What I'm Watching: April 30, 2022
What is the real truth about fossil fuels and abiotic oil? How does our false notion of energy scarcity impact the way we calculate value? How would changing this impact our lives?
What is the real truth about fossil fuels and abiotic oil?
How does our false notion of energy scarcity impact the way we calculate value?
How would changing this impact our lives?
How do we account for thousands of suppressed energy patents?
Why are ancient technologies and new technological innovations being actively withheld from us?
Oil is NOT a “fossil fuel.”
Oil is abiotic, created by the earth thousands of feet beneath the fossil layer. Oil arises from inorganic processes that occur deep within the core or lower mantle of the earth.
We were told a massive, life changing lie about the nature of the origins of oil in order to create the perception of “fossil fuel” scarcity.
If we were under the impression that it takes billions of years for oil to form and that the stores of oil on our planet are finite, we would therefore believe that we only have so much of it to go around.
This false premise makes us believe that oil’s value is higher than it actually is.
The truth is that oil is abiotic, not derived from fossils… and therefore not scarce.
The false perception of oil’s scarcity artificially drives the price of oil up.
Built into the way we currently perform energy-related tasks, we tend to need oil for production. So, this falsehood that oil is finite, in turn, artificially drives up the cost of all other goods and services.
Thus, the value of oil, artificially propped up by a false perception, affects the cost of everything else because of the value we place upon production and logistics in terms of “fossil fuel” energy spent, i.e. it takes energy to manufacture and deliver goods and render services and many of our goods are petroleum based.
Creating the perception that energy is scarce is done by scaring people into believing that we have already surpassed peak production and are on the decline. They attempt to use this lie to justify higher prices, which ultimately result in greater profits for anyone controlling oil resources.
This is a level of market manipulation that far exceeds even the biggest, most well-known market manipulation thus far in history: diamonds.
If people understood the truth, that oil is not scarce, the perception of the value stored in oil would drop, thereby lowering the costs of both production and logistics, and this would forever alter the way we assign value to goods and services.
This isn’t to say that we would want to shift to a position of oil reliance forever; however, knowing that we are not facing scarcity, but scarcity propaganda and the deliberate manipulation of the oil market, alters the landscape considerably while also providing us with ample time to look for responsible alternatives that actually make logical sense.
And we wouldn’t need to look far. We should take this opportunity to demand that the far superior responsible alternatives that were so prevalent that they were embedded in our very architecture merely hundreds of years ago are now returned to the public from whom they were stolen and/or suppressed.
Things to consider while you watch the following videos:
Who benefits from lying to us about whether oil is finite or abundant?
How would correcting this lie alter the way we live?
What would it mean to have access to the technologies that have been stolen from humanity or otherwise suppressed?
Acx1n9s. (2010). Freeman Dyson on Tommy Gold, hearing mechanism, and abiogenic oil. YouTube.
The Auto Channel. (2018). Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention and Use of Term "Fossil Fuels." YouTube.
“Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You can start by searching the words "abiotic oil." This will lead you to an enormous amount of literature and other materials on the subject. To cut to the chase, you can do a search for the two books written by Jerome Corsi ("Black Gold Stranglehold" and "The Great Oil Conspiracy"), and the book by Thomas Gold "The Deep Hot Biosphere."
Coffee Break. (2018). Scarcity...I'M DELETING THIS SOON. YouTube.
“A look at consumer behavior when faced with scarcity as well as the behavioral psychology behind the scenes. This video will probably be gone by tomorrow.”
Coin Bureau. (2020). BIGGEST Market Manipulation In History!!! YouTube.
