The Weaponization of Trust
This Is Not Just About Censorship: There Are Chilling Reasons Why You Are Disallowed From Speaking Freely On Specific Platforms and Not Others
What I need to say needs to be said.
The major issue with what I have to say is that I have not been able to say it openly on platforms where saying it will get me banned. (This has already happened - The Starfire Codes publication has been permabanned from Twitter for discussing the graphene hydroxide presentation and subsequent death of Dr. Andreas Noack.)
What I need to say is important - and it's important to say it on the platforms that would ban me for saying it.
It's something I see that others may not.
If you don't see it yet, pay attention to what comes next because it is imperative that you know.
If you understand what I am saying below, and the associated implications of it, I urge you to try as hard as you can to get the message out to as many people as you possibly can, in whatever way you can.
Get creative about it.
If you'd like to share this post, copy/paste it, or write your own version based on what I am saying here, please do so.
The important thing is that people need to understand WHY the following is occurring in order to PLAN AROUND IT and REMAIN SAFE.
Being forced to speak in code resulted in an epiphany.
I've been reflecting upon an earlier post I wrote on Facebook, which I needed to write in coded language in order to avoid censorship, about how I am able to say certain things on certain platforms and not on others.
What dawned on me through the whole process of navigating this is something tragic and a bit overwhelming.
First, those of us who are aware of what is really going on can talk openly about what is going on - as long as we are not doing so on either Facebook or Twitter.
That is to say, as long as we are not doing so in places where people who have chosen to trust the establishment most often congregate.
Anywhere else, we can pretty much talk freely about anything we need to say.
So, why is this only the case on Facebook and Twitter and NOT on all of these platforms across the board? Many of these other platforms have social and financial ties to people who run in those same exact circles. So, why is it that we are free to talk openly in some places and not others?
This is one of those times where you will need to think this through like a psychopath in order to get to the bottom of what is happening here.
It is because they don't care if WE know.
WE already know.
There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.
They cannot make us UNKNOW.
WE have figured it out.
They are trying to shield OUR KNOWLEDGE from THEM.
They are trying to keep us from infecting with the truth the minds of the people who have chosen to put their trust in the establishment regardless of the potential (and, now we see, inevitable) consequences of putting trust in people who are trying to poison and depopulate you.
Reason One that they are trying to shield THEM specifically is because reeducating the very people they have been intentionally miseducating for 100+ years in order to control them, by their estimation, would be much too expensive and time consuming for very little return on investment.
Reason Two that they are trying to shield THEM specifically is because the most likely return on investment for any sort of reeducation initiative is that there would be too much fallout and/or backlash in terms of civil unrest for those who DON'T KNOW to suddenly KNOW and process their DISTRUST. Some would go catatonic, but others would get aggressive in an attempt to avenge themselves and their loved ones.
Reason Three that they are trying to shield THEM specifically is because, if reeducation is too expensive/time consuming, and civil unrest is a major possibility, the way to "take care of the problem" (if they are psychopaths - and they are clearly psychopaths) is to use the Hegelian dialectic to get the targets to clamor for the "solution to the problem" BY USING THEIR TRUST IN AUTHORITY AGAINST THEM.
Hegelian dialectic:
Agenda: Centralization of Power / Depopulation of Those Who Cannot Be Reeducated
Thesis: Manufactured Invisible Threat of Contagion That Doesn’t Exist, Denial of True Cause of Illnesses
Antithesis: Repressive Police State Pushing Medical Tyrrany
Synthesis: Population Clamors for the Removal of Freedoms, Population Clamors for Shots Out of Fear Not Knowing Those Shots Will Kill Them, Global Government Obliges Both According to Plan and Transfers Power from the Many to the Few
Do you understand?
This is why WE can say what we know ELSEWHERE - NOT on Facebook or Twitter - and no one cares.
But if WE say it on Facebook or Twitter - in front of everyone who chose to trust the system - that is considered a problem to the “controllers” for the three reasons above... and subsequently, WE are the ones who get removed, relegating us to the other platforms where people who chose to trust the system are not the primary users who choose to congregate there. This is done to keep us from infecting the others with our way of thinking, which would keep them from clamoring for syringes full of poisons that usher them off the cliff like lemmings in a neat and orderly fashion, without questioning anything.
If our messages were spread in places in which the general population would congregate, there would be a risk of the truth hitting a tipping point that would sway the course of events toward the need for an expensive and time consuming reeducation program in order to avert the possibility of backlash in the form of civil unrest, which is what the controllers fear most.
