THE SCROLL: We Were Somewhere Around Arkham When The Rhizomatic Seusstravaganza Began To Take Hold….
Notes On Cthulhu Club, Transhumanism, Accelerationism, Donkeys, Inc., Mel Brooks, The Witch Twitch, Trumpy Loves Potatoes, Abstract Pretentious Terminology Strings, Racing Snails, and more.
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At The Nexus Point Of Tech And Politics
Hades Goes Hard In The Pomegranate
, in response to the Was This On Purpose? section of THE SCROLL: In Which The Memelords Survive Tragedy With Comedy, Alien Cat Cake, And A Strong Cup Of No Bimbo Joe:Nice. Awesome article Demi.
I'm reading the Necronomicon re Chutulu Club later. It's ya boi🤣🤣
Not only is it Flavor Flavish in tone and delivery but it's the singing alien from Spaceballs only he pops out and introduces Chutulu like Gene Wilder and Frankenstein from Young Frankenstein, Putting on the Ritz opening number kinda thing, then Chutulu goes it's party time and its get awesome from there.
I really need to incorporate this in a story with the furby organ and Hades and Persephone meet Chutulu in Providence 2050 and really make it just nuts.
I should get lost in a syfy space opera or something so I can avoid writing about what I've been avoiding and save that shit for another time.
Chutulu Club rocks, today I'm grateful for Nick Land. Lol.
Ohhhh check Slavoj going HITP re Nick
He’s The Smartest Man In The Orient! And That’s Not Hyperbole!
Internal Monologue II
and , in response to the Internal Monologue section of THE SCROLL: In Which The Memelords Survive Tragedy With Comedy, Alien Cat Cake, And A Strong Cup Of No Bimbo Joe:In Which I Expand My Vocabulary
In Which I Lament That I Cannot Do The Witch Twitch
In Which The Length Of Abstract Pretentious Terminology Strings Negatively Correlates With My Level Of Interest
[In response to “You can add a background pattern on your profile banner. The first three are normal human ones. The next 26 are all blinking beacons of intersectional postmodernist virtue-signaling cultural marxist claptrap.” -
, Well, the FBI Can't Search Me on LinkedIn Anymore]The third sentence in this passage is making me develop a twitch.
I fully agree with you, but I am coming to realize that the more pretentious abstractions and -isms people feel the need to string together in order to feel they have effectively approached describing a thing, the less I want anything to do with that thing, whatever the hell it is.
I don’t care what flavor of Kool-Aid the thing likes to drink. Keep the thing away from me. 🤣
Multipasses and Racing Snails
, in response to the Classy section of THE SCROLL: In Which The Memelords Survive Tragedy With Comedy, Alien Cat Cake, And A Strong Cup Of No Bimbo Joe:"Paranoia" is one of the biggest propaganda words of our time. It goes right in along with "wellness check" and, indeed, "conspiracy theorist." One can literally have a piece of paper that says "You vs. Them" on a legal form, and they will call you "paranoid" for saying someone was working against you. It's like, "Uhh . . . so 'paranoid' means acknowledging conflict?"
I agree about "paranoid." It's a gaslighting word.
Even if you were legitimately paranoid, no one who cares about you would ever call you paranoid. They would address it in a way that makes you feel safe to exist.
So, even the fact that he used it in that way shows that he couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about the humanity of someone who just had an attack on his life.
What does that say about him?
Ree Tardy Oswald
I can never remember his name. My mind refuses to hold onto it. The only thing I can think of now is… “Oh you know… what’s his name… Ree Tardy Oswald….”
The Secret Service Is In Barbarino Overdrive
Something Isn’t Adding Up….
Knowing what we know now, I don’t see how anyone could ever stare at these images for any length of time without questioning what we’ve been told.
There are many different theories about what really did occur - and I’m remaining open on that front - but, that said, we do have enough evidence to know that there are lies, the lies fit a definitive pattern, and we have to question why the lies were crafted to begin with.
