THE SCROLL: You've Just Crossed Over Into The Twilight Zone….
Notes On Kindergarten Feminism, Humor As A Coping Mechanism, Lying Liars, Llamageddon 3.1, German Sparkle Party, CrowdStrike, Brett Cooper, The Plight of Gen Z, Clown World, Dopamemes, and more....
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A Conflict Of Interest
LMFAO! Exactly! Great analogy! 🤣
Same thing with HR 4444 - the normalization of trade agreement with China.
China doesn’t have corporations like we do.
The government owns everything.
By “normalizing” trade with Chinese entities, we allowed an ideologically incompatible government entity to have access, thereby triggering almost 25 years of rampant unchecked corporate and academic espionage.
You know how I know it was an inside job?
The number 4 in Chinese is a homonym for “death.” In much the same way Westerners avoid the number 13 (which adds up to 4, “oddly enough”), they avoid 4s. Their buildings skip 4th floors like ours sometimes skip the 13th.
So, HR 4444 - literally the “Death-Death-Death-Death” document regarding our trade agreement with them (said four times in a row, also “death”) - was crafted to be our undoing.
Talk about playing the long game… but how long is 25 years really when you’ve already been around for millennia? 👀🤔🧐😳
A Public Service Announcement
Cocaine Sharks
Don’t Let Trump Cheat
Humor Is How We Cope
Thank you so much, Michael Newberry!
I wasn’t sure about it at first, but counterbalancing humor with our perception of everything happening around us, no matter how dark, feels important because humor is how we cope.
And, unless you’re a memer actively throwing up the middle finger at the way PC is killing comedy intentionally so that we can’t cope by having these kinds of discussions that break the ice by getting us to laugh, the humor has been systematically drained from life.
Censorship extracts the power behind humor, making it impotent and ineffective. We need this kind of balance to process effectively.
Specifically because it’s all too much.
So, I’m glad I stuck with it and I hope others are seeing what I’m trying to do with the vibe and are seeing the value behind the approach.
Thank you for understanding. :)
:I will be composing a longer essay a few days from now. Briefly, I want to explore the further implications of the old canard: They are lying. We know they are lying. They know that we know that they are lying. And they still lie. Why?
Some would say that they don't know how to tell the truth. But that's not so. They are able to tell the truth and we see them doing so in various ways to manipulate people.
You had the very key idea that by lying about things they intend to make it difficult to know what to think or expect. So people freak out. Denying us effective humour from the familiar sources we are used to finding it makes freaking out more likely.
And what do people do when they freak out. Some seek to obey authority in order to be protected from the terrifying uncertainties. Others withdraw from society to wait out its deranged condition on the theory that derangement in complex systems is a recipe for discontinuity failures. Some people think to band together to be teams for mutual alliance and perhaps to set things right locally, regionally, or nationally. And some people go nuts and become enraged and drive into a crowd or set themselves on fire.
In college I took a course on the history of psychology. When we got to certain topics our professor would visibly swell with pride. Up from slouch went his shoulders. Out his chest. Chin up, often smirking or grinning, he would tell us of the Columbia University psych department contributions in this topic.
When we got to behaviorism he told us about the Hungarian revolution pigeons. I shall treat that topic in detail.
Probably other topics as well. But I infer that the same families that thought they were running things 1897 to 1951 or so, in England and North America, think so still. And if you look at the two world wars, one of the objectives was to arrange things so the Germans and the Russians/Soviets would kill each other in vast numbers.
I think the evidence abounds that these people are not even slightly interested in other people living or thriving. They are not even deeply concerned about their own situations because they have places hidden from our view where they believe they will be welcome.
So I followed the leading of Spirit some while back and condensed some of the ideas at the time into this image.
’s Dopameme Fix
Llamageddon 3.1
Sense Memory Pipette Counting Savant
When You Unmask CrowdStrike, It’s Really Just Jen….
Young Adults Don’t Want To Go Out Anymore
:I pretty much agree with the video. I will say I didn’t get my license until I was 23, after graduating college. When I was at college I could take the bus and walk (which I did a lot).
