Channeled Messages:
A journey back to wholeness after an impasse opens you up to receiving all manner of abundance, fertility, prosperity, and emotional and spiritual riches. Let your heart be lighter than a feather as you open it back up to giving and receiving unconditional love.
When we learn to forgive and let go, we raise our vibrations and transcend the spiritual and physical realms, merging with the divine. We have lived many lives, and through the lessons we learn in each, we form a tapestry of interconnectedness, healing the piece of source consciousness of which we have been entrusted.
The lessons we learn are often bittersweet, but when we share the wisdom of our hearts and openly express our truth, that we are all at one with the divine and there is never any separation among any of us, we come back around to a state of wholeness after reintegration.
It takes great strength to remember this while we are in physical form, so we should do our best to always remind ourselves that we are part of the all and the infinite, that we are more than just our physical bodies, that letting go of holding on too tightly to the narratives we play out in the 3D will open us up to the reality of being super powerful co-creating manifestors.
You have support from the divine in pursuing your dreams. Spirit wants you to be yourself and be happy. Off and running on a journey to recommit yourself to your spiritual practice, you find the key to understanding your life purpose which unlocks a portal to a new beginning which has been hidden from you up until now. It’s time for a trust fall into the infinite. Take a leap of faith. Your destiny awaits.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
The Association - Never My Love
Tricky - Overcome
I Am More Than My Physical Body
Meditation for healing your energy | Uplifting and release tension and toxicity | binaural beats
Unity Consciousness Guided Meditation
40 - Divine Blessings and Support
1115 - Taking On Battles
2159 - Pursue Your Dreams
3315 - The Benefit of Experiences
6157 - Just Be Yourself and Be Happy
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Akriza - 11:11
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
Cake - I Will Survive
Daniel Norgren - Howling Around My Happy Home
Depeche Mode - Strangelove
Dwight Yoakam - I Sang Dixie
Falden - Don’t Wanna Know
Hamilton - It’s Quiet Uptown
Nora En Pure - Lake Arrowhead
Seven Nations - Twelve
Sharon Van Etten - Never Gonna Change
Weyes Blood - Be Free
Weyes Blood - Do You Need My Love
Weyes Blood - Grapevine
Weyes Blood - It's Not Just Me, It's Everybody
Special thanks to Goddess Renell and Risteeka.