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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell explores spirituality, survival, metaphysics, media, and the truth. Join us for The Starfire Codes Podcast at starfirecodes.com
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MEME DROP #11: If You're Reading This, You're In My Cult Now.
Please Take Your Place In The Procession. The Ritual Is About To Begin.
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MEME DROP #11: If You're Reading This, You're In My Cult Now. Please Take Your Place In The Procession. The Ritual Is About To Begin.
“Don’t entertain negative energy.”
One of the best parts of participating in The Starfire Codes 💫 cult is being connected to beautiful people trying their best to impact their personal lives and the world around them. We all have to work on our souls; none of us are perfect, so being in a community that supports one another has added value to my life.
“Nothing is Written in Stone” on the walkway around the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester Vermont. A civilizational oasis.
I guess I’m Multi-Culti.