Demi, this is a super piece. You zero in on the pragmatic methods, the monopoly motives, and the clever psychological carrots. It seems to me the cleverest of elites, not many, have to genuinely inspired the hearts and minds of the public, like a narcotic, but that also has real value and then use them as so much fuel to drive the power aim. I suspect that all those rockets launching, are not really funded by customers, though it appears that way, but by defense contractors with a range of motives. Like an arms dealer selling to both sides. It amuses me how many people get blown away to colonize Mars. A perfect and genuine elevator pitch that projects human progress but disguises how it’s paid for and other less romantic acts. It’s fascinating and clever and kudos to you correctly recognizing those patterns.
I'll have to get into my take on the rockets at some point, all the way back to the Kennedy era. There's something I'm unsure many people are seeing about this and so they get hung up on attributing false narratives to this instead of really understanding the intention behind a potential cover up and cui bono. As usual, when you spin the cube, the stories have a way of interlocking when there's a fit. And there's definitely a fit.
An outstanding piece Dima-so well written and spot on.
Whats funny is that just based on you're quote on facebook, I figured you were talking about "The man whose named like a perfume". X is now PLP Enterprises ( Pepe le'Pue over that:))
I don't. He's a bloodline hierarchy kid, all of them (we are told) are downstream genetics from the Genesis 6 style fallen angelic mating with humans. This is a cool prompt, I've written a bit about E before, might do another article takeoff on your question. Thanks!
He wouldn't think of it that way. Too personal. "It's just business." They don't understand why people assume cutting off access is taken personally. Elon is very high functioning autistic. He doesn't hate his users, he has zero emotional investment in us. We're objects.
Right now dozens of Twitter accounts I follow are being experimented upon with testing of various permutations of the algorithms. Like being unable to reply to anything for two hours. We're rats in a maze to him. Sometimes the maze let's us get to food. But then the walls move.
Interesting > "Remember, “competition is for losers.” I think Elon Musk was trying to make Substack hurt so they will agree to a hostile takeover. In fact, Elon Musk has openly expressed interest in acquiring Substack as recently as December 2022, according to Business Insider."
In terms of Monopoly control, Oil allows it. Whereas, the Solar Revolution, on pace to Double World Energy in 4 years, 8x in 7, and 1000x by 2040, will prob drive Decentralization. Turns out, securing Oil, required Solar Spy Satellites, Drones, etc, which helped drive a materials revolution.
Decentralization via Return Hunter Gather Nomadic societies, compelled Agrarian settler Feudalism. Synthesis/Antithesis. From individual to communal, evolution iterates, at higher levels/ retrograde cycles thru time. Centralization seems to drive Decentralization, ad infinitum?
I'd like to believe that oil, or energy for that matter, really isn't scarce. But how do you explain drilling at the bottom of the ocean? Or the shattering of shale rock to get at the last drop in mountains effectively poisoning nearby water sources? It doesn't make any sense, even for psychopaths, to spend almost as much energy on extracting oil than they actually get out of the extraction process. So, I'm calling your bluff. There's much more to the story of oil that you present in your Substack article:
In any case, do we really want to live in a world where we degrade the soil, air and water as if we live on an infinite planet of resources? The energy / oil we extract inevitably goes to manufacture things - buildings, roads, bombs, etc. Is humanity really entitled to use oil/energy exploit the last of the Earth's resources for themselves, leaving the rest of the living biome to be wiped out? When will our production, consumption, discarding be enough?
Just wanted to add that Elon is the highest paid US Military contractor with Space X & Starlink. Strings are being pulled but who is pulling them and whats the strategy? Information warfare and Psyops are in full effect, we have been in WW3 for a while
An excellent piece on EM, although I would also say, still perceiving him through a biased lens. But certainly the closest assessment of his mechanisims and goals for humanity, to date.
