Aerona: The Paranormal Ability to Detect Illness Through Auras
Aeronas may be able to tap into the auric energy field to determine whether someone is unwell and help to assess why.
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The concept of auras, or subtle energy fields surrounding living things, has been present in spiritual and metaphysical beliefs for millennia. In recent decades, the idea that specially gifted individuals can visually perceive auras and intuit medical information about a person simply by reading their aura has begun to gain popularity. This purported psychic talent is known as aerona.
Proponents of aerona believe certain people have an innate psychic sensitivity that allows them to see the auric energy field around an individual and discern their mental, emotional, and physical health solely by reading patterns, colors, and disturbances in this field. Unlike psychic mediums who communicate with spirits or psychic empaths who can telepathically tap into emotions, aeronas claim to obtain medical intuitions directly from the aura itself.
The aura is thought to be a multi-layered, egg-shaped electromagnetic field enveloping the physical body. Each layer corresponds to a different type of energy within us. The etheric aura layer closest to the body reflects physical health, the emotional layer reflects moods and feelings, the mental layer thoughts and beliefs, and the spiritual layer one's soul essence. Aeronas purportedly can decode the aura's subtle energy imprints intuitively and gain impressions about illnesses afflicting the body as well as emotional, mental, or spiritual issues.
A skilled aerona is believed to be able to scan the aura field and detect blocked, distorted, darkened, or depleted areas indicating disease or dysfunction. For example, an aerona may notice black flecks in the etheric aura suggesting cellular damage or a tumor. A reddish, inflamed aura could indicate inflammation in the body. Dark smudges or cracks in the emotional aura layer could signal depression or trauma. An aerona can allegedly sense these auric signs of illness in the early stages before symptoms even arise.
According to aerona proponents, the aura provides a kind of energy blueprint reflecting what is happening in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the person. By intuitively reading and interpreting this subtle energy data field, aeronas can diagnose current and potential illnesses. They describe seeing aura colors, patterns, textures, and symbols that convey insight into medical conditions. Aeronas may perceive symbolic images in the aura indicating the affected organ such as seeing a picture of lungs if disease is present there. Some claim to intuitively hear messages or inner diagnostic guidance as they view the aura.
A skilled aerona is said to be able to scan the entire aura in moments and detect any issues in the body or psyche instantaneously. Aeronas can purportedly diagnose a wide range of physical illnesses including cancers, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal problems, heart conditions, chronic pain, tumors, and neurological issues. They can also detect mental health problems like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addiction, trauma, and more. Proponents believe aeronas can even detect potential illness risks and imbalances in the body before they manifest as disease.
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Many practicing aerona psychics ardently believe their medical intuitions constitute accurate diagnostic information. There are various associations that certify and provide standards for aura reading services. The pioneers of aerona diagnosis as a distinct paranormal talent were Americans Dora Kunz and Shafica Karagulla. Kunz channeled guidance from what she believed was the spirit of healer and aura reader Therese Neumann and recorded it in her book The Personal Aura. This guidance included instructions for reading the aura and using it to detect illness.
Kunz taught these techniques to Karagulla who went on to publish a research study on aura reading. In her book The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields, Karagulla recorded her findings from experimentally testing twenty aura readers. She had them diagnose lung, breast, and bone cancer in hospital patients solely by reading their auric energy fields. Karagulla claimed the aura readers accurately detected cancer in nearly all cases, demonstrating an ability to intuitively perceive illness through extrasensory perception of subtle energy fields.
Skeptics of aerona abilities contend that Karagulla's limited unsupervised experiments are not credible scientific evidence proving aura reading can yield valid medical diagnoses. They argue many potential issues could have influenced her results such as information leakage about patients or sensory cues providing clues. Critics point out there have been no properly controlled studies by independent researchers that validate aerona claims of diagnostic ability beyond random chance.
