Notes On Predictive Linguistics, Spellcasting, Meritocracy, Biosurveillance, The Internet of Bodies, The Role Of “Magic” In Quantum Computational Power, Spiritual Resilience, and more....
Several thoughts arise. Again with the stream of consciousness, Jim.
"Virginia Woolf's death was ruled a suicide. She was found floating face down in her stream of consciousness." A bad joke for every occasion, that would be my motto, if I started having mottos.
There was a thing called "the Bronze Age collapse" which is dated from 1200 BC to 1150 BC. So it does get complicated trying to go back much before 1100 BC because a group ("that came out of nowhere!") went around all the Mediterranean civilisations and a bunch of other places and looted, pillaged, raped, murdered, and destroyed nearly everything.
Why did they do that? And what difference could it possibly make? Those bronze age people had bronze but that's just copper and tin and some knowledge at the forge, right? Well, look at Homer's epic poems that we have left. We know that we don't have all of them, because we have scraps of writing from other authors two thousand and twenty-five hundred years ago that refer to other epic poems of the same era. But in the Iliad there is a passage in which Homer describes the shield of Achilles, a gift from the being called "Athena," and that shield has motion pictures. You can read any translation you like, you can study the Greek and read the original text version of what Homer recited from memory (he wasn't a writer, he is reputed to have been nearly blind according to what historical accounts we have of his time). There are scenes described as being on the shield in which things happen. It is called "Aegis" and it still figures in some of our contemporary mythology - a type of "cruiser" with guided missiles bears the same name in the USA navy of today.
Well, the Iliad describes a war that happened between a bunch of Greek city states and the walled city of Troy around 1200 BC. This dating is confirmed by some of the archaeological digs at what is regarded as the historical site of Troy. Right around the time of the Bronze Age collapse.
Also in the Iliad there is a scene of a wedding celebration on Mount Olympus. The entity called "Hephaestus" who was hobbled by the other occupants of Mount Olympus so he would be forced to work at making clever things for them, has built little serving carts that move from one divan to another with nectar and ambrosia. He has also created golden girls, which are dancing robots. How does a goat herd's bard in 800 BC reciting from memory poems about events 400 years earlier know anything about robots that he describes looking like C3PO? How is he able to conceive of moving images on a technological object like Aegis? And who went around destroying any vestiges of that knowledge?
Well, in the Iliad, there is a passage describing the Myrmidons who join Achilles in his fight against the Trojans. And the Myrmidons describe themselves as having come from underground, as having lived like ants, as having a hierarchical society. As if they were people who survived the Great Flood 11,800 years ago and came out of hiding about 1200 BC. And to what end? Apparently, from the reports in the Iliad, to storm the walled city of Troy and destroy everything within it, including various archives of knowledge and perhaps steal some artefacts as well.
Which brings us to Anno Domini 1665. There are lots of people running around England building experimental devices, including flying machines. A famous bishop who was also in the Royal Society at the time wrote that we could be flying to the Moon in a few generations if we could just manage somehow to keep politics out of the thing. That year there was a great plague. Oh, sure, it probably came from the Orient, it probably was carried by fleas borne by rats moving from ships to shore, because of trade and commerce. Or maybe it was part of some demon worshipping cult's plan to establish a great reset. But there was definitely a disease that caused people to have dark pus filled "buboes" in their armpits, groin, and other lymph nodes, and so was called the bubonic plague. And, gosh, what happened in London in 1666? A great fire happened, and it burned all kinds of private records and all kinds of big archives of information. What a coinky-dink.
Then we come to the great European conflagration of 1914-1919. This time there was a "fire" entirely of human origins. No lantern knocked over by a cow this time. A group of known demon worshippers out of perfidious Albion fomented a war and arranged for vast territories to be obliterated with artillery fire. And this time there was a disease, "the Spanish flu" which was definitely not from Spain and seemed to be something other than a flu, which struck down younger healthier persons by doing something to the immune system to turn it against the body. They say 50 million people died. I don't know if that's true. I definitely don't agree that the people involved in government are competent when we ask them to count that high. And they say 9 million died in combat in "world war one" and maybe another two or three million died of privation. And behold they sent a nasty demon worshipping bit of filth named Herbert Hoover to "help the widows and orphans in Belgium" who just went around stealing everyone's private libraries and personal letters and locked it all away in "the Hoover Institute" near Stanford. Elsewhere at roughly the same time, a bunch of archaeological digs were spirited away into the basements of the Smithsonian Institute to hide yet more information from the public. And we are still living in the war years of that "great war." That war didn't end in 1991 when the Soviet Union (one of the outcomes of that war in 1917) fell apart. It only went into a ten year hiatus until the filthy demon worshipping child raping toddler traumatising blood drinking scum could start their "war of terror on everyone in the world." They hate humanity and want to murder seven billion of us and enslave the rest.