And this is why it is MOST IMPORTANT to say what needs to be said on Facebook and Twitter specifically, as opposed to saying it within the echo chambers that have been created in order to keep our minds and our messages inert.
No virus has ever been isolated.
In never having been isolated, no virus has ever been proven to cause contagion.
We have been duped into believing in an invisible, nonexistent threat for over 100 years.
When a country cannot recover from the economic stress of lockdown, they turn to the IMF for a loan.
The conditions of these loans are such that these countries will, from that point forward, lose their sovereignty.
One of the stipulations is that these countries are forbidden from accepting or utilizing cryptocurrency, keeping them locked into the petrodollar.
The IMF will then own those countries and their resources outright.
How can I help?
If you understand what I mean, please share this link, copy this message, and/or decode this into a manner of speaking which would be readily understood by those who made the decision to trust the establishment, into a way that you can say it to them without getting banned, but in a way that they will still understand what you mean.... because that’s the important part.
To that end, I have compiled a list of resources for you below. Please utilize these in order to both bolster your own backgrounds on these topics and to help explain what is happening and why to the others so that everyone who is still relatively healthy will have the chance to figure this out, get ahead of whichever illness they may have ended up with, and survive this.
Just please find a way - ANY WAY - to tell the others.
They need to know.
Special thanks to Tim the Enchanter and the Bottom of the Newsfeed.
Additional resources:
Béchamp, A. The Third Element of the Blood. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1911.
Carmichael, A. (1991). Contagion Theory and Contagion Practice in Fifteenth-Century Milan. Renaissance Quaterly 44, no 2 (1991), pp 213-256.
Conners Clinic. (2020). Covid-19/Coronavirus Caused By 5G? Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD - Joshua Coleman. Brighteon. [online] Available here:
Coppolino, E. (2022). For the First Time, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Publicly Acknowledges Controversy Over Existence of SARS-CoV-2 — and of All Viruses. Chiron Return.
Cowan, T. (2020). The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease. Dr. Tom Cowan.
Cowan, T. (2021). Breaking The Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending The COVID Delusion. Dr. Tom Cowan.
Cowan, T. (2022). BitChute Channel. BitChute.
Dobler, S. (2021). Hormonageddon: How chemical and electromagnetic influences
weakened the human character in three generations. Abrupt Earth Changes.
Donio, M. (2021). Are We Really All in This Together? No, but We Can Fix That and Here's How... Still In The Storm.
Donio, M. (2022). Caution: Exercise Extreme Discernment. The Swedish mRNA vaccine study and the reproducibility crisis. Still In The Storm.
Donio, M. (2022). Rational Debate Can Be Respectful If We Stick to The Facts. A Rebuttal to James Lyons-Weiler by Mike Donio and Dr. Tom Cowan. Still In The Storm.
Firstenberg, A. The Invisible Rainbow. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2017.
Freeman, M. (2022). “The Misconception Called Virus”. Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article. Nexus Newsfeed.
Geison, G. The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2014.
Hume, E. Bechamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter In The History of Biology. Chicago: Covici-McGee, 1923. [online] Available here:
Icke, G. (2020). Why Did Amazon Ban The Book “The Contagion Myth?” David Icke. [online] Available here:
Infectious Diseases at the Edward Worth Library. (2021). Theories of Contagion. Edward Worth Library. [online] Available here:
International Wellness Directory. (2014). Lost History of Medicine. International Wellness Directory. [online] Available here:
Kaufman, A. (2022). Terrain. Terrain the Film.
Kinzelbach, A. (2006). Infection, Contagion, and Public Health in Late Medieval and Early Modern German Imperial Towns. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 61, no 3, pp 369-389.
Massey, C. (2022). 187 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever. Fluoride Free Peel.
Mead, R. (1722). A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion (London).
Nutton, V. (1983). The Seeds of Disease: An Explanation of Contagion and Infection from the Greeks to the Renaissance. Medical History 27, pp 1-34.
Nutton, V. (1990). The Reception of Fracastoro’s Theory of Contagion: The Seed that fell among thorns? Osiris 2nd Series, 6, Renaissance Medical Learning: Evolution of a Tradition, pp 196-234.
Orwellito. (2022). Archive. Orwell City.
