Pay attention to the messages coming in. Make sure you are keeping your thoughts in alignment with what you are trying to manifest. Do not manifest from a place of negativity. Correct your frequency first and THEN try to manifest. You have abilities that are coming online - have faith in them and this will help you to create what you want. Make sure that the choices you are making remain in alignment with what you want for yourself. If you do that, things will start to work out in your favor.
Hi Demi, thanks for liking. Did you know that Channeled Messages sprang from the original Visigoth's conception of Channeled Observation. I was taught this by my Aunt Alice in the 1950's, and am currently prepping further writings on the subject. Peace, Maurice
I love it - take action
A thought that dropped in overnight was- I didn't come here to be small all my life - I came to make an impact! Perfect synchronisity thank you! 💖
Hola !! These Eureka moments are the magnets that bring cascades of wisdoms. Grok them well. Peace, Maurice
I’ve been seeing numbers for many months now? doubles, multiples daily when I look at clocks, watch, phone, all time. ???
Which ones? <3
22:33, 23:23, 18:18, 3:33, 1:11, 22:22, 11:11, 22:11.
That’s just the last 20 days ish.
Pay attention to the messages coming in. Make sure you are keeping your thoughts in alignment with what you are trying to manifest. Do not manifest from a place of negativity. Correct your frequency first and THEN try to manifest. You have abilities that are coming online - have faith in them and this will help you to create what you want. Make sure that the choices you are making remain in alignment with what you want for yourself. If you do that, things will start to work out in your favor.
What’s the best way to correct my frequency?
I would start here. This covers a lot of bases and is healthy regardless....
Hi Demi, thanks for liking. Did you know that Channeled Messages sprang from the original Visigoth's conception of Channeled Observation. I was taught this by my Aunt Alice in the 1950's, and am currently prepping further writings on the subject. Peace, Maurice