What I'm Watching: Why You Need To Talk To People That Disagree With You
We take a look at Antarctica Disclosure, Worldwide Ancient Tunnels, Seraphim Rose, Alan Watts, Tartaria, Frances Leader and James Delingpole, Ark of the Covenant, Great Pyramid of Giza, and more.
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We take a look at Why You Need To Talk To People That Disagree With You, Antarctica Disclosure, Worldwide Ancient Tunnels, Seraphim Rose, Alan Watts, Tartaria, Frances Leader and James Delingpole, the Ark of the Covenant, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Michael Tsarion, Consciousness, Katt Williams, the Law of Assumption, and more.
Aron G. (2019). Michael Tsarion - Existence. YouTube.
C.M. Bradley. (2018). Why You Need To Talk To People That Disagree With You. YouTube.
"Since our public discourse seems to increasingly lack grace and civility, in this video we investigate the general value and necessity of talking to people that disagree with us. Regarding the montage, let me make a few things clear: First, if you think this video is a message to people on the "political left" to listen to people on the "political right," you're sadly missing the point, and part of that is seemingly my own unintentional doing. That–and the inverse–may be a potential implication of the thesis, but the core of the video is philosophical in nature, not political. That means that the premise of the video is universal, and not limited to religious, political, scientific, or any other kind of discussion, even though the opening montage includes some clips of a political nature. Second, the point of the montage was to buffer the point that people seem increasingly less inclined to discuss perceived error with those they believe to be in error–or to just productively discuss things at all. Although I think if I were to redo it I would possibly only show clips from the college campuses and free speech events, there would undoubtedly be people complaining about that as well, despite the devaluation of open and civil discussion being a problem directly flowing out from particular oppressive ideologies (i.e. "Critical Social Justice" and others) that–on pain of honesty I cannot deny–happen to be partisan in nature. Third, regarding the clips themselves, while I did later come across a couple clips that I wish I had seen before publishing this video because they would have added more of a political balance, those claiming that the montage is "partisan propaganda" or even "Alt-Right propaganda"–my goodness, get a grip–are also largely overlooking the clips I showed of a feminist (Sommers), a socialist (Sanders), a "classical British liberal" that's ostensibly centrist (Peterson), Bret Weinstein (who's left-wing), and a large group of left-wing protesters (Charlottesville car attack 2017) being victims of irrational behavior–the last of which being the most violent clip in the entire video. The car attack clip wasn't even at a university, a free speech event, a politician calling civilians to incivility, or hardly germane to civil discourse at all, but I added it simply for the sake of adding some balance. Those that have acknowledged these clips mentioned above have objected that the aggressors were still mostly "left-wing" themselves, to which I say that their assumption–or knowledge, even–regarding the political affiliation of the aggressors is exceedingly telling. Moreover, to those that are more bothered by the fact that I showed clips of Crowder, Milo, and Peterson than the way people respond to them, then please watch the video in its entirety, because you stand to learn the most. Viewers are always welcome to disagree and provide criticisms, of course, and I sincerely appreciate the feedback. Most of all, I just ask that you consider the philosophical content of the video. Thank you for watching, and may God bless you ALL!"
C.M. Bradley. (2021). Alan Watts on Eastern Christianity. YouTube.
C.M. Bradley. (2022). Seraphim Rose on Alan Watts. YouTube.
"Seraphim Rose was an American hieromonk in the Eastern Orthodox tradition of Christianity and former student of the perennially popular expositor of Asian religion: Alan Watts. This is his story with Watts and his final evaluation of both the man and the philosophy he articulated. The bulk of the script for this video (from around minutes 5-13) comes directly from “Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works” by Hieromonk Damascene. EDIT: There are quite a few misunderstandings repeating in the comments, so let me clarify some of them. First, as stated in the description, most of this transcript is pulled directly from "Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works” by Hieromonk Damascene. I wrote about the first five minutes worth and the epilogue, but the other eight minutes or so are straight from that book. Second, since many have pointed out that Watts claimed to be merely a philosophical entertainer—as I point out myself in my other Watts video—Damascene gives his thoughts on that in the book: "Watts himself admitted to ... be nothing other than a 'philosophical entertainer' — though he said this with a twinkle in his eye that made one imagine that there was something more to him. He did not accept the disciplines of the Eastern religions he was espousing, and argued with Zen masters and swamis who told him what their religions demanded." Lastly, this is not a "hit piece." I love Watts, and I love Rose. That's why I made this video. Learning that Rose was the student of some else that has made a lasting impact on me was SO cool! Even if you don't like or agree with Rose's conclusions, that's simply his perspective, which I knew others would be curious to know as well :)"
The Delingpod. (2024). Frances Leader. Odysee.
"Frances is a geo-political activist, writer and long-time researcher of The Black Nobility."
