Oh! I can’t resist this prompt - “Who blasts Wilson Phillips???” 🤩🤩🤩 Im going to have to buy some time to write something! Maybe a song? Music 🎶 I’ll surprise you!

My manager Richard Duryea helped build the Mamas and the Papas career, and he was the road manager for The Beach Boys when he was young. He maintains a close relationship with all the living members.I attended Carnie’s wedding with him back in I think 2000 or so. This is going to be fun!

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I was wobbled by the Wilson Phillips thing too. I’m surprised anyone still remembers them-but they were HUGE!

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Someone was blasting it outside my place and a few posts ensued from this but that's what it ended up boiling down to... who the hell blasts Wilson Phillips in 2024?? Hahaha!

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Why the Hell does anyone do anything anymore?

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I don't think we'll ever know. LOL!

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Awesome!! I love it!!! 🥰🙏🏻💜💫

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I love this contest idea, Demi! I'm in the market for a new song. And I can see some good lyrical potential in here: "I'm fine. I'm just annoyed by repetition. I've learned this lesson. Someone kick the jukebox. It's skipping." ;)

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I'm stoked for song entries!! That's going to be so much fun!! I can't wait!! :)

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Here's my entry, at last : https://marinarena.substack.com/p/who-blasts-wilson-phillips

This was an unexpected blast to write :-)

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Thanks, Marinarena!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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And here is my submission: https://open.substack.com/pub/niloferneubert/p/a-woman-pays-the-price?r=3mhqvx&utm_medium=ios. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Thanks for entering! :)

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Writing Contest Submission for Sentences I Never Thought I Would Say Or Hear: Volume Four. I used five of your prompts in a fan fiction short story. They are bolded. Hope you enjoy. [https://rayfoy.substack.com/p/losses]

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Thanks, Ray! :)

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Here is my short story, I had a lot of fun writing it. hope you enjoy reading it.


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Thanks for entering, JP! :)

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Awesome contest, looking forward to joining.

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Thanks! Looking forward to it!! :)

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Hi! Here’s my entry. It’s a romantic contemporary short story. 4K words. I merged 2 paragraphs from the prompt list into the story (somewhere in the middle-ish) The story contains strong language and sexual references.


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Thank you for entering, Kathrine! :)

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Have fun with this one...https://substack.com/profile/22546780-jack-everly/note/c-53097053


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Thanks for entering!! :)

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Loved this one: “It might be alive, it might be breathing, if you poke it with a stick, I can't guarantee you can tell its mouths from its anuses....” It’s a concept I often ruminate upon. It’s not the one I’ll write about, but it’s totes groovy all the same.

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Thanks, Jack!! :)

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Every time I see the “sentences I never thought I’d hear” threads, Lupe Fiasco’s “words I never said” automatically starts playing in my head and I have to listen to it at least once.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, I strongly recommend. It’s powerful: https://youtu.be/22l1sf5JZD0?si=VlRuXnnllzYNFEUe

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Could have made this a novel but I had to stick to just writing 830 words. Please enjoy my submission: https://open.substack.com/pub/velvetroompublishing/p/a-clean-up-in-the-diner?r=1ha32l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Thanks for entering! :)

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ShitGlitterLandia is my prediction for at least one of the submission titles.

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Thank you for the nice little momentum win to start the week :) I love this page.

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Thank you so much, Matthew! And congratulations again!! :)

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Congrats to the winners, and thanks to Demi for doing these monthly contests...

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This IS a cool and ongoing thing you have here, and so very ORGANIZED of you. I am impressed. I must have missed that conversation that included Plumblossomtown, but I know that place! :)

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Aww - thank you!! :)

Ha! That was Jacqueline - you were supposed to have seen that, for sure - I'm glad you just did!! :)

Sending my love!! <3

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