THE SCROLL: Is Your Support Network Really A Barbed Wire Fence?
Notes On Authenticity, Comedy, Compatibility, Cross-Pollination, Expectation, Grift, Healing, Nostalgia, Omnism, Psyop, And More.
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None of these various thoughts that have emerged over the past couple of weeks for me was long enough for its own dedicated piece, but I wanted to highlight them here, so I’ve collected them below….
The act of hiding the discrepancy forces the dual nature, and without rectifying it, it lashes out.
Honestly, if everyone would make a commitment to embodying the truest, most authentic versions of themselves without placing so much value upon what others think - and would leave room for others to do so as well - we would have so many less people acting out of their stifled, suppressed, unaccepted, ragingly pissed off shadows.
Which would, in turn, mean less people doing harm.
The world would be a much more peaceful place.
Physiologically, laughter is tied to nervousness.
It’s the expression of the dysregulation you feel trying to rectify disparate concepts in an attempt to make them make sense together.
Laughter happens the moment you’re caught off guard because the combination was jarring, it’s the way the body reacts as it attempts to reach resolve.
But there’s a sweet spot.
Too jarring and the audience recoils.
Just jarring enough and they ease into the discrepancy with you with laughter.
So if I’m looking at it from that vantage point, I might say that I would need to trust someone in order to give them the power to be jarring in front of me at a level I will accept without their taking it too far.
But that doesn’t account for the fact that we use humor as an icebreaker, as a means not only to broach difficult subject matter, but also as a way to charm and disarm a stranger to show them that, despite being “other,” we mean no harm.
We create trust via humor before we are trusted.
So, I would say JBP doesn’t have it quite right, but he’s on the right track.
Comedy is the noble act of transmuting pain into laughter so that we can heal.
The best comedy often comes from mining human pain for inspiration.
To feel it and understand it so that you can transmute it, you have to be willing to allow life to break your own heart.
That’s the price.
Why would any high IQ woman want to be with a man who doesn’t want to be with her? That makes no sense for anyone.
Also, there was a study done on IQ and compatibility. Forgive me for misremembering the origin of it, but I’m sure y’all would be able to find it easily enough.
With IQ, there’s a sweet spot to hit that determines compatibility and longevity of the relationship. If she’s within a standard deviation of you, you’ll do just fine. You will understand each other, value similar ideals, and neither of you will grow to be bored in later years.
Respect, however, is another issue entirely. She needs to give it freely. And he also needs to demonstrate that he deserves it in order to receive it. It’s just dynamics. There’s nothing nefarious about that. When you’re on the same page, it just feels correct. It’s not a constant struggle.
If you’ve got all that you’re in pretty good shape overall for longevity, statistically speaking.
Also, there’s a caveat in terms of very high IQ people. Very high IQ people prefer avoidance of arguments over consensus building. It has to do with sensitivity. When two very high IQ people are together because they have chosen to value that above other markers, they tend not to argue about general life issues as much.
To be honest, we’re more likely to argue about unnecessary intellectual minutiae for fun than to argue over anything mundane because that part would be settled, unnecessary, conversationally so boring we want to chew our own arms off and look for an escape, and deemed unworthy of devoting time to it from a logistical standpoint unless one of the two has a hangup about it - and then we often err on the side of whomever it affects more deeply out of empathy. YMMV.
Being able to playfully joke with each other - and to tease each other without either taking it personally - is always a massive plus!
And it shows that the other person has a baseline self-concept that keeps them from thinking that any level of chiding is meant with ill intent.
That’s a sign of strength and a demonstration of ability to take constructive criticism when it is kind and growth-focused.
And humor is a sign of quick-wittedness, thinking on one’s feet, and resilience (on top of placing a high value on generation of joy within the relationship, which, for longevity, is an absolute must).
All great ways to look at it and signs that you would be choosing mostly for what you DO want, which is huge.
(You wouldn’t think so - but most people are looking for a warm pulse who will simply accept them and then end up doomed to a lifetime spent with someone for whom they are ill-suited because, at the time, they were not thinking in terms of compatibility, often erring on the side of what society tells them that they should want on paper instead - FATAL move.)
Relationship fails, past that point, simply show us what we don’t want so that we can realign with what we do want and make better choices iteratively until we find what we’re looking for.
Often people with an existing platform are way too chicken shit to cross the aisle and face a potential drop in audience size. These people get accused of gatekeeping a lot, but I think they’re mostly scared they wouldn’t survive a pivot. The health freedom movement suffers from this a great deal.
The backlash often comes from the audience themselves, like how Tim Pool gets swatted all the time.
