Why Does Cult-ure Demonize Going Inward?
Reestablish Your Connection With Source Consciousness and Protect It
Your connection to source consciousness is accessed inwardly and cannot be manipulated or subverted by exterior control mechanisms if you know to go inward in order to establish it.
Being directed outward and rewarded for that constant outward expression of DOing instead of BEing, being told to trust in gurus, being told that others know better than you do, being told you cannot trust your own intuition and pattern recognition skills... these are all moving parts of a massive psyop designed to control your every thought, your every emotion, your every action. It's designed to make you docile and predictable.
No, you do not need to confess to a priest. Why? So the priest can use confession to collect blackmail material on you because you were brainwashed into thinking you have to connect to source through someone else? Do you not see this was designed as an apparatus for collecting dirt on others to keep them under control?
We all have the innate ability to GO WITHIN and connect with source.
Go inward. Meditate. Reestablish your own connection.
And don't allow anyone else to subvert it or use it to their own ends.
Your connection with source is your own, it's your business, and don't ever allow anyone to get in the way of your being tapped into it.
It's your birthright to connect to the ALL.
YOU are a part of the ALL.
WE are all the ALL - we are just here learning by experiencing compartmentalized consciousness in order to have interactions that force us to grow.
We are all entrusted with small chunks of source consciousness that we are each responsible for healing so that, someday, we can integrate source consciousness and make it whole again.
This is literally why we're here.
Reestablish your connection to the ALL and protect it.
Special thanks to Heathenmeditation and Kaya Marie.
Oh i agree with this being a psyop so much because i noticed it early on.
Why insist that listening to others means you’ll avoid self-delusion, self-denial? Not so in my experience. Otherwise we wouldn’t have had the plandemic or it wouldn’t have had as much of a worldwide spread.
And it is quite a limiting belief to think that others see stuff about you that you can’t see for yourself. I’m not saying that others can’t be of service in that way, but the belief that we have absolutely no way to access these blindspots without relying on others feels insidiously limiting.
Yessss! Why outsource all of our power to the rest of the world when we have it all within ourselves?