EREKTEUS. (2023). "The Secret Blueprint": Once You Understand This Reality Shift Happens. YouTube.
"Neville Lancelot Goddard (February 19, 1905 – October 1, 1972), generally known as Neville Goddard, was a Barbadian New Thought author and mystic who wrote on the Bible, esotericism and is considered to be one of the pioneers of the "law of assumption".
Esoteric Thoughts. (2022). The Religion Before Religion | Michael Tsarion. YouTube.
"Despite the tangible evidence, and extensive writings of authors like Gerald Massey, believers of Abrahamic religions tend to dismiss the older religious and spiritual systems as either paganism or simply not existing before Adam and Eve. Michael Tsarion talks about Nature worship and reverence, a spiritual system long in existence prior to modern day religions like Christianity."
Eva Traumblitz. (2015). Michael Tsarion - The War on Consciousness. YouTube.
"The Existential Trinity; Eigenwelt, Mitwelt und Umwelt."
JonLevi. (2024). Tartaria Past and Present (Population Distribution). YouTube.
"Are the cities of the past the cities of the future?"
Liberty Vault. (2024). Jordan Peterson - Major Predictors of Left Wing Totalitarianism. YouTube.
"Jordan Peterson discusses the most common personality predictors of left wing totalitarianism."
Lorekeeper. (2023). The Most Obscure Teachings of the Gnostic Gospels. YouTube.
"The Gnostic gospels of the 2nd to 4th century AD have told us a lot about the scene of evolving ideas during the early Christian period. The Gnostics emerged as a group that saw the world very differently from the view of orthodox Christianity, and the sheer complexity of the doctrine has kept scholars and theologians engaged to this day. From the point of view of someone reading these texts now, I'd describe them as a really fascinating sequel to the Bible, complete with its own host of deities, cosmology, alternative back stories to biblical incidents, unheard of cryptic teachings by Jesus, and mystical, heavily metaphorical theology. And what about the purpose of these writings? Are they secret codes awaiting to be deciphered, or just a relic of a past doctrine that once flourished? In this video we take a look at some of the quite obscure teachings from five different Gnostic gospels."
Moisés Garrido y Claudia M. Moctezuma. (2019). EL GRAN MISTERIO DE LOS TÚNELES AMERICANOS (Javier Sierra, Barcelona, 29-05-94). YouTube.
”En su charla, Javier Sierra comienza citando el viaje que varios españoles, entre ellos él, realizaron por el continente americano un par de meses antes, en marzo de 1994. Primero, fueron a EE.UU. Allí hablaron con gente de los indios Hopi. Luego se desplazaron a Lima, a Cuzco (donde investigaron el tema de los túneles), a Bolivia y a Tiahuanaco. El viaje, cuenta, coincidió con el fallecimiento de Andreas Faber-Kaiser. Él, como ufólogo, reconoce que los OVNIs están muy ligados con ciertos misterios del pasado. Entre ellos, los misterios precolombinos. "En aquellos pueblos sucedió algo. Cuando aparecieron esas culturas incas, mayas, etc. el grado de desarrollo tecnológico era tan brutal, tan desconcertante, que aún hoy somos incapaces de imitar sus proezas arquitectónicas", afirma. El fenómeno de los túneles es una muestra de esa proeza arquitectónica, asegura. Es un fenómeno planetario, no solo americano. "Hay referencias a túneles en todas las partes del planeta", sostiene. Según Sierra, "muchos de los grandes dioses de la Antigüedad, salieron de cuevas, salieron de túneles, y hacen referencia a esa procedencia subterránea". Seguidamente, muestra una serie de diapositivas para ilustrar el tema de su conferencia. Habla de la región de Capadocia (Turquía). Allí, hace varios siglos, existían auténticas metrópolis subterráneas, como han demostrado las excavaciones arqueológicas. Se mantenía oculta en esos enclaves subterráneos buena parte de la población. Hay más de 30 ciudades localizadas por la arqueología oficial. Habla también del más famoso de los túneles: el de la cueva de los Tayos (Ecuador). Sierra describe su historia y recuerda que Däniken la popularizó. Luego habla de las cuevas de Cuzco. En una de las cuevas, hay un túnel que comunica con el subsuelo del Templo del Sol. Contínúa relatando más evidencias de túneles subterráneos. Finalmente, cita el relato de Platón donde se habla de la Atlántida. Al parecer, y según el filósofo griego, los atlantes conocían las técnicas para realizar esos túneles... Conferencia de JAVIER SIERRA impartida el 29 de mayo de 1994 durante el CONGRESO DE HOMENAJE EN MEMORIA DE ANDREAS FABER-KAISER, celebrado en el Hotel Plaza de Barcelona entre los días 28 y 29 de mayo de 1994. Grabación de vídeo VHS cedida amablemente por Mario Acuña y digitalizada por Moisés Garrido y Claudia M. Moctezuma.”
