So you may have seen the Challenger blow up on television. I was in Houston at the time. Anyway one of the guys chosen for the Challenger commission was Richard Feynman. Smart man. He and all the commission members were given sample O rings during the Thiokol briefing and they each had a pitcher of ice water nearby. So Feynman pours himself some ice water and immediately sticks his sample O ring in the ice and behold it becomes stiff and useless.

He wrote a complete "minority report" on all the crap NASA did wrong and finding fault with the management who were tryna get the Challenger commission to help them whitewash the whole thing the way Danforth would later whitewash (and bleach!) the Waco massacre evidence.

Anyway, I started reading Feynman's books. Good stuff. Differentiating under the integral sign is brilliant stuff btw

One of his books is about his first wife. She was a beautiful lady and very smart. They met in the 1930s or so when they were both very young, like 18 or 19. And she had tuberculosis which at the time was also called consumption and was thought to be incurable. He had a great career ahead of him as a brilliant mathematician and scientist and she had a deadly illness and a short lifespan ahead.

So his parents tried to talk him out of marrying her. And her family tried to talk her out of marrying him. But they loved each other. Very deeply.

One day, he visits her in the hospital and she tries to talk him out of the marriage, giving all the tired arguments. And he asks her why she's doing this thing. And she says that everyone thinks she shouldn't let him marry her and that if she really loves him she'll talk him out of getting married. So he's been kind of fuming inside until she says this part and then he gets it. So he says, "So you love me so much you want me to have a great life?"

And she says yes. And he explains that he loves her so much that he can't have a great life unless they get married. And besides, he asks, "What do you care what other people think?"

Which became the title of a book he wrote. And he talks about how you have to expect people to reject new ideas, and old ideas like love, and say all kinds of things, and you have to stick with what you yourself know. You have to have the courage of your own convictions. It's a good book. You should read it.

Because the truth is, you are living in the most important time in two hundred thousand years. The great war is ending. We are going to defeat the demons. God is helping us with the heavy lifting, praise God, amen. And you need the courage of your convictions. You need to know what you know and be confident and determined no matter how many demon worshippers are paid to lie to you.

In the years since reading Feynman's book I sometimes modify his saying: How do you know other people are thinking? Maybe they are reacting. Maybe they are trained to lie. Maybe they don't want anyone to be brave and show them a world without limits?

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It’s seems the challenger was meant to fail.

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I think the question of "why do we care what other people think" is actually pretty deep. We are social animals, and we are, I believe, hardwired to be in resonance with each other. People unconsciously imitate each other – and we need a sense of belonging, which means, sometimes at least, adapting to what our group is thinking and doing. Many of us over the past four years have learned how very painful it is to be rejected by our own families, and the communities to which we belonged. That is real.

But what is also real is that we have been intensely programmed for generations to defer to outside authority – not to trust our own body, our intuition, our sense of right and wrong even, If it conflicts with an outside authority that we believe knows more than we do. It should come as no surprise that multitudes of people are lost in this need to obey, the fear of what will happen if they don't, or falsely identifying with the outside authority instead of with themselves. Our social connections with each other and our natural energetic resonance have been turned against us, creating a false "community" of those who obey, who find their safety in that group.

I find it almost unbearably sad that so many have been so viciously manipulated this way, and they aren't even aware of it. And for myself, even though I have made the choice to follow my own lights – and I have found new community with others who have also made that choice – the pattern of doubting my inner knowing can be very strong, and I would say that continually coming back to awareness of this and returning to my own center is some of the hardest work I have ever done. And it is ongoing.

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Making the choice to walk away from whatever is no longer serving you is difficult but ultimately liberating. Like you, I had no intention of falling in line with anything that insults my soul. We can certainly say, if this is a culling, one of the qualities being chosen for, whether intentionally or not, is extreme bravery in the face of peer pressure, ridicule, or ostracism. Those who remain will come from some of the most tenacious stock in the history of the world. Our descendants will come from the sovereign, from those who said NO despite thousands of years of programming. Those are descendants worth fighting for.

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Love this! Beautiful way to interweave the conversations and discourse 💫💫

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Thank you! xoxo

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I loved it, too. Well done, Demi!! xox

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Thank you, love!! xoxo

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I concur! ❤️💯

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Thank you!! 🥰

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"What kind of eldritch horror is Bigfoot’s left hand?!?! Did that side-eyeing Komodo dragon mount thing that Jesus is riding eat Nessie? This might explain walking on water. Roll initiative to see if you are able to summon lizard-raft. And where is Elvis?! I don’t buy this for a second…."

hahahahahahaha!!! (Ok back to reading.....)