Rupert Sheldrake and Morphic Resonance
The work of biochemist Rupert Sheldrake could provide supportive evidence for the plausibility of aerona abilities. Sheldrake proposed the theory of morphic resonance which posits that a collective informational field exists between members of the same species. Through morphic resonance, the habits, behaviors, and knowledge of a species become shaped into informational fields that members can tune into through a process Sheldrake termed morphic resonance.
Sheldrake believes these morphic fields are responsible for the phenomenon of telepathy and that members of a species have a natural connection to the cumulative morphic field of that species. This could explain how aeronas may be able to intuitively tap into a human morphic field to perceive information about the state of a person’s health and body. Sheldrake conducted experiments that supported dogs, humans, and other species displaying unexplained communication between members of their species even when separated.
If something like morphic field resonance exists as Sheldrake proposes, it could provide an explanation for how aeronas may be able to intuitively perceive accurate medical information about a patient. The human morphic field may encode data about the cumulative health conditions and medical issues of the species that a skilled aerona could telepathically tune into and read through intuitive perception. This could be seen as a scientific basis for the natural talent aeronas claim to possess.
While Sheldrake’s theories are considered outside the scientific mainstream, they do present a hypothetical mechanism that could account for the possibility of aerona psychic abilities. His concept of tuning into cumulative informational energy fields of a species aligns with claims that aeronas can read the energy field or aura around the human body to gain medical insights. Further research would be needed to explore if Sheldrake’s ideas about morphic resonance could help explain and validate the alleged intuitive diagnostic talents of aeronas when reading the aura.
The Aura Reading Process
An aura reading session allows an aerona to survey your energy field for signs of illness or imbalance. Sessions are usually conducted in-person with you seated in front of the aerona practitioner so they can scan your entire aura. Some aeronas claim they can read auras remotely from a photo, but most prefer having you physically present.
A typical aerona reading lasts about 30 minutes to an hour. The aerona will begin by centering themselves and tuning into the subtle energy around your body. They may close their eyes to focus internally or gaze softly at points around your body. Advanced aeronas believe they can perceive multiple aura layers extending out from the body up to several feet. The colors, patterns, and sensations they claim to see and feel provide the raw data for their medical intuitions.
Next, the aerona will methodically scan your entire aura, studying each section closely for disturbances. To you, they may simply appear to be staring intently at various spots around your head, torso, and limbs. However, they report observing auric energy patterns that reveal insights into your health. The aerona searches for aura irregularities including dullness, dark spots, gaps, obstructions, inflammation, constrictions, and more. Any perceived auric abnormalities inform what illness possibilities they consider.
As the aerona scans your aura layers, they may provide a real-time narration of the issues they believe are indicated energetically. For example, "I'm noticing some blockages around your heart area which may reflect matters of emotional loss you are dealing with," or "your etheric aura layer appears inflamed around your throat and lungs suggesting possible respiratory issues." The aerona intuitively pieces together subtle signs into a unified diagnosis reflecting the underlying energetic cause of disease.
After thoroughly surveying your entire energetic field, the aerona will summarize their overall diagnostic impressions. For example, "From reading your aura, I perceive you have an underactive thyroid condition affecting your metabolism and energy levels." They may offer lifestyle or spiritual guidance to help correct auric imbalances they feel are precursors to disease. Aeronas believe that healing the aura can heal the body.
Some aeronas can perceive solutions to medical issues through intuitive guidance they receive while scanning the aura. The aura is thought to contain an innate wisdom about how to restore health. These healers may provide auric energy balancing, clearing, revitalization, and chakra alignment techniques. They claim these energetic treatments applied to the aura can eliminate the root causes of illness.
Essentially, aeronas view the aura as a kind of subtle energy hologram containing all information about the human system from disease precursors to ideal wellness states. By tapping into its omniscient auric wisdom, they believe gifted intuitives can accurately diagnose current and upcoming health problems. However, without controlled empirical studies proving aeronas can obtain verifiable data strictly from the aura itself, the medical community does not accept aura reading as a valid diagnostic procedure.
