You Are An Alchemist. You Can Take Any Situation and Transmute It Into Something Greater.
Channeled Messages 11-3-2021
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Dr. Octagon - Blue Flowers
65 - A Sign of Transformations
92 - Auspicious New Beginnings
110 - Fast Career Growth: Be Smart and Brave
529 - Constant Thinking: Inner Intuition
542 - Believe in Achievements: Work Harder
644 - Your Good Luck: Divine Fortune
696 - Minding Others: Have Feelings For People In Pain
5132 - Maintain A Good Heart: A Beautiful Heart Makes You Admirable To Others
6036 - Watch Your Life: Stabilize Your Spirituality
Oracle Cards:
Your spiritual team is sending you a message that you are not alone. They are looking after you and making sure that things fall into place. But you have to get super clear on what it is you want and hold the frequency of having that so that they can bring it to you. The Trader card is showing there an energetic flow that needs to occur here in order to create room for what you requested. This shift that is happening means that some things are flowing out of your life in order for other things to enter.
If you have already begun to shift this energy, it has begun to move in the direction of whatever you decided you want. Often, it may require some kind of a shake up from the universe in order to make that happen, which is what we’re seeing here in the Arousing card. It’s a fast change, something unexpected that comes in like a lightning strike to clear a path for what you asked for. With the Iris card beside it, another card of massive transformation, whatever is changing for you is powerful and BIG. Your life before and after this change will likely not bear resemblance to each other.
What you’ve asked to change likely has to do with some regret you’ve had. The Eclat card indicates that you will have victory in this, but no battle fought is without loss. Again, we’re seeing the theme here that letting go is necessary in order to make room to receive. With the new moon approaching, it’s an opportune time to think about what changes you’d like to make and how you’d like to set your intentions in order to move forward.
You’re moving out of a situation where you were trying to navigate an energy that felt like you were constantly having to make unnatural trade offs. As we see with the Marrying Maiden card next to the Trader card, this energy was something more transactional than heart-centered, something that potentially made you feel manipulated and bound. You’re being urged to be courageous in the Courageous Peony card, to tap into your inner knowing and allow the real you to come forward. Your authenticity is both magnetic and healing. Not everyone is meant for you, not everyone will understand you, not everyone is cut out to be in your life for the long haul, but you’re not for everyone anyway and what makes you unique makes you amazing. Your people will see that spark and will be drawn to it. The more courageous you are about showing your true self, the more you will draw in to you people who resonate with the person you truly are. We all need to feel loved, understood, and supported for our true selves. Having people like this around you will only enhance your life. Being unapologetically yourself brings in partners and friends who resonate with the real you, which is something you’ve been keeping to yourself. there will be movement here. You won’t feel the need to keep yourself so hidden once you’re surrounded by people who get you.
All of this is taking you to a headspace where you will be more aligned with mission. Stepping into who you truly are makes your life purpose clearer to you, and once you make decisions to act upon the things you want and the things you want to do, you will no longer feel the need to be hesitant about it. From here, you will get further into the details. You will focus inward to meditate on developing a plan of action to achieve what you have outlined and you will the self-discipline to follow through on it. With the Nemesis card showing up, acting soundly keeps justice firmly planted in your corner when you do what you know is right.
The Cure - A Letter to Elise
Deftones - Outer Space mix
Doves - Firesuite
Frank Sinatra - Fly Me To The Moon
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler
The National - Brainy
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
Ray LaMontagne - Such A Simple Thing
Thrice - The Color of the Sky
Thrice - Scavengers
The xx - Shelter
Special thanks to Amelia Zarden and Sophia.