Wtf is this post about? Wait, white ketchup, cocaine orcas and dildo dick police? What rabbit hole is this, Alice?

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It's the best rabbit hole. It's the rabbit hole that doesn't self-censor.

I know. They're very rare nowadays.

But back in 1980, you wouldn't have even batted an eyelash. ;)

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In 1980 I was an innocent, living half the day in the woods. I would have been SCANDALIZED, the half hour I just spent tumbling down this scroll!

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Well, around here, you can set down the pearls you've been clutching at like a rosary and we can just laugh! At everything! In the same way we used to when Mel Brooks movies were normal and wouldn't get you cancelled! And it's nice! :)

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Speaking of innocent I still don't get the hawk tuah thing. I mean, I get what it means, but hawk tuah? Wa?

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She's making the sound for coughing up a loogie. Which was so unnecessary. But I think we've been locked into an unnatural decorum for so long because of the threat of censorship and cancel culture that some people are getting whiplash from the pendulum swinging in the other direction.

I pretty much feel the same way as that girl probably does. Fuck political correctness, fuck people trying to reel in my words, and fuck anyone who wants to keep me from making jokes and exploring our world through humor so that we can actually find context and process and transmute some of this madness.

She's not my particular favorite brand of humor. But it was funny and raw and real. And most of us miss that on some level. So I can see how people were enthralled by it.

I wouldn't want to be the person whose 15 minutes came from making the loogie noise she makes before she spits to suck a dick, but she seems to be embracing it just fine. Which doesn't surprise me - it was authentically her. And I think that's what people are craving when we break it down - authenticity.

She even moved to LA to start a podcast. LOL! More power to her! I hope she continues to be her most authentic self and maybe it will inspire others to do the same.

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Here’s to her not being defined eternally by that, then. As to the regime and the cascade of wokeretards (spell check didn't spell check that, lol), their greatest weakness is their total and complete humorlessness. They cannot handle being made fun of, which is why we have to make as much fun of them as we possibly can 😁😜🤪

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Squid Poe Crow, Word Salad Dressing......I just got an ab workout because I can't stop laughing.....now I have to make time to watch a video about white ketchup.....isn't it ketsup? or Catsup? ...Ketchup feels mandala effect'ish.....what's happening, what's Ketching Up to what? LOL! Did i make that up? I swear it said that on the bottle growing up? What year did we just travel to in some kind of Substackian Time Machine?

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Whatever year we can cobble together and get to some semblance of sanity and retain all of our FUN is fine with me!! I'm voting for the 90s! LOL!

I think ketchup has been called all of these things. And it's been just as hideous no matter what they're calling it. LOL!

Sending my love!!! <3

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I forgot to mention. Sour cream belongs on baked potatoes. It therefore belongs on french fried potatoes. Try it and tell me what you think, please.

Mayo is mistaken. Catsup doesn't exist. Sour cream is the best. I have spoken. I have been to Spokane!

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Sour cream would be fine by me. About equal to mayo as far as I’m concerned. It’s the sugar part that does me in I think. I’m not much of a sugar or corn syrup person. For anything sweet, I mainly use stevia, and not much at all.

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The Mandala Effect… isn’t that what happens when you meditate so much that you become agoraphobic and going to the grocery store becomes a spiritual experience and the parking lot is the bardo?

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Is that what you want it to be?

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Ha ha. well grocery stores are "trip" these days to walk into.

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I really don’t know what year we’ve arrived at, but that Nun looks like she enjoyed the inquisition!

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I made it again!!

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LMFAO!! :)

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Me too... We're not worthy!

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Are too! Thanks again!!! <3

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You'll like this, Demi.

First, Rod S was hot as hell.

Second, he used to hang around the bars in Ithaca, New York, where he (and my family) lived. Occasionally "cadged" cigarettes from my grandmother, as she would say.

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Thank you, Josh! Wasn't he?!

My ex-boyfriend and my family used to tease the hell out of me over this crush!! (Granted, I do have some crushes most would consider very strange... but Rod is so classically handsome.) 🤣🤣🤣

I love that your grandmother used to hang out with him smoking cigarettes. Back when I smoked, I found that was often the best way to meet people! I don't miss smoking, but I do miss that! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I say still a great way to meet people…why do you have to smoke it?!? Save a stash for when the homeless ask for one…Win/Win 😘

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Thanks for the mention! My two cents: hellmans should stick to mayonnaise and Heinz to ketchup

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Of course! Thanks for contributing to the shenanigans!! 🤣

I think it's the sugar part that's making me cringe. Ugh. lol

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I really hope you guys aren’t bots, because I always thought I’d go out like Arnie, one thumb up for the leader of the future resistance as I’m lowered into molten steal, after taking out the baddie. At this rate I’m going out with a side cramp and Coca Cola all over the front of my shirt, giggling like an idiot.

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LMFAO. Nope. Not bots. Hahahahahaha!!!

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So epic and hilarious! And thanks for tagging me :)

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Thank you so much for being here and contributing to our madness!! LOL!! :)

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While I've long been a fan of Siracha, my love of it was sealed when I was broke, opened the pantry, and had three things staring at me....

A box of noodles

Peanut butter

and Siracha

I thought to myself... I can make this work. It'll be like Pad Thai. And it was close enough to get me through.

