Notes On Performance Art, Sarah McLachlan, Marilyn Manson, George R.R. Martin, Care Bears, Directed Empathy Weapons, Subverted History, Meatposting, Gratitude, Literal Toilet Humor, and more...
I literally cannot stay awake today. It must have been all those zany hijinks and hysterical laughter yesterday, because if I close my eyes for a moment I wake myself up snoring. 🤣🤣🤣
It's so interesting that you say humanity is not necessarily moving forward. I have been thinking this for a while, that it's obvious that music, art (visual), literature, it's all become completely broadened and diluted. I point to Shakespeare, to classical music, even the "popular" stuff, to (obvious) Renaissance art. There is no way most people do even appreciate this stuff, anymore, much less like it.
"Assuming these well educated people aren’t stupid, we must assume they have some motive for so egregiously ignoring both logic and reason.
"To demonstrate, if you were to hand me an apple right now, and I were to deny the very existence of the apple you just handed to me no matter how much you protested that you clearly just handed me an apple, this would be akin to the stance that the scientific community takes on data that clearly alters the accepted story." Great. Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart.
"Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart." Either or both. Depends with whom you're speaking.
We're not moving forward. We're being kept from moving forward. In a set amount of time we have x number of "advancements," which are really just old tech that's been doled back out to us, framed as "advancements."
It was already ours and was removed from our possession. And by the time we get to about the edge of where it would be difficult to control us because we start figuring it all out, there is some "cataclysmic event," we start back with less than what we had in the beginning, and we're never given back as much as we had the time before.
So we're in a constant incremental downward spiral of devolution. And you can look at not just our past tech and see that, but you can also see it in the fossil record. Areas known for certain crafts will have better examples of those crafts in the fossil record the deeper you look into the earth. That shouldn't be so, but it absolutely is.
One of the things being done to reduce your experience of gigantic people is trans-sphenoidal surgery to change the pituitary gland and reduce the amount of growth hormone produced. The claim is that very tall people suffer from tumours on their pituitary gland and by reducing these with surgery in childhood they are "happier" and live longer. {insert discussion of unnecessary surgeries and the abuse of power by doctors and hospitals}
We began building steam engines for pumping water in the tin mining biz in Cornwall around 1705 and had them generating electricity around 1775. I am not confident that we had that much trouble building things in the 1800s. But we definitely had craftsmen who were valued in ways that postmodern architects don't understand.
The first billionaire in the world was oil robber baron John D Rockefeller. His family is very greedy, ungrateful, ugly, and vicious. Hiding the truth about energy is entirely the business they are in. And Elizabeth Nickson has been writing about them in her current series over at Absurdistan.
Hmmm... Substack says you mentioned me in this post. Did you check the spelling and everything? I barely exist on Substack, I'm pretty much invisible. Did I say something? Anyway, can't afford to upgrade, but I'll take your word, I mean, if Substack says so...
Ohhhhhh my stomach hurts from TOO. MUCH. LAUGHING!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's such an incredible compendium of hilarity and awesomeness. Bravo, my sister!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
LOL! Thank you!! 🤣🤣🤣
There were whole other toilet humor conversations outside of ours that I completely missed, because I was out-of-control punning! 🤣🤣🤣
That's as it should be!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I literally cannot stay awake today. It must have been all those zany hijinks and hysterical laughter yesterday, because if I close my eyes for a moment I wake myself up snoring. 🤣🤣🤣
LMFAO!! 🤣🤣🤣
"I'd like a coffee."
"Which kind?"
"The Narcolepsy Prevention Brew, please...."
For real, LMAO! I think I drooled on R earlier when I crawled on the sofa and rested my head on him. I was out in record time. 🤣🤣🤣
I already passed out at least three times today. I'm not fighting it, since my body is clearly telling me something.
Get some sleep!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
snores loudly
I feel like I lost touch with reality for a while, only to discover that a whole event happened without my faintest awareness.
