What I'm Watching: Has History Been Proven Wrong Mathematically?
The Historical Importance of an Exploration of Anatoly Fomenko's Research on the Shifted Chronology of Our Subverted History
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell
Everything you might have thought you knew about world history is likely wrong.
Renowned Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko earned his doctorate and taught at Moscow State Lomonosov University, became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, won the State Prize of the Russian Federation for mathematics, and has published 250+ works. He is the most famous of the scientific historians of the Russian Federation, credited with popularizing the idea of a new historical chronology based upon the comparative mathematical analysis of historical documents and astronomical data.
Since the 1970s, Fomenko has combed through historical records looking for statistical anomalies and correlations in event patterns and timing. He statistically analyzed human history by comparing NASA eclipse data with historical documents mentioning eclipses, concluding that the majority of accepted mainstream history is fraudulent. He determined that written history was formed by taking a set of historical events and then duplicating, changing, and repeating them. He found that these doubled over events occurred only from 800 AD at the earliest, with the majority only having occurred since 1000-1100 AD.
In Fomenko’s new chronology, anything attributed to earlier eras is merely duplicated history from this latter time frame. Tracking mathematical inaccuracies, he has found that recorded history before the 11th-14th centuries is mostly unreliable. Fomenko shows that pre-Renaissance history was mostly fabricated by a number of writers, the majority of whom did so at the behest of the Jesuit Order in order to construct a version of history in keeping with an overall fabricated historical narrative they wanted readily accepted by the masses.
Fomenko mainly focuses upon unraveling the writings of Joseph Scaliger who Fomenko says was one of the leading historians of the time who was tasked with forging and disseminating the now accepted false historical record. Fomenko notes that other Renaissance scholars were simply inventing a version of ancient history based on contemporary history, people, and events, creating what he calls a phantom history. He says they were either extremely lazy or they were committing deliberate fraud.
In order to regain the historical knowledge, context, and roots that we have lost since the last “Great Reset,” around the time of the Tartarian mudfloods and the subsequent World’s Fairs, it is imperative that we review our mainstream accepted version of history and compare it with what we might be able to glean from the statistical analysis of what may have really occurred. If we do not shed our deliberate miseducation in favor of a true and honest understanding of our history, we may be doomed to repeat the historical lies of the “victors” through our cultural reprogramming alone.
To that end, the following videos deliver an overview of Fomenko’s work. If you are interested in continuing to explore Fomenko’s ideas, the majority of his historical volumes have been translated into English from the original Russian. For those exploring the erasure of Tartarian history, these are the source volumes for much of the original research on the subject.
Ancient Amnesia Podcast. (2019). Ancient and Modern Indoctrination and an Introduction To Fomenkos New Chronology. YouTube.
“Ancient and Modern Indoctrination and an Introduction to Fomenko’s New Chronology with special guest Stephen Sorensen. What methods of record keeping were used in the ancient past? Was there potential historical indoctrination occurring within ancient cultures and up to the present day? What are we taught or conditioned to think in our schools ? Napoleon once said that "history is written by the victors." Is that the history we are allowed to know? According to Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology, history as we know it was fabricated by Christian scholars. Discover why he is worth listening to and the degree of mathematical intensity he used to uncover an accurate chronological order and timeline of our past with special guest Stephen Sorensen of Chronology Truth.”
Ctruth. (2019). What is Fomenko's New Chronology? YouTube.
“This video answers the question, "What is Fomenko's New Chronology?" and provides additional information about the theory.”
Ctruth. (2020). Basics of Chronology: Dating is Important | Examining Fomenko's New Chronology Part 1. YouTube.
Ctruth. (2020). The History of Fomenko's New Chronology. YouTube.
Erich B. (2017). Phantom dynasties, fake history (Eng-Rus). YouTube.
“Anatoly Fomenko - Chronology, falsification of world history.”
FES TV. (2022). History that has never been told - Part One. YouTube.
“Today we will deal with a new chronology of the top Russian mathematician, Anatoly Fomenko, which according to official history is considered a pseudo-historical conspiracy theory and which claims that ancient times from Egypt through Greece and Rome happened a thousand years later and that the Roman Empire and the Vatican cooperation with the Russian Romanov family changed historical data over time in order to cover up the global power of that time better known as the united Russian-Turkish Empire.”
FES TV. (2022). History that has never been told - Part Two. YouTube.
