I initially misread the title as electric gravy and thought, hmm...

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Hahahaha!! Wavy gravy!!

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I appreciate the shout out, thanks Demi! The Tartaria history is so fascinating,. I’m ready to dig in today and to watch some of the other intriguing videos here. The world of gravity fascinates me. 💫✨💫

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Thank you so much for that video!! It's an amazing quick recap - a great intro on the subject for anyone new to it!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Indeed, it’s a great introduction video of the subject, which is cloaked in mystery. Evidence of something and you’re not certain what that something is or was. There are so many unanswered questions.

We have a lot of photographic evidence, but I haven’t come across documents or writings from that time period which might shed more light. Have you?

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A lot of it has been destroyed but if you look at books from that time period unrelated to history, you will find a lot of strong evidence. Look at the table of contents for this book, for instance: https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Aa05AAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PR12&hl=en

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I’ve just recently found your Substack and I’m really enjoying your stuff! I love reading/listening to all these interesting, esoteric sort of subjects like this! :)

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Thank you so much, Ian! Welcome!! :)

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This is a great list! 🙏

I think I’m going to follow suit soon and post links to interesting things.

I watched a great Martin Liedtke one this week that had footage of women in Paris using a cell phone in 18?? (Can’t remember the date). I just love the footage he has of the old world. It’s spine-tingling.

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Oooh! Send me that if you see it again!! xoxo

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Ok my bad, 1922.

Five minute mark!!


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I will have to look into that! It matches some of what I had heard about suppression and a slow dole out of rereleases positioned as initial releases. These usually come through the OTT at the DoE. Interesting that the "DoE" is responsible for the licensing of all technology transitioning from private sector into public, no?

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Wow! 100%!!!

The study of ‘antiquitech’ is so incredible. The clues are all there.

For me, it never gets old, looking back into a time of more advanced civilizations that knew so much more than we do and who also valued beauty miles beyond what we currently do.

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I love looking into this. The missing puzzle piece.

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Me too! It’s so exciting. Indeed...✨

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Saved for a more quiet moment

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Air and water are the same element in different forms.

So the same dynamics we find in water applies to air.

Air is bubbles

Water is full bubbles or drops

There is no escaping water. It’s the realm we live within.

How is mercury manufactured?

All metals are alchemical recipes - not elements.

Oxygen and nitrogen were manufactured to solve metallurgical problems THEY were having with air decomposing their alloys when it was encapsulated in the matrices. Hence THEY needed a dry gas. Oxygen and nitrogen was invented.

Even gold - hence you get Royal mints, Government mints - they simply guard the recipes.

Dry gases like oxygen and nitrogen can not co-exist in air.

Air is moist and both oxygen and nitrogen will rapidly absorb moisture and revert to their natural state as air.

If you still believe oxygen and nitrogen are in the air you breathe - find the volunteers who willing say in a room of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen and lived to tell their stories.

Read my articles

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Anti gravity sounds unlikely although anti-matter is an another thing…

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