Why does solar activity matter to us?
Down the Rabbit Hole Research Series Volume Six, Part Three
6.1: GSM Grand Solar Minimum: An Overview of What To Expect
6.2: Learning From History: 1816 The Year Without A Summer, Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death, and Grand Solar Minimum GSM
6.3: Why does solar activity matter to us?
6.4: Effects of Geomagnetic Activity Upon Human Health
6.5: CIA studied how geomagnetic storms impact psychic phenomena
6.6: Grand Solar Minimum Preparedness
Here, we see what solar maximum and solar minimum look like. The state of our sun currently is on the right.
This minimum has been projected to extend much longer than a standard minimum. When that occurs, we call this event a Grand Solar Minimum. They happen every 200 years. They are just part of the space weather cycle. They happen regardless of anything that human beings do. It’s literally weather.
So, why does solar activity matter to us?
When we have weakened solar wind, this affects our polar jets. As we have seen in previous deep dives, we are already seeing strange behavior with the jet streams.
Solar flares expand (warm) our upper atmosphere. If there is any lag in the solar flares, this brings cooler weather.
This can cause lags in magnetic protection resulting in less protection from cosmic radiation. Excess cosmic radiation is known to cause low level clouds resulting in heavy rains, flooding, and less sun light. Cooler weather.
Some also suggest that cosmic rays influence human behavior.
We will explore this in greater depth in a subsequent post.
Left, March 22, 2018. Right, Maunder Minimum [1645 - 1715] reconstruction map.
We are on the threshold of a solar minimum. The sun's north and south magnetic fields will do their normal 'flip.' The sun's magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years. It happens at the peak of each solar cycle.
According to solar physicist Phil Scherrer, “The sun's polar magnetic fields weaken, go to zero and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. This is a regular part of the solar cycle.”
NASA is saying that the next cycle is 19% weaker than the current cycle which would already be considered weakened. This is called a 'Grand Solar Minimum' or an 'Extended Solar Minimum.'
Here is a solar cycle comparison chart. Note that the lowest - the pink one - is our most recent cycle, Cycle 24. NASA predicts that this cycle, Cycle 25, will be even lower.
Sun spots are good way to measure solar activity. Here, we have Cycle 24 data from 2018. The most recent cycle, Cycle 24, was very weak and shorter than normal signaling an overall down trend on solar activity.
Watching the previous cycles and gathering data helps us to get a sense of this space weather pattern so that we know when to expect fluctuations in earth weather, upticks in natural disasters, and complications in worldwide agriculture, which, if left unchecked, could lead to famine and social unrest.
Here, we see sea ice levels are above average.
This graph shows 4000 years of central Greenland temps mapped to historical events.
We can see here that the troughs contribute to unrest and upheaval, which we can attribute to many of the reasons to watch the data so that we do not repeat history that we cited earlier.
Note here that the collapse of Egypt, the fall of Rome, the Dark Ages, and the Black Plague all occurred during troughs.
Additional resources:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Atmospheric Compression Snow & Rain Events Autumn 2018-2019 (729). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Atmospheric Compression snow & rain events have begun to intensify in numbers and intensity in the last month as the Suns magnetic fields move further out of phase, ushering in more more extreme weather. Six months worth of rain in a day events in dozens of locations across the planet and this is now turning into all time record monthly snow totals in the first week of a month.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Cascadia Shakes & Halloween Blizzard for USA (734). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Late season Hurricane Willa expected to make landfall in Mexico at a Category 4. Along the same coast Cascadia range shakes with 3 6.5 mag+ quakes in the same few hours, but rest assured as the authorities tell us, nothing in the plate changed. Lastly, Halloween blizzard on tap for N.E USA, explain to your kids that hot = cold. You will notice even kids dont understand IPCC reasoning that heat equals record cold.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Cold Climate Begins as Sun's Output Weakens, What Will We Eat (722). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Earth's Thermosphere Record Cold & Auroras with No CME (719). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “NASA coming out stating that Earth's Thermosphere is entering record territory and even mentions "Solar Minimum Cold" thats a huge change from warming, warming, warming. I feel the are covering themselves as it cools and people begin to ask questions. For example like how there was no geomagnetic storm and Earth had immense auroras over Alaska, how is that possible unless the magnetosphere is in decline.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Food Recalls to Mask Global Crop Losses and Reduce Demand (739). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “More food recalls with Roundup contamination, this time its oats. I’m beginning to ask myself the question is it now story after story of food contamination to reduce demand as crop yields decline globally? Rye down, wheat down, cold covers Europe and New Zealand vineyards frozen with rare frosts late in spring.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Global Cloud Bands Shift Wheat & Rice Yield Down What’s Next? (714). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Global Crop Yields are now Affected by the Sun (732). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Canadian crops destroyed by all-time record snow and cold across Alberta, Canada in October. All-time means the old records were broken by 5X as daily & monthly totals were crushed in both September and October 2018. The Eddy Grand Solar Minimum continues to intensify along with decreases in global grain yields.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Indonesian Tsunami & Record Snow More Grand Solar Minimum Signs (718). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Jet Streams Shift Across Europe Bringing Climate Chaos North America is Next (735). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Some strange anomalies are now manifesting over Europe as the Equatorial Vortex and Polar vortex collide with 20C below normal and 20C above normal fronts collide. Climate chaos is an understatement to what has been seen in the last few days and what is expected over the next ten days across the continent. Record rains in Spain, Italy and tornadoes Cyprus. Hail feet deep paralyzes Rome.