i believe ones aura is actually your immune system and it is in control of your health. when feeling ill People should consult an aura reader before seeing AMA doctor.
Shafica Karagula was a scientist and knew how to set up experiments. Her body of work was considerable and books are eye opening. Her studies are however unavailable in a private archive. I have no doubt about this capability and other higher sense perceptions as she termed them. They are widespread if not common. I am only pissed that I am not a recipient of these amazing capabilities. We need to think of them as physical gifts like VO2max or genius. They are not fake and they are not magic.
Each time we talk about an ability, people flood out of the woodwork saying they can do it too - I have no doubt that the designation of what's "rare" could be either a form of suppression or a sign of our growing consciousness in terms of people feeling like they cannot talk about their abilities until it feels safe to do so. It certainly seems that way!
Allopathic medicine has discounted most, if not all, alternative medicine. They call those practicing in other medical fields quacks. I’ve visited a homeopath in Las Vegas for years, who keeps me relatively healthy. He doesn’t need scientific proof for his practice. He sees the miraculous results every day from his work. I believe 💯 there are those gifted by God who can read auras.
This may not be an aura, but when the pictures came back from my first wedding years ago in 1976 in another lifetime, all the photos of my ex-husband‘s grandmother had a weird light around her. No matter which photo she was pictured. A few months later, she passed away.
We have more than five senses. Scientific exploration is intentionally limited to only five senses. So where these types of data begin, science cannot measure them. If you read what Jeremy Narby had to say about the problem with this, I tend to agree with him, especially in cases where hands are tied from presenting data acquired outside the five senses but this is exactly how pharma is acquiring new ideas for drug testing - often from ayahuasqueros in the Amazon. And when you ask the ayahuasceros how they got the idea to put those particular combinations together, they will say, "The plants told me." See if that would hold up in a scientific journal. And yet, this is how ideas for new medicines, then tampered with and patented in their unnatural states, are often acquired.
Further separation from our Supreme Bring who created us…. And gave us an incredible ecosystem to support our life. Who knows what we are missing over time? Due to their interruption.
Any suggestions for potential places to start looking for an "experienced aerona certified by a reputable organization who comes recommended by trusted sources". What are the names of "reputable organizations" that deal with this category of healing? Starting from ground zero on this topic and would appreciate some further input, if anyone is inclined to share...
Depends where you are - most prefer to do it in person. If you look up aura readings and training certifications in your area, you should be able to get a sense of what is available. Barring that, you could do the same for online readings.
Solarah just mentioned to me that she's incorporating this into her practice. If you go to my notes tab, you'll see the conversation there.
I read about this as a child prone to high fevers, with no medical explanation or resources to pay for them. I read quite a bit about healing through medium, and recall Mary Baker Eddy, as a child being treated by one.
What science knows for certain is that nothing is impossible. There was certainly as much fraud in this area as any other cure marketed, but certainly not half the damage done by bogus procedures and medicines.
What man understands of nature, is a pittance. There is no reason to discount the possibility that we, in fact, can create our own reality. I see no reason to complicate the process by over explanation, but if this works for some well, ok then.
Very well written but a perplexed how the Russian research was omitted, either by oversight or simply because of the situation as it now exist. However my time exploring Duke University was not completely in the Physics lab, although they do have an amazing lab, but also their paranormal and medial resources, were at the time (circa 2006), the most extensive I had the opportunity to examine at ANY University, save perhaps for the congressional library itself. There was a section on some of the Russian experiments in Auroral research, one in particular seem to prove conclusively not only the existence of but indeed pointed an area of diagnoses. The research is also reproduced by anyone who cares to follow their easily set up... Name what they were able to provide was photographic evidence. Where they used several different methods one was a photo take thru an electromagnetic field in ultraviolet light, of a whole leaf pedal and another after it had been cut. The aura outline of the whole leaf remained. Thinking it may have been the reason my grandfather, who lost his legs in WW2, still had feeling in the legs he no longer was in possession of.
i believe ones aura is actually your immune system and it is in control of your health. when feeling ill People should consult an aura reader before seeing AMA doctor.
