This month's are better than last months. So many good ones! The furry organ is inspiring a horror comedy, I may be able to weave something with these sentences for that. I should have channeled my anxiety into doing the Hades one but was stuck in my head, just start telling me to get to work as I'm having a hard time governing myself harder. Lol 😆

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Poor leithian. I think I traumatized her with that thing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I am having PTSD flashbacks as I type this.


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OMFG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Let's go!

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This was stellar writing. Loved every minute.

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Thanks!! These were great!! I can't wait to read/listen to the next set!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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YAY!! Alpacamallow approves of this message!! BWAKKKK!! 🤣🤣🤣

Thank you Demi!!!

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Does Alpaccamallow shit glitter? Enquiring minds need to know! 🤣

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I believe the majority of so-called mythical creatures shit glitter. It's the least they could do.

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Fuck yes dude. It's like we know unicorns probably shit glitter and dragons gold but I'll wager a Phoenix shits nothing but liquid gold covered in glitter. 🤣( I fully know I'm a dork but could not pass up the opportunity to work in shits liquid gold covered in glitter bc I'm ridiculous)

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That is actually a thing! I'm serious! I know this because I used to keep a list of bizarre products that people recommended at my old job.... And this was usually one of them.... 🤣🤣🤣


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Among other things, YES!! 🤣🤣🤣

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I think it shits glitter, like corn dude. 🤣

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I am the Lord's delete finger. Currently I’m finger-bangin’ the shit out of you evil morons.

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Thanks for the mention!

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"Welcome to 1939 slipping 1984 a mickey and birthing Rosemary’s baby."

Such hilariously tragic truth. I apparently missed this one.


Seriously, though, I don't even need the context to get it. Perfect.

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Is your support network really a barbed wire fence? Whoa! Could not have been any more perfect a message for me to read this morning in regard to a so called friend. 💥Thank you! ❤️💕

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Happy to help!!! 🙏🏻❤️

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"Welcome to 1939 slipping 1984 a mickey and birthing Rosemary’s baby."

—That's awesome!

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Here's a link!


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Thanks for playing the game!! :)

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Thanks!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I did this one. It actually has 2 of the prompts. The title and 2 memes. 💕https://blissandblisters.substack.com/p/is-your-support-network-really-a

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Thanks for the entry! :)

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Thank you for another great prompt! "Don't let me ever catch you pissin' in the fridge toilet."


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Thanks for playing the game!! :)

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Starfire Codes Writing Contest: A Piece Called Untitled


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Thanks, Jack! :)

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The broccoli is on fire.

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I've known some people who could set broccoli on fire. LOL.

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