The Photo (Log Ring Lives) Is So Profoundly Fitting For This Incredible Read - This Image Is Etched In My Memory Now ... Great Report 💥❤️🤩❤️🇺🇸

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Thank you so much!! ❤️

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One of the important lessons I received in Texas in 2020 is to receive and accept God's love. It came about this way. A visiting preacher was speaking to our church group. He said that he had been at a powerful revival meeting and was shown a vision of Jesus Christ walking through the crowd all around him. Every time Jesus would pass near the preacher would say, "Jesus, I love you." But Jesus kept walking, as if He didn't hear. After this happened a few times the preacher asked a friend nearby for advice. The friend lit up a smile of understanding and recognition.

The friend said, "Tell Jesus you receive and accept His love." And this was done, after which Jesus smiled upon the preacher.

God knows better than anyone who you really are and what you really want, even if you don't know to want it.

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Brilliant. ❤️ Such an important message.

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Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️

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