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NU Digital Classroom. (2021). Mysteries of Consciousness with Michael Tsarion. YouTube.
Our Melted Reality. (2024). Documenting the Destruction. YouTube.
"Previous boots on the ground throughout the years. All in Alabama except the one in Georgia. Twenty different places I visited."
Powerful JRE. (2024). Joe Rogan Experience #2111 - Katt Williams. YouTube.
PraveenMohan. (2019). Ancient Hindu Temple Found in Colombia? San Agustin Archaeological Site. YouTube.
"Hey guys, today I am going to show you a mysterious ancient site in a city called San Agustin in the country of Colombia, which is in South America. I am going to show you some solid evidence that this was built by Hindus who originally came from India. Yes, I do understand that India and Colombia are about 11,000 miles apart. But I hope you will watch till the end of the video and then decide if this site was built by Hindus or not. Look at this statue in this site, here you can see an eagle like bird holding a snake in its beak and if you look carefully you can see that the snake is also held in the birds talons. While archeologists in Colombia are not able to explain why such a statue is carved here, this is clearly explained both in Hindu scriptures and Hindu sculptures. This bird is called Garuda which has an eternal enmity with the serpent Naga. I want to show you several such carvings from Hindu temples. In temples of India, you can see that, both Garuda and Naga are shown as partial humanoids. However, as Hinduism spread from India to south east Asia, the style slowly began to change. Watch what happened when it reached Vietnam. This scene is almost fully portrayed as a fight between 2 animals. They don't look much like Hindu Gods anymore. It just looks like a bird holding the snake in its beak and talons. Look at the similarity between these 2 statues. Is this a mere coincidence? Or did Hindus travel to Colombia and set up a site here? Archeologists do not have any good explanations for this statue. They believe that the sculptor merely carved it because he would have seen an eagle catch a snake. Is it possible that this is the case? No, because if that is the case you would have found only one such statue, but there are several statues unearthed in this area with the same motif. This means this statue was important to the creators, it had some deep meaning. Here is a similar statue which has the same iconography, found at a different site, called El Purutal in Colombia. This shows the exact same features, a bird holding a snake in its beak and talons. Multiple statues with the same motif has been found in this area, in fact the city of San Agustin uses this statue as its unofficial logo and sells a ton of mementos with this motif, but without understanding the real meaning of it. But how is it possible that Hindus came all the way from India to Colombia?"
Robert Sepehr. (2024). Antarctica Disclosure - ROBERT SEPEHR. YouTube.
"Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) was a territorial claim made by Germany in the late 1930's. About 40% larger than Europe and virtually (allegedly) uninhabited, Antarctica continues to be a topic of great mystery and ongoing controversy. This presentation attempts to analyze and disclose still classified events pertaining to the region and how they may still be covertly influencing humanity today."
Shylla 777. (2019). Return to Selfhood ✨ | Michael Tsarion. YouTube.
Shylla 777. (2019). Shadow Work: Healing and Wholeness 🌟 | Michael Tsarion. YouTube.
Spacebusters. (2020). Blimps on the Belfry. YouTube.
T&H - Inspiration and Motivation. (2023). Alan Watts For When You Think Too Much. YouTube.
T&H - Inspiration and Motivation. (2024). The Whole Thing Is A Hoax - Alan Watts On The Human Society. YouTube.
True Meaning. (2023). It's Time To Wake Up - Alan Watts on Religion. YouTube.
Two Old Dudes Production. (2021). The Ark of The Covenant & The Great Pyramid of Giza (What's the connection?) YouTube.
"What if the Great Pyramid of Giza wasn’t built to be used as a tomb for the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt… What could its real purpose be?"
The Ultimate Discovery. (2024). This Ancient Discovery Should Have Been Kept A Secret. YouTube.
"Top 20 ancient shocking discoveries that shouldn’t exist. The world has changed, and we've been here for a long time, unraveling the mysteries of our distant past. Despite the passage of time, certain discoveries remain profoundly perplexing. From strange relics to perplexing constructions, these twenty astonishing discoveries shouldn't exist in the records of antiquity. Join us on a journey that will make you reconsider all you thought you knew about the ancient world."
Special thanks to Dynamic DV, , , , , , , and TBR Hoarder.
What are YOU watching? Post it in the comments below….
At lot of great videos in here. Glad to see Katt made the cut. Thanks for mentioning me alongside other great Substackers!
Demi, 1000 thanks for curating these wonderful videos. I’m especially glad to see people like Alan Watts, Praveen Mohan, Michael Tsarion, Jon Levi and Neville(!) who’s work plays a huge role in my life and inspired my poem “Imagination, the only Nation”. 🙏🙏🙏 grateful for all you do. ✨🧡🧿