THE SCROLL: Mind Reptiles of the Onomatopocalypse
Notes On Reconfiguring The Starfire Codes, Movies, Feminism, Ignorance, Nefariousness, Cell Phones, My Diary, Gen X, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, Skibidi Tank, Twin Peaks, Manatees, and more.
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Reconfiguring The Starfire Codes
There is now a Table of Contents:
There is also a new featured section called THE SCROLL.
THE SCROLL is what I am calling the posts that are comprised of diverse thoughts, notes, and responses.
It’s kind of taken on a life of its own… and it needed a name.
So, this is the one I’m making Bastian scream out the window in the rain from the attic so that The Nothing will piss off and stop killing everything in Fantasia, including your childhood.
Did it work?!
You can now find those posts here:
A Master List of My Favorite Movies
ICYMI, I compiled a list of all of my favorite films.
I went to NYU Film and worked in the industry most of my life, so if you like movies, it’s worth checking out.
You can find that here:
The Feminist Movement
[In response to “When you ladies got all of your “rights” men lost their way and the world stopped expecting anything from us. Now you have perpetual boys to choose from. Not an enviable position to be in if I'm free to say.” -
, The Feminist Movement]Well, that’s a can of worms, Coleman. Has your comments section gone vertical yet? 🤣
Also: HE’S NOT WRONG. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Feminism was created to double the workforce, thereby doubling the ability to tax the populace. You are society’s battery. Money is the energy. Your energy is being siphoned out by people who figured out how to do that - and it’s happening because you are allowing it to occur and playing along, pretending you have no recourse when you do. But it would require the PAIN of CHANGE.
And yeah, the “perpetual boy” thing… the obsessing over Christian Grey thing… the men who fantasize about being dominated by women thing… this is all bolstered in the zeitgeist, functioning as psychological warfare designed to spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically cripple the one society that wouldn’t allow its guns to be taken away.
Everyone else bent the knee, so other tactics needed to be used - and the people doing this THINK they are doing the right thing. They believe in their hearts of hearts that they are 100% correct and “something needed to be done.”
You can choose not to bend the knee in every other possible way… but usually you just go along with it because that’s your chosen reality tunnel and NOT changing utilizes the least amount of energy. So, most will choose to float on by, to go along to get along, and won’t say a peep about it until they hit bottom and concede to the fact that we require a change.
The things that frighten the people crafting these “dupes” the most are a combination between awareness and civil unrest.
“Awareness” because, if you figure it out, you can opt out by choosing a different reality tunnel - it’s really as simple (and as difficult) as that. It would require you to control your own mind.
“Civil unrest” because those of you who don’t get the reality tunnel thing will eventually get frustrated, and with materialist viewpoints, you will use your physicality to attempt to overpower those you perceive as controlling you - and you outnumber the people you perceive as a threat.
Either way, realize this: YOU are in control.
Choose to opt out.
Control your own mind. Use your creativity. Find a way. It’s not beyond you.
It will change your entire perception of and interaction with reality, however.
Everything you think you know or understand about the world will necessarily change when YOU do.
It will change as a direct result of your having altered your own perception.
And you’ll have to be ready for the repercussions of that.
I almost snarfed!! (Look at his FACE in that screen cap!! But OMFG… leave me out of crazed McConaughey’s seven billion “bathroom breaks” a day!! All right, all right, all right!!) 🤣🤣🤣
Also, thank you very much. That’s very kind of you, DoG!! I appreciate it!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Ignorant or Nefarious?
[In response to “It's so interesting that you say humanity is not necessarily moving forward. I have been thinking this for a while, that it's obvious that music, art (visual), literature, it's all become completely broadened and diluted. I point to Shakespeare, to classical music, even the ‘popular’ stuff, to (obvious) Renaissance art. There is no way most people do even appreciate this stuff, anymore, much less like it. ‘Assuming these well educated people aren’t stupid, we must assume they have some motive for so egregiously ignoring both logic and reason.’ ‘To demonstrate, if you were to hand me an apple right now, and I were to deny the very existence of the apple you just handed to me no matter how much you protested that you clearly just handed me an apple, this would be akin to the stance that the scientific community takes on data that clearly alters the accepted story.’ Great. Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart. -
]"Reason shows that they are either holding it back or they are not smart." Either or both. Depends with whom you're speaking.