“Part two of the new chronology of the top Russian mathematician, Anatoly Fomenko, which according to official history is considered a pseudo-historical conspiracy theory and which claims that ancient times from Egypt through Greece and Rome happened a thousand years later and that the Roman Empire and the Vatican cooperation with the Russian Romanov family changed historical data over time in order to cover up the global power of that time better known as the united Russian-Turkish Empire.”
The Grand Historian. (2019). History is a Lie by Anatoly Fomenko. YouTube.
“History has been falsified according to Historian Fomenko’s research. Mud Flood & Star Forts.”
Jonathan Machtemes. (2018). Fomenko's History: Fiction or Science? (Chronology 1), read by Jon Machtemes. YouTube.
“A.T. Fomenko's Book: "History: Fiction or Science?" (Chronology 1), read by Jon Machtemes.”
The Ministry of the Real Truth. (2021). Histories Said To All Be A Fake! YouTube.
“Why Anatoly Fomenko’s Chronology Says That “History” Is All A Fake: Fomenko is one of authors of a concept that manipulates historical chronology. It is known as New Chronology. Fomenko claims that he has discovered that many historical events do not correspond mathematically with the dates they are supposed to have occurred on. He asserts from this that all of ancient history (including the history of Greece, Rome, and Egypt) is just a reflection of events that occurred in the Middle Ages and that all of Chinese and Arab history are fabrications of 17th and 18th century Jesuits.”
Mithec. (2006). History: Fiction or Science? - True Timeline Rome, Greece, Egypt. YouTube.
“Has history been tampered with? Is it possible that Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during Renaissance? Can it be that Jesus Christ was born in 1053 AD and crucified in 1086 AD? Scientific research points to the evidence that many modern beliefs of traditional history are a sham. "History: Fiction or Science?" by the eminent mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues crowns 30 years of meticulous and extensive research. It is the first volume in seven comprising a "Chronology" that exposes numerous questionable notions of traditional history. "History: Fiction or Science?" describes how the contemporary chronological scale was created and by whom, with the culprits named as the 16th and 17th century clergy. The well-known model of history has enjoyed the relentless attention of prominent critics ever since its creation including respected people like Sir Isaac Newton and Jean Hardouin, the court librarian of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France. Anatoly Fomenko dissects every historical age scrupulously and analyzes the data from every angle imaginable. Roman and Egyptian chronology take a good beating. Poggio Bracciolini and Petrarch take the blame for creating the beautiful legend of a mythical Classical age that never was. The Biblical events are brought a lot closer to us both historically and geographically. The Biblical Jerusalem is actually the medieval city of Constantinople. The New and the Old Testament swap their positions in chronological order and are shown to refer to medieval events. Using astronomy and statistics to back his theories, Fomenko delivers an abundant astronomical proof showing that the identified dates of 'ancient' eclipses are blatantly untrue. Fomenko explains the confusion between the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and how the division between the two is merely imaginary. The book contains in-depth descriptions of the research methods used as well as the most meticulous rendition of the global chronological map with its numerous errors and glitches explained in a very level-headed manner. One doesn't have to be a mathematician to comprehend Fomenko's presentation. "History: Fiction or Science?" transforms history from fiction into a rocket science. It is a must read for everyone who isn't entirely indifferent to human history and possibly also for those who are.”
Mithec. (2007). Has history been tampered with? History: Fiction or Science? True Timeline of Antiquity. YouTube.
“Has history been tampered with? Is it possible that Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during Renaissance? Can it be that Jesus Christ was born in 1053 AD and crucified in 1086 AD? "History: Fiction or Science?" by the eminent mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues crowns 30 years of meticulous and extensive research. It is the first volume in seven comprising a "Chronology" that exposes numerous questionable notions of traditional history. "History: Fiction or Science?" describes how the contemporary chronological scale was created and by whom, with the culprits named as the 16th and 17th century clergy. The well-known model of history has enjoyed the relentless attention of prominent critics ever since its creation including people like Sir Isaac Newton and Jean Hardouin, the court librarian of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France. Anatoly Fomenko dissects every historical age scrupulously and analyzes the data from every angle imaginable. Poggio Bracciolini and Petrarch take the blame for creating the beautiful legend of a mythical Classical age that never was. The Biblical events are brought a lot closer to us both historically and geographically. The Biblical Jerusalem is actually the medieval city of Constantinople.”
Norace. (2017). Did You Know? The Kremlin in Moscow is Actually Jerusalem in the Bible! Anatoly Fomenko Chronology. YouTube.