And, behold, they have distributed vaxxajabs to cause illness and death in hundreds of millions of people, so far, out of the four or five billion they claim to have jabbed at least once. So, let me see, AD 1665-6 the disease before the fire. AD 1914-1919 the fire before the disease. So we should be due for a lot of fire any day now? Mark your calendars folks. Are the effetes going to set off nuclear weapons in a half dozen or so major cities, blame the "radical right wing populists" and have another great reset?
With regard to the torture rack, in chiropractic they call it "traction" and it can be quite pleasant in helping to re-arrange spinal anomalies.
Then we come to the martyr Saint Lawrence. Around AD 225 he was ordered by the prefect of Rome to produce all the treasures that the alms giving Christians had been collecting. But Lawrence had none, except the lives of the poor of Rome who he brought forth and showed to the prefect. Here were all the treasures gathered, because he had fed and clothed these poor people. And here were pearls and gemstones, the virgins and consecrated nuns who were dedicated to Jesus Christ. But the prefect was very very angry, as filthy bureau rat scum garbage nasties in gooferment often are, and wanted wanted wanted taxes. So to avenge itself on good Lawrence, the terribly evil disgusting joyless rat faced dirt bag prefect brought out a huge grid of steel and set a fire which burnt down to hot coals, and then he had Lawrence tied to the grid. After an hour or so of being grilled on one side, Lawrence cheerfully announced, "I'm done on this side! You should turn me over."
"How does a goat herd's bard in 800 BC reciting from memory poems about events 400 years earlier know anything about robots that he describes looking like C3PO?"
—Don't forget Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, and the chatty golden robot!
Laws are written in Neptunese so that you have to hire an "expert" to interpret them. Half the employment in the country comes from the idea that most consumers are clueless and need a bevy of experts to get along in life. We are presumed to be so dumb that we require constant marketing from all sources of media to tell us what to consume and how to live. Your spirit knows better.
Mein Gott! This is a veritable electronic tome of a scroll of a post, Starfire. You on a typing binge? At least ten coffee's worth of finger tapping energy in this. I will be ranging back and forth in Zen fashion....
"All of this interlocks, none of it occurs in a vacuum. It's all part of the overarching story of humanity. And that story has holes because a great deal of it was suppressed/altered in prior resets.
I think we have cyclical resets and each time we get reset, they remove more of our tech and only dole back out to us what they can control us using. We have no idea how to conceptualize history anymore, so we here at Donkeys Inc. salute you."
This is super interesting, as well as the "we didn't evolve, we devolved" part of the Scroll--it's all somewhat counter to my current understanding of reality, but how do I learn more?
I would start with my What I'm Watching series. Go back to the beginning and just watch whichever videos interest you most. There's no need to take in all of them - just go wherever you feel guided. Over time, if you have questions, drop me a comment and I can point you toward any additional information for the topics you're interested in exploring! :)
The Scroll is a great way to catch up one what all you Radical-Online-Lunatics are up to. What? No no, I'm sorry, I'm not a commie spy, I wrote that as a term of endearment, fellow ROLs.
Your shoutouts are always too kind, SC. Thank you! Also, that meme about a drone light show over an uncontacted tribe had me cracking up! Keep up the great work, you're always so on point!
“All presidents and mainstream competitors are cousins. They all go back to Eleanor of Aquitaine. She brought back courtly love/hieros gamos. My own gut feeling - we're a covert rotating monarchy.”
Is this the case with Harris? I think not. Her mother is Karnataka Indian(?) and her father strikes me as of Moorish descent, a slave holder.
I also am teetering on the belief that we are still in the same war that’s been going on since the last Reset. So like the UK and King Charles being a Muslim adhering politician, and Obama being a cloaked Bush but also a Muslim. Like the original Moor Masons vs the Free (former slave) Masons. Same war just more hidden?
Several thoughts arise. Again with the stream of consciousness, Jim.
"Virginia Woolf's death was ruled a suicide. She was found floating face down in her stream of consciousness." A bad joke for every occasion, that would be my motto, if I started having mottos.
There was a thing called "the Bronze Age collapse" which is dated from 1200 BC to 1150 BC. So it does get complicated trying to go back much before 1100 BC because a group ("that came out of nowhere!") went around all the Mediterranean civilisations and a bunch of other places and looted, pillaged, raped, murdered, and destroyed nearly everything.