I read Demi's post and was like, "WUT?!?!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sister, I hear you about losing touch with reality.
I have not been the same since I discovered Marbles. I cannot STOP!!!
And I swear my toilet was looking at me weird today.
If it has a demon face or a human head pops out, FLEE AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!!
You're killing me!!!
A scatting toilet is alarming, in addition to being some sort of infinity joke, LMAO!
I have a backup plan. 🤣🤣🤣
GOOOOOD ONE!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
minus the punning ;)
Girl, you won it all with the divers on the toilet gif! Ahahahahahaha!
I just experienced some strange, runaway punning delirium.
OH MY GOD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm gone for six days and miss all the literally shitposting jokes...Dooood. I loved this comp. ❤️ Loads of good stuff in there.
Aww! Thanks!! Great to see you!! ❤️ ❤️
Great post, thanks Demi!
Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Man I love getting rippled by this rhizomatic rhythm we find ourselves in.
It's so interesting that you say humanity is not necessarily moving forward. I have been thinking this for a while, that it's obvious that music, art (visual), literature, it's all become completely broadened and diluted. I point to Shakespeare, to classical music, even the "popular" stuff, to (obvious) Renaissance art. There is no way most people do even appreciate this stuff, anymore, much less like it.
"Assuming these well educated people aren’t stupid, we must assume they have some motive for so egregiously ignoring both logic and reason.
"To demonstrate, if you were to hand me an apple right now, and I were to deny the very existence of the apple you just handed to me no matter how much you protested that you clearly just handed me an apple, this would be akin to the stance that the scientific community takes on data that clearly alters the accepted story." Great. Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart.
"Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart." Either or both. Depends with whom you're speaking.
We're not moving forward. We're being kept from moving forward. In a set amount of time we have x number of "advancements," which are really just old tech that's been doled back out to us, framed as "advancements."
It was already ours and was removed from our possession. And by the time we get to about the edge of where it would be difficult to control us because we start figuring it all out, there is some "cataclysmic event," we start back with less than what we had in the beginning, and we're never given back as much as we had the time before.
So we're in a constant incremental downward spiral of devolution. And you can look at not just our past tech and see that, but you can also see it in the fossil record. Areas known for certain crafts will have better examples of those crafts in the fossil record the deeper you look into the earth. That shouldn't be so, but it absolutely is.
Holy crap that was awesome!
Hahahahaha!! Thanks!! :)
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know the standing squat on the toilet bowl from having lived in Greece! Thankfully it was not the highlight!
One of the things being done to reduce your experience of gigantic people is trans-sphenoidal surgery to change the pituitary gland and reduce the amount of growth hormone produced. The claim is that very tall people suffer from tumours on their pituitary gland and by reducing these with surgery in childhood they are "happier" and live longer. {insert discussion of unnecessary surgeries and the abuse of power by doctors and hospitals}
We began building steam engines for pumping water in the tin mining biz in Cornwall around 1705 and had them generating electricity around 1775. I am not confident that we had that much trouble building things in the 1800s. But we definitely had craftsmen who were valued in ways that postmodern architects don't understand.
The first billionaire in the world was oil robber baron John D Rockefeller. His family is very greedy, ungrateful, ugly, and vicious. Hiding the truth about energy is entirely the business they are in. And Elizabeth Nickson has been writing about them in her current series over at Absurdistan.
That toilet meme will get me every time 😂
Hmmm... Substack says you mentioned me in this post. Did you check the spelling and everything? I barely exist on Substack, I'm pretty much invisible. Did I say something? Anyway, can't afford to upgrade, but I'll take your word, I mean, if Substack says so...
You're in the special thanks for participating in one of the conversations in the round up post.
This is not marked as a paid post. You should be able to see it all.
Oops, my bad. Sorry.
No worries!! :)
Oh, you followed me now? Argh, the pressure 🤬 I'm still not gonna start a newsletter. I'm invisible and I should probably stay that way.