Thus, it will always be near and dear to my heart.

Put it on everything.

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Sriracha is great! And samurai sauce on fries is great too! But it’s not deathly sweet like ketchup. It’s spicy. I think it’s probably just an overall sugar aversion.

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First, please accept my thanks for tagging me into these scrolls. It makes me very happy to feel like I belong in a community.

With particular regard to Buckley reacting harshly to Vidal calling Buckley a Nazi and therefore choosing to correctly identify Vidal as queer, it's all so stupefying. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't fit, kick it to the curb. If it has platform heels, put goldfish in them. This stuff isn't difficult friends.

The funniest episode of Firing Line that ever was had Buckley recounting the posthumous voting record of his uncle, who was a sheriff in South Texas, and who was such a good Democrat that although he "had died ahhhh in uh 1946 voted for Lyndon Johnson for senate in 1948 and uh-gain in 1954." I do try to remind the voting public that vote counting has been a scam since 1788 and that nothing has been improved by voting. And yet they vote. foolishly imagining that the current election is even vaguely important.

You mention the happy time. The very early 1990s were a happy time culturally because we were told that we had defeated the Soviet Union, which was a lie but it felt like an accomplishment. Then we were told that the whole world got together to end Kuwaiti newborn incubator killers from Iraq from continuing their dastardly crimes. And it felt like the Berlin wall coming down had been a harbinger of a better world with less chance of nuclear conflagration.

Now, I'm not one to wax overly nostalgic about those days because I was locked away in a cage with raw sewage on the floor for the false charge of "felony gambling promotion of a lottery" and would have spent the rest of my life in prison had the prosecutor found the printout with all the names of the people who called our 900 number to enter our sweepstakes. It did actually shake up my sense of perspective to be in "old" Harris county jail which had a photocopied paper on every wall to the effect that the Firth Circuit Court had established that simply being in the place was cruel and unusual punishment. But that is another story for another time.

It was the Waco massacre that began dimming the sense of good fortune and "everything will be okay" that the early 1990s had in superabundance. Then it was essential for the evil vile nasty ugly terrible Hillary to have the children in the Oklahoma city feral building blown up along with all the evidence against her and the Rose law firm on Whitwater and all the evidence against her, Janet Reno, Bill, and the BATFE from Waco in 1995.

Even so, it was a happy time because it felt like the ominous dread of nuclear annihilation had been lifted. It wasn't clear that everything was going to be pointless because some goofballs were going to blow up the world as it had been pretty much right along from 1948 to 1988 and then some.

The problem is, in part, the people who wanted to keep power refused to go away, refused to distribute the "peace dividend" and refused to allow the "contract with America" to balance the budget or rein in the excesses of gooferment. And the people generally refused to stop complying, paying taxes, filing papers, getting permission to fish (to fish! ffs) and every other thing, and kept telling on each other when anyone would. It has been a maddening 33 years for me, not because of me complying but because I look around and it still isn't generally regarded as okay to disobey.

People persist in believing that they are going to be okay as long as they obey. They don't have the experience of being arrested repeatedly on various occasions for alleged crimes they didn't commit. I have. I've even had eleven bones broken by the police in Houston out of the establishment's fear that I and the other Houston Property Rights Association members were going to protest their 2004 super bowl event. I can assure you that obeying won't save you from brutality and suffering.

You know those black and white checks on the caps of the pigs in London? They have them on the pig hats in Chicago, too. That is directly from the black and white tile pattern on the floors of the freemason demon temples. They don't serve and protect you. They serve and protect their masters, their owners. It is a big club and they beat you with it.

So, yeah, it is good to be included. I feel seen and appreciated. But at the same time it feels like there are still an awful lot of mundanes out there doing the obedience dance. Even though it is killing many of them. There's a scream deep down inside and it is going to get out.

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Of course you belong here!!! Thank you so much for contributing and always providing so much valuable context for all of us! We all appreciate you so much, Jim!!! :)

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You’re welcome. {blushes} {wiggles shoe into carpet}

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Orcas eat great white sharks, if they get on the square grouper the seas aren't safe lol.

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I'm not kidding when I say this: They can hear your thoughts. I've called dolphins over to the boat before by thinking it. My ex-husband and my ex-BIL always thought it was cool, but I scared the SHIT out of my ex-FIL whenever I did it, so I stopped doing it. Whales can do it too. It kind of makes me wonder WHY they attacked. They don't always attack. So, if I'm being completely honest, I'm wondering what thoughts they heard.

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Just this week I learned about the square groupers! I told my wife that we’re going fishing!

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My humblest gratitude for your mention and your support Demi @The Starfire Codes !!

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Thank you so much for contributing! This is always a lot of fun!! :)

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Than you one again for including me. I love your thought provoking content.

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Thank you so much - and thanks for contributing!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you Demi! Done good stuff in here 😂

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Thank you!! <3

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🎶 Word salad...Yummy, yummy! 🎶

Also, I regained almost all my subscribers after the Bot Purge of '24!

Thanks for tagging me again!

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You're welcome!! I think it was a reporting issue. But if you ever have a significant drop like that and it stays that way, it's probably bots!! :)

Either way, it's not YOU!! :)

Thanks for being here and for contributing!! :)

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Thank you for the tag!

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Thanks for being here and contributing!! :)

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