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and then the noodles!!!! HAHAHAHA!!

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This had me chuckling too!

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Hey Jes! :)

hahahahaha!! :)

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Hey Jacqueline. I've missed ya'll. I have been handling some stuff and haven't been on here as much and I hope your show rocked and need to get back into a routine. I had to do a cleanse and have been dealing with pesticide and ran out after doing my unit and am getting ready to spray more and the building too bc I don't mind helping the neighbors too bc if not we'll be sending them all back n forth re the beetle stuff. Those idiots let a tree root grow into my sons bathroom, my neighbor had a leak next door and then upstairs and they can gaslight me but I'm just going to handle this shit like I had to before. It's been years of stupid crap. I caught em this time at least and was smarter about how I've been handling it. I hope you are doing great. I love what you said in this conversation. I love the leadership that you smart wise ladies provide and I'm lucky to have found ya'll. 🥰❤️🙏

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It sure sounds like you're handling a lot, and being smarter in how you're handling it is so commendable!

We are all certainly lucky to have found each other, sister! xo

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You are so wicked smart. Interesting read, but who cares what I think? 🤔 Ha.

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Me. Thank you. 🙏🏻💜💫

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Cool discussion. The control of education goes back to the last Reset imo. The orphanages, whose parents were genocided and erased from history are a good starting point. I see this in Calcutta, because I have researched it deeply.

I think those of us on the edges are there because we opted out of the system somehow at a young age or from being in touch with our collective epigenetics at a sub-conscious level. I used to be a normie until Dec '19 when I knew right away. I could feel the instinct in my body with those first Chinese videos. Everything flipped. And so few of those people saw it, and boy did it threaten them. They didn't and still don't want to know what I do.

It's ingrained in us to think about Science and Truth as if there is an Authority that knows and we should all follow that program like a hive. We all want to belong, and so people are trying to re-create online what should be outside and in the world.

Why is flat earth such a huge topic? Because its the perfect way to control and divide. Even though NASA lies about so much and is fake about so much, like the footage of going to the moon, the controlled opp lets people gather around a new idea, new queen bee, and they want everyone to join it. If you question their new hive, sorry, cancelled. When really, the questions and focus should be on the lies lies lies.

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I remember seeing those videos probably just after you did - the images of people screaming "IT'S FAKE!!" down from their balconies is what stuck with me the hardest. And now, of course, we know it's even faker than they knew.

My wake up call was not all at once. It was in stages, beginning with psychic dreams pre-dating 9/11 when I lived in NYC, but it didn't really take root until I had a dark night of the soul around 2009, a health wake up in 2013, and a political and spiritual wake up beginning in 2015.

I agree completely about the trajectory of the resets. Worldwide similar architecture, all bombed, dismantled, wrecked, or otherwise mudflooded. The claims of gargantuan buildings built in no time with seemingly no tech and no population size to support it.

You would love the series that I have been doing called What I'm Watching. I aggregate videos on a lot of the topics tangential to what you've said here and the above topics, as well as many others. https://www.starfirecodes.com/t/what-im-watching

I agree that NASA lies - but it's not about the shape of the earth. The lies boil down to protecting classified technologies. It's active tech suppression, including innovations in what we would consider "antiquitech" but those with access consider a normal Tuesday.

In my estimation, flat earth is simply another in a long line of psyops to make people who question narratives look like a bunch of jackasses. It's self-deployed weaponized fodder for ridicule and ostracism.

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Oh, that's cool, on the aggregating of the videos, I will take a look.

NASA could be lying about the shape too, or rather, the amount of land in this realm. The Vibes of Cosmos moon map correlated with shifting of the earth's magnetic, and the equator changing places, explains why things might just disappear and reappear, then need to be explained in a new narrative, as we round and round.

And take a look at these dates for 6G in the comment of this Note. It probably explains why Covid psyop lasts until 2025, and 2030 is their next big date. With 6G, it starts at 30Ghz, which is where the micro-millimeter wave frequencies start. A whole new world-- and probably a huge lockdown again.


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As a musician, I cannot deny that audience approval is pleasing.

