What I'm Watching: How To Take Back America From Globalists & Corporations
We take a look at the Timucua Native Americans, Edward Hopper, Ancient Alien Technology, the Snacking Habits of Skeletons, the Khazar Empire, the Psychology of The Man-Child, the Signal app, and more.
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We take a look at the Timucua Native Americans, Edward Hopper, Ancient Alien Technology, the Snacking Habits of Skeletons, the Khazar Empire, the Psychology of The Man-Child, Globalists, Corporations, the Signal app, and more.
Ancient Hiztory. (2023). The Timucua Native Americans: Giants, and the Secret Jekyll Island Meetings of the Illuminati Pt. 1. YouTube.
"Dive into the captivating history of the Timucua Native Americans, a fascinating indigenous group in the Southeast U.S., flourishing in regions now known as Florida and Georgia. Uncover their unique culture, agricultural prowess, and encounters with European explorers. Discover the intriguing tales of the Timucua's extraordinary physical attributes, their agricultural expertise with the innovative 'Three Sisters' farming, hunting, and fishing methods. Learn about the Spanish expeditions, missions, and the tragic impact of epidemics that led to their population decline. Explore the mysteries surrounding the Timucua's enigmatic earthen mounds and their connection to giants, as well as the historical significance of Jekyll Island as an indigenous settlement and a site of cultural exchange among native tribes. Subscribe for more ancient history explorations and historical insights!"
The Canvas. (2022). Why Did Edward Hopper Paint This Clown? YouTube.
"After Jan Matejko’s Stanczyk, here’s another sad clown, this time painted by Edward Hopper. In this video, we’re looking at his 1914 Soir Bleu."
"Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his Emmy-award winning guest Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe for an explosive and exclusive Special Report on the shocking mysteries of ET Self Activating Technology and the Alien Connection to the Ancient Stone Circle Site Gobekli Tepe! Gobekli Tepe The mysterious Ancient Archaeological site called Gobekli Tepe, in Turkey has been dated to 10,000 B.C. which throws a wildly different light on human history and reveals signs of ET Interference on Earth. Are we Starseeds that advanced extraterrestrial beings placed here to evolve a higher spiritual vision of the universe? Ancient Alien Technology In this special episode Dark Journalist and Linda Moulton Howe explore her deep investigation and research visits to Gobekli Tepe to discover the strange ANCIENT ALIEN TECHNOLOGY it may represent and her shocking realizations that the patterns in Sacred Architecture, Crop Circles and Gobekli Tepe are all a part of ET Self Activating Software to raise the global consciousness of humanity! The Message Since the powerful ancient site of Gobekli Tepe was buried 12,000 years ago by a race forgotten to history, does the discovery of this ancient marvel in the 21st century signal that a massive paradigm shift is underway? Is humanity being activated to see a higher and deeper vision of reality that includes contact with star civilizations? Is the cataclysm that destroyed this ancient civilization happening again and is the message of Gobekli Tepe a warning of survival to humanity that planet Earth is on the precipice of massive upheaval and destruction? Shocking, eye-opening, controversial, informative and vital, you don't want to miss this fascinating Dark Journalist episode!"
Duke. (2020). What's a skeletons favorite snack? YouTube.
Eternalised. (2022). The Psychology of The Man-Child (Puer Aeternus). YouTube.
"The term puer aeternus is Latin for eternal boy. Carl Jung used the term in the exploration of the psychology of eternal youth and creative child within every person. It is an archetype, and like all archetypes, has both a positive and a negative side. It can bring the energy, beauty and creativity of childhood into adult life, or thwart self-realisation and doom us to both unrealistic adolescent fantasies and experiencing life as a prison. The puer is the man-child who refuses to grow up, take responsibility, and face life’s challenges, he expects other people, typically his parents, to solve all his problems. He tries to go as high as possible away from reality, ending up like Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn’t grow up, who lives in Neverland, a place where people cease to age and are eternally young. The puer aeternus is also known as the Peter Pan syndrome. This has become an increasingly common problem in our modern age. Those who find themselves unable to commit to work, to form satisfactory relationships, to commit to the discipline of education, to carry the weight of responsibility, or who feel that their life has become meaningless, will find the integration of the archetype of eternal youth invaluable in their life."
The Jimmy Dore Show. (2024). How To Take Back America From Globalists & Corporations! w/ Mel K. YouTube.
"Jimmy is joined by the eponymous host of The Mel K Show to discuss the subject matter of her soon-to-be-released book, "Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time.” In this wide-ranging interview the two discuss how the Founders’ vision for the republic can be reclaimed, and control of our own lives can be reasserted from the banks, Big Tech, the pharmaceutical industry, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex and the government that serves them all."
Khan’s Den. (2023). The Mysterious Khazar Empire | Historical Turkic States. YouTube.
"From the ashes of the Western Göktürk Empire, a new state emerged between the Don basin, Volga river and the Caucasus. Calling themselves "Khazars", these Turkic people established a political entity that very quickly rose to the rank of an empire. Strategically located along the ancient Silk Road(s), the Khazars controlled much of the trade in the region and, making use of their military prowess, managed to defeat all neighboring nomadic peoples. But this state was led by both a Khagan and Bek, and this dual kingship enabled a flexible reign over their subjects. The fate of the Khazars was ultimately sealed by their foreign policy, as they served both the Byzantine interest of keep the advancing Muslim Arab Empires out of the Caucasus and the nomadic Turkic peoples who could roam away freely along the Eurasian Steppe Belt. The most remarkable trait of the Khazars, however, was their conversion to Judaism. Whether a majority of the Turkic population or only the ruling dynasty converted away from Tengrism is subject to speculation. Nonetheless, this speculation is purposefully linked with the "Khazar Hypothesis" which, ever since the 19th century, proposes a Turkic Khazar origin of the Jewish people who later appeared in Central and Eastern Europe. How correct are such assumptions? Is there any evidence for this theory? How did the Khazars establish their state in the first place, and what impact did it have on the political and cultural affairs in the region? Let us find out in this new documentary from Khan's Den."
Mental Outlaw. (2024). Feds Couldn't Crack Signal, So They Banned It. YouTube.
"In this video I discuss how Russia and Venezuela are trying to ban access to the signal messenger in their countries."
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Special thanks to , , , , and Kobalevsky 42.
What are YOU watching? Post it in the comments below….
There is some very interesting stuff in here, thank you so much!
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