In my own opinion, knowing that the building were also examples of multiple forms of technology we no longer use/have access to, the majority of the evidence points to technological suppression to prevent innovation as a strong motive.
If I see an explanation that fits the data better than that, of course, I am open to changing my mind.
But so far, I have not, and so, in my opinion, this is why I believe these actions that have separated us from knowledge of our roots were taken.
:I know! We have to start the reactor, like Quaid in Total Recall! Or imagine if one of the pyramids started to blast off like in Stargate!
But movie references aside, I totally agree. The water consciousness angle has fascinated me since reading about the work of people like Emoto and Austin, and I find the Electrostatic/Electromagnetic universe theories increasingly compelling. Could it be that the theory of "gravity" (which has already gone from "mass atwakts mass!" to "super neat-o deformation of time/space pseudoforce" and yet still seems to be problematic at three-body and larger cosmic scales) has its days numbered at this point? And without going too "late night Scooby Snack philosophizing" what exactly *are* water and electricity? Both in "scientific" parlance, but also when overlaying that slide over the older "elemental" theories? Obviously our bodies are 50%+ water and we have the ol' brain seeming to operate through complex electrical signals... but even now I'm like, whew, it's a whole can of worms to even get started on this topic! haha :D
Exactly!!! Wow!!! Right there with you on all of this, and I think this is why the entire concept of aether has been hidden from us. We've been given all of these three-legged dog explanations on how our world functions. We have such a skewed understanding of physics. Enough to keep our very primitive tech chugging along, but not enough to get to a point where we can innovate anything.
And I'm leaning the same way... the way Thunderbolts Project has been describing EU and gravity makes sense to me, and the rest of these factors tie into what has been hidden from us when we get to the point where we start to realize that aether, chi, prana, vril, the energy behind consciousness, the information contained within "dark matter"... this is all the same thing... and water conducts it, houses it, stores it, has different coherent structures in different phases.
This is what I tend to watch out for... these interlocking concepts that mesh with the same hidden tech and the same innovation hindrance motive. That's when I see all of this come into really stark alignment. It all matches up through that particular lens.
I think our ancestors were able to live off of prana for a long time and it might explain the lack of indoor plumbing inside the structures. And I'm sure the utilization of electroculture made their food growing and storing that much more efficient - and they would have known compost was better for preventing mineral depletion in the soil. They wouldn't have been popping vitamins like we do. They wouldn't have needed any of this. They would have bathed in the areas where the water was infused with healing frequencies!
I would love to adapt all of these principles and get them working in concert again!!
Things People Write About On Substack
:…things people write about on substack (notes)…
1) writing
2) subscription philosophy
3) how this social media is not social media
4) dog paintings
5) vibes (specifically vibes on substack (notes))
6) getting off of technology finally
7) sobriety
8) therapy
9) algorithms
10) subscriber data
11) garfield
12) word memes
13) why the bear season 3 is lesser
14) noise recordings
15) magik curses
16) elfcore bootlegs
17) dad
18) dad’s girlfriend
19) dad’s new teeth
20) gold investment
22) a.i.
23) marmaduke erotica
This Is Fluffy, Destroyer Of Worlds
The Uninhibited Woo Of Tarot In Reverse And The Perils of Being Unabashedly Yourself
[NOTE: In the article, which is a couple years old, I was discussing/defining a type of hyperstition without having a word for it. Charged symbols + wide media distribution = hypersigil used to manifest a fiction into reality via aggregate consciousness. Odd that this came up right now. But, no coincidences. When synchronicities show up it’s because there’s a reason we need to see whatever that instance or pattern is, and considering this is one that our focus has been trained on, I don’t think it’s a coincidence at all that here is a prior example I’d been working through that is popping up over again so I can see it in a new light. But I really don’t believe in coincidences. Everything is interconnected. Randomness is an illusion. Especially if we’re in a sim defined by extremely complex mathematical relationships that define the way consciousness operates. The way we perceive certain things might be that they are unrelated because some effects are too complex/large/small/fast/slow/etc. for us to readily notice, and some connections are stronger than others, but if all matter has consciousness, everything is already inextricably interrelated. What you observe affects everything around you. It’s all linked together by consciousness.]