When I first started SFC, I got a bunch of hate mail telling me to “die in a fire.” I laughed. I thought it was ridiculous.
These were all people who were charged up about no longer being in political alignment with me because I thought the shot was dangerous and my messaging was not in alignment with their Regularly Scheduled Programming.
I typically don’t care what other people think - never really have. Wanna go? Cool. I wish them well, and I’m not about to change to keep them around. But not everyone feels that way.
For most people, it’s their primary concern to the point where the person they project to their audience is nothing at all like the person they are in real life.
I’ve found that often with anyone pretending to be the Ultimate Paragon of XYZism behind some avatar, the reality of who they actually are usually couldn’t be further from the archetype they portray.
And the louder and more domineering they are about pushing XYZism, the less they actually embody any of those characteristics in reality. Maybe they just wish they did. Or maybe they’re playing a character.
Humans are weird.
It’s cool that some people are seeing a united front as a necessity and they are proactively reaching out. When Tulsi Gabbard does it, it’s super genuine.
For others, it’s an attempt to cross-pollinate to grow their audiences if they think their audiences will be ok with that. Pretty neutral footing.
And for others, it’s a put on and it’s both sides of the uniparty narrative coming together to lock down the parameters of the Overton even harderer.
I think with Candace Owens the move makes sense - she got booted out of a publication asserting its boundaries in what seemed like a really odd flex but really showed where the funding is coming from. (And I mean, you see images of JBP and Ben Shapiro at dinner with Bibi emerge and did anyone really think this wasn’t going to become a thing at some point?)
Candace pushing the boundaries even further feels natural considering the trajectory she’s been kind of forced into. Makes sense to roll with it and ride the wave.
Delayed Dysregulation
As I scroll through all of the different "news" channels I subscribe to after a few months so that I can get caught up, I realize that my delay in reading these things becomes an inherent advantage.
From my perspective, I can see that all of these things that everyone was so worried about in the moment were of absolutely no consequence.
In fact, you probably don't even remember them now, despite the fact that you were so upset by them at the time and allowed your nervous systems to be completely dysregulated by taking them in.
You fought with others about it.
You expressed your opinions as though they were of dire import.
And nothing happened.
Nothing changed.
You probably don’t remember most of it.
The only thing affected by this was your own biochemistry.
Interesting, no?
Expectation I
[In response to
, Quantum Mechanics and the NYC Subway]If we are in an expectation engine and you expect the train to be a nine minute wait, you will need to wait nine minutes to catch the train.
Try expecting it to be a five minute wait and see what happens. See if anything changes.
If it’s still nine minutes, examine whether you still expected it to take nine even if you decided on five. And then decide on five fully.
After that, play with it and envision yourself catching each train exactly at the right time from then on and see what happens. Shorten the distance each time between yourself and what is ideal.
Expectation II
[In response to “There is only the rubble of an infinitude of collapsed superpositions.” -
, Solving the Anti-Life Equation (1st Permutation): The Darkseid of Safety ]If we could conceive of an actual “hell,” I think this would be it.
But we should be careful conceiving of it at all because believing is seeing - literally, in this case.
The majority of people returning from NDEs report that they saw what they expected to see (Monroe Institute data will back this up).
This happened regardless of which religious beliefs they held.
They got whatever they expected.
Which is to say, as Goddard would, that our expectations are influencing our experience - even in the perceived afterlife.
We get to choose there. And we get to choose here. And our choice dictates what we experience because you choose and the universe obliges (which is weird… I posted the meme I chose today in my Notes before I read this, but I don’t even know why I find this strange anymore… it simply is).
I couldn’t conceive of a worse hell than having all possible superpositions already collapsed into a state I could not change. Complete removal of agency. Negation of will. That’s the darkest of all possible dark sides.
Grift I
Two football teams have a rivalry.
Everyone is passionately cheering for their side while dogging the other side.
The more the fans argue about it in the stands, the more of a scene they create, the more it becomes an attraction, the more attention is paid, and the more value the advertising dollar holds.
One side seems to win. One side seems to lose.
Up in the box, both owners are sharing a bottle of champagne.
As long as they make money, they don’t care.
And they already made arrangements with the gambling industry moguls a month earlier to throw the game on one side and bolster profits for both off the split on the back end… with those in the stands paying for $10 cups of skunky beer none the wiser.
Grift II
We either begin with an actual grassroots movement that, on a long enough timeline, gets infiltrated, or conversely, we begin with a seemingly grassroots movement that people assume is genuine but was created as a controlled opposition data/fact gathering honeypot.
