You have to be receptive of what others say and are willing to give in order to make progress. You can't move forward otherwise. Thanks for what you bring to the Substack community.
1046 I read as an 11 solid... Tho other numbers appear they’re in our rear view mirror. See how the 11 fits both guardian and it’s angelic quality. Just saying. I do like your tarot decks. At the time of sister Cleo, 1994-2006, there was 200 give or take Dabrials under my supervision. Gypies Roma all... Like herding cats, but good lord they’re born to read if they’re clear of mischief... Problem in mischief is their second nature😳
Perfect for me today because I started my new job and I am very happy!
YAY!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Inspiring, positivity in the a.m. is always a good thing. thks
You have to be receptive of what others say and are willing to give in order to make progress. You can't move forward otherwise. Thanks for what you bring to the Substack community.
Thank you so much! That's very kind of you!
Soul Coughing - “Idiot Kings” 😍
A cosmic kind of love sounds good to me....✨❤️🙏
1046 I read as an 11 solid... Tho other numbers appear they’re in our rear view mirror. See how the 11 fits both guardian and it’s angelic quality. Just saying. I do like your tarot decks. At the time of sister Cleo, 1994-2006, there was 200 give or take Dabrials under my supervision. Gypies Roma all... Like herding cats, but good lord they’re born to read if they’re clear of mischief... Problem in mischief is their second nature😳