Thank you for counting me in as a ScrollBro!

<high-pitched voice>I am worthy.</voice>

It is good to be amongst the scrollers.

Wrt pandas, they were carnivorous until about 30,000 years ago. Then they were genetically modified I am told, as a punishment. A giant panda had wounded the child of someone powerful.

Corn as we call it in this hemisphere, or "maize" is another genetically modified organism. One reason it is still being modified is it was thoroughly modified about 15,000 years ago. It has far more base pairs than the primitive maize it was modified from.

You mentioned psychic powers including channelling. You might want to discuss psychic shields. Each of us has the ability to shield energy we want to avoid. It can be as easy as visualising a brick wall. Add steel plates when needed. There is a great deal of dangerous energy roaming about.

Part of the prayer to holy Michael the archangel refers to "..the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls." Heath Ledger encountered some imo

There is an author, James Schmitz who wrote a series of stories about a psy gifted teenager named Telzey Amberdon. I recommend reading them. I see there is a novel length collection available. I first read them when I was age eleven in Analog magazine. The same year I read the Iliad and noticed all the antiquitech (dancing gold robots, a shield with motion pictures on its surface) and realised that history class was a lotta lies.

With regard to remakes, I am told to mention that I am starting a film studio later this year. Was told to call it "Freedom Renaissance film studio and knowledge industries".

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Of course! Thank you for being here! ⚡️💥🔥

I agree about Heath Ledger. What a shame.

As far as psychic protection goes, unraveling the fear and rebuilding protection very much depends upon the person and how they conceptualize being "attacked."

I'm looking forward to checking out these stories! Thank you for the recommendation!

I'd love to hear more about the studio when you get a chance! :)

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I think that God takes care of the actual protection against psychic energy. It's a matter of choosing to be protected. Visualising in the mind is a prayer.

I have a write up on the film studio project. It's coming along.

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But first I need to find my Bifuckols.

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"Light tunnels tend to only be experienced by adherents to Abrahamic religions. Many believe the light recycles your soul back down here and keeps you trapped. I think that it might be that kind of consciousness technology, so I would avoid it. No other religions have it. Shamanic tradition has a tunnel or a void."- I love what you said here and before and after this when discussing NDE's. 100%.

You rock. I love Scrollday!! ❤️

Thank you for what you do and who you are. Love this and all the topic. I mean it thank you for creating a safe place for us to find the others. 🙏🙏❤️🔥

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Thank you so much, Jess! I love that this gives you a happy, interconnected feeling, and thank you so much for everything you always do to contribute!! I appreciate you!! It's my pleasure to hold space for everyone to connect this way - I love it!! ❤️🥰❤️

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Great fun and I love reading the scroll. I find that I missed some very insightful and pithy comments and posts throughout the week. A great time to reflect and laugh. I have to make sure I’m not drinking coffee or it comes out the nose. Well done. I need to go check my Simpbox lol.

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Be very careful! I tend to make people snarf!! Fair warning!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Challenge accepted

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Scroll on you Dem Scrollinating Truther 💪🏻😎

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LOL! Thanks, Dee!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Particular thoughts today. Oh the sacred not-yet-verbal.

Much about the intrigue and strangeness of the placebo / faith conversation... and how faith is being so rampantly manufactured by those who force-separate the placebo effect from serious consideration... while also relying upon it to validate... widespread... medical use of... poisons? I'll keep trying that verbal. Eventually it'll get somewhere.

And so much more than that.

Thank you so much for the signal boost.

And thank you for doing what you do, bright shining being. It is a pleasure, this spelunking.

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These two are some of my favorite articles of yours! They are part of what has kept my cognition turning on this subject. Great vibrations. To be revisited. Gladness. 💖

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You're a true patriot Demi. Strongest community I've been a part of.

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Thank you so much, Nick! :)

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I have a black and white striped shirt, with purple trim. I wore it to a couple of street dances recently. Everybody be like, you planning on going to jail tonight? I be like, heyokah trickster, ever? Blank face. Would have added, war is coming and many of you will die, but the classic rock hair bands were not really conducive to dancing like a dervish.

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Yooooooooo. The Scroll is epic as always. I love the ability to catch and digest the things I’ve missed 👏🏽👏🏽

Speaking of which:


I missed this entire topic. And now that I’m aware, I must say, I’m Shocked, Appalled and Fascinated in equal measure!

Thanks for goodness and thanks for the mention 🙏🏽😊

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Hahaha!! Thanks, Andrew! It's crazy, isn't it?! But once you check it out, it makes some kind of odd sense!! 🤣

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Red panda only panda.

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Honestly, even before learning the truth about the FAP 🐼 , I agree.

Red Panda Tribe Forever ✌🏽

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Thanks Demi and crew!

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Thank you so much!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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What's the connection between pandas peeing upside down and historical images of demons or clowns with their face near the ground and their legs up above, in that same position? Do we know of anybody talking about this? Speculations? It's been bugging me!

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Good point. I'll look into it and see what I can find! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you for the shoutout! Another excellent chronicle: you are the Herodotus of our age.

And I've HAD IT with all these fake-ass pandas on this fake-ass planet! :D

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Well, thank you, kind sir! And I know what you mean... all that roly-poly bamboo gorging when their stomachs are designed for meat! And they can't even make new pandas on their own! What are we going to do with them?! I think it's a job for SLJ.....

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I have no problem admitting this because it's the truth. But one time, I didn't shower for 4 months because I saw a youtube video that said if you stop, the body will reacclimate. In fact, this is what I noticed. The body basically cleans itself. To this day, I'm back to showering but still don't use soaps or shampoos. I've been with my partner for over 6 years and she's never said anything about me "smelling". We're about to get married so I guess there really is something to this.

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Your skin is your largest organ and we use it as part of our natural detoxification process. The odor mostly comes from toxins that your body is processing out. Some people don't have much in the way of body odor while others do. And for others, they have extremely strong pheromonal output. So reacclimating your body to its natural state is a good thing. Anything else is just masking your body's natural functions. And there are natural non-toxic products too. So, everyone is able to do this without any repercussions, and eventually, with added benefits.

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Hiya there, Demi; nice to meet you. I've got a quick question for you, though:

So, I just saw a notification on the app, saying I was mentioned in this post. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very flattered to be mentioned among the list of names-- I'm just curious as to why...? Was it something I said?

Not a big deal, just wondering. Meantime, all the best, my friend.

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If you were involved with any of these conversations, you were included. So I may not have pulled the exact part that you said, but if you were there, you were included in an effort not to exclude! So, welcome! And thanks!! :)

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Dear Demi and friends, you are brilliant. There is much to relate to here, much to learn. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Jenn! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I am sending love right back to you; thank you for the LOVE and light ❤️

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Thanks Demi!!! So enjoyed reading!! Also the mention!

Epic!! 👏👏👏

The pandas.. Heath Ledger.. and of course our friend Coleman at times... so agree!

Bitchomatic... :)


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Hahaha!! Thanks!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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