Why did they do that? And what difference could it possibly make? Those bronze age people had bronze but that's just copper and tin and some knowledge at the forge, right? Well, look at Homer's epic poems that we have left. We know that we don't have all of them, because we have scraps of writing from other authors two thousand and twenty-five hundred years ago that refer to other epic poems of the same era. But in the Iliad there is a passage in which Homer describes the shield of Achilles, a gift from the being called "Athena," and that shield has motion pictures. You can read any translation you like, you can study the Greek and read the original text version of what Homer recited from memory (he wasn't a writer, he is reputed to have been nearly blind according to what historical accounts we have of his time). There are scenes described as being on the shield in which things happen. It is called "Aegis" and it still figures in some of our contemporary mythology - a type of "cruiser" with guided missiles bears the same name in the USA navy of today.
Well, the Iliad describes a war that happened between a bunch of Greek city states and the walled city of Troy around 1200 BC. This dating is confirmed by some of the archaeological digs at what is regarded as the historical site of Troy. Right around the time of the Bronze Age collapse.
Also in the Iliad there is a scene of a wedding celebration on Mount Olympus. The entity called "Hephaestus" who was hobbled by the other occupants of Mount Olympus so he would be forced to work at making clever things for them, has built little serving carts that move from one divan to another with nectar and ambrosia. He has also created golden girls, which are dancing robots. How does a goat herd's bard in 800 BC reciting from memory poems about events 400 years earlier know anything about robots that he describes looking like C3PO? How is he able to conceive of moving images on a technological object like Aegis? And who went around destroying any vestiges of that knowledge?
Well, in the Iliad, there is a passage describing the Myrmidons who join Achilles in his fight against the Trojans. And the Myrmidons describe themselves as having come from underground, as having lived like ants, as having a hierarchical society. As if they were people who survived the Great Flood 11,800 years ago and came out of hiding about 1200 BC. And to what end? Apparently, from the reports in the Iliad, to storm the walled city of Troy and destroy everything within it, including various archives of knowledge and perhaps steal some artefacts as well.
Which brings us to Anno Domini 1665. There are lots of people running around England building experimental devices, including flying machines. A famous bishop who was also in the Royal Society at the time wrote that we could be flying to the Moon in a few generations if we could just manage somehow to keep politics out of the thing. That year there was a great plague. Oh, sure, it probably came from the Orient, it probably was carried by fleas borne by rats moving from ships to shore, because of trade and commerce. Or maybe it was part of some demon worshipping cult's plan to establish a great reset. But there was definitely a disease that caused people to have dark pus filled "buboes" in their armpits, groin, and other lymph nodes, and so was called the bubonic plague. And, gosh, what happened in London in 1666? A great fire happened, and it burned all kinds of private records and all kinds of big archives of information. What a coinky-dink.
Then we come to the great European conflagration of 1914-1919. This time there was a "fire" entirely of human origins. No lantern knocked over by a cow this time. A group of known demon worshippers out of perfidious Albion fomented a war and arranged for vast territories to be obliterated with artillery fire. And this time there was a disease, "the Spanish flu" which was definitely not from Spain and seemed to be something other than a flu, which struck down younger healthier persons by doing something to the immune system to turn it against the body. They say 50 million people died. I don't know if that's true. I definitely don't agree that the people involved in government are competent when we ask them to count that high. And they say 9 million died in combat in "world war one" and maybe another two or three million died of privation. And behold they sent a nasty demon worshipping bit of filth named Herbert Hoover to "help the widows and orphans in Belgium" who just went around stealing everyone's private libraries and personal letters and locked it all away in "the Hoover Institute" near Stanford. Elsewhere at roughly the same time, a bunch of archaeological digs were spirited away into the basements of the Smithsonian Institute to hide yet more information from the public. And we are still living in the war years of that "great war." That war didn't end in 1991 when the Soviet Union (one of the outcomes of that war in 1917) fell apart. It only went into a ten year hiatus until the filthy demon worshipping child raping toddler traumatising blood drinking scum could start their "war of terror on everyone in the world." They hate humanity and want to murder seven billion of us and enslave the rest.
And, behold, they have distributed vaxxajabs to cause illness and death in hundreds of millions of people, so far, out of the four or five billion they claim to have jabbed at least once. So, let me see, AD 1665-6 the disease before the fire. AD 1914-1919 the fire before the disease. So we should be due for a lot of fire any day now? Mark your calendars folks. Are the effetes going to set off nuclear weapons in a half dozen or so major cities, blame the "radical right wing populists" and have another great reset?
With regard to the torture rack, in chiropractic they call it "traction" and it can be quite pleasant in helping to re-arrange spinal anomalies.
