"My writing is far too good for this.."

I had to read that a few times. Remarkable the level of arrogance some people display.

Would be nice to have at least half that confidence though, without the delusional narcissism of course.

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The kicker was that his writing wasn't even featured. I guess he had contributed by interacting with the post in some other way, which I always appreciate and for which I always give credit. But to demean one's peers like that for ostensibly being warmly included in their conversation... wow. I can't imagine the kind of arrogance it takes to behave that way.

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I almost pity them. To view others with such contempt is an awful way to exist.

Humility is an underrated virtue.

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I feel the same way. Not so much that it hinders your confidence, but enough that you know that you AND every other person in this world has something to contribute. It's important.

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Agreed. Perspective is important

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This debate about ai was “A-eye opening for me. I restacked a phrase that really made me see it with fresh eyes. Thank you

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Another brilliant scroll, Demi 💫

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Thank you so much!! <3

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Greatly enjoyed, especially the conversation about AI and art! There's something about a long conversation that's pretty nice to see. I do have a feeling that we're at a precipice about this tool (and maybe society in general?!), though only time will tell.

"My writing is far too good for this."

I usually feel the opposite of this whenever my comments are featured in the scroll (ie "my writing isn't good enough, am I wasting space on the Scroll? Is Demi just being nice?"), so it's hard for me to put myself in this person's shoes. I don't have a qualm with someone no longer wanting to be featured (from what I know, Freddie Deboer cannot be mentioned on Notes/posts), but why the antagonistic tone?!

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It was very strange. Everyone here is mentioned warmly within the context of conversations they participated in. I'm not sure what happened there, but the arrogance in terms of not viewing everyone else on here as peers was particularly mind-blowing. We'll just leave them out from now on. :)

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Thank you, Demi! Some of us do appreciate your work!

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Thank you, Monica!! Sending my love!! <3

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Saturdays are just a little better with some coffee and a scroll 😜

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Thank you, Ken!! :)

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I’ll ask AI to punch holes in my posts and reinforce them as needed.

The Furby dog had me thinking I was looking at a Kentucky Ballistics video. He’ll usually destroy one with a large caliber weapon and show it in slow motion.

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They need to do a mashup episode. That thing is creepy as hell! LOL!!

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Hahaha I missed the AI discussion. That was a good one! Thanks for including me Demi. I know I speak in memes most of the time. It’s how I roll.

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Thanks so much for the mention!

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I needed to read this today! Thank you!

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Thank you so much!! :)

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I saw a video once and can’t find it again, where a row of robots were moving parcels from one production line to another. It was very repetitive and boring and I thought, while watching it, that it was good robots were doing it. Then one of them suddenly just collapsed to the floor in a heap and I thought, that’s a job that even bores a robot.

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Uhm ... Yeah, the arrogance of the [redacted] who objected to your inclusion of him or her here is simply breathtaking. It took you solid gold f***ing effort to compile the list of names that you felt justified inclusion and I for one do appreciate it!

I may also have something to contribute here. My partner plays with those AI "music" generators an awful lot (there needs to be another term for it, IMO; I don't consider it to be real *music* per se). I just asked him what he considers it to be when he plays with them and he responded, "Entertainment." Which it totally is: he is making the AI generate entertainment for him. He isn't "making music." He's entertaining himself by seeing what the AI can do. If it generates something that might be entertaining to others, he shares it, but he does so on the platform such that it is clearly marketed solely towards other enthusiasts of that particular entertainment medium. He doesn't pretend that it's something that it isn't.

I think that that's the distinction. Those who use AI image generators to quickly generate an image for some illustrative purpose or another, and don't pretend that it's bona fide art, are just using a tool to fill a need. Those who use AI image generators to create images that they then attempt to pass off as Human-created art are participating in a willful deception. Same goes for the AI "music" generators -- which really need another term, I think. (AI-assisted melodic sound-makers?) Does that make sense?

