Aug 3Edited

What a week eh? Thanks for the memories, although some of last week is best forgotten.

Anyway, thanks for the mention too..you and your billion subscribers are the wind in my tiny sail. :D

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Billion?! Your mouth to God's ears!! 🤣

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I don't know how you can be so focused to source all these gems!

Exhaustipated is the word of weekend. In my vocabulary for good!

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Oh my god - I love that word!!

Just instinct - I do it as I go!!

Thank you so much for the inspiration!! <3

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‘If the concept doesn't exist in your head, and you need it but you don't know that you need it, how do you go looking for it? You don't. You can't. Because you are unaware of its existence.’

What an interesting section. It really is a big problem! This is something I’m aware of when putting my own work out there. If you don’t fit yourself and your concepts into pre-existing matrix categories and key words, it’s very difficult to garner momentum. It really is an expression of the insidious confines of the matrix control grid over human evolution. And how this “tech entity” throws a net over us in this way.

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Exactly. Unless you're latching onto a key part of the conversation already being had within the manufactured Overton window, you cannot gain traction for an idea because the algorithms are programmed to support the proliferation of the "most popular" keywords which were seeded and pushed according to agenda. So the trick would be to latch onto a conversation already being had and then take it in another direction entirely. Not so much that anyone would consider it a bait and switch. Just incremental movement of the needle by interjection of new ideas into the existing conversation.

From the other side of this, this is similar to what I was discussing with Christopher Cook in the section on Mind Control. If you don't let the other person lead with their self-selected thoughts, you can't even gain access to their mindspace to help them recontextualize what's already there, let alone inject a new viewpoint for their consideration to allow them to break free of the box they are already in, a sort of self-directed introduction to what is ultimately spiral dynamics. They would have to map out the box first to know that a box even exists. Most people aren't even aware that they are viewing life through their own preestablished lenses.

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My new Saturday morning hurkle-durkle activity will be reading The Scroll!! ❤️

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Trees are better company. Bears steal your food.

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Hahaha!! :)

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I’m surrounded by trees right now. And campers. And generators. I think I might switch to a walk in site where I am more likely to see a bear.

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Bring it a picnic basket. And honey. As an offering. LOL.

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Bears generally speaking are not very romantic and don't understand the concept of an offering, rather seeing that as an invitation to take all of it. (Which come to think of it that fairly describes government.)

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If you throw it far away from you an then run in the other direction... maybe. Or just calmly, slowly back away.........

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Government is way more rapacious than that

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Happy to participate. We try here at camp.

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Hahahaha!! Love it!! :)

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Thanks Demi! ♥️

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Scroll, baby, scroll!

Thanks Demi! 🙏🏽

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Thanks, Andrew!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I’m Came for the memes… stayed for the shenanigans

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All the best reasons! :)

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(1) I always had a bad feeling about Doubt, as a *kid*, I think from how people would look when they say, "I Doubt it." Then I saw the damn play Doubt, at a store, and read it. And it was talking about how Good doubt is, how important. I was sucked in. (2) Inside baseball and not my business, but I really like how you arranged your schedule, here. I was wondering how the new and the old would fit together, and this is perfect. (3) I kind of have been looking, as a child and On, for the "best" of anything, and so I will look for "the best books," or these days, watch metal channels for "the best metal." It's worked really well, as sort of a Macro way to defeat the system, and find the good stuff. Combine that with what is True, and you've got yourself a Lobster; what is Good, what is true, and what is Beautiful!

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It's absolutely built in to trip us up. We accomplish so much more by just being confident that we can - we're observing reality to already be in the state of our having done the thing. So, when the wave collapses, that's the outcome. Doubt only generates the outcomes we don't want to see.

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Jam packed with brilliance! Thanks, Demi ❤️

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Thank you so much, Jenn!! ❤️

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Honored to be mentioned and I just want to say Leithan rocks harder than the accordion playing death metal farmer who is imo an ideal neighbor, bc he's funny and does not take crap seriously bc most of the crap today is absurd. Which is why Chutulu Club rocks and I'm going full on merch hawking. Merch hawking differs from falconing of course but who needs a falcon to land on your arm or to know how to teach it to attack( if only I had the time and PowerBall jackpot, take that bats in my neighbors attic. Lol

Seriously I wish Hawk Tuah girl much success but she knows she can't be in Hawk Tuah on Your Headstone as we're addressing the kind of man uninterested in the things she speaks of and are pointing out the cruel ones like those dog faced pony soliders who tried to fix the 90s when they weren't broken. Who is like oh I couldn't stand the 90's. Literally never heard anyone say it but disco hags pissed they can't do the coquina anymore. Lol

I'm with you on the 90's if Doc Brown shows up can you Jacqueline and Leithan remind him I need a ride back to sanity. Lol. Someone bring us a Tesla truck that can go where we don't need roads. Ahhh the 90s when we managed to get into budget surplus before the SHTF.

I love these Demi. I missed some of the MLB talk but he seems right up my alley and I can relate to just being so done with the rat race and wanting to be like, ok I was only talking to a select few about this stuff back when and got made fun of, ie Chem trails and my own brother and I end up in him telling me to get my tin hat to which I reply you wish you could pull off a tin hat. He hated talking about charged particles being pushed in the stratosphere.

Thank you for just being your awesome self.

I love what you said here.

"So we say something wrong and we get corrected? Who cares? That's how we grow. We need to embrace life as a sandbox again where we can create and modify and make mistakes and PLAY and see what emerges"- 👏👏❤️🙏

I'm grateful to you for creating a space where we can come together and make each other laugh and learn a thing or two.

Grateful for the members of Chutulu Club may we go HITF in this life and the next.

Someone asked me to explain HITP in the context I mean it and it's a vibe. I can't explain it. 🤣

Sir, it has many different applications and go full on Websters dictionary from there. It's a verb, it's a adjective it's Hard in the Paint bc its big dog ish. It's that swagger, that confidence. The panache of the complete thing that is being said or done. Formerly used by some to describe assertively getting a ball in a hoop in hard to shoot from lane on the painted areas of the basketball court and I had no idea I just liked the song and how he said " front yard,broad day" sir, I regularly play with meanings of things like this to then use the verb or the action of and apply in a new way to make light of things like how aggressive is overused by society especially when describing the assertive right or anyone that questions or calls them on their shit bc hey cancel culture.

I'm rambling again. Lol. Thank you for being you and creating this space where we can be as silly and curious as we want. ❤️🙏

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You are making my face leak. Love you. And Cthulhu Club. And our whole silly/curious/HITP shananigator THING. 🤣 🙏🏻 ❤️

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I hope you can feel this virtual hug. It's all love! ❤️🌝🙏

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Receiving with gratitude and sending you one right back!! 🙏🏻❤️

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... it’s truly incredible what can be accomplished in a week...

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We've made a lot of headway here! :)

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Oh my, those Musk-Truck-Memes are so funny that they "almost" make me want to buy one of those ugly things because it's literally a Moving-Meme, it's A-L-I-V-E and it's the actual elephant in the room, I mean on the highway.....it's everything that's wrong with the world, a traveling sterile-gray-box....it's like a man-child designed it or something? It has zero feminine touches....if I had one of those boxes on wheels I'd make it pretty, paint a flower garden on it or something, make the cops confused...did a petunia just drive by or is that a wheelbarrow on wheels, .....Flintstone has arrived.

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Bahahahaha!! I love it!! :)

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Thanks for the mention!

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Thanks for contributing to the shenanigans!! :)

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