:This is really interesting.
I’m not accustomed to Tarot readings and may be totally off, but is it possible that the hermit here represents an ostensible “outsider”, meaning someone who is claiming to have been out in the wilderness and who has obtained hidden knowledge? But in this case the supposed outsider is actually just another instrument of the powerful, as he is just directing the masses (as Starfire says) like the pied piper? Calls to mind any number of theoretically ‘alternative’ media figures people follow who are actually instruments of the powerful..
Meanings will change alongside the artwork, taking on a combination among the traditional meaning and the meaning presented visually/intuitively/energetically on the new card, as well as whatever the deck creator has written in the guidebook, although here, we are, of course, missing that piece - so we have to rely upon the discrepancy between the traditional meaning and the artwork to tell the tale.
Where we are also missing information is that this is not your typical spread and we can’t tell what the positions mean, so we’re guessing intuitively what the cards mean in reference/juxtaposition to each other as well.
The Hermit is the Emperor going up the mountain to come back down with the wisdom on how to lead more effectively. The healing energy of the Star is inside the lantern lighting his way, but he can only see a few steps ahead while embodying this energy. Climbing mountains by lantern light can be super precarious too. So the terrain might be treacherous or navigation of it due to insufficient information might be a hazard.
So, it all depends what kind of leader he chooses to become when he comes back down. In this artwork specifically, with everyone being led down a mountain pass, the meaning changes.
Here, we see he’s got a great vantage point above the crowd.
The world is cracked and broken beneath him.
People are following the crowd down this same path without much dissent.
Looks a lot like the past five years to me.
, in response to How The Economist Uses Its Magazine's Front Cover as an Apocalyptic Manifestation Tool:Through the decades, I’ve certainly used Tarot in this way, and have found it to work. In my own mental shorthand, I think of it as Tarot in Reverse.
But, I have only talked about it on very rare occasions, and only with people whom I really think would ‘get’ it. Not because I lack the words, but because I am self conscious about hitting people with more woo than they might be ready for. One doesn’t want to have his friends declare him a nut!
But, I don’t know it that fear or self consciousness is justified.
I understand how you feel.
But there’s literally zero upside to pretending to be someone I’m not.
I’m also a unique sort of oddball in that I know this is how it works, I’m under no illusions or delusions that everyone under the sun is going to understand what I do in the way that I do it, or that everyone on the planet will ever understand or even like me, and I will not allow their limiting beliefs to influence me or keep me from doing what I do/discussing what I know to be true based upon my own observations/studies.
I also, for better or worse, genuinely don’t care what anyone else thinks of me. People have hated me my whole life - who cares? How is that different from any other Tuesday? Haters gonna hate. So, there’s that.
If they are going to label you “crazy” because you understand something they don’t, are they even really your friends?
I haven’t allowed any of this to shut me up before… why start now? 🤣🙏🏻💜💫
Of course!! 🙏🏻
The way I see it, it’s better to have half as many people but they all support you in being yourself and you support them in the same, vice versa.
You won’t need to stop yourself from venturing deeper into your interests that way, and you’ll just find more people who are into those too, in the same way that you met the others in the first place.
I used to feel like every six months I was leading a completely different life.
I still feel that way sometimes, and especially when I look back - each version of my life feels more like I’m looking at a past life than a phase within the same lifetime overall.
Some people have been with me lifelong, some haven’t. But each “lifetime” has been enriching in its own way. I keep learning. And I feel like that’s all I can ask for.
If people want to come along with me for the ride, I welcome them. If they don’t, I wish them well.