Types of Illnesses Allegedly Detected by Aeronas
According to aerona practitioners, aura readings unveil a wide spectrum of physical and psychological health conditions. Here are some examples of issues they claim the ability to detect:
Cancers - leukemia, lung cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, tumors, etc.
Cardiovascular problems - heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, strokes, aneurysms
Gastrointestinal disorders - ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, liver disease, pancreatic conditions
Neurological conditions - Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, seizures, migraines, nerve damage
“Autoimmune” diseases - lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease
Respiratory illnesses - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma
Endocrine disorders - diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue
Bone and muscle disorders - osteoporosis, arthritis, tendonitis, muscle strains
Reproductive issues - uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, erectile dysfunction
Mental health disorders - depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, addictions
Emotional problems - grief, anger issues, lack of self-esteem, emotional trauma
Potential future risks - propensity for any of the conditions listed above
General pain or dysfunction anywhere in the body
Aeronas believe no condition is beyond their ability to perceive through aura patterns. They claim to detect illnesses in their earliest subtle energetic phases before physical symptoms arise. Proponents feel aerona diagnosis provides a preventative approach that gives early warning of developing health problems. However, absent conclusive studies proving auric intuition can yield accurate medical data, mainstream doctors do not rely on aura readings for diagnostics. More research would need to be conducted to be able to determine efficacy and reliability in order to institute this practice within the mainstream. Until that time, the practice is relegated to alternative medicine.
Overall, skepticism remains high in the mainstream medical community regarding the validity of aerona abilities to remotely detect illnesses just by reading subtle energy fields around the body. Nevertheless, many aerona practitioners steadfastly believe in their natural talent for intuitively scanning auras and gathering insights into medical conditions.
The Perspective of Aerona Supporters
Aerona proponents argue that just because science has not yet proven the existence of auric energy fields, does not necessarily mean they do not exist. They point to the many instances throughout history where phenomena previously dismissed as pseudoscience were later validated by science such as hypnosis, acupuncture, and meditation. They believe science will one day advance enough to detect and measure the subtle energies involved in aura reading.
Supporters contend that auric fields resonate at very high frequency levels beyond the scope of current scientific instruments to detect. However, they believe science will eventually develop technologies sensitive enough to measure these subtle energies and validate the aura as a real phenomenon. They assert aura reading provides intuitive insights that go beyond our current limited Western scientific understanding.
Proponents cite ancient Eastern traditions of energy healing that recognized vital energy bodies surrounding the human system centuries before science discovered electromagnetic fields. The Chinese concept of chi and the Indian system of chakras and nadis described models similar to the multi-layered auric field. Aerona supporters feel these ancient wisdom traditions corroborate the existence of subtle energy auras in ways modern science has not yet caught up to.
Aerona practitioners argue that just because an ability cannot be explained by current science does not mean it is invalid or impossible. They contend there are natural human capacities science does not understand such as how some people display psychic talents, telepathy, clairvoyance, or extrasensory perception. They believe aerona is one of these innate intuitive gifts possessed by certain individuals.
Supporters point to the many sincere aerona readers who are thoroughly convinced of their natural ability to accurately diagnose illness by scanning the aura. These practitioners believe wholeheartedly in their talent and feel they have helped many clients detect health issues through aura readings. They suggest that dismissing aerona outright as impossible is arrogant when science still has much to learn about bioenergies, intuition, and the extent of human potential.
Proponents feel proper scientific studies on aerona diagnosis could yield compelling results if designed to account for the emotional and spiritually-centered nature of the ability. They want to see more open-minded research on aerona abilities rather than dismissive skepticism. Ultimately, they believe science will one day expand its paradigm to explain and validate aerona as a natural human talent aligned with new discoveries in energy medicine and expanded consciousness.
Tips for Working with an Aerona Practitioner
If you wish to get an aura reading from an aerona, here are some tips for having the best session possible:
Find an experienced aerona certified by a reputable organization who comes recommended by trusted sources. They should have extensive training and practice reading auras.
Be open and relaxed during your session so your aura flows naturally. Stress or resistance can restrict the aura which could interfere with the reading.
