Humans ARE weird!

I concluded years ago I cannot possibly be a human. Still not sure what planet I’m from. What planet do cats of fire live on?! Lordy.

Have a lovely Blurrsday Demi! 💖

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Fire Cats? The same planet as Thunder Cats, maybe?! 🤣

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Thank you!!! This list was comprehensive, and you managed to still dive deeply into many topics succinctly and with precision. I love how your mind works….and how you convey this so lucidly in your writing 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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Thank you so much!! I’m honored, Solarah!! ☺️🙏🏻❤️

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Ohhhhhhhhh. I literally did not want this to end. What a read, what a writer, what a mind!

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Thank you so much, Suzy!! I'm honored!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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The journals! I feel that. Mine are digital and seem to be mostly about relationship issues. I’ve been agonizing about just deleting all that shit to release it.To get that energy unstuck and away from me. I’m past whatever it was I was journaling about. Then I think I need to reflect on the lessons so the mistakes don’t get repeated. But I don’t need to do that at all. The lessons are learned. I need to just stop it and dump all that into wherever it goes when you hit delete.

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Whatever you decide to do, I support your choice in it! Whatever you feel guided to do is best - use your intuition!! :)

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all that introspection and journaling is that your intuition never fails you. It’s the not paying attention to your intuition that gets you every single time!

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Absolutely!! 100%!!

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I like these random musings! They all tied in with each other in unexpected and sometimes multiple ways. Each one left me a lot of space for my own musings.

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Thank you!! :)

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I was impressed with the number of deep, soul-saving concepts you packed into a short read. Many of your insights made me shake my head in agreement, others made me think a minute and then relate to myself seamlessly.

I was intrigued by the piece on a marriage between two high IQ people. I had such a marriage. I was attracted by awe and sexuality; I believe he was attracted by male sexual hormones. After that slowed down a bit (never gone thankfully), we began to have the deep and stimulating conversations we had when we first met, only now they were deeper and more trenchant. It sustained our marriage for another 10 years.

Ultimately alas, he was pulled away by making money, I was left wanting more. To this day I do not believe I can find another man who will fill my soul as he did, who is as well-traveled and sophisticated as he was. These men are few and far between and at 70, the field is narrowed even more. I still believe it can happen though, why not?

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Thank you so much!

It can, and it's likely to happen if you are engaging in activities that engage your mind in the same ways you would want to be engaged in your interaction with your partner. Being strategic about how you're spending your time will make it easier, regardless of age. <3

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A truly wonderful post! Thank You!

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Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫

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In regards to the section 'Delayed Dysregulation' I have noticed the same thing. When looking back a week, month, or whenever later a high percentage of the content is irrelevant or of little consequence. Maybe I should delay reading everything for a couple weeks from now on and enjoy the ride instead! lol

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From what I have seen, you'd be better off! :)

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Great stuff...

...and closing browser tabs does feel like a loss. ;-)

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It seriously does!! 🤣

Thanks!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I haven't been able to stop thinking about living in an 'expectation engine' since you mentioned it.

It works!

The other day, John and I were going to a comedy show that a friend invited us to. It was pouring rain and in a place that we hated. We didn't want to go. On the way there, I mentioned the expectation engine, and how if we expect it to be a good time, it will be.

When looking into this show, we saw that a decently well-known comedian who we like performed there every once in a while. John spent the rest of the trip 'expecting' him to be there, and he showed up unannounced that night.

Crazy stuff! I really enjoyed this post.

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Special thanks to you 😊

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Don't know why, but I have always been fascinated by barbed wire fences. Maybe it's an old west thing.

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Great piece with lots of great insights. Some interesting parallels to parts of my thought process recently as well.

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Thank you!! I would love to hear more about it - I love hearing your insights!! 🥰❤️

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Thank you for the mention and for writing this. I know what you mean about not wanting to revisit things and once written down in a journal or comp book not even wanting to revisit it. I'm glad you threw away that box of pain. ❤️🙏

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Thank you so much. I was wondering if I was doing the right thing, but I did it anyway, and it turns out it was correct. I don't need to be carrying around reminders of darkness with me wherever I go. It's better this way. 🥰❤️

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You mentioned the 8 of swords. I am always reminded by this card's concepts of the 7 sorrows of St. Mary, which is a set of prayers the people devoted to Mary identify with her life. There are, like the wounds of Jesus about which people also sometimes pray, many more than are talked about. In ways that are difficult to describe, Mary bore many spiritual wounds while Jesus bore many physical wounds. It was essential to God's plan to healing the disobedience of Eve and of Adam to bring Mary and Jesus through these events in order to purchase for us the rewards of eternal salvation. In the book of Luke chapter 2 are these words from Simeon to Mary: "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted; and you yourself a sword

will pierce, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Luke 2:22-35)

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That's interesting. The 7 of Swords is about lying, cheating, opportunism, deception, falsehood, deceit. In a positive context, it could also indicate some kind of strategizing.

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