“Diamonds are one of the oldest commodities out there and were immensely rare until 1869, when a load of them started to be pulled out of the ground in South Africa. That was a problem for mine owners and the expansion of supply resulted in the falling of the value of the commodity. That caused consolidation in the industry and the formation of De Beers Consolidated Mines LTD. This was a complete monopoly. In the late 1930s, De Beers looked to expand the demand for the diamond market and targeted the US to increase demand they marketed diamond engagement rings. To this day, most people still think the right price for one is two months of salary. That’s all thanks to a De Beers marketing campaign. Honestly, watch my vid for more details on how De Beers pulled off one of the greatest forms of price fixing in history. Dodgy Silver Markets. In 1980, the Hunt brothers created one of the biggest financial bubbles in history by attempting to corner the silver market. They manipulated the price from $6 an ounce at the start of 1979 to a staggering $50 an ounce by January 1980. Jump forward to this section in the video to see how they did that. Today’s Commodities Manipulation. Recently, JP Morgan was slapped with a $920 million fine for manipulating precious metals markets. The astonishing thing is that people were talking about this for ages and were written off as conspiracy theorists. Turns out they were right. That manipulation happened between 2009 and 2016 - so, 7 years of funny business. The emails and chats uncovered by the CFTC showed traders coordinating with each other to manipulate those commodity prices. It also turns out that other banks like Barclays, UBS, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Morgan Stanley and more were all fined for commodities manipulation recently. Indeed, it seems those bankers cannot help themselves.”
CrosstalkAmerica. (2012). The Great Oil Conspiracy. YouTube.
“Dr. Jerome Corsi has a PhD from Harvard in political science. He is a senior staff reporter for WND and is the author of several books including "The Obama Nation", co-author of "Black Gold Strangle Hold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil" and the newly released, "The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People." You may recall learning that oil was allegedly formed by decaying matter from dead dinosaurs. Eventually this was changed to communicate that it was formed by the decaying of ancient forests. When that theory was abandoned, credit was given to plankton and other deep-earth biological materials. Dr. Corsi says it's all nonsense. The Nazis, who had been making synthetic oil out of coal, knew that oil is abiotic and not a fossil fuel that is biologically made from certain types of decaying matter. They developed what's known as the Fischer-Tropsch equations which explained that the earth makes oil under intense pressure and heat deep within the earth on an ongoing basis. To prove his point, Dr. Corsi noted that there is approximately 1.38 trillion barrels of oil in known oil reserves, the most in human history, despite the fact that consumption of oil has doubled since the 1970s. Are the environmentalists and our government being dishonest with us when they claim we are running out of oil? You decide when you review this edition of Crosstalk.”
EconClips. The Value Of Things - How Do We Determine It? YouTube.
Energy Analyst. (2018). The Future of the Petrodollar - The Petrodollar explained and what's next in oil markets. YouTube.
Field Interference. (2015). Overunity Systems & The Suppression of Free Energy Technology - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden. YouTube.
Godburn. (2019). Bitter Lake, Adam Curtis 2015 720p. YouTube.
GoldSwitzerland with Egon von Greyerz. (2013). William Engdahl - "The world isn't running out of oil; it's running into it: Part Three. YouTube.
“On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management / GoldSwitzerland, financial journalist Lars Schall met economic researcher and geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl for a special video-interview series in three parts. In the third part, "The world isn't running out of oil; it's running into it," they address crucial issues with respect to the crude oil business and its geopolitical dimensions. Inter alia, they discuss: the importance of oil for the whole social life; the beginning of the petrodollar; the research of Russian scientists on the origin of oil; and the fracking hype in the United States. Mr. Engdahl highlights some developments of the second half of the 20th century as they relate to oil. In particular, he discusses the different theories on how hydro carbons are actually created. From his point of view, the peak oil theory is pretty much discredited. Moreover, he talks about the background for the record high oil prices in 2007-08, and explains his concerns with regards to the unsustainable "fracking bubble."
Half as Interesting. (2021). Why the US Government Has 5,915 Secret, Classified Patents. YouTube.
The Heritage Foundation. (2013). USA vs YOU: Clean-Energy Fuel Cell Gets Inventor a Jail Cell. YouTube.
“Krister Evertson, a scientist who researched alternative fuels, was driving near his mother's home when his car was run off the road by a SWAT team with automatic weapons. They arrested him because, in a transaction related to his alternative fuel cell experiments, he forgot to place a federally-mandated safety sticker on the box when it was shipped. Although the sodium was properly secured, Evertson spent two years in prison -- a shocking miscarriage of justice.”
HorseCents. (2011). Peak Oil scientifically disproved (there is no oil shortage). YouTube.
