You've Got To Jump Off Cliffs All The Time And Build Your Wings On The Way Down
Channeled Messages 11-20-2021
Odin Meditation (Shamanic Trance)
66 - Relationships: Put Your Mind At Ease
144 - Solid Foundation: Fruits of Consistency
222 - Independence, Diplomacy, Sense of Duty
223 - Trust the Universe: Express Yourself More
414 - Get Familiar With Your Gifts: Let Your Gifts Give You The Life You Want
917 - Forgive and Forget
Oracle Cards:
You are being called to lead, to use what you know of how to harness expanded consciousness to get people to think through provocation. Stand in your power, be yourself, and express what you need to say. You’re being encouraged to work with others to this aim. Keep things simple and joyful in this endeavor and abundance will increase.
As you consider with whom to share your energy, take it slow and examine the minor details. Know that the people around you have your best interests at heart and will share their energies with you reciprocally before you commit to any exchanges.
Use your discretion. There was some kind of deception that occurred in the past, likely surrounding some form of betrayal or secrets that were kept hidden from you, and you are wary about trusting; justice in this case has already been served or will be soon. But you will know when the time is right to move ahead if you use your intuition.
Before you begin, there are things you will need to release, energies from the past you will need to heal, and things that might bubble up into your consciousness to be examined and dealt with.
Know that you will be able to craft your life into anything you want it to be, especially if you see what your perception is trying to show you and you are using the wisdom of your experience fully.
Ultimately, you’re being guided to take the time to heal this but not to let any of it hold you back. You don’t need to be perceived as being right - in this case, you just need to take bold action and dare to reach. Your guides want you to know that when you take a leap, you will fly.
Enhances: “Sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making.”
Foretells: “Faith, loyalty, justice, rationality, self-sacrifice, analysis, victory, honesty, even-handedness.”
Rules: “Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters. Building spiritual will and development of sound judgment. Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice. Develops the "force of faith" in magic and religion.”
Interpretation: “Tiwaz is a warrior rune named after the god Tyr who is the Northern god of law and justice. Tyr is related to the north star in the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem, around which the fixed stars in the night sky appear to rotate. Ancient seamen used Polaris as their main navigational aid in their long journeys, and the symbol as an arrow pointing upward is perhaps made in reference to this. This symbolizes the positive ordering of the cosmos and humankind through law and justice and our moral compass. Chaos comes to order through the attributes of awakened consciousness and the guiding principles concerned with carrying out such an awakening. Tyr is a one-handed god with a long history, and his hand was sacrificed to trick the wolf, Fenris, into being chained. Tiwaz is just victory according to the law of accumulated right past action. To rule justly, one is asked to make many self-sacrifices, and Tiwaz can develop the power of positive self-sacrifice and temper over-sacrifice. The belief that courage and a right cause carries the day is governed by Tiwaz. It is the common justice of the people rather than the use of law by tyrants (a word that uses Tyr as a root). Tiwaz will bring about a correct balancing of the scales so that you are assured a fair hearing and fair decision. Do not be thrown off balance by the chaos of your environment. Like the North star, you must remain true and calm, assert your case with confidence and let the energies of your orlog assisted by the force of Tiwaz bring about a right solution. Should you need reassurances that there is value in building up positive patterns in advance of emergency, this is the time you will see its greatest manifestation. You have earned the right to a fair and just decision. Tiwaz will be used to bring fair distribution of the earned energies from your ancestral stream. Tiwaz can be used to bring about a missionary zeal for a righteous cause. The most powerful insight we can draw from Tiwaz is that we must target our energies in the single most correct place, just as the arrow or spear symbolized by the rune must. Call upon Tiwaz for justice.”
Eric Arjes - Find My Way Back
A Hades and Persephone Playlist
Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight
Metallica with San Francisco Symphony Orchestra - Nothing Else Matters
Mose - Goldcast Mix
No Doubt - Hella Good
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity
Sia - Natale's Song
Tash Sultana - Blackbird