Give the aerona practitioner permission to share whatever they honestly perceive even if it is upsetting or uncomfortable. Don't have major preconceptions or fears about what will be seen.
Understand they may detect issues before obvious symptoms arise which could seem questionable but may reveal risks. Keep an open mind.
Realize there are some conditions even skilled aeronas may have trouble detecting such as in the early stages or if heavily masked by medications. Their vision is not perfect.
Consider the reading as a supplementary insight to explore further through medical tests. Never use an aura reading as a replacement for other forms of diagnosis and treatment.
Be ready to take responsibility for improving your own health regardless of what the aerona discovers. Make positive lifestyle changes if necessary.
View it as gauging your overall holistic health rather than just checking for problems. Focus on understanding your complete energetic picture.
Aerona readings remain highly controversial and are not designated for use in diagnosis in Western medicine. However, those open to the possibility of aura intuition say readings can provide personal insight, reveal useful health risks to monitor, and motivate better self-care. Approaching aerona with cautious optimism allows you to explore this paranormal phenomenon while responsibly managing your health.
The Future of Aerona
Currently, the practice of reading auras to detect illness exists on the fringe of accepted medicine. But if aerona abilities could be empirically validated under scientific testing conditions, it would turn modern science on its head. Demonstrating that a subtle energetic representation of the physical body exists containing encoded diagnostic data would have profound implications.
It would provide the first true evidence of auras that ancient Eastern traditions have described for millennia. It would substantiate energy and consciousness based paradigms of health aligned with holistic and shamanic medical systems. It would establish intuition and expanded human perception as viable avenues of obtaining medical knowledge.
Validating aerona could open doors to research into developing technology to objectively measure and translate information in the aura. This could enable doctors to scan patient's auric fields for diagnosis in validated clinical settings, revolutionizing medicine. Knowledge gained from the aura could also lead to revolutionary understandings of how consciousness and energy influence human health.
Overall, if aerona is one day established as a legitimate psychic ability through proper scientific channels, it would represent a transformative shift in modern science and medicine. It would transition healing practices to be more holistic, energy-based, consciousness-centered, and intuitively guided. Proof of aerona could be a stepping stone to exploring many psychoenergetic phenomena that defy current scientific paradigms.
While mainstream medicine does not currently accept aura reading as medically useful, the possibility remains that science may expand or evolve over time to explain, validate, and implement aerona abilities. As science delves deeper into biofield research, subtle energy medicine, and expanded human potential, perhaps insights will arise to change perspectives on this unusual paranormal talent. But unless truly compelling proof emerges, aerona is likely to remain scientifically disputed.
The lack of accepted physical mechanisms for aura intuition and failures under controlled testing keep aerona stuck in a controversial gray zone. But a rare few gifted individuals will likely persist in cultivating this paranormal skill and providing aura diagnostic services regardless of aerona's nebulous scientific status. The alluring possibility of detecting illness through extrasensory abilities alone continues to inspire those who believe in the phenomena and their own intuitive talents.
So while mainstream medicine does not endorse aerona as valid, this does not seem to deter the most ardent proponents from pursuing aura reading diagnostics. Time will tell whether science will ever expand its boundaries enough to validate what some perceive as a genuine psychic gift or whether aerona will remain elusive and unprovable. But there will always be those drawn to pushing past the limits of accepted reality to explore unconventional talents and possibilities. The controversy and mystery swirling around aerona will likely continue attracting intuitive free-thinkers willing to cultivate this fringe practice.
i believe ones aura is actually your immune system and it is in control of your health. when feeling ill People should consult an aura reader before seeing AMA doctor.
Shafica Karagula was a scientist and knew how to set up experiments. Her body of work was considerable and books are eye opening. Her studies are however unavailable in a private archive. I have no doubt about this capability and other higher sense perceptions as she termed them. They are widespread if not common. I am only pissed that I am not a recipient of these amazing capabilities. We need to think of them as physical gifts like VO2max or genius. They are not fake and they are not magic.