The Infographics Show. (2018). How Petrodollars Affect The US Dollar And The World Economy? YouTube.
Jake Tran. (2020). The Diamond Cartel: History's Greatest Monopoly. YouTube.
“The truth about diamonds. You’re Ernest Oppenheimer in the jewelry business, and you have a monopoly over all the diamond mines in South Africa, the biggest diamond producer. De Beers was on top of the world. Diamonds make for great jewelry that the world is willing to top dollar for, they have industrial uses that no other materials can really replace, and you control the main area in the world where 90% diamonds are coming from. Everyone thought that diamonds are pretty rare, making them very valuable much like how gold is valuable. It’s becoming more apparent that diamonds aren’t really as rare as we thought. The economics of diamonds are looking pretty bleak, but you’re a very clever businessman so you’re not willing to quit. Shift your business from digging as many diamonds out of the ground as possible, to doing everything in your power to control how many diamonds come out of the ground. Turn your modest diamond operation into the most successful monopoly cartel the world has ever seen in the blood diamond trade. A cartel is a group of companies coming together to fix the price of a product so that the all cartel members get their fair share of the profits. Like how major oil countries come together as the cartel OPEC, to fix the price of crude oil, except with a diamond cartel. Once these locals catch on to how profitable the diamond trade is, they’ll started trading diamonds and smuggling it - do whatever is necessary to crush them. Now that you have the start of the supply chain under your grip, it’s time for the merchants. Since you control 90% of the world’s diamond output, merchants who want to buy raw diamonds can really only go to you. You can’t legally operate in the US, so set up shop in London where you’ll distribute raw diamonds to merchants. It’s the 1930’s, you’re making more money than ever but the people in you’re biggest market, the US, don’t really care about diamonds and your sales were pretty small. But jewelry is just that, a “nice-to-have,” a luxury that only people with extra money can afford. You need diamonds to symbolize something so evergreen that no matter how the economy was doing, no matter how rich or poor a person was, people would always need diamonds.”
John McGowan. (2020). The Abiogenic Theory of Oil and Natural Gas with Thumbnail and Closer. Vimeo.
Khan Academy. (2017). Scarcity | Basic economics concepts | Economics | Khan Academy. YouTube.
“Introduction to scarcity as the notion underpinning the study of economics.”
Kirk Buchanan. (2019). The Psychology of Scarcity and Why It Works (Ecommerce Marketing Tactic). YouTube.
Mark Passio. (2013). Mark Passio - Scarcity To Abundance. YouTube.
“Mark gave this short presentation at the Why Tesla Matters Memorial Conference, hosted by the Tesla Science Foundation on January 6, 2013. Mark spoke about the main reasons why humanity has not manifested Free Energy technology in any way that is open and beneficial to our species.”
The Moore Show. (2015). Abiotic oil with Jerome Corsi. YouTube.
“Jerome Corsi co-author of Black Gold Stranglehold, shared the contention that oil is continually created deep inside the planet, and doesn't stem from dinosaurs or decayed matter (i.e. fossil fuel). Experts estimate that Americans consume more than 25 percent of the world's oil but have control over less than 3 percent of its proven oil supply. This unbalanced pattern of consumption makes it possible for foreign governments, corrupt political leaders, terrorist organizations, and oil conglomerates to hold the economy and the citizens of the United States in a virtual stranglehold. In this book, the authors expose the fraudulent science that has made America so vulnerable: the belief that oil is a fossil fuel and that it is a finite resource. Jerome Corsi explores the international and domestic politics of oil production and consumption, including the wealth and power of major oil conglomerates, the manipulation of world economies by oil-producing nations and rogue terrorist regimes and the shortsightedness of those who endorse expensive conservation efforts while rejecting the use of the oil reserves currently controlled by the U.S. government.”
Paradigm Shift. (2014). Oil is Not a Fossil Fuel! The Real Science of Abiotic Oil and Serpentinization. YouTube.
QuantumOFlux. (2012). On Abiotic Oil Theory, Geology, and Possible Life Origins. YouTube.
Senator Tom Udall. (2014). Tom Pushes DOE on Tech Transfer Expansion. YouTube.