But I was put here to be 1000% unabashedly me, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫
Vulnerability And Conservatism
:Saw this on one of The Starfire Codes notes and was struck with instant profundity. Have you ever read something that just makes you stop and contemplate for a moment? Figure out what it was that struck you and why? This one is about true connection. On a level that most may not experience. It’s both sad and beautiful. We innately want it, but seemingly do everything we can to barricade it at the same time. Paradoxical. Such is human nature I guess.
Well said. Most people paradoxically equate this kind of openness with the pain of loss that they experienced the other times they have decided to open up and got burned by the experience in one way or another.
One of the most DIFFICULT things a person can ever do is to realize opening up doesn’t have to mean the inevitability of pain.
It’s difficult to process that the avoidance of pain is only worth the avoidance of vulnerability in situations where the pain outweighs the love, in instances in which you might need to let go anyway… incompatibility, codependency, abuse, etc.
And it’s difficult to remember to use that wisdom to remain open - or to open back up - each subsequent time doing so is required… but WITHOUT shutting down due to prior painful experiences that have nothing to do with the current person/situation.
People also have a tendency to make new people suffer for the mistakes others made who were there before them if they don’t work through any unresolved emotional issues from prior relationships. And that’s when the same pain keeps resurfacing on a loop, making it difficult to be vulnerable because the subconscious starts to equate love with inevitable pain when that isn’t true.
You can add to that that, by nature, the majority of conservatives tend to be more risk averse than other people… which means conservatives are likelier to second guess any risk that might lead to happiness simply because there is a risk involved, and might be more likely to possibly cheat themselves out of happiness as a result of simply being themselves.
Choma, B. (2014). Risk Propensity Among Liberals and Conservatives: The Effect of Risk Perception, Expected Benefits, and Risk Domain. ResearchGate.
The Weird!Funny!Fitness Program
We Were Somewhere Around Arkham When The Rhizomatic Seusstravaganza Began To Take Hold….
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is just a joke for atheists. There’s nothing to that other than the creation of a “religion” to afford the same “religious protections” under it that other people get. It’s deliberately silly. No one actually believes in the FSM. At least I hope not - then they missed the whole point of the joke.
Speaking of missing the joke, I’m reading the CCRU literature, but let’s be clear that I am doing so in the same way that I would read through Crowley to uncover metaphysical technology, in a sense. It’s not because I have some affinity for Crowley. Crowley was a nutcase.
The reality is that all technology is agnostic until one applies intention to it. Metaphysical tech would simply be technique applied to consciousness, but that needs to be infused with intention before it works correctly. With anything like this, one brings one’s own positive or negative intentions to the table.
Land’s intentions are to do away with humanity. That puts him squarely in the Transhumanist Sickest of the Sick Fucks category in my mind.
What I would say I don’t understand - but I actually think I do, sadly - is how anyone would blindly follow him on the alt right misunderstanding the… not even nuance there… the flashing neon freaking sign that he wants to kill off humanity.
But I keep seeing it. People on the alt right are prone to following transhumanists around like ducks because they get duped by transhumanists all the damn time.
“What you don’t understand, you can make mean anything.”
I have listened to countless podcasts about this information just to take it in fully at this point, and of them, I have been able to repost ZERO because the political blind spots of the people posting this information are more like gaping black holes. They can hold their own in their particular areas of study, but the second they venture an inch outside of that, all perspective suddenly disappears and is replaced by repetition of groupthink with zero trustworthy real world unbiased analysis.
I’m not going to spread their demented political hot takes when I’m only trying to extract the meat and potatoes of how they perceive that the agnostic tech itself functions. I’m only extracting what is useful from the perspective of applied metaphysics. But the majority of people do not have that kind of true academic neutrality when taking anything in, let alone how to hedge for anything as inherently subjective as the way one’s own cultural biases impact the way they perceive metaphysics. Barely anyone else would see or hear that information in a way that attempts to approach some form of neutrality in the understanding of the concepts themselves when really we should be approaching all podcasts like we do analysis of historical documents, determining what the speaker’s biases are and accounting for that in the analysis of the information presented before extracting the information we need from what has been presented to us.
