To Achieve the Marvelous, It Is Precisely the Unthinkable That Must Be Thought
Channeled Messages 11-6-2021
Animal Symbolism:
Finch - Prioritize your health, be unafraid to express what makes your heart sing, joy, appreciation, high energy, positivity, optimism, cleanliness, simplicity, cheerfulness, freedom, happiness, liveliness, enthusiasm, appreciation, honoring resources, healthy diet, enjoy the journey, bright days on the horizon.
Owl - Wisdom, stealth, secrecy, silent swift movement, seeing behind masks, seeing what truly lies beneath the surface, keen sight, messenger of secrets and omens, shape-shifting, feminine, moon, night, prophecy, clairvoyance, insight, vision, growth, transformation, spiritual evolution, change, rebirth, renewal.
Robin - Understanding the power of song, happiness, the wisdom of change, growth, renewal, kundalini energy, creative potential, compassion, self-sacrifice, transformation, passion, power, new relationships, luck, awareness, endurance, contentment, honor, new birth, patience, emotional stability.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
NF - Time
Smashing Pumpkins - Thirty-Three
“Before it all falls apart there is a moment where you feel all right with not knowing where you will land; knowing that by standing at a crossroads you invite whatever just conclusion may come, be it failure or success. I’d take these walks through my old neighborhood, my collar pulled up not just to brace away the cold but so that I could save myself the embarrassment of being recognized near where I lived. I longed for a privacy I’d gladly given away in my rush towards Olympus, and my home, painted a camouflaged shade of purple, had become a target for late-night teens feeling the need to drunkenly scream my name as I slept. I was fine with the idea of never-growing up, but death seemed unavoidable; the death of youth, the death of innocence.” - Billy Corgan
20 - Start of Your Spiritual Journey
24 - A Symbol of Encouragement
32 - Being Selfless and Generous
39 - Embracing Positive Energies
44 - Hard Work
100 - Completion of Life’s Tasks
555 - Changes Are Coming: Be Open To New Things
644 - Your Good Luck: Divine Fortune
863 - Outworking Your Dreams: Stay Focused
1000 - Employ Innate Strength: Achieving Objectives
1221 - A Symbol of Initiatives
2444 - Go For What Suits You: Venture To New Areas
3920 - Maintain Independence: Keep Growing
5316 - Get Your Plans In Order: Plan Your Life Goals
7442 - Real Expectations: Being Realistic
Oracle Cards:
You’re being asked to unleash your passions and your creativity. It’s a good time for movement in this direction - any push in this direction will be divinely protected. The more in alignment you are with the desires of your higher self the better. You’ll know when that occurs because what you’re doing will feel good to you. Thinking about what it would be like to pursue your passions and your creativity will just feel inherently good and that’s how you will know it’s the right thing to do. Don’t confuse fear with intuition. If you’re having a fear response to pursuing your dreams, your guides want you to know they are here in support of you.
They are telling you that your world is your canvas - you are able to manifest anything you want and they are inviting you to do this by focusing on exactly that. You may want to start to learn some new manifestation techniques or think about the ones that have worked well for you in the past. Start putting these intentions forward into the universe so that the universe knows what you want and can help you get there. But remember, you can’t just sit around and dream about it - you will need to take action so that divine synchronicities can show up on your path and lead the way. Once you ask the universe, let it go, trusting that the universe is going to align you to the path forward to what you want, and then begin taking even small actions toward your goal.
Whatever you are wanting to work on, build, develop, bring about using your creative fire… whether this is a career, hobby, work, project, or in the area of love… you’re being asked to start by planting the seeds. Start now and put some energy into this goal each and every day, using your powers of observation and perception to find ways to move forward at a more accelerated pace. Being industrious will lead to victory.
Doing this will be transformative for you and those around you. Eventually you are going to hit a turning point and having done this is going to affect other areas of your life and the whole thing kind of unravels and heals this strange cyclical Gordian knot energy that’s been in your life. What seems like it could never be untangled will suddenly have movement forward, a start of a new cycle that comes with knowledge, healing, and wisdom.
Twenty-four reduces to a six on Turning Point and we have the Ranae card here, so this is likeliest to be about love and relationships for most of you, but for some of you this could be about doing something that you love and the projects that you’ve pursued in the past can feel like you’ve ended up kissing a lot of frogs. Trust that the obstacles to reaching your goals are being cleared for you. What it’s going to take is internal healing. The block is an emotional one and you’ve been feeling discouraged. The energy here from the Obstacles card into the Seas of Mintaka is that your ship is sailing out of a terrible storm and into calmer waters. There are buried feelings that need to come up to the surface to be healed. You will have an inner knowing what these are or what they might involve. Your guides are reminding you that they are here to support you through this with clarity so that you can reach resolution. Remember to open lines of communication and ask them for help. You have to ask or they can’t step in. Once you do this, expect a victory and a lot of abundance.
“Laguz. Ocean, sea, water. Like a wave waiting to carry a Viking ship to a distant shore, Laguz represents the endless possibilities and the nourishment of water. To the Norse, Laguz also represented the wild forces of the ocean, which if not respected could lead to destruction and death. Laguz speaks to our primal fears and insecurities - that ultimately we are small and insignificant in the face of opposition, and that should everything go wrong, we may be powerless to help ourselves. The ocean, like so many images in Norse lore - is another highly complex and mixed image: it contains secrets, treasures, promises and dangers. The ocean represents life, death and a vastness of scale which reminds us of our individual insignificance. The ocean is a strongly female force. The appearance of Laguz in a reading will frequently indicate a woman (either the querent if she is female, or if the querent is male: the most important woman in his life). Laguz also represents the moon and the cycle of the ocean's tides. Laguz is typically a negative rune. It signifies uncertainty, and a powerlessness to act in the face of overwhelming opposition. If however, the question being asked is "should I continue" with something, Laguz instructs very clearly to continue in the same way that water flows uninterrupted. The appearance of Laguz suggests that something that has previously been hidden will be revealed. What was hidden may not be a pleasant thing to witness, but it will be necessary. This may allude to something like a treacherous spouse or a thieving employee - unpleasant but necessary for the individual to uncover. Frequently this rune references how other people feel about the someone. Perception is indicated here, i.e., it is necessary to uncover what is hidden in a person's life in order for them to move forward. Other possible literal meanings of Laguz in a reading are: A woman (either the querent or a woman significant to the querent), the ocean or beach, social opposition.”
Alexia Evellyn featuring Luiz Okan - Canto Ancestral Khali
Charles Webster - The Gift of Freedom
Chris Isaak - Don't Leave Me On My Own
David Bowie - As the World Falls Down
Dot Allison - Colour Me
Facesoul - All I Need
Lilium - Sleeping Inside
Madrugada - Only When You're Gone
Mono - Life in Mono
The National - Start a War
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
Oscar Lang - You
Smashing Pumpkins - Cupid De Locke
Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
Tricky - Hell Is Round the Corner
Violents and Monica Martin - How It Left