I think if you look at his purchases, which ones he pours the most amount into, esp especially when regarding losses, and his investors, you'll see that the Starlink is his main goal, in that it all funnels into powering the space web/grid, which is not about getting to mars (although that's a fun side project), it's about harvesting energy.😉
Elon wants to go to Mars. As one of those who began wanting to travel in space around 1975 I am sure it is a high priority. He knows what it will cost which is why he is beyond himself in responsibilities. He does want to own the public square because everyone in the space travel industry knows how many men have been killed for being effective in this industry. Gerald Bull, George Koopman, Jim Benson, and others. Many more men and women have been ruined financially for the same reasons.
Musk hasn't because he does what the powers that be really need done. Which is why he started SpaceX at super remote Kwajalein and copied the tech strategy of Glavkosmos.
Hey I have a different take on this. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are front men( media spokesmen +all info about them comes from media ) for the economic monopoly( central banksters Rothschild & co) . Their master needs the one narrative fear ( and ignorance), censorship is part of fascism( and the effect of fear). Competition comes from fear as cooperation comes from love.
They are deeply religious men(they appear to worship money ).
They are ego role playing in an illusion of separateness.
Though the media amplifies unconsciousness(fear) I need not buy into the us vs them or the making an enemy out of my brother (trending).
This view is appealing but may miss some aspects. We have reasons to believe that there is not a monolithic group with total control but many groups with only some control.
Hey Jim na it misses no aspect. CIA's twitter and front man of the day Musk . Substack is more focusing on AI ( programs) trying to disrupt and redirect truth content and/or supporting and holding controlled opposition memes in place . Mercola was one of their first CO authors going on about " covid" . At Substack you are just as likely to have programs writing content and commenting as Twitter.
Follow the money .
There is in fact an economic monopoly its called central banking.
And the big aspect is the shift to love from fear. But Love is not of this world haha
Demi, this is a super piece. You zero in on the pragmatic methods, the monopoly motives, and the clever psychological carrots. It seems to me the cleverest of elites, not many, have to genuinely inspired the hearts and minds of the public, like a narcotic, but that also has real value and then use them as so much fuel to drive the power aim. I suspect that all those rockets launching, are not really funded by customers, though it appears that way, but by defense contractors with a range of motives. Like an arms dealer selling to both sides. It amuses me how many people get blown away to colonize Mars. A perfect and genuine elevator pitch that projects human progress but disguises how it’s paid for and other less romantic acts. It’s fascinating and clever and kudos to you correctly recognizing those patterns.
Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
I'll have to get into my take on the rockets at some point, all the way back to the Kennedy era. There's something I'm unsure many people are seeing about this and so they get hung up on attributing false narratives to this instead of really understanding the intention behind a potential cover up and cui bono. As usual, when you spin the cube, the stories have a way of interlocking when there's a fit. And there's definitely a fit.
It took me a while to find this article.
An outstanding piece Dima-so well written and spot on.
Whats funny is that just based on you're quote on facebook, I figured you were talking about "The man whose named like a perfume". X is now PLP Enterprises ( Pepe le'Pue over that:))
Do you think Elon has completely human DNA? Asking for a friend. You're the tops Demi, read you daily.
Thanks, Jay Dee! Sending my love!
I don't. He's a bloodline hierarchy kid, all of them (we are told) are downstream genetics from the Genesis 6 style fallen angelic mating with humans. This is a cool prompt, I've written a bit about E before, might do another article takeoff on your question. Thanks!
Thanks Veronica, looking forward to it. I'm a subscriber!
Thank you for this insightful and illuminating take on the micro of Musk and the macro of metaphysics.
Fascinating and terrifying read. As an ENFP I cannot imagine wanting to off someone who thinks differently. Such an odd being Elon is...
He wouldn't think of it that way. Too personal. "It's just business." They don't understand why people assume cutting off access is taken personally. Elon is very high functioning autistic. He doesn't hate his users, he has zero emotional investment in us. We're objects.
Right now dozens of Twitter accounts I follow are being experimented upon with testing of various permutations of the algorithms. Like being unable to reply to anything for two hours. We're rats in a maze to him. Sometimes the maze let's us get to food. But then the walls move.