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). (MIAC #122) Would You Tell the Population of the True Impending Changes? (733). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “With wheat harvests in decline across every major exporter across the planet I pose the question “Would you tell the global population of the impending changes on our doorstep” or would leaders of our world take greatest signs of crop loss on our planet and give it a different excuse? I hope you ask yourself the same question and come up with a logical answer, because it is all about reducing panic and keeping the economic system intact and functional as long as possible.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Ministry of Truth Being Formed in Front of Your Eyes to Hide a Society Reset (712). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “New EU "Link Tax" and "Upload Filter" laws (Articles 11 and 13) passed in the second round of legislation which do not allow for sharing of links through social media and for social media platforms to use AI Algorithms to search for copyrighted content. This is a consolidation of power and a full clampdown on sharing alternative opinions and ideas to the corporate media narratives. This signals a shift in timeline to one year left until societal changing food price increases sweep the planet, first you control media then you control people. Grand Solar Minimum analysis and information sharing will be affected as well. This is a control new pure and simple.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Passes, Ports and Towns Cut off by Record Early Snowfall (727). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Record Floods Continue Across the Planet (741). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Through the last six month we have seen an uptick in floods intensity with the "six months worth of rain in a day" and "a months of rain in three hours" events and was forecast if the Grand Solar Minimum was intensifying we would see a "one year of rain in a day" event. Now we have two in two weeks in the Middle East. Qatar and Jordan. Plus record floods in Kenya, Spain, France with six+ feet of snow dropped during the event. There is an uptick happening.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). Temperature Half Truths, Icy Europe & Global Category 5 Landfalls (738). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “As Hurricane Willa rolled onto Mexico's shores at a Cat3, Typhoon Yutu strengthens to Cat 5 as it starts its landfall on Guam. Reunion Island temperatures fudged to show warmest September ever, but its not. Rome cleans up after a once in a 100 year hail storm with six foot piles of ice along streets and five feet of snow forecast for Italy and Slovenia.”
Adapt 2030. (2018). TSI Decreasing Southern Hemisphere Affected by Intensifying Grand Solar Minimum (721). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Berry, E. (2018). PREPRINT: A Fatal Flaw in Global Warming Science. Ed Berry. [online] Available here: https://edberry.com/blog/climate/climate-physics/preprint-a-fatal-flaw-in-global-warming-science/
DDPMeetings. (2018). The “Global Blue Sun”: Solar Anomaly during 1450s-1460s? YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Willie Soon, PhD, Independent Scientist, August 25, 2018, 36th annual meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Las Vegas.”
The Heartland Institute. (2018). Four Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). ALERT: Food Shortages Growing - Media Hiding Crop Losses. YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Christian sounds the "Food Shock" alarm as 26% of global grain exports are already under near lock down, and the world is scrambling to stay fed. The media is downplaying losses and hiding this from the average Joe. Start growing your own food -- BEFORE the losses can no longer be hidden.”
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). Egypt: Police for Potato Shortage - GLOBAL WHEAT CRISIS - Speculators Aggravating Food Scarcity. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). Grand Solar Minimum, CMEs & Sol-Ark for Energy Independence w/ Lee Wheelbarger (e035). YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “Christian speaks with Lee Wheelbarger about the Grand Solar Minimum, reviewing the latest developments, explaining the risk of CME taking down the power grid, and exploring Sol-Ark's 8k as an EMP/CME-hardened energy system.”
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). IPCC: Global Catastrophe Near - Trump in Crosshairs - Social Programming at MAX. YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “The IPCC's new rhetoric ("report") is being reported heavily (and emotionally) by the media. Safe spaces and meetings NOW are being held at universities and organizations to "discuss"--and cry about--the IPCC's new report. Trump is the target of their hatred. Christian explores this emotionally-laden, trauma-based mind control, drops some climate red pills, and breaks it all down today on the Ice Age Farmer.”
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). Michael Wipes Out Pecans+ - Snow Prevents Harvest - No Meat, and Robot Farms in Grand Solar Minimum. [online] Available here:
Ice Age Farmer. (2018). Time is Short - Record Colds Globally - Cover-up in Overdrive - Prepare NOW. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Nakano, J. (2018). China Launches the Polar Silk Road. Center for Strategic and International Studies. [online] Available here: https://www.csis.org/analysis/china-launches-polar-silk-road
Oppenheimer Ranch Project. (2018). Mars Eruption Confirmed - Mainstream Science Remains Silent - Cosmic Rays Increase Solar System Wide. YouTube. [online] Available here:
From the description: “There is clearly a plume on Mars hundreds of miles long emanating from Arsia Mons in the Tharsis Montes in the southern hemisphere. Comparison to Earth based satellite images of terrestrial eruption confirms the similarities. Why is there no word from the main stream media? I guess we will wait and see how it plays out.”
Phillips, T. (2018). Atmospheric Radiation Increasing from Coast to Coast in the USA. Space Weather Archive. [online] Available here: https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/10/24/atmospheric-radiation-increasing-from-coast-to-coast-in-the-usa/
Phillips, T. (2018). The Chill of Solar Minimum. Space Weather Archive. [online] Available here: https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/09/27/the-chill-of-solar-minimum/
Spencer, R. (2018). UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C. Dr. Roy Spencer. [online] Available here: http://www.drroyspencer.com/2018/10/uah-global-temperature-update-for-september-2018-0-14-deg-c/
Tzu-chao Lin, J. (2018). China successfully harvests saltwater rice that could feed another 80 million people. Russia Today. [online] Available here: https://www.rt.com/business/442411-china-selectively-bred-saltwater-rice/