Either way, the result is not what the crowd was sold, the entity exists to push agenda regardless of how that came to be, and we should be wary of coming into contact with anything of the sort, even if we agree with the viewpoints on paper.
And to be fair, especially in this case, most of the people involved in the LP itself will tell you the exact same thing and that they’re not fans of it either.
At least they’re self-aware and honest about it, which is a lot more than I can say for most groups.
To their credit, they will absolutely open the lid and show you the secret sauce if you ask.
In fact, if you watch my convo with Larry Sharpe, that’s exactly what he did (go to ep 8).
LP is full of idealists turned skeptics and cynics who don’t want to run for office but feel like they have to, so it’s exactly what you’d expect.
I thought Ron Swanson was such a brilliant parody of this nature, someone holding office specifically because he thinks it’s his duty to take up space there to act as a barrier and make sure government doesn’t do shit.
In fact, two libertarians gave me this meme in the first place.
Healing and Consent
[In response to “When a person has made a problem part of their identity, they'll hate you for offering a solution.” -
]In energy healing, this is one of the reasons why we are told that getting the consent of the person receiving the healing is so important.
Some people are not ready to heal yet because they have formed an ego attachment to whatever ails them.
To remove the illness would be to remove that which they have falsely equated with the self - and if you offer, they often lash out instead of going inward to analyze why they might feel that way.
Health, Growth, and Change
Medication and therapy are extremely big business - we’ve all definitely seen that front and center since 2020.
And everyone wants a magic solution instead of committing to doing the real work of growth and change. Often, fixing the mindset fixes the problem.
They’d rather wear a mask and pretend to be what they’re not without doing anything to fix the root cause… or claim to be helpless, blame it on their genes, and pop a pill.
And there are many, many fake ass gurus, powerful pill peddlers, and agenda manipulators taking advantage of people not wanting to look inward because people tend to be so afraid of their own shadows to the point of absolute ridiculousness.
People’s own perception of their own mental and emotional pain left untreated and unprocessed can also manifest psychosomatic illness as one of the body’s ways of healing the issue, which is the focus of German New Medicine. Really interesting stuff.
But the reverse can also happen. Looking for predominantly energetic issues can cause you to overlook physical ones. To get to balance, all bases need to be covered.
Is Your Support Network Really A Barbed Wire Fence?
For most people, it’s a prison. I’m always talking about how we live in the time of the Eight of Swords which is representative of being stuck in a prison of one’s own mind.
We don’t know what we don’t know.
And we only process information according to what we do know.
And sometimes, that will take us into a fuckloop of making very bad decisions on repeat because, given what we think we know or what we think we’re supposed to do, and given the people around us tend to have, by and large, the same or similar limiting beliefs, our blind spots and their external reinforcements can prove to be fatal flaws that we never manage to think our way out of.
Especially when the “supposed to” thinking that keeps us boxed in has rigid hardwiring through the ancestral line.
It prevents creative problem solving by limiting the perception of what is possible.
And your support network, well meaning as they are, ends up boxing you in because your problems might be so far outside of their wheelhouse that they can’t conceive of what would be an appropriate answer to the issue.
And, because of this, you end up getting pulled back into a bucket of crabs that you should have easily been able to escape from with a simple perceptual shift that either goes unnoted or feels disallowed.
This can break your brain, break your life, and leave you in misery, when ironically, twisting the Rubik’s cube and looking at the problem from a new angle, one you might ordinarily reject or might perceive as not an option, could very well yield a viable answer.
I had a box of old journals, written probably ages 10-23.
The thing is the energetic signature of that box was so dark I couldn’t even sleep in the same room with it if I knew it was there.
And yet, I moved a lot and I kept bringing it with me from place to place to place.
Half joking, I eventually started calling it The Box of Pain.
I never wanted to look in there. I didn’t want to read it. I had no inclination to revisit any of it. I knew exactly what it was. And I didn’t want the reminder.
But I kept bringing it with me.
It made no difference to me that some of it was my artwork. It ordinarily would have, but I felt like it had served its purpose as a release… but then the energy was just stored up in that box instead of inside of me.
What good was it to carry it around with me everywhere I went? It was like only doing half of a ritual.
And that was my first clue that it needed to go so that I could release it.
Right before I moved to Switzerland, I took a few pages out of it to burn.
And I chucked the rest of it into a dumpster.
I wrestled with it that day, but the feeling dissipated, and I’ve never regretted doing it.
Sometimes what we think is nostalgia is really just another form of depression.