Interesting > "Remember, “competition is for losers.” I think Elon Musk was trying to make Substack hurt so they will agree to a hostile takeover. In fact, Elon Musk has openly expressed interest in acquiring Substack as recently as December 2022, according to Business Insider."
In terms of Monopoly control, Oil allows it. Whereas, the Solar Revolution, on pace to Double World Energy in 4 years, 8x in 7, and 1000x by 2040, will prob drive Decentralization. Turns out, securing Oil, required Solar Spy Satellites, Drones, etc, which helped drive a materials revolution.
Decentralization via Return Hunter Gather Nomadic societies, compelled Agrarian settler Feudalism. Synthesis/Antithesis. From individual to communal, evolution iterates, at higher levels/ retrograde cycles thru time. Centralization seems to drive Decentralization, ad infinitum?
If oil were actually scarce, yes. We need to break free of this illusion as well.
I'd like to believe that oil, or energy for that matter, really isn't scarce. But how do you explain drilling at the bottom of the ocean? Or the shattering of shale rock to get at the last drop in mountains effectively poisoning nearby water sources? It doesn't make any sense, even for psychopaths, to spend almost as much energy on extracting oil than they actually get out of the extraction process. So, I'm calling your bluff. There's much more to the story of oil that you present in your Substack article:
In any case, do we really want to live in a world where we degrade the soil, air and water as if we live on an infinite planet of resources? The energy / oil we extract inevitably goes to manufacture things - buildings, roads, bombs, etc. Is humanity really entitled to use oil/energy exploit the last of the Earth's resources for themselves, leaving the rest of the living biome to be wiped out? When will our production, consumption, discarding be enough?
I really benefit from these explanatory posts. The comments are really good too. Steel sharpens steel.
I suspect he is just one of the public facing puppet of the elites to play out their agenda
Just wanted to add that Elon is the highest paid US Military contractor with Space X & Starlink. Strings are being pulled but who is pulling them and whats the strategy? Information warfare and Psyops are in full effect, we have been in WW3 for a while
The article is good but then there's this:
Not sure we can categorize someone like Musk, or anyone, really. There are far too many variables in the human psyche to make us that predictable.
An excellent piece on EM, although I would also say, still perceiving him through a biased lens. But certainly the closest assessment of his mechanisims and goals for humanity, to date.
I think if you look at his purchases, which ones he pours the most amount into, esp especially when regarding losses, and his investors, you'll see that the Starlink is his main goal, in that it all funnels into powering the space web/grid, which is not about getting to mars (although that's a fun side project), it's about harvesting energy.😉
Elon wants to go to Mars. As one of those who began wanting to travel in space around 1975 I am sure it is a high priority. He knows what it will cost which is why he is beyond himself in responsibilities. He does want to own the public square because everyone in the space travel industry knows how many men have been killed for being effective in this industry. Gerald Bull, George Koopman, Jim Benson, and others. Many more men and women have been ruined financially for the same reasons.
Musk hasn't because he does what the powers that be really need done. Which is why he started SpaceX at super remote Kwajalein and copied the tech strategy of Glavkosmos.
Hey I have a different take on this. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are front men( media spokesmen +all info about them comes from media ) for the economic monopoly( central banksters Rothschild & co) . Their master needs the one narrative fear ( and ignorance), censorship is part of fascism( and the effect of fear). Competition comes from fear as cooperation comes from love.
They are deeply religious men(they appear to worship money ).
They are ego role playing in an illusion of separateness.
Though the media amplifies unconsciousness(fear) I need not buy into the us vs them or the making an enemy out of my brother (trending).
This view is appealing but may miss some aspects. We have reasons to believe that there is not a monolithic group with total control but many groups with only some control.
Hey Jim na it misses no aspect. CIA's twitter and front man of the day Musk . Substack is more focusing on AI ( programs) trying to disrupt and redirect truth content and/or supporting and holding controlled opposition memes in place . Mercola was one of their first CO authors going on about " covid" . At Substack you are just as likely to have programs writing content and commenting as Twitter.
Follow the money .
There is in fact an economic monopoly its called central banking.
And the big aspect is the shift to love from fear. But Love is not of this world haha