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Channeled Messages
Have trust in your resourcefulness and the courage to persevere and this will lead to fast career growth. The willingness to be impartial at the beginning of a new cycle will put you in a state of joy and gratitude as you savor the passions and pleasures your life begins to bring.
You are finally seeing your own self-worth clearly in the way that you were intended, in the way that the divine sees you, and this is helping you to answer the call of your divine purpose.
The time to cast away any facades, old ways of beings, and ways in which you are out of alignment with the truest version of yourself is right now - as you transform out of the form of a person who cares what others think so much that you cease to be your truest self and into the type of person who maintains their own sense of identity and beingness no matter what, you will find that a fresh new way of living is emerging for you.
You have picked yourself up from betrayal and ruin and you are following your heart forward no matter how much it hurts. You are listening to your heart and to your emotional needs and remaining receptive to receiving love even though you’ve been resting and recuperating from the pain of loss up until now.
You find clarity in someone who comes toward you wanting to build slowly and steadily. The truth and clarity of this connection and your ability to trust it are breaking you out of your binds and freeing you to experience emotional fulfillment. It’s time to let this dark energy go and move on.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
Exposé - Seasons Change
Cord-Cutting Meditation: Release All Negative Attachments and Call Back Your Power
110 - Fast Career Growth
1046 - Willingness and Joy
Oracle and Tarot Cards
David Bowie and Queen - Under Pressure
Hole - Playing Your Song
Idina Menzel - Let It Go
Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now
L7 - Pretend We’re Dead
Ludacris - Move Bitch
Sonic Youth - 100%
Sonic Youth - Sugar Kane
Soul Coughing - The Idiot Kings
Violent Femmes - Prove My Love
Perfect for me today because I started my new job and I am very happy!
Inspiring, positivity in the a.m. is always a good thing. thks