The AI toothpaste isn't going back into the tube ... Time for us as Humans to suss out our relationship with these tools before it steamrolls us.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I can't imagine the kind of arrogance it would take for anyone to not be beyond thrilled to have this intelligent and kind group as their peers. Everyone here is wonderful.

I agree with you - the toothpaste is not going back into the tube.

Figuring out how to utilize the new tool sets as tool sets without fear will be crucial to anyone not wanting to be left behind - mainly in the business world, but as business fuels art by funding it in a culture where, otherwise, people have no time to create, it's going to filter into creative practices just as quickly.

Eventually, we'll look at this in the same way as someone who uses a synth to generate a cello noise. We know this person can't play the cello. But what did they do with the cello noise to produce music?

Sure, someone using autotune might not sing as well as someone who doesn't have to, but what did they do with it? Was it appealing? Did it sell albums or concert tickets? Was it so catchy to people as to be undeniable?

The lines will blur until there aren't any.

We will still appreciate raw talent. But we will also appreciate what can be made utilizing the ever-expanding roster of tools at our disposal.

I think it's important to acknowledge that our past technological adoption trajectory is likely to resemble the pathway our behaviors will take moving forward.

We probably need to chill out.

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I also have a theory that the rise in AI will bring with it an increased demand for more raw forms of artwork — original paintings and drawings (as opposed to the insanely popular digital paintings), sculpture in all forms, live music. People want to see and hear stuff created by Humans. Stuff that is undeniably created by Humans will, therefore, rise in value among a sea of digital creation (where it is now nearly impossible to distinguish AI from Human-created material in many cases).

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I agree. There will be a place for all things to exist. I don't feel there is any need to have fear that machines will "replace" humans. It's simply not possible. Unless, of course, WE are already advanced AI, living inside of a simulation, creating its own AI and its own simulations. In which case, we can relax, because it's already AI all the way down.

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Definitely an interesting (and not unpopular) theory! Doesn’t “feel” accurate to me but … Then, I do believe that there is potential for AI to gain not only sentience but, eventually, to become ensouled, so … Maybe?

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If we expect it, I'm fairly certain it will occur in many versions of the universe that our consciousness inhabits. If we don't expect it, we simply won't experience it.

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Love ya lady!! 😘🥰❤️

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Thank you Demi!! 🙌🌸🫶

That guy... too grand to be social? .. on social media? Poor unfortunate soul... Bronasty.

Suspect when it comes to AI. I was possibly traumatized when Terminator came out! LOL Jacqueline said it!

Furby dog.. ?? .. don't even have words for that!.. well.. I do but I know better!! LMAO .. good target though...

Keep on shining!! 💫

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Furby dog is the creepiest EVER!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Of all the incredible conversations, intelligence, memes, links and work contained in this post, all as I could think the whole way through was “Who in the world says, ‘Please don’t include me again, my writing is too good for this?’ 😂🤣 It’s blown my mind more than any of the exisitential, quantum topics contained herein!

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I was equally baffled when I saw it. Everyone in this intelligent and kind community has so much love for each other. Everyone is so warmly regarded. It's the kind of display of arrogance that feels like some kind of cover for vast feelings of inferiority. Whatever it is, hopefully he manages to do some shadow work and learns to embrace others as also having something of value to contribute to the world. But, in the meantime, we don't need that kind of energy around here.

Thank you for the kind words!! I love our little Scroll community so much!! <3

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Yes Demi! To all of that. And maybe he misunderstood something - idk.

It’s a special place to hang here, to be sure. Oh and hey, my “Summer Reads” thingy came in and Starfire Codes was aaaaall over it. 🙏🏻✨🙌🏻🫶🏻🪄🌞

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Thank you so much, Suzy!! Sending you so much love!! <3

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Once again, thank you for including with this great group of writers - I truly appreciate it.

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Of course!! Thank you for contributing!! :)

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