We're not moving forward. We're being kept from moving forward. In a set amount of time we have x number of "advancements," which are really just old tech that's been doled back out to us, framed as "advancements."
It was already ours and was removed from our possession. And by the time we get to about the edge of where it would be difficult to control us because we start figuring it all out, there is some "cataclysmic event," we start back with less than what we had in the beginning, and we're never given back as much as we had the time before.
So we're in a constant incremental downward spiral of devolution. And you can look at not just our past tech and see that, but you can also see it in the fossil record. Areas known for certain crafts will have better examples of those crafts in the fossil record the deeper you look into the earth. That shouldn't be so, but it absolutely is.
In Which Has Been Reading My Diary Again And Becomes The Road Warrior….
They try to do that here.
They froth up the unhinged and then set them loose and say, “Oh look - there it is! Time to take your weapons!”
And we say, “Nah… we’re onto you….”
And then they try again and say, “Look! A pattern!”
And we say, “Yes, we get you’re creating the appearance of a pattern. Nice for you. Go away and stop hurting people. Also, I’m keeping my weapons because who will protect me from YOU, crazy-person-who-keeps-frothing-unhinged-people-up-and-setting-them-loose? You’re nuts….”
And the dance continues….
Mind Reptiles
No Cell Phones
[In response to this meme from a meme drop called Truth Bomb Central: Memes that Expose the Deception (Part 16) by
.]Great start. Now, someone teach that guy how to engage with his bored-to-tears kids, instead of the person holding the other cell phone, taking the picture. 😃🤦🏻♀️🤣
[In response to “Personally, I’ve been cellphoneless for over 5 years now, highly recommend. Nothing but a gubment surveillance device with a phone app. And just look at those kids faces, they don’t even know what to do with themselves…so sad.” -
]Used to be we had a time and a place for them, like a tool, not a shackle. I agree. It’s very sad.
In the years when we were children, as long as there were other children around, we’d find some way to laugh, play, occupy ourselves.
They don’t even know how to engage with their own siblings.
And the dad is too busy being performative, virtue signaling about how proud he is of himself for having taken their phones away, to address and engage his daughters.
The whole scene is sad.
When my “Mom #2” was alive (my childhood BFF’s mother - she had alllll boys and used to joke with my mom that she was borrowing me as her surrogate daughter), she and I used to make everyone stack their cells in the center of the table at every meal.
First person to touch a phone before the check came out had to pay for everyone.
I don’t have any pictures of this - because our phones were in the middle of the table.
I was too busy enjoying everyone’s company for that.
And I’m glad because those are times of undivided attention that I spent with someone I care about very much, cherished memories that can never be replaced now that she’s gone.
I miss her. Thinking about her makes me happy. Thank you. :)
[In response to “I can relate. My father never allowed us to have a TV during my childhood. I was always the kid left out of conversations in school, because a lot of it was centered around TV. I used to hate that. My dad was far from perfect, but he sure got that one right. Cell phones are so much worse. They are harmful physically, emotionally,spiritually and mentally. A home-arrest ankle monitor is far less intrusive than persons mobile phone. There’s an article someone posted in this stack of subs somewhere, just last week, about a Swedish study, by a Nobel prize winning scientist, that shows how in Sweden, the death rate was for many years declining. Then in (oh yea, the title was like ‘what happened in 1997) 1997, it abruptly reversed course drastically and never reversed course. The scientist concluded it was due to cell phones. I’m convinced. Great article. And thanks for the thoughtful reply. No phone, no cable tv, and no fucks given. Living the dream.” -
]We were the last ones to grow up without most of that stuff.
