Definitely relate to this. I need the map, and i retain the map. When J's feel like something is impossible or they don't know how to do something and I already have the map - they need me.
When I have not compiled the map yet, I appreciate patience to let me gather and compile it. I get frustrated when a J type wants to get something done fast, can't figure it out and expects me to already have the map available.
What a cool read, glad to have inspired you! I think I'm somewhere midway between J and P, with the two constantly battling each other for dominance of my psyche (some days the laundry is folded within minutes of exiting the dryer, other times it sits in the basket for over a day before I get to it...)
Yes! This!! I am a huge procrastinator but I make very good quick decisions. I don’t want to show my work, but I do like a good map. I used to be a strong FJ, ISFJ. And as I’ve aged, I am more INFP. It’s very interesting.
Over time, there can be changes even though people tend to deny that. But some of the reason for that is that we take on other traits temporarily for other reasons. Procrastination is a great example. Some people just tend to do this because it's part of who they are. Others do it because of trauma - they're in the freeze state and can't motivate themselves out of the trauma reaction. Once it resolves, the person might go back to wanting to get everything done quickly again. There are so many examples of this. So I see all of this more as an overall guideline and a useful tool than something that would be better to see set in stone.
Oh yes. I agree. I have loads of childhood trauma. Yay. I have been working with an EMDR therapist for two months now. It has been awesome. First thing we worked on? Self sabotage.
I'm strongly INTP. I'm 60 now and I've changed over the years. As a youth, I voraciously gobbled new info. I read every article that interested me in two different sets of encyclopedias. As a teenager, I learned I didn't fit in; tough years. But then I got married and started having children. We homeschooled all 11 of them, not for religious reasons, but purely to let them explore what they found worthy of exploring. I started a small business 30 years ago, so I've learned the value of planning ahead (just a little though, let's not get carried away and miss serendipity). I've learned that sometimes decisions have to be made without knowing all the info and outcomes (but let's not be too hasty and skip any of the main considerations). I've learned to actually connect with people and build bridges. You can't have a successful business without them (but let's not get too wrapped up in people's problems and emotions).
Maps are cool to have, and used wisely, they can help you explore. And besides, if you've got room in your brain to memorize new facts, why not? For instance, I have no contacts in my phone. I memorize the least amount of digits needed to recognize a caller. This is fun to an INTP, believe it or not. The stress that being an INTP causes fades as you get older and more comfortable with yourself, as I'm sure is the case with all the personality types.
I'm happy that you only plan enough to be responsible and not so much that you miss out on what the universe brings in for you - that's huge. Most people screw up their manifestations by not accounting for that. They block their own blessings because they don't come in in exactly the way they expected them to arrive. And then they miss out on what was supposed to be awesome because they didn't see it for the blessing it was. That's when experiences turn into lessons and then lessons become blessings when transmuted into wisdom.
Yes, and around 25 grandchildren (I lost count!). Grandchildren are the best. I always say grandparents and grandchildren get along so well because they have a common enemy. 🤣
I've had my share of lessons, still waiting on the wisdom. 😁
INFP here.
Definitely relate to this. I need the map, and i retain the map. When J's feel like something is impossible or they don't know how to do something and I already have the map - they need me.
When I have not compiled the map yet, I appreciate patience to let me gather and compile it. I get frustrated when a J type wants to get something done fast, can't figure it out and expects me to already have the map available.
I'm laughing reading this. I feel like great communication is at the heart of all of this!! And thank you for always having the map!! <3
lol :D It makes sense though, right?!
Of course! It's just not how my brain works. That's why we're all different!! <3
I think if there were only "P" types in the world nothing would ever get done?
From my experience, that's likely true. And Js would never have the map. It would be chaos either way.
What a cool read, glad to have inspired you! I think I'm somewhere midway between J and P, with the two constantly battling each other for dominance of my psyche (some days the laundry is folded within minutes of exiting the dryer, other times it sits in the basket for over a day before I get to it...)
Thank you so much!! :)
Yeah, it's a spectrum with everyone. I think I'm like a 70/30 split. LOL! :)
Yes! This!! I am a huge procrastinator but I make very good quick decisions. I don’t want to show my work, but I do like a good map. I used to be a strong FJ, ISFJ. And as I’ve aged, I am more INFP. It’s very interesting.
Over time, there can be changes even though people tend to deny that. But some of the reason for that is that we take on other traits temporarily for other reasons. Procrastination is a great example. Some people just tend to do this because it's part of who they are. Others do it because of trauma - they're in the freeze state and can't motivate themselves out of the trauma reaction. Once it resolves, the person might go back to wanting to get everything done quickly again. There are so many examples of this. So I see all of this more as an overall guideline and a useful tool than something that would be better to see set in stone.
Oh yes. I agree. I have loads of childhood trauma. Yay. I have been working with an EMDR therapist for two months now. It has been awesome. First thing we worked on? Self sabotage.
It becomes hard at that point to differentiate which parts are you and which parts were built for coping. But you'll unravel it. :)
Oh I like this one, Demi.
This is a good one. I'm gonna keep it.
Thank you!! <3
I suppose if I were to decide between them, I’d say I’m a J. I rarely plan and tend to trust my instinct to decide things as they come.
I would guess that you're an INTJ or an INFJ - I would *guess* you're probably centered between T and F. But you'd have to take the test and see.
I'm strongly INTP. I'm 60 now and I've changed over the years. As a youth, I voraciously gobbled new info. I read every article that interested me in two different sets of encyclopedias. As a teenager, I learned I didn't fit in; tough years. But then I got married and started having children. We homeschooled all 11 of them, not for religious reasons, but purely to let them explore what they found worthy of exploring. I started a small business 30 years ago, so I've learned the value of planning ahead (just a little though, let's not get carried away and miss serendipity). I've learned that sometimes decisions have to be made without knowing all the info and outcomes (but let's not be too hasty and skip any of the main considerations). I've learned to actually connect with people and build bridges. You can't have a successful business without them (but let's not get too wrapped up in people's problems and emotions).
Maps are cool to have, and used wisely, they can help you explore. And besides, if you've got room in your brain to memorize new facts, why not? For instance, I have no contacts in my phone. I memorize the least amount of digits needed to recognize a caller. This is fun to an INTP, believe it or not. The stress that being an INTP causes fades as you get older and more comfortable with yourself, as I'm sure is the case with all the personality types.
Nice piece.
Thank you so much! :)
Wow, 11!! Full house!! :)
I'm happy that you only plan enough to be responsible and not so much that you miss out on what the universe brings in for you - that's huge. Most people screw up their manifestations by not accounting for that. They block their own blessings because they don't come in in exactly the way they expected them to arrive. And then they miss out on what was supposed to be awesome because they didn't see it for the blessing it was. That's when experiences turn into lessons and then lessons become blessings when transmuted into wisdom.
Yes, and around 25 grandchildren (I lost count!). Grandchildren are the best. I always say grandparents and grandchildren get along so well because they have a common enemy. 🤣
I've had my share of lessons, still waiting on the wisdom. 😁
So blessed!!! <3
Excellent commentary.
Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫
Brilliantly explained ! (a ”J” living with a ”P” for 35 years !! 🤣 )
Thank you so much! <3
Re: first picture: greetings from a world created mostly in LibreOffice Draw. ;)
Ha! Love it!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫
Insightful and hilarious, thank you!