It felt like a powerful realization to me. I hadn’t really considered it as such until I started doing deeper dives into the manifestation process.
It gets so hard to distinguish that because it comes from a place of love in a sense, but it’s really a bittersweet feeling that comes from lack.
It’s living outside of the present and the discrepancy, the doting on what was rather than living in what is, causes that pang.
The pang is the mismatch… “I wish I still had what I either don’t have anymore or am looking back upon never having had in the first place.”
It’s ok to go there once in a while. We’re all human. But to live there, stunted by the lack and wishing for what was or what could have been on some other timeline, is ultimately maladaptive.
And any clinging to maladaptive thought patterns and emotional frequencies can stunt our manifestations. We hyperfocus on it and thereby we end up willing more lack to come to us.
It makes me wonder how many people continuously remanifest what would seem like a perpetual state of lack simply by mentally living in the past wishing for something that once was or never was that they can’t have anymore or never could in the first place.
Even the act of longing for a different time would do that… missing the 80s or 90s as many of us do… or for historical periods or timelines that, from our vantage point, have already passed us by.
Better to correct the thoughts, resist the urge to ruminate, come back to center, elevate the frequency, and set a new focus/intention.
I don’t understand disowning your family. And I come from a long line of disownings for interfaith marriages. You would think the prior generation would show some empathy for what literally happened to them as well. Nope. Not even a little bit.
BUT it made me who I am - I grew up around five different religions - and we come from all backgrounds! My family, in this generation, is worldly, open, understanding, and kind - and I wouldn’t trade that!
The allowances they made for me to question everything is how I arrived at my own worldview which is complex and dynamic and not something that someone sheltered from opposing viewpoints would have ever conceived of unless they fought back so hard against their upbringing that they ended up with a thirst for exploring everything under the sun.
I would never want to be stuck to having just one background, thought, idea, paradigm, belief system. The world is an amazing place full of wonderful ideas. I want to hear about all of them!
The Playbook
Often moral codes have been infiltrated and repurposed by the parasites to ensure you will stay trapped within a prison of your own mind. Easier to control that way.
If you refuse to stand up for yourselves or break out of your own ideological cages, you’re not a threat.
You are not operating from the same playbook as those controlling you.
Your playbook is intentionally full of anchors and albatross. They hand you a stunted rule book. And then they cheat. “Do as I say and not as I do.”
And if you see that for what it is and you choose to cheat, the people around you will put you in check, ensuring the victories of the cheaters who are not operating by the stunted playbook.
You will get pulled back into the bucket of crabs by the other crabs if you make an attempt to escape.
Conundrum. How do you win the game when it’s stacked against you and your notions of right and wrong?
[In response to “We are relentlessly subjected to a military-grade psy-op bombarding us with contradictions, lunacy, and lies until everything seems too complicated, every answer wrong, every uncertainty certain doom, and in that moment our shattered souls and mangled minds succumb to the nihilistic oblivion of the Anti-Life Equation. In that moment “self = Dark Side.” In that moment we love Big Brother. In that moment “2 + 2 = 5.” -
, Solving the Anti-Life Equation (2nd Permutation): Lossy Intellectual Compression and Stockholm Martyrs in the Metonymocracy]This was always the point at which we would see the mental breakdown start to occur, but in certain situations, this was a good sign because this + disclosure led to a dark night of the soul (black pilling) that triggered a reexamination of basic premises that needed to occur before a new model of actual reality (no pilling at all) was able to be discerned and implemented. I got into what to do about that here, part theory, part dealing with hundreds of people going through this in the psychological warfare trenches in 2020/2021 within an anonymous disclosure community.
And a lot of what we as a culture were dealing with fell under military grade psyop level ops for sure. It was a bizarre cross between 5GW and 6GW that impacted both sense of reality via messaging/propaganda and sense of relationship to space and time. Most of us legit could not tell you what day it was. The sense of passage of time was impacted in extremely jarring ways and a lot of people still haven’t unpacked or recovered from that. (When it happens to me, I call it Blurrrsday the Eleventeeth of Dodecatember.) It was meant to adversely impact logical thought processes and decision making skills, to break them and make the victims more infantile, impressionable, and ultimately malleable.
Special thanks to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .
Humans ARE weird!
I concluded years ago I cannot possibly be a human. Still not sure what planet I’m from. What planet do cats of fire live on?! Lordy.
Have a lovely Blurrsday Demi! 💖
Thank you!!! This list was comprehensive, and you managed to still dive deeply into many topics succinctly and with precision. I love how your mind works….and how you convey this so lucidly in your writing 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