“Sen. Tom Udall questions Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz about progress being made to implement technology transfer - a key economic plan he has offered to help entrepreneurs build businesses based on research developed at the national labs. The hearing was before the Senate Appropriations Committee, of which Udall is a member.”
Skeptoid Media. (2019). Abiotic Oil. YouTube.
“Today we're going to trudge through the frozen forests of Siberia, until we come to a remote ice-encrusted oil derrick. It's sucking black gold from super deep, deeper than any other wells on Earth, pulling up petroleum consisting of 100% hydrocarbon fuel, free of the chemical signatures that characterize all other oil on the planet. It is abiotic oil, oil that came to be through means other than biological. Conventional understanding is that Earth's oil and other fossil fuels come from ancient organic matter, metamorphosed by time and pressure and heat into a hydrocarbon fuel source that we're burning through quickly and will eventually run out of. The hypothesis of abiotic oil, on the other hand, states that it comes from natural geological processes which are ongoing, and thus we will never run out.”
Society for Science at User Research Facilities. (2021). U.S. Dept. of Energy - Chief Commercialization Officer & OTT Director Dr. Vanessa Chan. YouTube.
“Technology Transfer efforts at the the DoE: This presentation features insight from Dr. Vanessa Chan, Chief Commercialization Officer for the Department of Energy and Director of the Office of Technology Transitions. Dr. Chan will share her thoughts on the RDD&D Continuum (yes there are three "Ds" to consider) and the challenges of bringing ideas from the lab bench all the way to the marketplace. Her comments will provide context and examples of the great research occurring in - and especially transferring out of - the DOE's laboratory ecosystem, what opportunities are perceived borne of the recent Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal approved by Congress, and also highlight priorities of the Technology Transfer Working Group. The U.S. Dept. of Energy's Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) serves as the central hub for the technology transfer activities across the Department of Energy’s extensive R&D enterprise. From artificial intelligence and cybersecurity research to advanced manufacturing and quantum computing to medical diagnostics and climate change research, the OTT works to ensure groundbreaking scientific discoveries achieve their maximum public return and impact. With a mission to advance the economic, energy, and national security interests of the United States OTT strives to streamline access to User Facilities at 17 DOE National Labs and sites, our world-class scientific researchers, and our sprawling portfolio of intellectual property – fostering strong internal and external partnerships that guide innovations from the lab toward the marketplace.”
Stormy13Wizard13. (2017). One Of The Greatest Lies Ever Told - Abiotic Oil and Fossil Fuels. YouTube.
“When it comes to oil the Earth is a dynamo producer using iron oxide (rust) and marble (calcium carbonate) and water deep in the mantel below any level of organic material (protoplankton, dinosaurs, vegetation, etc) Current geological records show 16,000 feet as cut off level for organic life in fossil remains while drilling for oil surpasses 40,000 feet.”
Strange Planet. (2021). The Abiotic Oil Theory with Joseph Olson. YouTube.
Survival prepping for normal people. (2019). Abiotic Oil. YouTube.
TED-Ed. (2014). What gives a dollar bill its value? - Doug Levinson. YouTube.
“The value of money is determined by how much (or how little) of it is in circulation. But who makes that decision, and how does their choice affect the economy at large? Doug Levinson takes a trip into the United States Federal Reserve, examining how the people who work there aim to balance the value of the dollar to prevent inflation or deflation.”
Was man weiß, was man wissen sollte. (2018). Freie Energie 3: Unterdrückung & Verfolgung. YouTube.
Youri Carma. (2010). Peak Oil Myth - Scam Busted by Noe van Hulst. YouTube.
This, when I read very fast, and I do sometimes miss elements, but here let me just point out that these “Oil conglomerates” tho they do, not unlike the many trade associations exist to gain leverage. However, to draw a conclusion they’re big greedy corporations is a bit short sighted. They are in fact dealing with more oppressive regulations, stated in campaign POLICY designed to “Put the fossils fuels out of business.” Since I do agree they’re not, and indeed it is a self defeating policy guaranteed to fail... As in the end it is their stated objective. Statism at its destructive finest.