Everything is so different now.
They wouldn’t know what to do with themselves in the world the way we lived in it.
But our generation made it so that they wouldn’t have to.
There’s no changing it now unless we were to lose everything.
We can’t pick and choose.
We can only be cognizant of our own actions and the way we spend our time, should we choose to do so.
I think a lot of people are making those same choices.
We’ll see where it all lands. :)
The Onomatopocalypse Ensues….
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Ah! Yeah, I don’t pay any attention to that shit because you never know when someone is acting or not until you know them.
Not saying he is, BUT… do you KNOW how many closet conservatives I met in Hollywood?
That’s all I’m sayin’.
Holy. Freaking. Hell.
And they ALL think they have to play ball to keep what they’ve got going on… but to protect what they already have, those decisions make ZERO sense.
So, they’re torn most of the time, always whispering how they really feel when they know the people around them feel the same way, and trying not to piss the wrong people off.
So, basically, life since the shot for the rest of us has been how they’ve been living their lives from day one.
They chose it.
And they get compensated well for it.
But you don’t step out of line and survive that.
So never believe any of them until you know them.
A lot of them are lying. 🤣🤣🤣
Skibidi Tank
[This is a continuation of Literal Toilet Humor and Skibidi Shitposting, LEVEL: EXPERT from THE SCROLL: Vanity Fair UAE Highlights Vaccine Injury Awareness with Kristi Reimer from The Starfire Codes Divination Team]
HOW was I tagged in this and didn’t see it until JUST NOW?!?!
Also, LMFAO.
Also, if that moistened mechanical bint starts lobbing scimitars at you again!!! <sigh….>
So sayeth skibidi tank, so sayeth we all!!!
What's The Risk Factor In Making Out With Someone Who Got The Vaxx Three Years Ago?
The toxins are still circulating in their bodies, clumping together and causing the body to form tissue layers around them to sequester them from the other organs and tissues.
Those become the clots that end up harming and killing people. Additionally, some of those toxins have really sharp microscopic edges, and once in the bloodstream, the faster the blood pumps, the faster damage is done to surrounding tissues and organs.
Additionally, these toxins have been triggering their own diseases or disorders or potentially triggering epigenetic responses that trigger latent illnesses.
If you acquire any of that by swapping fluids, you have an elevated risk of similar health concerns.
Unsure to what degree.
But friends who abstained have reported extremely heavy periods around partners who took the shot.
Their bodies are trying to kick out the toxins by flushing the lining.
So I would be careful.
These women did not choose this - they were already with partners who chose this and they chose to stay with the partner who chose otherwise.
Given you're not already in something where you are bound to a person in many ways which can complicate things (even if you feel like your partner has deliberately adversely impacted your health, which would be worst case scenario), if it were me, I would not make the choice to be intimate with someone who might have bodily fluids that could impact your own.
It might hurt emotionally to make that call, but there is no guarantee it would work out, and then you are left with a bunch of unknowns about your own health status.
There is too much we don't know.
I would err on the side of self-protecting.
What Would You CALL… This Vibe… Exactly….
Same here! This is all the dark ambient tracks separated out. There have been follow ups made to it too, I think. Cool stuff!
HOWEVER, in the past 15 minutes, I made the mistake of leaving it playing in the background while reading Hannah Rose Williams’s article on sex predator manatees that Apollo's Lyre reposted.
Both are fantastic on their own (it’s a great piece Hannah - do not allow my self-inflicted pain to detract from that - it’s very funny and sad and making me wince… all the emotions), but I seriously regret the juxtaposition.
And I think Hugh may have largely regretted the juxtaposition too…… 🤣🤣🤣
Special thanks to , , , , , , Dani Katz, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.
And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
Thank you particularly for Hugh Manatee. I was in need of a new hero
I love it! I'm learning the platform...just taking me a bit.....Thank you for the mention, Demi