Point being, the majority of people do not think that way when they take in information. They want information that confirms their biases and they want to demonize people who put forward information that doesn’t. Most do not have the patience or the ability to sit through listening to someone who disagrees with them and then pull out the kernels of truth behind what they’re listening to.
Instead, they are more apt to have a knee jerk reaction and then blast me as the messenger for posting something they perceive as being outside of their accepted ideologies because the shortsightedness of thinking that people who disagree with them have nothing at all to impart knows no bounds.
Conversely, when they see something they like, they glom onto it with a deep emotional fervor that turns the person relaying the information into a guru or the ideology they have imparted into their latest -ism that they want so desperately to leg-hump to death, even if, as is the case with Land, they don’t see the forest for the trees enough to understand that the guy literally wants humanity to die. And I want to stay as far away from that kind of blind guru and ideology worshiping behavior as humanly possible. But that’s how most people are. Conundrum.
Where Is The Jeffrey Epstein Client List?
Yoda’s Unattainable Perfection And Chronic Guilt
, in response to the PDF And Cry section of THE SCROLL: In Which The Memelords Survive Tragedy With Comedy, Alien Cat Cake, And A Strong Cup Of No Bimbo Joe:I once had a boss in editing who was talking about an editor of a sister project she also worked on, and he talked about how he would try to like, fix some mistake or style difference he was having, and she said, to me, in explaining it, "There is no try!" I always remembered that.
I would reverse this: There is only try. We all keep trying until it's at least good enough, if not awesome, and then we move on to the next thing. If you don't keep trying, you can neither learn nor succeed.
I've always disliked the way this line reeks of an unattainable perfectionism (perfectionism is asymptotic), but I suppose it was characteristic of his guilt about Vader, it's his ego creeping in to take ownership of a problem he didn't see or create because he feels like it happened on his watch.
Sure, leadership means a certain level of ownership, but not to the point of self-victimization. That ownership is supposed to make you feel committed to coming up with a solution, not prone to abandoning hope. But Episode 4 is literally called A New Hope. Meaning they had none prior to that.
It's definitely no way to live - and the fact that people have morphed this into some kind of persistent "life advice" shows that they don't know you have to keep failing and making mistakes in order to learn.
People are taught to fear error, to think that error tarnishes credibility. Error only tarnishes people who absorb error into the ego, not people who do not develop an ego attachment to error.
People who don't do that are just genuinely looking for ways to correct it and make things better. That's honorable. It's also faster because you don't have to keep getting out of your own way.
But this? That's not someone who ultimately DOES. That's someone who victimizes themselves in hiding resenting the fact that they thought they couldn't get it right on the first shot and gave up.
That's some massive ego to think you're going to get everything right on the first try, no? Or that you're responsible for everyone else's screw ups to the point where you feel like you should quit? No. We practice, we learn, we grow, and we get there. :)
:Yes, it's such a gaslighting word. It implies that they know more than you do about a very personal situation, usually. It's like, "And they prescribe me drugs, too?"
You make an interesting point, and I've thought about that. Perceptually, it's always Try, I would say, and in effect, it's always Did or Didn't. Perhaps they're mixing up their categories. Carol Dweck would like your stance, lol. So would Tony Robbins, with his Ultimate Success Formula!
Yeah, I totally get it. I think Yoda's focus to me was more, "At the end of the day, it only counts if you get it right, not if you tried, because the stakes are higher, Here," but as you say, especially when he's learning, that's a tough threshold.
You’re A Burglar… But You Can Only Steal Things That Mildly Inconvenience Your Victims… What Are You Taking?
Special thanks to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Dynamic DV, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Robert Caulkins, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Steven Berger, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.
And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
Damn pisstifier didn't make the cut! Oh well this was still a blast to read as always Demi, needed the laugh.
This is great! Thanks for the shout out!