be taking to masculinize or feminize which would alter results as well.
All of this would need to be taken into account for the match ups to be fair.
But it’s not to say anyone shouldn’t compete.
It’s to say that no one should get their heads crushed in by a mismatched opponent while doing so.
You’re right - we’re usually taught to stomp the foot first.
Honestly, I think it’s better that we all saw this happen so that people would realize how dangerous this is and create additional categories for others who want to compete.
Having appropriate match ups is the way we’ve always settled this in the past.
We don’t expect a featherweight to fight a heavy weight. It makes no sense to throw out what we already know in favor of pushing the idea of a sameness that doesn’t exist.
And I’ll tell you point blank - I went to art school three times… and I have NEVER in my life met a trans person who has disagreed with me on that. Not once.
This is all agenda bending to achieve a desired political result.
In my opinion, it’s a form of psychological warfare in which our sense of reality is being undermined to knock us all off balance.
No one I have ever met agrees to this regardless of who they are. No one sane wants this. THAT should tell you all you need to know about what’s really going on here.
I understand it. I don’t need saving from it. I’m not heartbroken or idealistic.
I’m being pragmatic.
It’s psychological warfare.
I’m saying we already have ways of doing this that make sense for safety that have worked for literally a century.
We have had those rules in place for just shy of 100 years - since 1929, I believe.
This is not about sport, safety, or any kind of equality.
This is purely agenda driven.
I’m not sure what I said here that made you think I would be somehow heartbroken over this, but that’s not the case.
I think it needed to come to a head so that people will rail against it, if they are going to at all.
That’s just how people are, unfortunately.
They don’t act until it’s too late, if at all.
No one wants to be bothered until the issue is undeniable, and even then, they don’t care unless it affects them directly.
There’s simply too much going wrong in the world and most people have compassion fatigue and zero bandwidth for anything that doesn’t impact them personally.
So, they either react to a woman being punched in the face by a biological male and draw the line, or they still cease to care until someone gets horribly injured or dies.
And even then, they might care for five minutes and then memoryhole it.
It’s still true that no one sane wants this. No one.
But it’s warfare. It’s not sane.
I do know better: I don’t allow others to tell me how to think, what to think, how to feel, or how to be.
If you don’t like something that I’ve posted, you can choose to navigate away from it like an adult, or you can choose to block me, in which case, no hard feelings.
Either is fine.
But making YOUR feelings MY problem is NOT fine.
Your feelings are your business, not mine.
I am not responsible for catering to how you feel and I refuse to set that precedent here or anywhere else.
I won’t be censored and I won’t be bullied by others into altering my opinion just because someone else’s opinion might differ from mine.
You are entitled to yours.
I am entitled to mine.
You are NOT entitled to force yours upon me to try to make me cater to you - and I will not tolerate that behavior.
If we have an understanding here, you are more than welcome to stick around.
If we don’t, bless and have a wonderful life. 🙏🏻💜💫
We simply require more robust weight classes. Period. This is unsafe sporting.
I assure you I am not in the least bit “transphobic.”
All I ask - all anyone SANE asks - is that we allow children to be children and not mar their innocence by introducing sexual conversations too soon - straight or gay, doesn’t matter.
Aside from that, what consenting adults do is none of my business.
Even if they are consenting to punching each other in the face.
That said, I would prefer the weird interest in face punching as sport to be done safely within the appropriate weight class as it’s been done for literally the past 100 years.
And Chris Farley screaming at her to stand up for herself is funny.
I do NOT apologize for my opinions OR my sense of humor.
Anyone who doesn’t like either is free to go.
No one is forcing you to consume my content.
We’re all adults here. If you don’t like it, you can navigate away from me or block me.
That’s totally fine.
But we don’t need to agree with each other to coexist, so trying to force me to agree with you is only going to be met with more of my being assertive about being entitled to think for myself.
And I am very much 100000000% in the right on that.
I didn’t come here to endure cancelling or censoring, and I sure as hell won’t put up with it.
Not from anyone, ever, period, end of story.
It’s objectively wrong.
Abrahamson, A. (2024). IBA letter to IOC, June 2023: Boxer's 'DNA was that of a male consisting of XY chromosomes.' 3 Wire Sports.