Then we come to the martyr Saint Lawrence. Around AD 225 he was ordered by the prefect of Rome to produce all the treasures that the alms giving Christians had been collecting. But Lawrence had none, except the lives of the poor of Rome who he brought forth and showed to the prefect. Here were all the treasures gathered, because he had fed and clothed these poor people. And here were pearls and gemstones, the virgins and consecrated nuns who were dedicated to Jesus Christ. But the prefect was very very angry, as filthy bureau rat scum garbage nasties in gooferment often are, and wanted wanted wanted taxes. So to avenge itself on good Lawrence, the terribly evil disgusting joyless rat faced dirt bag prefect brought out a huge grid of steel and set a fire which burnt down to hot coals, and then he had Lawrence tied to the grid. After an hour or so of being grilled on one side, Lawrence cheerfully announced, "I'm done on this side! You should turn me over."
"How does a goat herd's bard in 800 BC reciting from memory poems about events 400 years earlier know anything about robots that he describes looking like C3PO?"
—Don't forget Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, and the chatty golden robot!
Laws are written in Neptunese so that you have to hire an "expert" to interpret them. Half the employment in the country comes from the idea that most consumers are clueless and need a bevy of experts to get along in life. We are presumed to be so dumb that we require constant marketing from all sources of media to tell us what to consume and how to live. Your spirit knows better.
Mein Gott! This is a veritable electronic tome of a scroll of a post, Starfire. You on a typing binge? At least ten coffee's worth of finger tapping energy in this. I will be ranging back and forth in Zen fashion....
Sending my love! And caffeine fairies!! <3
"All of this interlocks, none of it occurs in a vacuum. It's all part of the overarching story of humanity. And that story has holes because a great deal of it was suppressed/altered in prior resets.
I think we have cyclical resets and each time we get reset, they remove more of our tech and only dole back out to us what they can control us using. We have no idea how to conceptualize history anymore, so we here at Donkeys Inc. salute you."
This is super interesting, as well as the "we didn't evolve, we devolved" part of the Scroll--it's all somewhat counter to my current understanding of reality, but how do I learn more?
I would start with my What I'm Watching series. Go back to the beginning and just watch whichever videos interest you most. There's no need to take in all of them - just go wherever you feel guided. Over time, if you have questions, drop me a comment and I can point you toward any additional information for the topics you're interested in exploring! :)
"Use your words carefully". They have real power. Wisdom we seem to have forgotten.
It starts by really watching what one allows into his or her orbit... garbage in, garbage out.
AI is learning this the hard way right now... to say it mildly!! LOL
Human kind has devolved and it shows everywhere.. not just language.
Thanks Demi! Epic!!
The Scroll is a great way to catch up one what all you Radical-Online-Lunatics are up to. What? No no, I'm sorry, I'm not a commie spy, I wrote that as a term of endearment, fellow ROLs.
Thanks for the mention, Demi!
Your shoutouts are always too kind, SC. Thank you! Also, that meme about a drone light show over an uncontacted tribe had me cracking up! Keep up the great work, you're always so on point!
Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫
Thank you for the shoutout! I will scroll your scroll over my morning coffee 😁
Happy stumbling into this sweet and savory replenishment.
Thank you, Brett!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Awesomesauce galore, more, more, more. :D
I really enjoyed that video about the leaders, dancing. I saw it a long time ago and it's so true.
Thank you so much!! Yeah, that's a great one!! :)
Getting my coffee. Can’t wait to read!
Thank you so much!! <3
Still reading, would just like to point out that
- all American presidents will always be of N European descent (as are Obama and Harris),
- and that almost every one of them since 1875 were also of American aboriginal descent,
- and that all Americans today stand an excellent chance of being of far eastern descent,
- and that is a genetic absurdity for anyone whose family has been here for 100 years to pretend they are not also of African descent.
<Because> we are Americans, we are almost all descended from almost every genetically distinct heritage on earth.
If we survive the next six years, we should name the new republic Mutt Nation, because that is who and what we are, granny Eleanor be damned.
A Muttern Nation. Maybe globally...
“All presidents and mainstream competitors are cousins. They all go back to Eleanor of Aquitaine. She brought back courtly love/hieros gamos. My own gut feeling - we're a covert rotating monarchy.”
Is this the case with Harris? I think not. Her mother is Karnataka Indian(?) and her father strikes me as of Moorish descent, a slave holder.
I also am teetering on the belief that we are still in the same war that’s been going on since the last Reset. So like the UK and King Charles being a Muslim adhering politician, and Obama being a cloaked Bush but also a Muslim. Like the original Moor Masons vs the Free (former slave) Masons. Same war just more hidden?
First time I get a mention and I immediately see a typo in that comment I left about Marx being all bitch and no punk…
The conspiratorial ideas are stong with this one 👍🏻
Looking forward to flat earth next week