Pearson, R. Pasteur: Plagiarist, Impostor. Chicago: Covici-McGee, 1923. [online] Available here:
Pearson, R. The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur. Collingwood, Australia: Sumeria Press, 1994.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Attack of the Clones.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Cultural Shadow Work: What Happens When Groupthink Supersedes IQ? While Jim Jones sips his Kool-Aid and gloats, the Pied Piper of Pfizer says, “Hold my beer.” The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). FYI: Twitter banned The Starfire Codes for discussing the presentation Dr. Noack made before his death. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Hindsight is 2020: The Contagion Emperor Is Naked. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Hindsight is 2020: The Medical Industry. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). How The Economist Uses Its Magazine's Front Cover as an Apocalyptic Manifestation Tool. What most people don't know about tarot is that you can just as easily use it to manifest as to divine. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). How To Survive the Death Window in the Dark Age of the Myocarditis Mass Murders. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). 'If you continue to inject, you are murderers,' says allegedly murdered whistleblower Dr. Andreas Noack to doctors four days before dying. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Manifestation: Media and the Control of Aggregate Consciousness. Create content; wake up the world. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). PPSD? Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder... wait, WHAT?! NO, You Do NOT Have "PPSD." You Have Heart Problems Because You Took The Shot. Stop trying to shift the narrative to squeeze out a few more jabs. You're embarrassing yourselves. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). There Are Things I Can't Say... And they're the most important things you need to hear - so, let's do this.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Things I Can't Say, Part 2: The Dark Triad Plan To Flip The Script. Pay Attention: This Information Could Alter Your Strategy Significantly. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Things I Can't Say, Part 3: El Salvador Is A Trap. What part of DECENTRALIZATION don't you understand? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). This Is A Culling: The Nine Satanic Sins Show You How To Survive It. Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). UK ONS data reveals 30,305 people dead within 21 days of the shot. Official United Kingdom Office for National Statistics data reveals 30,305 people died within 21 days of shot in England during first 6 months of 2021. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). What No One Is Asking: Where Are All The People? O'Looney says deaths jumped 250% with the shot roll out. Vaxxidents have increased. Snyder reports a worldwide labor shortage. Are we witnessing the beginnings of societal collapse? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). Who Watches the Watchers? Down the Rabbit Hole Volume Two. It's high time we fact checked the fact checkers.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). World's First Killshot Murder Trial: India Charges Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, Seeks Death Penalty. The Indian Bar Association (IBA) reports that murder charges were filed in India’s High Court. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2021). World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation: Down the Rabbit Hole, Volume Four. Class warfare is culture, not agenda. Gaslighting is the art of linguistic transmutation. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2022). Do You Think People Are Too Stupid To Understand Teslaphoresis? ANMAT finally admitted the shots contain graphene. I want to cover Teslaphoresis because it's crucial to humanity's survival to understand it. Would my explaining it make any difference? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. (2022). "We Are Paying People To Poison Us." 17-Year Healthcare Veteran Kristen Welch Discusses the Lies Put In Place Over 100 Years Ago To Keep Us Sick For Profit. The Starfire Codes.
Question Everything. (1994). Dr Robert Willner Injects "HIV" into himself on TV. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Rosenau, M. (1919). Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza. Journal of the American Medical Association 73, no. 5. [online] Available here:
Stone, M. (2022). Further Proof The Influenza “Virus” Was Never Purified and Isolated. Viroliegy.
Straitway Canada. (2020). The Rooster in the River of Rats ~ Dr Andrew Kaufman. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Vollmer, A. (2022). Aha, the Deeper Snake Agenda Revealed! Yummy Doctor.
Vollmer, A. (2022). Dismantling the Snake-Venom Peer Reviewed Paper – ADV. Yummy Doctor.
Vollmer, A. (2022). Watch the Snakes! Discernment Time Again, Truthers. Yummy Doctor.
Wallach, M. (2022). The Viral Delusion. Paradigm Shift.
Weston A. Price. (2021). Dr. Tom Cowan - Session 1: The Contagion Myth. BitChute.
Whitehead, D. (2021). Cult of the Medics. Cult of the Medics.
Williams, R. Toward the Conquest of Beriberi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1961.
Young, R. (2020). The Terrain Theory vs. The Germ Theory. Dr. Robert O. Young. [online] Available here:
Zucherman, A. (2004). Plague and Contagionism in Eighteenth-century England: The role of Richard Mead. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 78, no. 2. Pp 273-308.
What they do is use our belief systems to funnel us into different social network forums. I left TruthSocial for these reasons. Once I began exposing Greg Phillips and the 2000 mules movie - a horde of trolls began following me on TruthSocial. So my 7500 follower slot was filled up with trolls. I might re-enroll with a fake name…..Just so I can read your works and many others I also admire who I found when I was on TS! Thank you for your great research and information. The Bible says the path to truth is straight and narrow. Apparently sometimes you have to squeeze through to find it.