As a free human and a creator of music, prose, while the pleasure of my audience brings me pleasure, it is not the point or significant in my reasons for creating.

If I cared one way or the other, either approval or disapproval I am ensnared, enslaved , not free.

If I live my life based upon the thoughts of others, I am not living my life, I am living theirs by proxy.

If I frame my thoughts and words based upon the desires of others, then those are not my thoughts or words.

I don't want to control others and I damn well won't submit.


To be free , I cannot care.

To be a compassionate person,

I cannot care.

Compassion is an action.

Love is an action.

Neither can be free if they are tied to any desire. Mine or others.

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Your question as to why you are the way you are is probably more of a rhetorical nature. Once you've smelled freedom, you'll never forget the smell and you won't expect others to do without it. An understanding of freedom provides the basis for developing the antennae to distinguish real from fake and truth from lies.

Freedom creates beings that cannot be controlled, which is why it is fought against so relentlessly.

Anyone who understands this - and you seem to have understood it - has reached their goal:


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Thank you, Klaus! 🙏🏻

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First, the large language model generated art. I don't agree it is "artificial intelligence" because I don't believe God chooses to put consciousness into a bunch of ones and zeroes emitting silicon, at least so far. It takes an admiral size Hopper to hold the stacks of Hollerith cards to run the Turing tests. iykyk

The irredeemable asshat should have a hat on its ass, shouldn't it? Or show some signs of being hat like and fitting a donkey. There is no donkey shown. idgi

The supernumerary left hand digits extend to Jesus in the picture. It's as though the large language models are being trained on a sample set of five and six fingered persons in some alternate timeline or parallel dimension. Not to mention all the mangled hands they emit. To be fair the other hand of the Bigfoot is roughly matching in digits on very close inspection, so we got that going for us.

Over at L5News Substack in the "Space Scout" essay recently published I go over the two thousand two hundred and fifty YEARS old experiment you can run to measure the circumference of the earth.

So, I was in jail in Utah being held in a traffic matter in defiance of the constitutional limits to excessive bail (Lysander Spooner's soul rolls his eyes) and one of the other county inmates is a flat earth guy. So I asked him about my experiences of time zones and international travel and he said that there are seven suns in the sky. He didn't say it like he was making it up or anything, it was the answer he had learned. He was one of the last people who would ever be paid to be influencing anyone. He and I got along fine. A kind man who didn't bully people. But how was I supposed to teach him Ockham's razor? So I didn't.

Y'all would enjoy this book by Richard Feynman titled "What Do You Care What Other People Think?". I should probably start another comment for it.

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I no longer care what anyone thinks, except for those closest to me.

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Nobody has ever been anybody else, for five minutes or less. Thats an existential impossibility. But I get the expression.

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We are also all each other all the time. It's an illusion.

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Yes. If you believe in Hindu

philosophy, and accept its teaching wholeheartedly. Not me. I know so many people everyday I know I am not them, and would prefer to be dead if I were!

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I'm fine with being everyone. It's not up to me. It's up to all of us.

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We claim never to care about what other people think (about us?), until we need something from them.

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Oooh. Yeah, you've never been me for five minutes, love. That ship has SAILED. lol.

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This was a truly wonderful and open discussion. Thank you for sharing this, and spreading kindness and love through acceptance of others. I appreciate you and the posters you highlighted sharing their views!

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Thank you so much, Jenn!! Sending you so much love!! <3

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Thank you, sending you love ❤️

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My fave conspiracy theory is that its all a conspiracy.

All of it.

If it wasn't then it wouldn't grab you in its jaws. It wouldn't deliver that feeling of the bottom falling out.

But death, now death is something else.

You know that you are dealing with a stunning mystery when everyone tries to describe it...

and fails.

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It isn’t that I don’t care what others think, it is when I have come to a Position I have thought it out. And I believe it is best. For me, best is not what is best for me, but what is best for all parties. If I can make $8 one way and you make nothing, or I can make $6 one way and you make $3, the best solution is the 6/3. Not the 8/0. Once I have come to that then how does another’s point of view override that? If they don’t see it my way, well argue me out of it. Show me logically where I have erred. No problem if you can. I will change. If you can’t, I will proceed.

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I've learned not to care what people think. I don't care what they say either. A woman many years ago told me to pick my battles, so thats what I do. Most things I can walk away from, and others, oh no, I will fight. Some things are just worth the battle. And I don't get into anything I can't win.

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