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"I guarantee you the same people who those mineral rights end up sold off to are the same people who propped up these social spending policies (and the people who believe in them, who are not hedging this kind of spending with any sort of dividend yielding investment on the other side of the balance sheet... whether this was intentional or they were useful idiots, your guess is as good as mine) with one ultimate aim in mind - nab the resources" - 🔥👏 Open Society and the CCP? Who have had a partnership since 1987.

What you said about their mineral rights is where we are headed, CCP being the culprit with Soros too. Same with minerals in Afghanistan that Biden handed over, bc I guess the CCP's use of Fentaynl chemicals stepped up the destruction of infidels faster than herion could in Afghanistan. Ofc Joe and Fentaynl Tits were all about that insidious use of evil population control ya know bc killing citizens to save the state money after making them sick and dumbing them down turned out to not work and the lab rats use is now fulfilled bring on euthanasia. It's sad, there's currently tanks on the street there and Maduro stole the election. He's a monster, and we thought Chavez is bad. The year all of it really starts going off the rails is 14, Ebola, Ukraine, etc and now it's Covid,Ukraine, etc. 2014 timelined out correlating events and edicts,acts and orders here and world events and incorporating or noting Open Society and their tadpole NGO's politicians and causes would be interesting.

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