At home, I had issues with not wanting to go anywhere when I was a teen-early 20s. (Honestly, I still have issues with this). But I think that’s because of my childhood. So I will say this may have started earlier than she’s thinking.
I am an introvert, and never really fit in, so it was difficult to have people to do things with. I also think introversion is a sign that something went wrong (like undealt-with-trauma) early on because those people have difficulty being authentic.
And, I have Puretalk mobile service as well, lol.
I love Brett Cooper’s takes. Most of the time I find her to be incredibly on point.
No different here, but I have a deeper issue with this. And I think, in wondering about this, you’re spot on…. That freedom you’re talking about, The Bone Writer… the urge behind cars and privacy… the majority of this at that age was about the drive to connect intimately with other human beings.
They have zero urge to connect with each other intimately.
Not like the young adults in our generation did.
And yeah, people can hide that behind saying “they want to wait.” But that’s not really it. That’s not the overall vibe I get. And that’s not what any of us know about college-aged young adults in reality.
So, what’s really happening here?
They either have no URGES, or conversely, they have satisfied all URGES with screen time.
The young adults I’m around drove when they were supposed to, were interested in having significant others when they should have been, and other than maybe some excessive screen time, seem pretty normal and well-adjusted to me. But I have known the people who raised them since I was a child - and I know the people who raised them would have greatly encouraged them to be social in the ways that felt comfortable to them - but also would have impressed upon them that they still HAD TO do it even if they didn’t want to because it’s for their own good….
So, what is happening with other young adults overall? Burnout? No dreams? No urges? No desire to connect? Extremely particular? Weird about compatibility? Toxins? Hormones? Too much screen time? “Covid”-driven desocialization?
What is it…?
You've Just Crossed Over Into The Twilight Zone….
Personally, if that were me behaving in this manner, I would feel deeply ashamed of myself for tarnishing the image and perception of women voters in general by making women look shallow and feebleminded when it comes to methods of candidate choice.
Is this really an example that we want to set for little girls who are just now learning about political process, to choose a candidate based upon attributes that should be mere footnotes to a person’s overall strength of leadership?
Why are we not reinforcing as a society that candidates should have to measure up on qualities like merit, character, integrity, drive, wisdom, intellect, intuition, cunning, tenacity, determination, diplomacy, honesty, courage, etc., or - even better - reinforcing that government is foolish and unethical altogether because individuals are sovereign and should never be ruled by force?
This is an absolute shitshow.
It is exactly how democracy works.
I would be beholden, by force, to the choices of the majority.
Which would mean, under current circumstances, that right now I would be dead or waiting to die by lethal injection.
No thanks.
I’m not going to choose to voluntarily euthanize myself just because the majority of our society chose to do that.
I’m not jumping off of a bridge just because everyone else does.
You can do it all you like. It’s totally up to you.
I would never try to force you into taking my position, majority or not.
That’s what real freedom is.
And I respect your real, actual freedom - a freedom from the will of the majority - just as I respect my own.
As far as government is concerned, it’s exactly the same track record.
We do not live in a democracy.
We live in a mock republic.
We have the illusion of representation.
come up from black
swish pan to Rod, standing in a liminal void
“There is a fifth dimension… in the far reaches beyond that which is known to sane men and women….
“It is a dimension as vapid as the vacuole of space in a brainless mind and timeless as the ceaseless flatlining of empty thoughtforms through infinity….
“It is the complete lack of any middle ground or gray area between light and shadow, between The Science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of the unenlightened's fears and the summit of his useless, fabricated false “knowledge”….
“This is the dimension of utter lack of imagination.
“It is an area we call... the Twilight Zone…..”
cue music
Special thanks to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Annie Mc, , , , , , , , , , , , , , bluesky, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Diana, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Gilgamech, Ginger Ale, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , M. V.M. 718, mzlizzi, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Robert Caulkins, , , , , , , , , , , , , Semina Filligree, , , , , , , , , , , , Steven Berger, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.
And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
You do a great job of ensuring you have fun with it.
What is "it"?
Whatever the fuck you're currently engaged in, Demi.
Which is... and I rarely say this... WONDERFUL!
😂😂😂 we all love contributing.