Preparing for Alien Contact. (2021). Tartaria and Erasing Old Civilization - Sylvie Ivanova on Anatoly Fomenko. YouTube.
Reality Quest. (2018). History Mathematically Proven Wrong. YouTube.
Static in the Attic. (2021). Dating "Ancient" Events- Scaligarian Chronology- Fomenko. YouTube.
Static in the Attic. (2021). Fomenko - "Ancient" Writers of the 16th Century Renaissance. YouTube.
TherealNotus. (2021). Did Ancient Greece Exist? Re-dating Greece from Homer to the Renaissance. YouTube.
TherealNotus. (2021). The Issue With Chronology - Anatoly Fomenko Book Summary. YouTube.
TherealNotus. (2022). The Issue With British History & Mongols - Anatoly Fomenko Book Summary. YouTube.
True Life. (2022). History: Science or Fiction. YouTube.
“Based on the book by Russian mathematics professor Anatoly Fomenko. What if everything you have been taught about history was inaccurate. What if the renaissance actually was Ancient Greece. What if our historical calendar was off by 700 years? Who was Joseph Scalinger? What can the astronomy of the Bible tell us about our past. How was the dates of previous events decided upon? Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Religion, Is the History we teach in schools today based in science or Fiction?”
Unnamed Media. (2021). Fomenko - Tartaria - Tartary. YouTube.
“Do we know our history? Modern historical science is bursting at the seams. Scientists - mathematicians who have created new mathematical methods for studying historical documents have left no stone unturned from the generally accepted chronology of historical events. But chronology is at the heart of history, being its "backbone". Changing chronology automatically leads to the need to revise all events in world history. It turns out that many of the rulers and even events of the ancient world known to us from books and movies did not exist at all, that they are phantoms, a reflection of later medieval rulers and events. The reconstruction of history, carried out by scientists on the basis of a new chronology of the world, eliminates a large number of secrets and mysteries in the past of mankind, finds simple and logical explanations for those historical events, which historians have been arguing about for centuries. It also turns out that the history of European states is artificially stretched into the past, and the history of Russia is deliberately shortened. Moreover, after getting acquainted with the real Reconstruction of history, it becomes clear to many.”
Books by Anatoly Fomenko:
History: Fiction or Science?
Book 1: The Issue with Chronology
Book 2: Astronomy vs. History
Book 3: The Apocalypse Seen by Astronomy
Book 4: The Issue with Dark Ages
Book 5: The Issue with Antiquity
Book 6: The Issue with Troy
Book 7: The Issue with Russian History
Book 8: Horde From Pacific to Atlantic
Book 9: The Issue with Mongols
Book 10: The Issue with Ivan the Terrible
Book 11: The Issue with Tamerlane
Book 12: USA Has Issues with Maps of 18th Century
Book 13: The Issue with Czar’s Helmet
Book 14: The Issue with Russian Tartary
Book 15: The Issue with British History
Book 16: Crusades and Exoduses
Book 17: Maps and Coins vs. History
Book 18: Swords and Mantles Tell History
Book 19: The Testament of Peter the Great
Book 20: The Issue with Baptism of Russia
Book 21: The Issue with Chinese Astronomy
Book 22: The Great Wall of China Hoax
Fascinating!! And the timing is divine....just when I thought I had run out of rabbit-holes to dive down & explore.
One of the important events is the appearance in our sky of the light from the supernova of what was then the 4th of "July" in Anno Domini 1054 that appears from our viewpoint to be at the tip of the horn of the bull quite near the constellation we call Orion. This event put a huge nebula in our sky that was visible for years and looked like a giant eye. The nebula still has a vaguely eye like character.
If we are to understand history, we need to be aware of the many losses. The houses of wisdom were thrown in the river when the Mongols sacked Baghdad. The water flowed black for six months and people crossed the river on the mass of pulpy manuscripts. The recovery from this event has not yet come.
Nor was Constantinople spared. It was sacked by both European and Ottoman invaders. We also lost a bunch of manuscripts in the many fires of Alexandria.
There was a Tartaria. There were mud floods, including in Houston and in Galveston. Much of the truth has been hidden.
No, Jesus Christ was born at the beginning of our current calendar system though not 4 years before his birth. 😎
Yes there are powerful forces in Europe who are against the knowledge being shared. The Vatican archive has much of what has been hidden.
The distribution of that knowledge is one of the many reasons God is bringing an end to the power of the current line of popes. More to follow.