We were trying to protect you. We're still trying to protect you.
Apparently we are gluttons for punishment because, despite your continued shaming, ridicule, gaslighting, demonizing, and abuse, we still continue to try to protect you.
We STILL try to have compassion for you and how scared you must be now that it's dawning on you that we were right.
And we see all of this as part of being a human being with clear ethics and morals.
And instead of understanding that and sitting down calmly and asking us to discuss with you what we know, you're onto the next thing, clamoring for war.
And, of course, you’re still making fun of us and acting like we were stupid despite the fact that we have been right at every single turn while hoping to god that we weren't.
But we were. The information is all there, in plain sight.
If you can see it, you do.
If you don't, you end up getting hurt until you do.
Watching all of you hurt yourselves while you tell us how stupid we are is sad and demoralizing and terrifying.
Everything about this sucks.
We can't protect you from yourselves.
We only hope you start to figure it out before it's too late.