One of the best parts of participating in The Starfire Codes 💫 cult is being connected to beautiful people trying their best to impact their personal lives and the world around them. We all have to work on our souls; none of us are perfect, so being in a community that supports one another has added value to my life.
Meme bombs like this are a valuable and inspiring collection of data that can be engineered on earth, or on the Moon, or on Mars. Oil-based people aren’t going to colonize other planets.
THANK YOU! For the self-love reminders, the WAKE-THE-FUCK-UP Calls, the 'things are closer than they appear,' the literary LAUGHS...for ALL of it! We need Starfire Code t-shirts!
There's a scene in the film "Minority Report" when the protagonist is scheduled for incarceration in some wicked futuristic frozen prison. The head of the prison greets him and says, "You're part of my flock now John." if you like this feel free to download for free with the code cbfs-uhxl. The EP is something I put together about the project gross if our shared existence. Enjoy
Cool! I always wanted to join a cult! But they are always so grabby. Sign over your property, send your kids to live with us, wear the uniform 3x/week. It’s a lot, frankly. And when it gets right down to it, the Catholics have better food and know how to throw a party.
Is there a dress code? And what about Jews? Do we need to denounce them or can we just be malevolently neutral?
I'm part Ashkenazi, so I'd rather you'd be nice to me if you're a part of my cult. Dress code is optional since I can't see you anyway. That might change if I have to look at you. As for grabbiness, you can pay in memes. Keep your property. It pisses off those nasty WEF people when you do that.
Well I'm the leader of the cult of anti-labelism and hypocrisy. It's an open cult as I do no recruiting, anyone that wants to join or leave is free to, you MUST label yourself an antilabelist, is the only rule about joining.
“Don’t entertain negative energy.”
One of the best parts of participating in The Starfire Codes 💫 cult is being connected to beautiful people trying their best to impact their personal lives and the world around them. We all have to work on our souls; none of us are perfect, so being in a community that supports one another has added value to my life.
I love this!! Thank you so much!! xoxo
This is so beautiful, Charlotte!! XOX
Sending gratitude and a little magic your way Jacqueline 🪄 💖🤗
Sending it right back, Charlotte! :) xox
“Nothing is Written in Stone” on the walkway around the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester Vermont. A civilizational oasis.
I guess I’m Multi-Culti.
But shouldn't the inscription have read simply "Nothing"? It's redundant otherwise.
Meme bomb!
Thank you for getting the crowd ready! Write the vision first then move the world later!
Here’s a hint:
Next Level Jobs Process Data Generated on Mars.
Meme bombs like this are a valuable and inspiring collection of data that can be engineered on earth, or on the Moon, or on Mars. Oil-based people aren’t going to colonize other planets.
I'm so glad I'm carbon-based. And also just plain based.
Nobody who experiences the shock and awe of your meme drops could argue that you aren’t based!
Would you mind translating that out of fortune cookie and into English, please? 🤣
I never fail to LOL at world class meme-ery, thanks, and nice sequencing, too ;-)
Thank you!
THANK YOU! For the self-love reminders, the WAKE-THE-FUCK-UP Calls, the 'things are closer than they appear,' the literary LAUGHS...for ALL of it! We need Starfire Code t-shirts!
Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫
Hmm. We might be able to sort that out. I'll see what we can do! ☺️
Lovely words of wisdom to guide our days......
But I loved "Safety Pants" the best - and now it's taken hold, and I'm dancing. And laughing.
There's a scene in the film "Minority Report" when the protagonist is scheduled for incarceration in some wicked futuristic frozen prison. The head of the prison greets him and says, "You're part of my flock now John."
"You're in my cult now," has similar energy. 🤪😁🎇
Every single one of these is 🔥❤️
Thank you!!
That wasn't a microdose Timmy had me laughing like a hyena 🤣
FINALLY! A cult I can join with pride... ;-)
Fantastic as always, Demi...
Hahaha! Thank you, Stone! 🥰
Sweet set of drops.
Thanks! if you like this feel free to download for free with the code cbfs-uhxl. The EP is something I put together about the project gross if our shared existence. Enjoy
Of our shared existence. Lol
Thanks! :)
Cool! I always wanted to join a cult! But they are always so grabby. Sign over your property, send your kids to live with us, wear the uniform 3x/week. It’s a lot, frankly. And when it gets right down to it, the Catholics have better food and know how to throw a party.
Is there a dress code? And what about Jews? Do we need to denounce them or can we just be malevolently neutral?
I'm part Ashkenazi, so I'd rather you'd be nice to me if you're a part of my cult. Dress code is optional since I can't see you anyway. That might change if I have to look at you. As for grabbiness, you can pay in memes. Keep your property. It pisses off those nasty WEF people when you do that.
NRA is a good one;) Thanks for the piece of intelligence the other day. Thank you.
So is this an exclusive cult, or can one join while already being in another cult?
That depends. What cult are you in?
Well I'm the leader of the cult of anti-labelism and hypocrisy. It's an open cult as I do no recruiting, anyone that wants to join or leave is free to, you MUST label yourself an antilabelist, is the only rule about joining.
If you are against labels, how are you labeling yourself as a cult leader or member? Is this where the hypocrisy comes in?
Yes hypocrisy is an integral part of antilabelism. That is why Hypocrisy is my middle name, gotta own it!
Does the cult have chocolate?
Of course.