Makes good sense.
Shafica Karagula was a scientist and knew how to set up experiments. Her body of work was considerable and books are eye opening. Her studies are however unavailable in a private archive. I have no doubt about this capability and other higher sense perceptions as she termed them. They are widespread if not common. I am only pissed that I am not a recipient of these amazing capabilities. We need to think of them as physical gifts like VO2max or genius. They are not fake and they are not magic.
Each time we talk about an ability, people flood out of the woodwork saying they can do it too - I have no doubt that the designation of what's "rare" could be either a form of suppression or a sign of our growing consciousness in terms of people feeling like they cannot talk about their abilities until it feels safe to do so. It certainly seems that way!
Allopathic medicine has discounted most, if not all, alternative medicine. They call those practicing in other medical fields quacks. I’ve visited a homeopath in Las Vegas for years, who keeps me relatively healthy. He doesn’t need scientific proof for his practice. He sees the miraculous results every day from his work. I believe 💯 there are those gifted by God who can read auras.
This may not be an aura, but when the pictures came back from my first wedding years ago in 1976 in another lifetime, all the photos of my ex-husband‘s grandmother had a weird light around her. No matter which photo she was pictured. A few months later, she passed away.
We have more than five senses. Scientific exploration is intentionally limited to only five senses. So where these types of data begin, science cannot measure them. If you read what Jeremy Narby had to say about the problem with this, I tend to agree with him, especially in cases where hands are tied from presenting data acquired outside the five senses but this is exactly how pharma is acquiring new ideas for drug testing - often from ayahuasqueros in the Amazon. And when you ask the ayahuasceros how they got the idea to put those particular combinations together, they will say, "The plants told me." See if that would hold up in a scientific journal. And yet, this is how ideas for new medicines, then tampered with and patented in their unnatural states, are often acquired.
Further separation from our Supreme Bring who created us…. And gave us an incredible ecosystem to support our life. Who knows what we are missing over time? Due to their interruption.
Any suggestions for potential places to start looking for an "experienced aerona certified by a reputable organization who comes recommended by trusted sources". What are the names of "reputable organizations" that deal with this category of healing? Starting from ground zero on this topic and would appreciate some further input, if anyone is inclined to share...
Depends where you are - most prefer to do it in person. If you look up aura readings and training certifications in your area, you should be able to get a sense of what is available. Barring that, you could do the same for online readings.
Solarah just mentioned to me that she's incorporating this into her practice. If you go to my notes tab, you'll see the conversation there.
i just went into yelp typed Aura Readers and 7 of them came up. reviewing them now.
Awesome! Let me know how it goes!
I read about this as a child prone to high fevers, with no medical explanation or resources to pay for them. I read quite a bit about healing through medium, and recall Mary Baker Eddy, as a child being treated by one.
What science knows for certain is that nothing is impossible. There was certainly as much fraud in this area as any other cure marketed, but certainly not half the damage done by bogus procedures and medicines.
What man understands of nature, is a pittance. There is no reason to discount the possibility that we, in fact, can create our own reality. I see no reason to complicate the process by over explanation, but if this works for some well, ok then.
Very well written but a perplexed how the Russian research was omitted, either by oversight or simply because of the situation as it now exist. However my time exploring Duke University was not completely in the Physics lab, although they do have an amazing lab, but also their paranormal and medial resources, were at the time (circa 2006), the most extensive I had the opportunity to examine at ANY University, save perhaps for the congressional library itself. There was a section on some of the Russian experiments in Auroral research, one in particular seem to prove conclusively not only the existence of but indeed pointed an area of diagnoses. The research is also reproduced by anyone who cares to follow their easily set up... Name what they were able to provide was photographic evidence. Where they used several different methods one was a photo take thru an electromagnetic field in ultraviolet light, of a whole leaf pedal and another after it had been cut. The aura outline of the whole leaf remained. Thinking it may have been the reason my grandfather, who lost his legs in WW2, still had feeling in the legs he no longer was in possession of.
I love this. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!