The Genesis of Vladdy
[A continuation of the Romanian Castles, Audioanimatrons, and Gavin Newsom as Mr. Game Show section from THE SCROLL: BREAKING NEWS: Biden’s Behavior Has Been Exactly The Same For The Past Five Years and the Vlad The Impaler section from THE SCROLL: Resting The Pendulum]
Gen X and the (R)evolving Music Collection
Harold's The GOAT!
History Is A Lie
[In response to MEME DROP #177: History In School, History As A Hobby]
DeMeo, J. (2021). A Guide to the Interdisciplinary Works of James DeMeo, Ph.D. Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab. Orgone Biophysical Research Lab.
Nelson, R. (2007). Electro-Culture (The Electrical Tickle). RexResearch.
RichiefromBoston. (2020). Geordie Rose (DWAVE) is SUMMOnING the GREAT OLD ONES or simply put DEMONS. Bitchute.
This is the same accelerationism push that Apollo's Lyre, Jessica J, and I have been looking into. He even mentions Lovecraft. Wow. Looking into the CCRU is what started us making all of these Cthulhu jokes more often…..
One sec… I will pull the conversations we had about this that were in the former Scroll editions so you can see what we were all thinking about….
Expectation III and Hyperstition:
Synchronization Rituals:
The Uninhibited Woo Of Tarot In Reverse And The Perils of Being Unabashedly Yourself:
Mass Depopulation Psychosis:
If we’re all in a sim, we are all “AI” of some sort.
Classifying everything as AI indiscriminately might be the incorrect way we perceive this through our own lens though.
My intuition is screaming to be careful about it, that the way we are conceptualizing this as a society is somehow way off. (And that would make sense since we have very little concept of the true nature of reality or true science in terms of what’s been hidden from us.)
We’ve already been primed for this, it seems. Yours is a fantastic example, and yet again (this is becoming a pattern), one where we cannot separate hyperstition from either predictive programming or slow drip disclosure without being privy to the media creator’s intentions.
The following is probably not at all new information for you, but it’s where my mind just went, and I think you might already be processing the thought where my thoughts are just now headed….
What do you think of this in terms of the video DoG sent over and the meme that the SFC crew shot me?
Dessy, R. (1998). Could silicon be the basis for alien life forms, just as carbon is on Earth? Scientific American.
Let’s See Some Action
[In response to “Quit hovering like you give a shit. You don't. You care about you and that's where it ends. So fuck off so those of us who are left can actually be about something without your useless background noise.” -
, Fight The Bears]Again, I would like to thank Coleman for stepping up for me, for standing in front of the digital bathroom door, as it were, for me when some nutter was trying to chat me up about tying him up - not once but twice.
If anyone has had my back here, it’s been him.
Money where your mouths are, the rest of you - I don’t see you stepping in to come to a woman’s aid out of chivalry when you see what you see. What I see are a bunch of people who “don’t say anything because they don’t want to get involved.”
He steps in. Point blank, period.
You all talk a good game with all this chatter about values this and old school that.
Let’s see some action. Come to each other’s aid. If you see someone taking a hit, put your ride or die big boy pants on and STEP IN. Even being a woman, I have and I always will. (And those of you who have stepped in for me in the past - I see you, I appreciate it, and you better bet I will be front and center if I EVER see anyone doing it to YOU.)
Take your lumps and move it right along.
Make Olympics Greek Again: Baguette vs. Dolma
[In response to Make Olympics Greek Again by
]Oh Boy, Another One?
The Power Of Tommy, Gina, and Tony Robbins Compels You
[In response to the Tommy the Tunnel-Hunting Chicken section of THE SCROLL: Resting The Pendulum]
Ok… funniest, weirdest, most Twilight Zone shit ever….
Years ago, I was in Atlantic City with my boyfriend at the time.
I have family in NJ and I am from there originally, so we were down that way often enough when I lived in NYC… but this particular weekend we were on vacation.
He wasn’t from there originally - we grew up together in Florida.
We were waiting for our reservation at a restaurant across the way from a bar we were sitting at in the meantime.
All of a sudden, Livin’ On A Prayer is playing over the sound system.
The. Entire. Bar. STOPS.
Every last person in there STOPS WHAT THEY ARE DOING - and belts out the entire freaking song.
I mean, it could have been a flash mob.
And we’re singing along and having fun with it… but we’re looking at each other like what in the actual Twilight Zone everloving monkey fuck is happening right now….
And when the song is over…. I shit you not… they stop and go back to what they were doing as if nothing had ever happened…..
I have an even BETTER story with that one. 🤣🤣🤣
So, my best friend was in town attending a Tony Robbins event. HUGE event. Thousands and thousands of people.
So, he’s texting me to make plans for after the event gets out.
And then he stops.
I have a phone call from him.
I answer, say hello, but there’s no answer.
And all of a sudden, I hear THOUSANDS OF MEN, belting out at the top of their lungs in an auditorium….
And my FIRST THOUGHT is uh-oh… they caught him texting me when he was supposed to be paying attention and now they took his phone and they’re hazing him….
So I am trying so hard not to laugh, not to make a sound, not to do anything that will potentially give them fodder to embarrass him further….
And I wanna LAUGH so bad at this point that my freaking eyes are watering….
And then the phone goes dead.
And I write him back, “Did you just serenade me?!”
And I’m cracking up.
He’s like, “Wait… what the fuck…”
And I tell him what just happened from my perspective and we’re both DYING LAUGHING… and he says, “My phone autodialed you and it was right then - and you heard them hazing some guy on stage - so it was what you thought it was - they just weren’t doing it to me! That was my phone!!”
So, from then on, whenever he’s butt dialed me, I’ve sent him gifs of that scene from Top Gun.
Self-Deprecating Humor And The Art Of Taking A Compliment
Spiral Dynamics
[In response to “If the concept doesn't exist in your head, and you need it but you don't know that you need it, how do you go looking for it? You don't. You can't. Because you are unaware of its existence,” from the Barriers To Entry section of THE SCROLL: Resting The Pendulum]
:What an interesting section. It really is a big problem! This is something I’m aware of when putting my own work out there. If you don’t fit yourself and your concepts into pre-existing matrix categories and key words, it’s very difficult to garner momentum. It really is an expression of the insidious confines of the matrix control grid over human evolution. And how this “tech entity” throws a net over us in this way.
Exactly. Unless you're latching onto a key part of the conversation already being had within the manufactured Overton window, you cannot gain traction for an idea because the algorithms are programmed to support the proliferation of the "most popular" keywords which were seeded and pushed according to agenda. So the trick would be to latch onto a conversation already being had and then take it in another direction entirely. Not so much that anyone would consider it a bait and switch. Just incremental movement of the needle by interjection of new ideas into the existing conversation.
From the other side of this, this is similar to what I was discussing with Christopher Cook in the section on Mind Control. If you don't let the other person lead with their self-selected thoughts, you can't even gain access to their mind space to help them recontextualize what's already there, let alone inject a new viewpoint for their consideration to allow them to break free of the box they are already in, a sort of self-directed introduction to what is ultimately spiral dynamics. They would have to map out the box first to know that a box even exists. Most people aren't even aware that they are viewing life through their own preestablished lenses.
We Got Dick Rolled
[In response to Wholesome Chungus Respecter by
]…and Librarian of Celaeno just Dick Rolled us. 🤣
(And Simmons would have side-eyed you, giggled, and ignored it. All the way from Narnia. LOL.)
RIP Richard Simmons. 🙏🏻❤️
Also, if you get a chance, check out Pauly Shore playing Simmons.
Shore has done an amazing job with the role and says they are still moving forward with the full Simmons biopic:
Special thanks to
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Annie Mc, Annie Today And Tomorrow, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , cholli, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Fizzy, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Gilgamech, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ian Michael Lessard, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Kobalevsky 42, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , M. V.M. 718, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Robert Caulkins, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
Haha. My Facebook profile is on red alert over that male boxer. They claim I am doing physical harm to him by posting about it. Oh, the irony! 😂
I feel like the word Shenanigans is increasing in usage (and I like it!)